Black Bear Buns: A BBW Bear Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance Novella (The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 3)

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Black Bear Buns: A BBW Bear Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance Novella (The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 3) Page 2

by Sable Sylvan

  She reached out to touch the other bear. It was much fluffier. She was surprised the two bears didn’t have the same texture fur. She looked down to her hands. The hand she’d used to pet the first bear was blue, and the hand she’d used to pet the second bear was pink. That must mean that the first bear, with slick blue fur in the place of his hair, was Liam, and the other, with fluffy pinkish fur, was Nick. Their fur had been dyed with a type of hair chalk, which had mixed with the water and paint on stage to turn into a liquid paint that slicked off their fur and into her hand, revealing their black coats, which still had blue and pink tinges.

  She sat back and wiped her hands off on her jeans, which, covered in glitter and body paint, were pretty much trashed, and went back to watching the show.

  Nick and Liam had roared out to the crowd and various women had reached up on stage to touch them. They’d gone off the stage into the audience, letting women pet their fur as they walked by each other and back onto the stage…but as they started to go back on the stage, their bears started running faster.

  Nick and Liam jumped, nearly at the same time, and hit each other. Hard. They fell down to the stage, but Liam was on top of Nick, but then, they switched, the pink bear absolutely dominating the bluer bear beneath him.

  Ann watched from the chair. Was this part of the show? It had to be. There was no frikkin’ way security would let this go on if it wasn’t part of the show…so why were the women in the audience cheering? Surely, they wouldn’t cheer over two shifters fighting, so what were they cheering for?

  Ann had her question answered soon enough.

  The bears fought, pushing one another back and forth, rolling around over each other so that they became a shared violet color, the body paint from the fur of both bears mixing even more.

  And then, before her very eyes, in nearly a second, Nick and Liam were back in their human forms, on stage, naked and clad only with body paint.

  Ann had never seen anything like it. She couldn’t help but smile. It was genius, really. The bears destroyed their costumes when they shifted, but that meant that when they shifted back they’d be nude. Of course, there was the question of what they had in the front…

  …Of course, Ann was curious about their mate marks, but the other thing that the audience was excited about was the dangly bit in the front, which did not stick to the sides of the men’s thighs, as the body paint had mixed with sweat and become pretty milky. The men wiped each other off carefully, rubbing their hands over their firm, taut bodies. They gathered the paint in their hands and then, turned, and flicked the paint out into the audience.

  In Ann’s opinion, it was pretty gross, but the women in the audience were going absolutely frikkin’ nuts for it. The paint was UV reactive so it made visible splatters when it hit people in the audience. A lady caught a streak of green in her hair. Another lady got hit with pink right on her cheek and shoulder. Yet a third got blue on her blouse, but she didn’t seem to mind at all. They were all having a fun time.

  The bears were still covered with streaks of body paint that obscured their mate marks from view. That’s when an assistant snuck out. A tall lion shifter tapped Ann on the shoulder and she turned.

  “Miss, this is the part where you come in again,” said the lion shifter. He passed Ann a water gun which was glowing in the blacklight.

  “Where I come in? And do what?” asked Ann.

  “Clean’m up,” said the lion shifter before heading backstage.

  Clean’m up? thought Ann. She looked down at the water gun. Well, she could try.

  Ann pumped the water gun and aimed her sights carefully…and let the water gun loose.

  She hit her target: one of the shifter’s dicks. The dick was knocked forth with the spray of water, and the dick went dark, as the UV paint that had been on it was removed. The shifter turned and winked. She could now tell it was Liam. He looked her dead in the eye as he moved his hands down Nick’s chest and down to Nick’s cock, covering it with paint, before he covered himself with more paint.

  “Oh, it’s like that?” asked Ann. She shot at Liam, spraying him with water, which got into the Bear Buns splash zone, which by now, had put on their complimentary Bear Buns disposable ponchos. While Ann shot Liam, Nick took the opportunity to make a design on his chest with what paint was left.

