The Prisoners of Time

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The Prisoners of Time Page 7

by Joe Dever

  Turn to 126.


  The golden glow fades as the wisdom contained within the Lorestone is infused into your being. Your spirit soars, but you do not allow your euphoria to blind you to the danger that is closing on Tolakos. You turn and run back towards the entrance to the Grand Sepulchre, intending to seek sanctuary behind its door, but your foot catches on something sharp and sends you sprawling to the ground. The toe of your left boot is cut through but fortunately your foot has escaped without a scratch. Cautiously you try to locate what caused such a vicious cut and discover the scarlet warrior's curvy-bladed sword.

  If you wish to keep this weapon, turn to 8.

  If you do not, turn to 346.


  You scan the surrounding trees, your eyes peeled for the slightest hint of another enemy, while Odel examines the dead Agtah. He shakes his head, indicating that he has found nothing of interest, and beckons you onward. Just as you begin to move you catch sight of a grey shape scurrying away into the misty distance. Quickly you draw an Arrow and take aim, but the creature is no longer there — it has melted into the shadows.

  Turn to 185.


  Your senses warn you that a hostile creature is lurking immediately behind and below you. At the first opportunity it intends to grab your legs and drag you into the river. Forewarned, you prepare to deliver this creature a fatal surprise.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 296.

  If you do not, turn to 155.


  Cradled in the muscular arms of a Yoacor guard lies the loathsome, stunted form of the Beholder. His withered, corpse-green body is no bigger than a human child's, yet his bulbous head is enormous by comparison, far larger even than that of the giant who is holding him. It wobbles and sways repulsively when he turns to focus his eyes on you. Like polished gemstones these two blank orbs glint in the flickering light of the chamber, their cold sharpness revealing the intelligent being that lies imprisoned within the crippled shell.

  Illustration VI—Cradled in the arms of a Yoacor guard lies the loathsome, stunted form of the Beholder.

  ‘Be not afraid of me, human,’ he says, using a language similar to your native tongue. ‘I mean you no harm. My shape may not find favour with those of your species, but here in the Daziarn you must be prepared to disregard appearances if you are to discern the truth.’

  With a languid blink he dismisses the Yoacor leader and his guards and watches like a doting father as they descend the spiral staircase.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 291.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 152.


  The chariots screech to a halt and a score of Ookor guards leap from the riding platforms. They come scurrying towards you, their glass-tipped spears thrust before them at arm's length. Their leader commands them to surround you. His order is swiftly obeyed and you are escorted back to the gates of their city at spearpoint.

  Turn to 86.


  Your Arrow misses its head completely and the beast swoops down to flatten you with its massive down draught. Instantly you are smothered by a blinding cloud of grit that reduces your vision to a blur. But, as the dust settles, you are able to make out the ominous shape of the Zhengha once more. It has landed nearby and is now poised to exhale its fiery breath.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus or Huntmastery, add 4 to the number you have picked. (If you have both Disciplines, add only 4 to the number you have picked.)6

  If your total is now 0–5, turn to 310.

  If it is 6 or more, turn to 49.

  [6] It is unclear whether a Kazan-Oud Platinum Amulet should protect you in this situation in lieu of the Discipline of Nexus.


  While you ponder the meaning of her reading, she retrieves her cards from the table and shuffles away to help her daughters gather the empty food bowls. T'uk T'ron swallows the last of his delicious meal and rounds it off with a hearty belch. The Ookor villagers thank him — for it seems that such a reaction is the highest compliment one can pay after receiving Ookor hospitality.

  ‘We can go now, yes?’ he says, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. You nod your reply and he in turn barks an order to his company to return to their chariots.

  As your chariot pulls away from her village the old fortune teller waves farewell and you return her gesture with a smile.

  Turn to 117.


  He draws a curvy-bladed sword and prepares to greet you with its razor-sharp edge. You strike first but he parries and returns your blow with great skill. For his size he is as quick as a cat and, despite his wound, you sense that he will be a difficult opponent to defeat.

  Scarlet Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 27 ENDURANCE 34

  If you reduce his ENDURANCE to 20 points or less, do not continue the combat but turn instead to 306.

  If you kill him before his ENDURANCE falls to 20 points (that is if you score an ‘automatically killed’ result on the Combat Results Table), turn to 123.


  Your silent surrender seems to anger the leader. It is as if you were in some way insulting his honour by refusing to answer him or take up a weapon in defence of your life. He bellows his contempt and, in a fit of rage, releases from his silver rod a charge of raw power that lances through your chest. Death is instantaneous.

  Your life and your quest end here on the Zhamin Plateau of the Daziarn.


