Keeping My Pack

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Keeping My Pack Page 6

by Lane Whitt

  She swiftly sits up, dislodging Ash, and swings her feet to the floor. “Get out!” She growls at them.

  Neither of them makes a move to leave, and Kitten shakes in fury. “I said out.” She repeats through gritted teeth. Ash jumps in front of her and bares his teeth at them.

  “You heard the girl,” Remy says with a smirk. “She looks angry; I’d listen to her. We’ll call you back in when she’s ready.”

  With that, Maksim and Albert make hasty bows before backing to the door and closing it lightly.

  Kitten deflates as soon the door closes, and she rubs a hand down her face. She pauses to take a closer look at that hand then shifts her attention to Remy. “So can we go home now?” She asks sweetly.


  The guys each took turns explaining what they could to me. They said things about my father and mother and a grandfather that I’m sure that I’ll process later. I have no desire to meet any more of my family; one was more than enough.

  The guys, in that unspoken language of theirs, decided that they each needed one on one with me because shortly after the explanations stopped, I was left in the small house alone with Reed. He had sat on the oddly-shaped couch next to me and just stared at me. I stared back, taking in his multi-colored eyes, dirty blonde locks and thin lips set in a contented smile.

  “I missed you,” I whisper after some time has passed. It’s true; I did miss him and the rest of the guys. The short amount of time I spent with them were the best days of my life.

  Apparently that was all he needed, as I was scooped up and placed on his lap almost before I had finished speaking. My body tensed immediately, and I hated myself for it. This was Reed, he’d never hurt me, but it’s just my reaction to touch now, I supposed.

  He had eventually laid his head on my shoulder and hugged me as hard as he could, telling me how he never gave up hope of finding me. Somewhere in my head, a part of whispered that I should be crying, that I should be overly emotional at being in my sad boy’s arms again, but the tears never came.

  Finn entered seconds after Reed left, and the first thing he did was tell me he loves me. Actually, he said it five times. I, of course, said it back. If my recent experiences taught me anything, it was to let the people in my life know how I feel about them. I want to tell them all how much I love them, how my love for each of them is different, yet the same, but there’s a new part of me now, a part that is afraid, a part that doesn’t know how to be the old me anymore.

  I let him take my hands in his own as he kneeled before me as he explained that he thought he’d never get to tell me that ever again. I promised him that we’d tell each other how much we loved one another until we tired of hearing the words. Finn had laughed at that said that would never happen. As he took a step outside, I was sure to tell him that I loved him once more. He left looking the happiest I have ever seen him.

  Logan bounded into the room and pounced on the couch next to me, bringing a girly squeal from me that I wasn’t sure I was capable of anymore. He buried his face into my neck, and I think cussed me out because he had said every swear word there ever was and a few I’ve never heard of. He told me that they had managed to bring most of my stuff with them and that he’d find me an outfit so I could get out of the towel/blanket combo I was wearing. He also told me he was cutting my hair. Didn’t ask, just told me. It’s okay, though because it means he’s really here and he still cares. He can play with hair all he wants if it means I get more time with him, time I had thought I’d never get. He left with glowing blue eyes, and I was sad to see him go. I had forgotten how much energy he could pump into a room with just one smile or wicked look.

  Tristan came in next, wearing a tight smile and both hands shoved in his pockets. He seemed a little off, and it made me feel weird, so I gave him a lame wave of my hand. He must have noticed how odd he was being because he blushed slightly and mockingly waved back before taking a seat beside me. We both gasped as our arms met and static electricity zoomed over our skin. His eyes went wide, and he scooted away from me slightly. I glanced at his feet to see if he maybe walked across the carpet in socks, but he was wearing shoes. When he started to tell me how scary it was for him when he woke up after the crash and I was gone, I ignored the shock in favor of trying to comfort him. He eventually looked up at me from under his lashes, that wayward lock of hair falling into his chocolate eyes, and chuckled at how ridiculous it was that I was comforting him when it should be the other way around. Tristan left with a light peck on my lips, and the electricity was toned down, but still shocking none the less.

