Keeping My Pack

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Keeping My Pack Page 11

by Lane Whitt

  “I love how you take care of me,” I tell him softly.

  Ash leans forward and presses a hard kiss to my lips. “You take care of us too, Babygirl.”

  I smile goofily at him. “I love you, Ash.”

  “Love you, too.” He rumbles back at me.

  I let him clean every part of me, wondering if I’m not as shy or as embarrassed as I should be because I’m sleepy or if nakedness just doesn’t mean to me now what it used to, or because I know that Ash loves me and cares about me. I suppose it doesn’t matter.

  He takes his time towel drying my hair gently once we’re done, and wraps a different towel around me, carrying me to his room. Once we reach his bed, I release the towel and crawl under the covers on my own.

  Ash flicks the light off, and I hear him shuffling around before the bed dips so much that I roll towards him. I giggle as I scoot back over so he has room. I shouldn’t have bothered because as soon as he’s under the blanket, his big hands reach out for me and I’m gathered against his rock hard body. One hand moves to the back of my head and guides my face to his neck, placing me exactly where I like to be. His scent washes over me, and I melt into his hold.

  “Where’s AJ?” I whisper to him in the dark.

  “I put him in the chair and covered him up.” He replies.

  I find that odd, but don’t comment on it. Instead, I cuddle closer to Ash, stealing his body heat and soaking up the comfort that being around him always makes me feel. Ash grunts and moves his middle away from me. I scoot closer anyway.

  “You’re tired, Baby.” Ash sighs.

  “The bath woke me up a little,” I tell him, not understanding what being tired has to do with me snuggling up to him.

  Ash rolls so that he’s hovering over me, supporting his weight on his elbow. “Is that so?”


  “Then you don’t mind if I have some dessert, do you?” He asks hotly.

  “No?” I answer, confused.

  The bed shakes as Ash pushes up and rips the blankets away from the both of us, sitting back on his knees, gazing down at me in the moonlight streaming through the window. His face is cast in shadow, but I can hear his breathing slightly increase.

  A hand comes up to cup my cheek for a moment before gliding over my shoulder, down my arm, grazing my thigh and calf until he cups my foot. He lifts my toes to his mouth and places gentle kisses over the tops of each one, repeating the process on my other foot. I feel his hands shake slightly as he slides them from my ankles up to my knees, parting them.

  I inhale sharply when I feel his lips touch the sensitive skin on the inside of my knee. He flicks his tongue out for a taste, and his resulting purr sends shivers up my spine. I bring my hand to the back of his head, wanting to touch him back in any way I can. Now that I know where this is leading, I help him and spread my legs wider. Embarrassment rears its ugly head, and I blush, but I don’t try to hide myself. I want to be intimate with Ash, in any way that he’ll let me.

  Ash takes a deep breath before moving relaxing his body down on the bed. His lips move to my inner thigh, and my hips jump upwards of their own accord, wanting his mouth on my core desperately. The scruff on his face only adds to the intense feelings and excitement for what’s about to come.

  “I’ve wanted to do this for so long, Kitten. You have no idea.” His breath falls over my skin, and I moan. Just a little higher, please.

  My eyes go wide, and my mouth falls slack as I feel a jolt of pain, followed by pleasure, as he sinks his teeth into my thigh, so close to my core that the electric pulse shoots right to my button, and I explode, shouting out his name.

  Ash pulls his teeth from me and laps at his bite with a few licks before moving his tongue right where I want it, and he laps hungrily at me. I feel his tongue prodding my entrance and my hands grip at his head, not knowing if I am pulling him closer or pushing him away as it feels amazing, but also like too much at the same time.

  My Shadow is relentless as he makes me explode for him over and over again. I beg, I plead that it’s too much, and demand that he never stops. His groans at my pleasure only make me hotter, and I’m sure I’m going to melt into a puddle at any minute.

  Ash’s head comes up, and he kisses my belly lightly before crawling up my body, only stopping to take a quick pull at each of my breasts, then bringing his mouth to mine in a searing, hot kiss. His face is slick with my wetness, but under my own flavor, I taste Ash, and I feel an inexplicable need to show appreciation for the tongue that loved me so well. I try telling his tongue with mine that I absolutely adore it, and come to the conclusion that Ash has completely fried my brain.

  We pant heavily at each other as he pulls his head back from our kissing. He shifts up, and I tilt my head back so I can still see his face. He aligns himself at my core, his eyes seeking permission, and I lick my lips hungrily, wrapping my legs around his waist in answer.

  Ash moves in slowly, pushing in a little of himself at a time and backing out, just to push in more the next time. I try to regulate my breathing and concentrate on the stretching feeling inside of me. If Reed felt huge in my hands, then Ash is a monster, and as he keeps pushing I wonder how much more of him there is, and if all of it needs to go in.