  Rapidly you succumb to the deadly toxins suspended in the vapour, and sink into a coma induced by the poison now circulating in your blood. Your senses grow numb and consciousness fades as you begin your journey into the timeless oblivion of death.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  Suddenly the visions are obscured by a dazzling light which shines so brilliantly that you are forced to shield your eyes against the glare. Many moments pass before you can make out the shape of what looms above: it is the huge face of a mighty warrior, strong and wise, whose golden eyes stare down at you with supernatural majesty. A kindly smile softens his heroic features and a voice, deep and wondrous, rumbles from his throat.

  ‘In this age of darkness you have been chosen to fulfil the quest of the Magnakai. Be true to the quest, for the greatness born within you can save your people and right the imbalance which threatens to destroy your world. Doubt not your purpose nor your strength, for inside you there burns a flame that can light the hopes of future men for all time.’

  The divine radiance of his being and the gravity of his words fill you with wonderment, for your senses tell you that you are now in the presence of your creator — the immortal God Kai.

  Turn to 51.


  You leap over the bodies of the dead Agtah and press on with your search. Ahead you see a glimmer of gold in the pale blue luminescence and you thrust your hand towards it into the mist. A tingling sensation runs the length of your arm, filling your body with an incredible sense of strength and well-being as you close your hand around the Lorestone and hold it up before your eyes.

  Restore your ENDURANCE score to its original level and turn to 90.


  You are powerless to prevent the Beholder's psychic intrusion, but at least the ordeal is mercifully short: lose 3 ENDURANCE points. He scans your mind thoroughly. Then, with a blink of his eyes, he ceases his psychic probing and a smile spreads slowly across his withered grey face.

  Turn to 23.


  You are in combat with a pack of slimy chaos-beasts intent on eating you alive!

  Amphibian Agtah: COMBAT SKILL 30 ENDURANCE 56

  These creatures are immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).

  You may evade combat after three rounds by running back to the Grand Sepulchre and attempting to force your way in: turn to 298.

  If you win the combat, turn to 71.

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  The bolt penetrates your chest and knocks you backwards into the undergrowth. The canopy of branches spins before your eyes and, as you gasp for breath, you taste blood and feel a terrifying numbness spread through your body. There is no pain as you slip gently into the oblivion of death.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You release the taut bowstring and send your Arrow streaking towards the amber eye, but it misses its intended target by a hand's breadth and ricochets harmlessly off the creature's stone-hard scales. The creature emits a loud, gurgling croak as it edges forward, forcing you to drop your Bow and draw a hand weapon in readiness to receive its attack.


  If you win the combat, turn to 245.


  You find it impossible to resist the strange compulsion drawing you towards the light. Effortlessly you glide along the tunnel and emerge at the centre of a huge, transparent sphere suspended in a luminous yellow sea of oily liquid. Behind its seamless walls swim fish-like creatures, strange things with phosphorescent bodies and opalescent jaws. You stare in fascination as they swim around you, seemingly oblivious of your presence.

  Turn to 209.


  Gently the Sommerswerd vibrates in its scabbard and a cool, golden fire laps at the hilt. Instinctively you unsheathe it and immediately the blade is engulfed by golden flames, ignited by the close proximity of the Lorestones. As you raise the sword, the flames burn brighter and illuminate the circular portal in the ceiling. At once you realize that it must provide access to the roof of the Sepulchre and, with your heart pounding, you race up the steps, confident of finding the objects of your quest waiting for you there.

  Turn to 320.


  You watch as suspicion turns to fear in these creatures' eyes. They become agitated, jabbing the air with their glass-tipped spears and cawing incessantly in their strange tongue. They sway, like half-coiled serpents weaving before a snake charmer, and then, as one, they rush forward and attack.

  Owing to the speed and ferocity of their charge, you cannot evade them or make use of a Bow.


  If you win the combat, turn to 203.


  Drawing on your Kai Mastery you attempt to repel this fearsome reptilian. You sense that it is weak and starving and close to death — a condition which makes it especially susceptible to your commands.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. Add 1 point for every Magnakai Discipline you possess over and above the first three skills (for example, if you possess five Magnakai Disciplines, add 2 points to the number you have picked).

  If your total is now 0–6, turn to 130.

  If it is 7 or more, turn to 295.


  The onipa slide stiff-legged down the slippery bank and the chariot slews violently to the left before coming to a halt within a few inches of the river's edge. Shaken but otherwise unharmed, T'uk T'ron and his driver open their eyes and stare down at the murky water, scarcely able to believe that they are still dry and in one piece.

  Turn to 348.