  When Ash came in and sat exceedingly close to me, quiet as usual, I had to wonder if he was going to sit on me again. I asked him questions about his mood, and he’d grunt in the negative or positive. Somewhere along the line, he’d started to tuck the blankets around me again, even laying me back gently so he could get my shoulders nice and snug as well. His eyes seemed to roam over me, taking in every detail and my face heated at the intensity of his gaze. Without a word and a decisive nod of his head, he stood and made his way to the door so the next one of my guys could come in. I was left feeling a bit baffled by his actions until I attempted to sit up. I rolled my eyes and giggled to myself; he’d made me a burrito again.

  Kellan had chuckled when he saw me squirming around in my cocoon and promptly offered to help release me. He insisted on checking me over, where my wounds were, my eyes, and my pulse before he prescribed exactly one much-needed hug with a doctor who could really use one. I had laughed at his antics and reached for him first, and somehow, that was better than when the guys had reached for me first. It gave me that added boost of control, which I didn’t know I needed, but much appreciated. When we pulled back, he had smiled, but it didn’t reach his dark green eyes. I was going to ask him what was wrong, but he stood to leave, cutting out time short.

  Jace had come in with a couple of extra pillows for me and helped me prop myself up against the armrest. We had sat in awkward silence for a minute or two before I launched into an apology. I told him how sorry I was for not telling him that I forgave him well before any of this had happened. I told him how heartbreaking it was, thinking I’d never get to tell him that. I finally told him that I knew who the surprise gifts were from and how much I enjoyed them. I hung my head sheepishly as I explained why I named his giant bear Big Jace, but he just smirked at me and said that one day, I’d find out why I’d never call him Little Jace again. After a wink of his golden eye, I shoved him playfully and he got serious, not that I knew what he was talking about anyway. He thanked me for apologizing but said it was unnecessary, and he enjoyed having to earn my affection after what he did. He had promptly pulled me in for a hug, his strong hand stroking up and down my back in a comforting gesture before we pinky swore never to fight again. He then held out his other hand with his fingers crossed and shrugged with a smirk on his lips. “What can I say? I like fighting with you, Fun Size.” He told me. I laughed and hit him lightly with a pillow. He had taken my hand in his and kissed the back of it before he excused himself. Ever the gentleman, that one.

  Remy came in last, and he had closed the door and stood in front of it. It hurt my heart that he wanted to keep so much distance from me. He asked how I was, and I told him I was fine. He had turned to leave, but I stopped him with a question. “Are you mad at me Remy?” I asked in a small voice.

  “What?” He asked, confused.

  “I know I’ve caused a lot of trouble…” I started.

  “No, Kitten. I’m not mad at you. Nothing of the sort. It’s just…” He let out a frustrated breath. “I couldn’t protect you. You were taken from me, and I was too weak to stop it.” He said, defeated.

  “Remy, don’t think that way. Nothing was your fault, none of it.” I said emphatically. “You are strong, I thought you were dead, but you survived. And not only that, but you then came for me. You’re here now” I whisper.

  “Of course I’m here. Did you really think I wouldn’t come
after you?” Remy asked as he came to crouch in front of me, lifting my chin with a thick finger, my eyes meeting his.

  I sighed. “I don’t know. I mean…it all just seems so strange. Ever since I met you all, it’s felt as if I’ve known you far better than I should have. If that makes sense.” I shake my head slightly; not even making sense to myself.

  Remy just tapped me under my chin and smiled up at me. “I know exactly what you mean, Love.” My heart jumped crazily in my chest at the endearment, and I struggled to keep listening. “We may have some answers to why that is now, but they can wait. All you need to know is that things are more complicated than seem, but my brothers and I would like you to stay with us if that’s what you wish.” He broke off at the end like it was even a question anymore.

  “Of course I want to stay with you and the others. I’ve missed you all so much, and I thought you and Tristan were dead, and I thought I was ready to die but…I just wanted more time with you.” I blurt out.