  Thankfully, I don’t have to wonder for too much longer. With a deep thrust and a loud growl, he seats himself fully inside me, and my core spasms as his whole body vibrates on top of me and inside of me. I press a kiss to his chest in front of my face and Ash takes that as a sign to move. He sets a slow rhythm at first, building into a pounding thrusting that has my body shifting up the bed with each movement of his powerful hips. My nails rake over his wide back as my pleasure climbs higher and this only makes him go harder. My name falls from his lips in heated whispers and grunts, and it’s more than I can take. As stars dance in my vision, I bring my head up and bite down on his chest, eliciting a pleasing roar out of Ash as he slams into me hard one last time.

  I feel him pulse and expand inside of me before a pleasant warmth fills me, flooding my insides and Ash relaxes more of his weight on me. Normally, he’d be crushing me, but I revel in the feel of his weight on top of me right now. It’s oddly comforting.

  Ash presses a lingering kiss to my forehead and gently extracts himself from me, and I try not to wince. He gathers me close again, and I drape myself over him, relaxation and exhaustion settling in as the sun is peeking through the pink sky outside of the window. I hear Ash tell me he loves me, but I don’t remember if I managed to say it back or not as sleep rushes in to claim me.

  Kellan and I return from the hospital, where there was no change in Mikey’s condition, and meet Finn for my lesson. Today, he promised to teach me how to use a cell phone. Instead of leaving us in the library like he usually does, Kellan decides to rest on Big Jace, picking up the second Harry Potter book that me and Finn take turns reading. It’s one of my favorite stories, and because it’s an entirely made-up world, it’s fun to read it slowly like normal people do, and imagine myself there, even though imagining things I’ve seen is hard for me sometimes.

  After Finn shows me how to place calls, send notes to people and take pictures, he shows me how to use the internet, and we set up an electronic mailbox for me. I send notes to some of the guys, giggling at all the silly faces I add to them. Logan sends me back a moving picture of a cat jumping at the sight of a cucumber, it just replays and replays. After I watch it play for the fifth time, Finn places his hand over mine, chuckling at me.

  “We haven’t to memes yet.” He says playfully.

  “Can I call Remy?” I ask, pulling up my phone book.

  Kellan laughs from his spot by the window, his eyes closed as he rests on the bear. “You should ask him if his refrigerator is running.”

  “And you don’t have to ask to make a call, Kitten, it’s your phone, I told you that,” Finn adds.

  I push the green phone next to Remy’s name and hold the silver phone up to my ear. “Hello, Love.” He answers afte
r two rings.

  “Hi, Remy!” I chirp excitedly. I’ve known what phones are for a long time, and almost everyone has a small one like this now, but I’ve only used one once before, and the idea of having a conversation with someone that’s a long distance away is still exciting to me.

  “I see they’ve finally given you your phone, not that you really need one at the moment, but Jace has been on me ever since he bought it. Do you like it?” He chats.

  “I do, this is fun. Where are you?” I ask as I kick off my shoes and swing my feet back and forth.

  “I’m at the office downtown. Just boxing up some things and preparing to close it down.” He tells me.

  “Close it down?” I question.

  “It would be pointless to keep the office here once we move, and I mostly work at home anyway.” He says and I hear papers shuffling in the background. So cool.

  “Why would we move? And where do you work?” My back starts to hurt from sitting in the hard, wooden chair, so I get up and pace the floor, rubbing at my spine with my free hand.

  “To the pack house in Colorado. You’ve decided to take on the role of Ivaskov Princess, so it’s inevitable. Maybe we can speak about this when I’m home; I’ll be back in a few hours.” Remy states.

  “Okay.” I sigh. “Oh! I forgot, is your refrigerator running? Kellan told me to ask, though I’m sure we could go see ourselves.”

  Remy’s laugh rumbles through the phone. “It’s meant to be a prank, though it seems they didn’t explain it to you. Ask Finn about it. I’ll see you soon, Love.”

  “Okay, I’ll ask him,” I say, but Remy doesn’t say anything back. I sit for a minute, wondering what he’s doing now. “Are you still holding the phone?” I ask.

  He laughs again. “Yes, Kitten, I’m still here. When I said I’ll see you soon, I meant I was getting off the phone, or hanging up.” He explains.

  “But you didn’t get off the phone,” I state slowly.

  “Because something told me you didn’t understand that I was saying goodbye, and I wasn’t risking a kick to the shin later if you thought I hung up on you.” He chuckles more now.

  “Oh. Goodbye then, or see you soon.” I tell him before hurrying to push the red button.

  “I lover, I mean, I really love her,” Kellan exclaims, speaking to Finn I presume.

  Finn sighs. “I apologize, maybe we should have gone over how to close out a conversation.” He tells me.

  I scratch at my itchy skin as I shake my head at him. “I know how to have a conversation, it’s just easier to tell when it’s over in person. I can manage on my own.”

  “What’s the matter, Kitten? You’ve been squirmy since before we even left the hospital.” Kellan says as he gets up, making his way over to me.

  “I don’t know.” I shrug. “I just feel uncomfortable. I’m sore and itchy.”

  Kellan nods his head, looking over me critically. “Sounds about right. Have you experienced any soreness in your gums? Feeling like your bones are in pain? Skin feeling tight? Headaches?”