  Ann turned and saw what Nick had drawn. It was a target sign. Before Nick had time to react, Ann had shot him right in the chest. She turned back to Liam…and Liam had drawn a dick on his chest, because of course he had, the cocky bastard. She shot him again.

  She turned. The two men were finally cleaned off and neon lights came on before pink and blue toned white lights lit up the stage.

  Ann had to admit that she was curious about what Nick and Liam’s mate marks looked like, but their chests were still covered in paint which was dripping down from their hair, as the hair chalk had mixed with the water and seeped down their chests and backs. Before she had time to admire, blue-haired Liam picked her up in his arms.

  “Alright, ladies, you’ve survived the messiest show of the night, but these black bears are gonna shake their buns for you on the main floor. Don’t forget, you’ve got a spicy pair of cinnamon bear buns that are about to make their way onto the stage. These spicy bears? They need just as much attention as you gave our black bears,” said the DJ over the intercom as stagehands cleared off and cleaned the dance stage.

  Liam dropped Ann off into her chair gently. “I’ll be back for you,” said Liam. “You’re coming back stage with me and Nick…and that’s a promise.”

  “I don’t understand,” said Ann.

  “You don’t have to,” said Liam. “It’ll all be explained later, but in the meantime, enjoy the show.”

  Liam headed back stage with Nick, who was dancing for a table that was near the stage. Nick had been watching Liam and Ann and as soon as Liam turned to meet up with him, he started to end his private table show. Nick and Liam headed back stage.

  “Earth to Ann,” said Chastity.

  Ann turned. “Oh, sorry, did you say something?”

  “I was asking how it was on stage…but given the reaction you had to that blue-headed black bear leaving, I think I have my answer,” said Chastity. “You’ve gotta dish!”

  “It was a lot of fun, and you know…it’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to naked guys before,” said Ann.

  “You put on one heck of a show,” said Chastity. “But I feel like there was something more happening on stage. Am I right?”

  “I don’t know,” said Ann honestly. “But Liam said he was gonna take me back stage later, that he had something to talk to me about.”

  “Ooh, I’m sure he’d love to ‘talk’,” teased Chastity.

  “Trust me, things won’t go that far,” said Ann.

  “You sure?” asked Chastity. “Who knows, tonight might be a special night…”

  “Heck no. I know how I want that to happen, and it’s definitely not happening in the back room of Bear Buns,” said Ann.

  “You really have no idea what they mean by…taking you back stage, do you?” asked Chastity. “Bear Buns isn’t like other strip clubs. By now, that much should be totally obvious. Each pair of bear shifters, well, they have something called a cocktail room. It’s like the champagne room at a regular strip club, but this cocktail room is all about entertaining a lady and treating her like a goddess. I wouldn’t make yourself any promises until you see it for yourself. The dancers rarely bring girls back to the cocktail rooms, and if they do? It’s because she’s something real special.”

  “Well…that does change things a bit,” said Ann. “But I still don’t want to get my hopes up. You know I’ve got that Cinderella syndrome. I’ve got to get home before midnight before the babysitter turns into a pumpkin.”

  The next set of dancers came on stage. The two men were taut, tall, and handsome, wearing…baker’s outfits. This was the kind of show that Ann had been expecting: cheesy, over the top, with sexy men d
oing mundane things, just like in classic burlesque. Ann tried to focus on the show but she saw, coming out of a pair of curtains on the sides of the stage, Nick and Liam. Nick was clad in hot pink hot pants covered in sequin’s, and Liam’s sequined hot pants were bright cyan blue. Nick and Liam danced for different tables, and Ann couldn’t help but stare.

  Chastity had planted the seed in her head, but now, the question was, would Nick and Liam plant a different seed between her legs? She blushed. She couldn’t believe she was having such dirty thoughts about guys that were practically total strangers, but Chastity’s words echoed in her head. Bear shifters had fated mates, and that meant that their stories could be like total fairy tales, complete with true love for a lucky curvy gal…but in what fairy tale does the princess get not one, but two princes?