  His previous frown turns into an amused smirk, and he shakes his head as he stands to his impressive height. “That’s all I needed to know, for now. It may be hard for you, but you’re going to have to meet with your grandfather, the man you so kindly asked to leave.” He chuckles deeply, that rumbly voice bringing a smile to my face. “He’s not so bad; you’ll see. Do you trust me, Love?”

  My heart melts, wondering if this is his new nickname for me and really hoping that’s the case. “I do. Always.” I respond firmly.

  I notice his shoulders relax a bit as he continues. “Then trust that I will never allow anyone to harm you again. You are part of my family now, and I promise to take better care of you.” He promises, and I can feel the weight in his words.

  I stood so that I could bury my face in his chest and wrap my arms around his waist as best I could. I felt the tears welling up, but I didn’t want to cry. I didn’t want to dwell on what happened these past weeks or be sad about what I couldn’t change. I had them back now; that’s all that mattered to me. These amazing boys had come for me, and I just wanted to be happy for once. Being with them was the only time I have ever been happy, and I wasn’t going to waste a minute of any more time I was lucky enough to get with them.

  “Okay Remy,” I sighed deeply, pulling back to look at him. “I’ll meet him, but only if you guys are with me.”

  He leaned down to kiss the top of my head. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  I pull back from Remy and clear my throat. “When can we go home? I don’t want to be here anymore.” I tell him.

  His handsome face transforms from stern leader to beautiful young man with just a grin. “We’ll head home soon. First, there are some things we need to discuss with you, and I’d like for your grandfather and Albert to be here for that”. He pauses until I nod my head. “Good girl. I’ll go see if Logan got clothing for you so you can get dressed and have a bite to eat.”

  My stomach lurches at the thought of food, but wearing clothes again sounds nice. He leads me to the bathroom, and I wait for a few minutes before there’s a knock on the door. Logan holds out some folded clothing to me, and I thank him before shutting the door. I smile to myself in the mirror behind the sink, my eyes widening as I take in my appearance. I don’t know what I was expecting to see, maybe some sign of all that has happened to me, maybe a tattoo on my forehead that says crazy. But I just see me, eyes too big for my face, small nose, light blonde hair. The only sign that anything has been done to me is the sunken cheeks and overall too thin look I now have. I guess the blood can keep me alive, but it can’t exactly keep me healthy.

  As I’m dressing, I notice that my skin feels…off. Not torn or bruised, just tight to the point where it’s a little uncomfortable to move around. I splash water over my arms, seeing if that will help, thinking my skin is just dry maybe. I search under through the cabinet and find a bottle of lotion. I open the lid to apply some in my hand, and the smell hits me like a ton of bricks, over-powering and scented too strongly for my tastes. I toss it to the back of the cabinet and make a face. Hopefully no one ever finds it.

  I take a little longer than I should, but soon enough, I’m dressed in a pair of black leggings and a loosely-fitting white tank-top. When I step out of the bathroom they guys are all there, some sitting down in the living room, some moving about, and the two men from before are there as well. I swallow down the bile that rises in my throat as I look over the older man. He looks so much like uncle, and I have to remind myself that he helped my guys find me.

  Still feeling uncomfortable, I look at each of the guys until I spot what I’m looking for. Kellan has on a dark green, zippered hoodie over his black shirt and I make my way over to him. As I reach his side, the older man, my grandfather, clears his throat to get the room’s attention.

  “I’m sorry to rush you, my dear, but there are matters at hand that cannot wait.” He tells me.

  I sigh deeply, feeling tired already. “Okay, then let’s deal with them.” I pull on Kellan’s sleeve, and he puts his arm around me, snuggling me into his side on the couch.

  “We are holding Marcus and his accomplices in the room we found you in, but they will need to be dealt with as soon as possible.” He says, his voice holding an undercurrent of anger.

  I turn my head to blink at him a few times. “So deal with them?” What does this guy want from me? I tug on the front of the jacket, and Kellan unzips it all the way down and places one side of it over my hands, probably thinking they’re cold.

