The Prisoners of Time

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The Prisoners of Time Page 5

by Joe Dever

  Turn to 54.


  Unable to make the beam move, you decide to climb out of the hole and look further along the bridge for some other means of effecting a repair. As you rise to your feet you hear a noise that makes you freeze: it is the sound of an evil, snickering laugh.

  If you have the Magnakai Disciplines of Divination and Huntmastery, turn to 92.

  If you do not possess both these skills, turn to 316.


  The markings are letters, although the strange script is unlike any you have seen before. All you can discern is that this is an epitaph to a creature named ‘Ztuul’ who lies buried inside the cairn.

  Turn to 260.


  Your Arrow strikes his chest at an acute angle and glances off to splinter harmlessly against the parapet of the roof. He utters a mocking laugh, his cat-like eyes glinting through the slits in his visor, and hurriedly he drops the Lorestones into a small velvet sack which hangs from his sword belt. Angered by his laugh, and your failure, you shoulder your Bow and draw a hand weapon as you rush forward, determined to prevent his escape.

  Turn to 22.


  You manage to fell three charioteers before you are trampled and crushed to death beneath the flailing hooves and heavy wheels of the following Ookor chariot teams.

  Tragically, your life and your quest end here at the city of Thas.


  As you strike the fatal blow, the Chaos-master vents a shriek loud enough to wake the dead. His great body stiffens and his skin writhes and shimmers, making it impossible to discern any detail. Then he fades until all that remains to record his existence is the lingering smell of his spilt blood.

  Turn to 232.


  By magnifying your vision you are able to see that the middle of the bridge is damaged. Many of the planks have been torn up and strewn across the surface at random, crudely disguising the gaping hole. You scream a warning to T'uk T'ron and he is able to halt the chariots just in time, as they thunder towards the approach ramp.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship and have reached the rank of Tutelary or higher, turn to 69.

  If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 196.


  Desperately you dive aside to avoid the searing gout of smoky yellow flame that pours from the Zhengha's mouth. Your lightning reactions save you from a roasting and, as you roll to your feet, you are able to unsheathe a weapon and advance on the beast unobserved.

  Turn to 329.


  The shining City of Yanis lies before you, rising in circular levels around a turreted citadel of sparkling crystal which dominates the vast, alien metropolis. Constructed out of sheeted platinum, silver, glass, and mirrored steel, it reflects the light in a thousand colours from its walls, windows, and huge, conical towers, giving it the appearance and splendour of a glowing sun. As the dragonmount glides over the outer walls, you feast your eyes upon a network of broad avenues lined with fragrant, tree-like plants, squares with fountains, and huge, silver, bell-shaped dwellings.

  Illustration III—From your perch on the dragonmount you feast your eyes on the shining City of Yanis.

  Directly ahead stands the citadel. The leader signals once more and together the Yoacor land their winged steeds upon a glassy platform adjacent to one of the citadel's five circular watchtowers. There you are met by Yoacor guards, resplendent in armour of burnished silver, who attend to the dragonmounts with dutiful efficiency. The leader helps you dismount before dismissing his company and escorting you to a room in the watchtower.

  You will rest here, he says, using only his mind. I shall take word to the Beholder and he shall speak with you. Refresh yourself and sleep if you wish. He motions towards an adjoining room then turns and leaves, the door closing behind him seemingly of its own accord.

  If you wish to investigate the adjoining room, turn to 170.

  If you wish to attempt an escape from the watchtower, turn to 340.

  If you choose to remain in this room, turn to 219.


  The vision of your maker shatters with breathtaking suddenness and, without any warning, you fall forwards and plummet into thick, swirling cloud. The scary sensation of this rapid descent leaves you gasping, but the initial shock is soon replaced by the calm certainty that your fall is being controlled by unseen hands. Then, as if awaking from a dream, you become aware that the cloud has faded and the welcome feel of firm ground has returned beneath your feet.

  You stand at the foot of a massive sandstone cliff, its sheer wall pitted and scarred by fierce winds that whip across the surrounding rocky landscape. Perched at the top of the cliff is a walled city, whose grim outline and dragon gate you recognize immediately: it is Haagadar, the forgotten city of the Sandai. You stare up at the stronghold, pondering the near-impossible climb to its gate, and try to suppress your mounting fears. Nearby you see a stinking stream of foul water. You follow it to its source and discover that it pours from a grille set into the cliff wall. It must be a sewage channel that services the city above.

  If you wish to attempt to enter the city via the sewage channel, turn to 140.

  If you wish to try to climb the sheer, windswept cliff to the city gate, turn to 244.


  One of the scouts turns his head and answers your mind-call out loud. ‘Show yourself!’ he orders, much to the surprise of his two companions, who possess no psychic skill and did not hear your telepathic message. You emerge from the foliage, your hands held open and away from your body. The other two spin round to face you, raising their forearms in reflex action at your sudden appearance.

