The Prisoners of Time

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The Prisoners of Time Page 13

by Joe Dever

  Turn to 114.


  Drawing on your powerful healing skills you cause a surge of anti-toxins to be released into your bloodstream to combat the effects of the poison. Swiftly the deadly venom is neutralized and your metabolism returns to normal.

  Turn to 82.


  You crouch down, making use of the cover afforded by a leafy tree, and draw an Arrow to your lips. Two of the creatures have clambered through the foliage and halted less than ten paces away, offering themselves as perfect targets. You release your bowstring and send the shaft thudding into the chest of one, knocking it backwards with the force of the shot. Instantly, its companion emits a strange, high-pitched twittering sound, alerting the others to your position, and before you can either reload or run away, they close in from all sides and attack.


  Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, deduct 2 points from your COMBAT SKILL for the first round of combat, owing to the speed of your enemy's attack.

  If you win the combat, turn to 203.


  The great, silvery-winged worm swoops down and hovers above your head, lunging sporadically to stab you with its long, sword-sharp fangs.


  The creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).

  If you win the combat, turn to 162.


  The captain shrugs his hairy shoulders and motions to the driver not to stop. As you pass through the village, a group of Ookor children cheer and wave and toss flowers at the speeding chariots. One of the red blooms lands in the crook of your arm.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, turn to 74.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 143.


  Suddenly the guards spring into action, drawing their jagged swords and raising them in readiness to strike. Your bluff has not deceived them and they are determined to capture you — dead or alive!

  Sandai Temple Guards: COMBAT SKILL 28 ENDURANCE 35

  If you win the combat, turn to 195.


  Much of the porous rock that surrounds the slab has been eroded by wind and sand. Holes have appeared through which you can see into the cairn. It is hollow. Curiosity and the need for better shelter prompt you to try to dislodge the slab and, after much effort, you pull it free, leaving an opening the size of a trapdoor in the side of the mound.

  Inside the gloomy interior you discover a large, metallic statue lying horizontally on a bed of clear, crystalline sand. You try to perceive some detail but the shape is shrouded in near darkness.

  If you possess a Kalte Firesphere, a Lantern, or a Torch and Tinderbox, and wish to illuminate this dark interior, turn to 177.

  If you do not possess any of the above items, or if you do not wish to make use of them, turn to 334.


  The wine has been charmed with a potent magical spell, imbuing it with special healing properties. Having drunk one draught, there are now only two draughts remaining in the Silver Flask. Each draught restores 4 ENDURANCE points (restore 4 ENDURANCE points due to the beneficial effect of the draught you have just drunk). If you wish to keep this Silver Flask, mark it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.

  Turn to 323.


  The vision of the Nahgoth Forest dissolves and a new one takes its place. It is of a city, perched atop a rocky cliff, surrounded by a wall fortified with towers and grim bastions. Red flames glare from a row of tiny windows and its huge stone gate is emblazoned with the symbol of a fiery dragon.

  ‘This is Haagadar,’ says Serocca, cheerlessly. ‘Once it was the home of the Sandai, the rulers of the Great Plains that stretched to the very edge of the strongholds of Earth. They were the first to fall to chaos and now their plains are dead and empty wastelands of sterile rock and poisoned sand. Haagadar was claimed by the Chaos-master and it became his abode but, as his foul empire expanded, he grew tired of it and abandoned it for other, less remote, cities. It lay deserted for an age before outlaws and refugees from Guakor sought sanctuary there from the creatures of chaos. It is now a forgotten city, yet within its heart there lies a secret that even the Chaos-master failed to discover: the Sandai were the guardians of a Shadow Gate. Long had they kept hidden this portal whilst they searched for a means to enter it, for unlike the Shadow Gates of your world, those of the Daziarn are closed. Only those who possess a key can pass from this realm into the universe of Aon.’

  Turn to 233.


  Your shaft penetrates his chainmail at an angle, ripping through his padded underjacket and cutting across his chest. The force of the Arrow stuns him momentarily and he cries out in pain. But the pain does not prevent him from scooping the Lorestones into a small velvet sack tied to his sword belt. Quickly you shoulder your Bow in favour of a hand weapon as you rush forward to prevent his escape.

  Turn to 97.


  You wake with a start, stirred to consciousness by the distant flap of large wings beating in a windless sky. The sounds grow louder and quickly you gather up your equipment and hurry out of the cavern to investigate their source.

  The storm died down while you slept and the plateau is now becalmed. From the rim of the gully you can see six black shapes silhouetted on the blazing horizon. They resemble dragons with snaky necks and ragged bat-like wings. Upon their backs they carry gold-skinned creatures, human in appearance save for their lack of hair and their massive size.