  “You’re the leader of the pack now dear. Their fates now rest in your hands.” My grandfather tells me.

  “So you’re asking me what I want to be done with them?” I ask. I pull on Kellen’s other sleeve, and he brings his hand up to my cheek, turning my head to look at him.

  “Is there a reason you’re pulling at me, or is this just another nervous habit of yours?” He asks, his brow lifting and his mouth set in a look of amused annoyance.

  I bite my lip and feel my cheeks heating. “I wanted your hoodie.” I shrug. He laughs lightly as he pulls the jacket off and places it around my shoulders. I quickly put my arms through the sleeves and zip it up as far as it goes. It’s huge for me, but it feels like armor to me.

  Grandfather clears his throat again. I turn my body to him and make myself meet his eyes. Eyes that look like mine, I notice. “If it’s really up to me, then I say they need to die.”

  Remy sits forward in his chair, clasping his hands together. “I know this must be hard for you, Kitten…”

  “No, it’s not hard at all. Besides what they did to me, they almost killed you and Tristan. I don’t know about all this wolf stuff, or if there is a death penalty, but uncle and Adam do not deserve to be in this world any longer. Uncle is cruel and unfeeling, Adam wanted me as his mate and was willing to do whatever it took to make that happen, including working with uncle. And there was another man in the room that was trying to steal my eggs from me, my future children.” I explain, my tone leaving no room for argument.

  “I agree that their punishments should be severe, but are you sure you want their blood on your hands?” Grandfather asks me.

  I look down to my lap, picking at the seams of the jacket sleeve. I shrug my shoulders. “If I have to do it myself, then I will. And I want it done in front of the rest of your wolves, so they know not to go after my family again.”

  Kellan’s hand closes over mine gently. “We’d never ask you to do that, Kitten. I’m sure Maksim can arrange for that to happen; you won’t even have to watch.”

  “I want to watch. I need to.” I whisper.

  “Look at you! A great leader already. Ivaskov blood definitely runs through your blood. The treasonous assholes will serve as a warning not to mess with our new Princess.” Grandfather claps happily, a smile plastered on his face.

  I frown at him, thinking he’s a little too happy over the death of his own son. “I don’t know if I could’ve forgiven them for what they did to me, but I think I wo
uld have tried. The message I want to be sent is never to go after the guys. That, I will never forgive.”

  Grandfather cuts his hand through the air. “Either way, it will be done. I’ll arrange for the whole pack to meet at the pack house in Colorado within the week. Albert, start spreading the word immediately.” He nods to the man sitting next to him.

  My body stiffens as I recognize him. “You.” I choke out.

  “Yes, my Princess.” The man bows deeply as he pauses on his exit from the house.

  “You remember him from when you were in the basement?” Kellan asks me.

  I nod my head, still staring at the man. “And from the dining room,” I say.

  “What dining room? What happened in the dining room?” Logan demands to know. I shake my head, refusing to answer and daring the man to answer as well. He’s the man who told me to be quiet, the one who pointed out the knife on the table when I was struggling with uncle and Adam. The only person who didn’t turn away from me.

  Albert continues on his way, and the room is left in silence after our weird exchange. To change the subject, I ask a different question. “Why is everyone calling me Princess and why did you,” I look to grandfather, “say I was the leader of the pack?”

  The subject change is welcomed, but I’m filled with nerves and agitation as Remy explains that I’m the lost princess of the Ivaskov pack. So I guess grandfather helped them rescue me not because I’m his family, but because they needed me as a leader, or my mate I guess, whatever that means.

  I let them tell me everything, starting with what they did to find me, to when they met grandfather, what happened after they got here and what was said when I was recovering. I don’t say a word. I stare at Maksim the whole time, wondering what was wrong with the people I came from that made them so cold-hearted and unloving. Was I like them? Would I toss my child into a dumpster and leave her to die? Would I abuse a niece because she was powerful? Would I kill my own brother or only admire a granddaughter because having her around benefited me?


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