  The Chaos-master catches a glimpse of you crouching behind the parapet and diverts his aim from Lorkon Ironheart. With malicious glee he slams his great club down upon the roof and, in a terrifying moment, you are crushed to death.

  Tragically, your life and your quest end here.


  Slowly you awaken and for a long moment you lie on the hard floor blinking sleepily at the pitted rock ceiling. The storm died down while you slept and all is quiet save for a sound that sets your pulse racing: the distant slap of large wings beating the air. The sound is becoming louder and you gather your equipment quickly and climb out of the cairn to investigate its source.

  Silhouetted against the blazing horizon are six black shapes. They resemble dragons with snaky necks and ragged, bat-like wings, and upon their backs they carry golden-skinned creatures, vaguely human in appearance save for their lack of hair and their massive size. From their flight formation you can tell that they are hunting something on the ground, but it is not until you climb to the top of the cairn that you are able to see their prey. A brace of huge, lizard-like creatures are thundering across the plateau, darting this way and that to avoid the shadows cast by their winged pursuers. They reach the top of a rock-strewn ridge and one of the crimson reptilians comes pounding across the sand towards the cairn. The leading flyer sees you. He banks his dragon mount towards the cairn and the others follow closely in his wake. You fear that they are about to attack but at the last moment they veer away and circle the cairn before landing nearby.

  Turn to 26.


  In spite of his attempts to deflect your Arrow, it penetrates the cheek plate less than an inch below his eye. He bellows an agonized cry and wrenches the shaft from his face. Such fortitude is impressive but you can tell that he has suffered a serious wound. Feverishly he scoops the Lorestones into a small velvet sack tied to his sword belt. Swiftly you shoulder your Bow and draw a hand weapon as you run forward to prevent his escape.

  Turn to 206.


  Shocked by your encounter with the Agtah you make your way deeper into the hills, skirting the road in favour of the wooded slopes, which offer good cover. Yet you keep the road in sight constantly to ensure that you are heading towards Tolakos. Your usual good sense of direction is vague and distorted, for in this region of the Daziarn there are no sun, stars, or points of the compass by which to gauge your position.

  The hours pass uneventfully until you reach a place where the road runs alongside a pool of crystal-clear water, fed by a fast-flowing stream. Three human-shaped warriors clad in armour are standing near the pool, scanning the woods, while their shaggy black equine mounts drink their fill.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination or Pathsmanship, turn to 150.

  If you possess neither of these skills, turn to 63.


  You reach the crest of the hill and stare down at the remarkable sight that lies beyond. A walled city of low, pyramid-shaped dwellings is spread along the centre of a narrow valley. Near the middle, rising high above the other buildings, stands a tower of stone, its colour identical to the drab grey of the sky. Its straight thoroughfares are thronged with hairy, ape-like creatures who pass freely and leisurely through the narrow streets.

  The path leads down to an open gate in the city wall where two of its squat-limbed inhabitants stand guard. You are relieved to have at last discovered a vestige of civilization in this strange land, and you set off for the city gate at a brisk pace.

  Turn to 215.


  Your senses warn that a powerful spell protects this portal. If you inscribe the wrong symbol on the blank square you will break the spell, the consequences of which could be fatal!

  Turn to 25.


  A few miles beyond the village, the road leaves the valley and crosses an open expanse of lush grassland. The hours roll by and you watch the passing landscape with increasing wonder as you try to comprehend how it can thrive beneath a sunless sky. Slowly the plain descends towards a wide river, sluggish with sediment and flanked by tall, grey-green trees. A bridge spans the dark water and the road continues beyond towards a line of hills. The bridge is built of stout timber, but as you draw closer to it you sense that something is seriously amiss.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery and have reached the rank of Principalin or higher, turn to 48.

  If you do not have this skill, or if you have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 321.


  Your detour takes you through a marshy section of the Nahgoth where firm ground gives way to thorn-guarded shrubs and ankle-deep slime. You press on and, as you disturb the surface of the mire, you release a cloud of vile, choking marsh gas.

  Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Curing (at the rank of Mentora or higher), or the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus (at the rank of Primate or higher), lose 5 ENDURANCE points owing to the insidious effect of the gas.

  Turn to 276.


  The food has a taste and texture completely unlike anything you have tried before, yet it is delicious, and after having eaten your fill you feel thoroughly refreshed and fortified: restore 3 ENDURANCE points.

  There is enough food remaining for 1 Meal. If you wish to keep the Meal, note on your Action Chart, ‘Meal: +3 EP’, as the food will restore 3 ENDURANCE points when consumed.

  Turn to 139.


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