  The leader sees you: he banks his dragonmount towards the gully and the others follow closely in his wake. You fear they are about to attack, but at the last moment they veer away and circle the gully before landing nearby. With practised ease the leader and two of his brothers dismount from their winged steeds. They each dwarf you by an arm's length, and, although their heavy muscular bodies seem incapable of stealth, they approach like lions stalking their prey. ‘Zeeu klo-ka n'ra?’ speaks the leader, his voice deep and resonant. ‘Ryl'aan noorna?’ says another, impatiently.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship and have attained the Kai rank of Scion-kai, turn to 305.

  If you do not possess this Magnakai Discipline or have yet to reach this level of training, turn to 132.


  After your encounter you stop to rest less frequently. Mile after mile you plod on mechanically, only half aware of the lifeless landscape through which you move. Fatigue dulls your senses and you cannot recall the exact moment you entered the Neverness; like a dream, it is as if you have always been here. Clouds swirl beneath your feet yet they support your weight. You float in a sea and sky of grey light without horizon or boundary, a limitless eternity of space. There are distant sounds, like muffled voices, but when you strive to understand them they fade and you cannot catch the words.

  Time passes, yet time is meaningless, for you cannot tell the order in which events are taking place. From out of the swirling wisps of cloud three globes of darkness arise. They swim closer, hovering to and fro, evolving into the forms of black-hooded riders on demon steeds. Leering skulls peer from the shadow of their cloaks and you see your own eyes reflected in their bony sockets.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, turn to 190.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 81.


  You snatch the reins from the startled driver and pull hard to the left, steering the onipa team clear of the bridge. But your action does not slow them down and you find yourself racing headlong towards the river. With terrified cries, both T'uk T'ron and the driver cover their eyes as the muddy water looms into view.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, turn to 85.

  If you wish to pull the brake lever, turn to 243.

  If you wish to drop the reins and leap out of the chariot turn to 332.


  ‘Luck be with you,
Aonian,’ says Lorkon, as you turn to leave his cabin. ‘Remember, I will be marching to Tolakos as soon as my reinforcements arrive.’

  You thank him and bid him farewell, before following Odel the scout as he wends his way through the busy encampment to the equipment tent. Two grim-faced guards bar your entry, but when Odel tells them on whose authority you are here, they quickly lower their spears and allow you to pass. The tent is full of weapons and provisions and Odel suggests that you take whatever you need. You may select from the following:





  6 Arrows





  Short Sword

  If you wish to keep any of these items remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

  To continue, turn to 285.


  The swirling light draws into focus upon the mirrored floor and you find yourself surrounded by a spectacular cosmic image. At the centre spins a shadow, as dark as deep space, populated with suns and stars and the myriad planets that revolve about them. This microscopic universe is in turn surrounded by a ring of total darkness, and beyond that radiate four beams of differing colour, like the spokes of a gigantic wheel. Between these beams are many areas of light and shade, some running parallel and some in isolation, but all of them connected by a pale, shimmering mist. ‘What you see before you is a tableau of our worlds, a light-painting that depicts the universe of Aon and the Daziarn Plane,’ says the Beholder, as his servant carries him to the dark centre of the floor. ‘Here, among the suns and stars of Aon, is the planet you know as Magnamund, and beyond it lies the Shadow Gate through which you fell into the Daziarn.’ Slowly the Yoacor moves towards you, bearing his master with care as he continues his monologue proudly. ‘And here, balanced between the elemental strongholds of Fire and Water, lies the Abaxial of Czenos. This is my realm. I have chosen to live here, to shape it as I wish and to populate it with beings who embody my ideals.’

  Illustration XVI—‘What you see before you is a tableau of our worlds: the universe of Aon and the Daziarn Plane,’ says the Beholder.

  Coldly the Beholder stares into your eyes and you feel your body stiffen as he probes deep into your mind.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, turn to 174.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 102.


  You twist aside and the bolt scrapes a line of flesh from your ribs before embedding itself in the trunk of a tree behind: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

  Stifling a cry of pain, you drop to your knees and crawl rapidly through the undergrowth, lest they fire at the place where you fell. You stop just long enough to staunch the blood from your wound but, as you are about to continue, the scouts burst through the foliage and surround you, their bows held ready to finish you off. One reaches down and pulls you roughly to your feet, demanding that you identify yourself or suffer the consequences. You tell him who you are and suggest that he look in your pocket if he requires proof that you speak the truth.

  Turn to 87.


  You focus your energy on the approaching shadows and prepare to engage them in psychic combat.