  ‘Hold it!’ snaps the telepath to his companions, who are both on the verge of firing their bows. ‘He is the one.’

  They seem unimpressed by his judgement and refuse to lower their bows until you suggest that one of them looks in your pocket if it is proof of your identity they require.

  Turn to 87.


  For countless hours you follow the stream without seeing a soul. You are beginning to suspect that this land is completely devoid of intelligent life when you happen upon a series of long, level fields, planted in precise rows with sweet-smelling yellow herbs. A path runs up from the stream to the brow of a hill.

  If you wish to stop and examine this field of herbs, turn to 28.

  If you decide to follow the path to the top of the hill, turn to 115.


  At the centre of the chamber stands the statue of a proud Meledorian warrior, clad in battle-dress and with his sword raised in challenge. Seven closed caskets lie at his feet with seven more beside them, open and empty, awaiting future generations of the Ironheart clan. Here you can sense the presence of the Lorestones more strongly: your skin tingles and your pulse begins to race. But, despite your reactions, you can tell that they lie not within this chamber but somewhere nearby.

  Behind the tall statue you discover a narrow stair that ascends to a circular portal in the ceiling. Close to the foot of the stairs there is an arched door of sparkling blue metal.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 107.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 221.


  Tolakos is fast being overrun by the chaos-horde and there are few places left in which to hide. To your left you see the domed roof and vine-covered walls of the Crypt of Juilor; to your right lies the damp grey Vault of Sedron; and behind you is the tall, flat-topped Tomb of Baylon.

  If you wish to hide in the Crypt of Juilor, turn to 272.

  If you wish to hide in the Vault of Sedron, turn to 331.

  If you wish to hide in Baylon's Tomb, turn to 166.


  You back away from the dead giant's body, your weapon held ready to continue the fight should the remaining Yoacor thirst for revenge. But they seem unmoved by their champion's death and show no
desire to avenge it. The leader regards you with a cold smile of approval, for you have triumphed honourably in single combat and, by doing so, earned his admiration. He holds you with his eyes and projects a psychic message using a mind language you can understand.

  We are the Yoacor he says, telepathically. We are the Lords of Yanis — the Shining City — and masters of the Abaxial of Czenos. Come, esteemed warrior; I invite you to join us. Come to Yanis where you will enjoy the rewards of the brave.

  He beckons you to accompany him to his dragonmount. At first you hesitate, fearful of their intentions, but the thought of being left marooned in this inhospitable wilderness soon persuades you to accept the Yoacor's invitation.

  Turn to 205.


  Suddenly the wheels jam in a deep furrow and the chariot flips forward, catapulting you over the hand-rail to land with a thick splash in the mud at the river's edge. Stunned and blinded on impact, you do not see the onipa break free of their traces and come racing down the bank towards you until it is too late to avoid them. Pain explodes in your head as their iron-shod hooves descend on you like a rain of hammers. They inflict terrible wounds but death is mercifully quick.

  Tragically, your life and your quest end here in Vhozada.


  Cautiously you pass through the opening and follow Serocca into a tall, domed chamber that is supported by a circle of huge, rose-veined marble pillars. At its centre stands a large table and, from the ceiling directly above, a flood of light pours down, reflecting and refracting upon its crystal mosaic surface and bathing the chamber walls in spectral colours. She bids you take a seat at the table and, as she lowers herself elegantly into a seat opposite, you cannot but admire her beauty. Her face has the feline characteristics of a young lioness, yet her eyes and her youthful body are distinctly human, save for the soft, velvety nap which covers her flesh. She bears an aura that is powerful and confident, and yet at the same time she seems vulnerable and sad.

  Illustration IV—As Serocca takes a seat at the table opposite you, you cannot help but admire her beauty.

  ‘How do you know my name?’ you ask, slightly unnerved by the familiar way in which she welcomed you to her chamber.

  ‘There is much I know about you,’ she replies, veraciously, and at once you sense that you are in the presence of a god-like being. ‘Your land, and your fight against the forces of darkness who threaten to conquer it, are but a part of the struggle which rages throughout the Planes of Existence. Yet it is your world and your fight that has become the focus of this conflict between the powers of Good and Evil.’ She pauses, and then staring deeply into your eyes, she continues: ‘Upon you depends the future of us all.’

  Stunned by the enormity of what she has said, you shake your head in open-mouthed silence: ‘No! How can this be?’ you breathe incredulously.

  ‘There are those who seek to shape destiny and those upon whom destiny falls. Destiny has chosen you, Lone Wolf, and you cannot refuse it, for it will force itself upon you.’

  ‘But how have I become the focus of such a struggle?’ you reply.