  How would that even frikkin’ work? Two guys at the same time? It seemed complicated, weird, but…arousing. Chastity watched as Nick and Liam danced for the various women in the audience and wondered what it would be like for them to give her that private show in the back room. She watched as they rocked their legs so that they could push their cute butts against different women’s laps, and she watched as their strong, taut arms used the poles that were on some tables as part of a routine. She found herself wishing that she could reach into those sexy hot pants, and run her hands over their firm, taut chests…

  …And she finally looked at those torsos, and what she saw amazed her.

  On Nick’s chest? There was a flower, made of many smaller flowers, forming a circular shape, with a red flower in the center, surrounded by eight red lines, which were encircled by eight more red lines in a lighter shade of red.

  It was a shape that Ann would have recognized anywhere.

  On Liam’s chest, there was something different, but something that struck her to her very core, even though to the average looker on, it was a silly, weird novelty tattoo. On his chest? There was the outline of the state of Idaho, the outline black, but inside? There was a red and yellow outlined flower that Ann knew all too well…a hibiscus flower.

  Any and all feeling that Ann had between her loins disappeared as the blood rushed from her nether regions back up to her brain. This was a big frikkin’ deal. She knew what both those symbols meant, the only question was…did the bear shifters?

  Ann tried to focus on the show to get her mind off of what she had to tell the bears, but she couldn’t get Liam and Nick off of her minds…and once they came up to her table, she didn’t have to.

  “Care for a show, ladies?” asked Liam. “Miss Ann here’s been naughty, sitting in the bachelorette’s chair when it’s clear she’s not the lady of the hour…which means that you must be, my sweet.” Liam lightly traced the ribbon sash which, in white and blue, stood out against the dark strip club setting.

  “That’s right, and as the bachelorette…I want to see you two put on a show,” said Chastity.

  “Well, you heard the lady,” said Nick, walking over to Chastity.

  Chastity put her hands on Nick and Liam’s chests. “Nuh-uh. Not on me. I’m getting hitched to a shifter in a few weeks. I think the girl most in need of some bear shifter loving is…” Chastity pretended to close her eyes and randomly point. She ‘randomly’ pointed at Ann. She opened her eyes. “Oh, look, Ann, again. Well, boys, you heard me…now show us what you got.”

  Chastity and the rest of the gals at the table pulled out their singles and watched as Nick and Liam gyrated over Ann. Her cheeks were steadily turning redder by the second. To get danced on by Liam and Nick on stage was one thing, but this close to her friends?

  Ann gulped. She could either be embarrassed, or lean into the skid, and she decided to lean into it, hard. She got up from her chair, not to run away to the bathroom, but to start pressing herself against Liam. Nick got on top of Ann’s chair and started dancing, a signal for one of the bar backs to come over to clear a space so Nick could climb on top of the table and start using the pole. Naturally, the bachelorette party package came with a decked-out table, complete with a stripper pole, with fancy lights at the bottom that glowed, controlled by one of the people in charge of lights. As Nick was on the table, his signature color, a shade of bright hot pink, started to glow at the base, illuminating Nick’s body so that it looked like it matched his hot pink booty shorts which were sparkling like a frikkin’ disco ball.

  While all eyes were on Nick, Liam had some private fun with Ann. He put her back on the chair, then, he picked up the chair, with Ann in it, and moved it so it was leaning against a wall, before gently placing the chair and Ann back down. That was the last gentle thing that Liam did. He started to gyrate over Ann, faster than he had before, before he got down onto his knees in front of her and started to tease her without even going past the club limits. Of course, he couldn’t claim her right there on the floor…but that didn’t mean he couldn’t take Ann to the edge of the rules, and the edge of her own desire. He got down on his knees in front of her and started to worship her body, massaging her legs with his hands, brushing his hands over her thick, ample thighs, her breeding hips, and her perfectly plump calves, his hair tickling her every part. But what drove Ann to the edge wasn’t just that touch. It was the hot air coming from his mouth, the sheer brushing of his lips that didn’t kiss or suck at her skin but which Liam obviously wanted to use for smooching and caressing, as much as Ann wanted him to use them on her. She could taste the desire in the air and wondered if Liam could taste it too.