  Shadow Reavers: COMBAT SKILL 25 ENDURANCE 40

  Conduct this mind combat following normal combat procedure, although, in this instance, Weaponskill bonuses cannot be used to increase your basic COMBAT SKILL score. Instead, for every Magnakai Discipline you possess over and above the first three skills, you may add 1 point to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight. Also, if you possess a Psychic Ring, or a Grey Crystal Ring, you may add a further 3 points (per item) to your COMBAT SKILL. The COMBAT SKILL bonus for using a Shield does not apply here, nor do any bonuses for using Alether or any weapon-like Special Items such as the Sommerswerd. The only exception is the bonus granted for possessing the Silver Helm. Any bonuses to ENDURANCE due to armour should likewise not be applied during this combat.

  If you win the combat, turn to 149.


  The lizard beast yawns, exposing a wickedly curved beak and a jaw set with dagger-sharp fangs. It snickers evilly, relishing the thought of killing and devouring you at its leisure.

  If you possess a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 322.

  If you do not, turn to 31.


  On reaching the crypt you find it overrun by bloated, toad-like monstrosities with huge heads and mottled, glistening skins. They croak and growl hungrily as they latch on to your scent.

  If you possess a Fireseed and wish to throw it, turn to 2.

  If you wish to draw a hand weapon and fight these toad-like horrors, turn to 103.

  If you decide to run back to the Grand Sepulchre and attack the three creatures that block its entrance, turn to 298.


  You reach the chariots just as the first wave of Chaos-creatures launch their attack. Raging viciously, they slaver in for the kill, fighting with fang and claw and yellowed tusk. A screaming horror, its body striped with ochre lines, leaps from the back of a startled onipa and hurtles towards you with its crimson jaw gaping wide. You tense yourself in readiness to strike as its shadow falls upon your face.

  Striped Agtah: COMBAT SKILL 24 ENDURANCE 35

  The creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). Owing to the speed and ferocity of its attack, you cannot evade combat or make use of a Bow.

  If you win the combat, turn to 201.


  The speed and determination of your attack takes your adversary by surprise. Before he can scoop the Lorestones into a small velvet sack hanging from his sword belt, you strike a blow that causes him to back away hastily. An intoxicating rush of energy washes over your body as you step within a few feet of the Lorestones, but this charge momentarily numbs your reflexes, leaving you unprepared for your enemy's response. He unsheathes a curvy-bladed sword and launches a flurry of blows aimed at your head, forcing you to duck and retreat to avoid instant decapitation. He takes this opportunity to stoop down and drop the Lorestones in the sack before springing forward, like a big cat, to continue the fight.

  Scarlet Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 29 ENDURANCE 38

  If you reduce his ENDURANCE to 20 points or less, do not continue the combat but turn instead to 306.

  If you kill him before his ENDURANCE falls to 20 (that is, if you score an ‘automatically killed’ result on the Combat Results Table), turn to 123.


  The base of the monolith is overgrown with weeds and wild flowers, indicating that it has stood here for some considerable time, yet its metallic surface bears no obvious signs of weathering. It is tipped with a transparent spike, which resembles a short glass spear. You can hear a faint humming sound when you place your ear to its mirror-smooth spire. The sound seems to originate somewhere deep below the ground.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship and have attained the Kai rank of Tutelary or higher, turn to 283.

  If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 6.


  At length you emerge from the marsh at a place where a track cuts through the forest. You follow this rough, timberland trail until, after countless hours, you arrive at the edge of the Plain of Guakor. You are now extremely tired and must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Rather than attempt an immediate crossing of this barren waste, you decide to rest here and continue after some much needed sleep.

  Ten hours later you awake refreshed and eager to begin the next leg of your journey to Haagadar. After checking your equipment and your map, you set off across the featureless plateau.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–2, turn to 318.

  If it is 3–9, turn to 202.


  Through gritted teeth, you tell Odel to remove the healing poti
on from your pack and empty its contents into your mouth. Swiftly he complies and within a few seconds the painful stomach cramps subside and you begin to recover your strength as the potion neutralizes the deadly toxin.

  Odel wipes the sweat from his brow and breathes a sigh of relief. The Meledorians have no known cure for Khetu poisoning, and for a moment he feared you were going to die.

  If you wish to collect a handful of these deadly Khetu Spores, mark them on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.

  Turn to 247.


  You draw your weapon and stand poised to strike down any who would dare come within range. The chariots screech to a halt and a score of Ookor guards leap from the riding platforms. They come scurrying towards you, their glass-tipped spears thrust before them. Their leader motions to you to sheathe your weapon or face the consequences. You ignore his signals and get ready to attack him. Then you see more chariots emerge from the city to reinforce the patrol. With the odds stacked so heavily in their favour reluctantly you decide to raise your hands and allow these ape-men to march you into their city under heavy guard.


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