  ‘We are all a part of it,’ she says. ‘The worlds of Aon and the Daziarn are shaped by the actions of those who exist there. Yet the time has now come when the actions of one individual will shape the future of both worlds. You are that individual, Lone Wolf, and your actions are destined to shape the future of every living thing.’

  ‘But what if I refuse?’ you say, nervously. ‘What then will happen to the future?’

  ‘You cannot refuse,’ she says, softly. ‘For everything you do is bound up with your destiny. Your vow to complete the Magnakai quest and restore the Kai, will you give that up? Will you forsake your country and its future security? Will you abandon Magnamund to the evil of the Darklords? No, by your very nature — because of your honour and your courage — you will act out your part.’

  ‘What then must I do?’ you ask.

  ‘You must do what you have always done. You must listen to the words of those who will help you and you must let your skills and instincts be your guide.’ She leans forward and sweeps her hands slowly across the surface of the table. The light dims and patterns take shape among the tiny squares of crystal. ‘Observe and learn,’ she says. ‘For the images will impart knowledge that will aid your quest for the Lorestones of your ancestors.’

  Turn to 250.


  You feel the familiar chill of premonition as your Kai senses alert you to a tiny pair of eyes blinking in the gloom of the leafy canopy overhead. You sense that a hostile creature lurks there, waiting to fire at anything that comes within range of its lethal blowpipe.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 339.

  If you do not, turn to 218.


  As you sprint along the path, the buzz of the creature's silver wings grows louder and louder. Suddenly a great weight hits you squarely in the back and pitches you head over heels: lose 2 ENDURANCE points. You are stunned and bruised, yet acutely aware that you must escape quickly before the creature circles and attacks again.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–2, turn to 73.

  If it is 3–6, turn to 179.

  If it is 7–9, turn to 338.


  Your light washes over the rough red walls and illuminates a narrow corridor, formed by a violent rending of the land. Warily you descend, taking care to avoid the deep pot-holes which riddle the uneven floor, and at length you emerge into a cramped airless cavern. At that moment a cacophony of noise surges along the fissure and the floor shudders and heaves beneath your feet. Then a great blast of dust and debris knocks you off balance as it is sucked out of the cavern by the whirlwind now raging directly above. The turmoil soon subsides, but, as you drag yourself to your feet, you notice that you are not alone.

  Turn to 161.


  The Zhengha screeches low over your head, causing a massive down draught to flatten you to the ground. Instantly you are smothered by a blinding cloud of grit that reduces your vision to a blur, but, as the dust settles, you are able to make out the ominous shape of the Zhengha once more. It has landed nearby and is getting ready to exhale its fiery breath.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus or Huntmastery, add 4 to the number you have picked. (If you have both Disciplines, add only 4 to the number you have picked.)5

  If your total is now 0–5, turn to 310.

  If it is 6 or more, turn to 49.

  [5] It is unclear whether a Kazan-Oud Platinum Amulet should protect you in this situation in lieu of the Discipline of Nexus.


  Under cover of the thick undergrowth you edge your way down towards the road, to a position opposite the three warriors. They are talking in whispers but your sharp hearing picks up every word of a language you find easy to understand. They are Meledorian scouts, who have been sent here to meet you en route. They are speculating on what has become of you and your chariot escort, now long overdue. You are about to break cover and introduce yourself when you notice something about them that swiftly changes your mind.

  Turn to 229.


  Using your Kai skill you focus your telescopic vision on the far horizon and see a group of shapes that resemble small pyramids of stone. However, you are too far away to be able to tell if the structures are inhabited.

  A nearby stream meanders in the direction of the distant shapes and you decide to follow its course in the hope that it will lead you to them.

  Turn to 248.


  A sharp pain in your forehead is followed immediately by a swirling rush of nausea. You swoon and crash heavily behind the trunk of the fallen tree as dizziness robs you of your balance. You have been struck in the head by a blowpipe dart which is coated with a deadly, fast-acting venom.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Curing an
d have reached the Kai rank of Mentora or higher, turn to 255.

  If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 324.


  Carefully you prise open the heavy silver lid and stare at the shrunken remains of Lord Baylon. He lies on a mattress of diamonds and gemstones, his yellowed bones encased in ornate burial armour, and by his side rests a massive, two-handed sword. Its blade of solid gold is inscribed with a long list of battle honours and deeds of valour. You sense that this weapon is purely symbolic, a replica of his true sword, for its soft, gold blade would never hold a keen edge or withstand the rigours of battle. You are about to close the lid when you notice something else lying next to the sword: a Silver Flask. You pull its stopper and discover that it contains a wine that smells fresh and wholesome.

  If you wish to drink some of the wine, turn to 261.

  If you decide to replace the flask and close the sarcophagus, turn to 323.


  Your Kai senses warn that you are in mortal danger. These beings suspect that you are a grave-robber come to loot the tomb of one of their ancestors. Unless you can persuade them otherwise they will not hesitate to kill you.


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