  Ann looked up and watched as Nick spun around on the pole. She rarely went on dates, rarely was alone with men, and rarely appreciated them in an erotic sense, but there was something about Nick and Liam together that was absolutely irresistible. She couldn’t stop herself from fantasizing about Liam while watching Nick or fantasizing about Nick while Liam rubbed and caressed her body. Liam had gotten up from the floor, scooted her chair back to the table, and was giving her a killer back massage, every last nerve in her body relaxing, every last muscle in her body unknotting, as she enjoyed the show Nick was giving the ladies. Nick and Liam together were more than just Nick plus Liam. They weren’t just double the pleasure. They amplified one another’s erotic abilities and together? They could almost make Ann forget about the troubles that plagued her life.

  “What do you say the three of us blow this joint?” asked Nick.

  “Don’t you mean, why don’t you blow the two of us?” flirted back Ann.

  “Trust me…the only thing we need that mouth to do? Is moan,” said Liam. Liam picked Ann up with just one arm, cradling her curves in his strong arm hero style. “Ladies…if you don’t mind, we’re gonna take this meal to-go, if you know what I’m saying.”

  The girls giggled as Nick pinched Liam’s butt and the trio headed off to the back of the strip club, to the area where a lion shifter bouncer, with a thick mane of hair, manned a crimson red velvet rope and matching carpet. He let Nick and Liam into the back, where there was a row of rooms, each marked with initials…and when they reached the room marked with a star reading “L+N”, Nick opened the door.

  What Ann saw next took her breath away.

  Chapter Three

  The interior of the cocktail room was nothing like a champagne room. There wasn’t chintzy satin on the walls, nor were there stained sofas and chairs. No: this cocktail room was a truly luxurious space, from ceiling to floor, and it fit with Nick and Liam’s 1980s synthwave theme. Two large neon letters flanked the other side of the room, a large pink letter N in brush script, and on the other side, a large thick geometric letter L in sky blue neon. They perfectly represented Nick and Liam. They might be two different men, but they worked well together.

  The carpet was black, with pink grid lines that glowed under a blacklight. There were white tufted leather sofas that ran around the room, and in the center, there was a bright silver bar cart with a mirror finish, with cocktails ready for imbibing. There was a set of three blue slush cocktails and a set of three pink liquid cocktails with maraschino cher
ries in martini glasses.

  “So, now, the only question you need to answer…” started Nick, walking over to the cart and picking up one of each cocktail as Liam put Ann down gently on a sofa.

  Liam took the blue drink. “…Would you prefer to try my cocktail first…”

  “…Or mine?” asked Nick.

  Ann looked at the two bear shifters in front of her and a smile crossed her face. “Who said anything about only having one at a time?” asked Ann. She took both cocktails, Liam’s cocktail in her left hand, Nick’s in her right. She sipped at Liam’s first. It was sweet and tasted of, naturally, blueberries. She sipped Nick’s cocktail next: it was a standard Cosmopolitan, with sweet cranberry juice and vodka. She sipped at both a little harder and then did something that neither of the bear shifters had ever seen any girl do in the cocktail room: she mixed the two drinks, pouring the rest of the pink cocktail into the blue hurricane glass and mixing so that the drink became a beautiful shade of lavender. She tried her concoction. The blueberries and cranberries went well together.

  “You boys look like you’ve seen a ghost,” said Ann. “What’s going on?”

  Nick and Liam snapped themselves out of their trance. “It’s nothing…” started Liam.

  “It’s not nothing,” said Nick. “Listen. Ann. You know you’re something special, don’t you?”

  “Special?” asked Ann. “Trust me. I’m the furthest thing from special. I’m just an ordinary girl with an ordinary life.”

  “Maybe you can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to us,” said Nick. “We were on that stage with you, girly girl. What you’ve got? It’s not something anyone can fake. It’s chemistry, and I feel it, Liam feels it…the only question is, do you?”


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