  My eyes widen, and I nod my head. It’s not all of the time, but I’ve felt each of these things. Kellan gives me a lopsided grin before continuing. “There are a few medications I can give you if you get to feeling too uncomfortable, but it’s nothing to worry about. There’s no way to tell if you’ll be able to shift or not, but it sounds like your wolf is getting restless. If you experience anything else abnormal, come and tell me. You can always talk to me, Kitten. Whatever happens, we’ll get through it together. I frown in confusion but nod at him anyway. He gives a hug, then turns me so I can face Finn, who also hugs me.

  I smile nervously. “But I’m fine, though, right?” I feel the need for clarification here.

  Finn smiles down at me shyly. “Yes, you’re fine. Forgive us if we’re just a bit hopeful.”

  “Hopeful of what?” I ask as Finn tucks my hair behind my ear, his thumb lingering on my chin.

  Kellan steps closer behind me, pressing a kiss to my head as his hands rest comfortably on my hips. “That you’ll shift like us. That you’ll be like us and live as long as we do.” He explains

  “Oh,” I say, looking up at Finn’s gorgeous green eyes, knowing that’s the only difference between him and his twin behind me, appearance-wise. “I want to be a wolf like you guys are.”

  Finn smiles beautifully, and I have the sudden urge to kiss him. I place my hands on his shoulders and lean up on my toes. After a moment of just standing there awkwardly, I put my feet flat on the ground and deflate a little. He’s too tall to kiss.

  Kellan chuckles lowly behind me, his warm breath feathering over my ear. “She wants you to kiss her.” He tells his brother.

  Finn’s eyes go wide. “Oh! I didn’t…sorry.” He says before bending down and giving me a peck on the lips.

  I pout for a second before I grip his shoulders tightly and tug, letting him know I want him back down here. He complies, and I press my lips to his gently, enjoying the smooth, cushiony curves of his lips. I flick my tongue out to taste him, and he gasps a bit in shock, my tongue entering his mouth out of instinct. His hand comes up to hold the side of my face, and I sigh into the kiss in contentment.

  I feel Kellan pulling away behind me, but I place a hand over his on my hip, wanting him to stay. I reach my free hand back, raising my arm to wrap my fingers in his silky black hair.

  Finn takes a step forward, effectively pinning me between the two twins. My body heats, and I hum my approval. Turning my head, I meet grass green eyes and lift my chin, hoping he’ll kiss me too. Kellan dives in, trapping my bottom lip between his teeth and tugging slightly. I hiss at the pleasure-pain it causes, though a second later his tongue sweeps in to take the small sting away.

  Finn moves his mouth down the column of my neck, sucking my skin into his mouth. I lose track of what he’s doing as Kellan’s hand snakes around to my front, one finger circling my belly button before starting a lazy journey up my ribcage.

  I release Kellan’s mouth as I gasp in shock. Finn’s teeth pierce my neck, the heat and electricity of the mating mark flooding my body. My head rolls back to lean on Kellan’s chest as Finn laps at me, drinking deeply. The constant rumble of his chest making my breasts ache with need. As if reading my mind, Kellan’s fingers finally reach my bra, tugging the cup down so he can tug playfully on my peaked nipple. I moan loudly, enjoying every sensation but needing more desperately.

  Feeling bold, I release Kellan’s hair and move my hand to Finn’s neck. I tug him away gently, then bring him in close, pressing a small kiss to his throat, before working my way around to his neck. I bite him harder than I meant to, but he moans out his pleasure anyway. I smooth my hands down to his waist, unbuttoning his pants and reach inside, finding the soft but rock hard object I was looking for. Finn hisses through his teeth, his head now resting on my shoulder.

  “Arms up,” Kellan whispers hotly in my ear.

  I only pout for a moment as I have to let go of Finn to accomplish this. Kellan strips me of my shirt, my bra following shortly after. Both of his hands come up to cup me, and I reach for Finn again. I slide my hand the way I had with Reed, and to my delight, beads of moisture appear at the end as it had before. Kellan’s mouth works its way up the other side of my neck until he captures my lips again. Finn holds onto my waist like it’s a lifeline.

  “Mmm…I need you...” Finn groans before cutting off with a gasp of pleasure.

  “What do you need?” I manage between kisses with Kellan.

  Finn drags his teeth over my bare shoulder before responding. “Your mouth, Kitten. I want your mouth.”

  “Oh.” I blink for a second after pulling away from Kellan. Have I been kissing his brother too long?

  Kellan nips at my ear, reading my mind again. “That’s not what he means. Come lay down on the pillows.” He says before tugging me over to the pile of pillows where Big Jace sits.

  I move to lay down, but Kellan holds my waist, stopping me. Instead, Finn sinks
to his knees in front of Kellan and me and I follow. In an instant, Finn’s lips are on mine in a heated kiss, his hands palming my breasts before smoothing down my sides to my yoga pants. His fingers dip inside before I feel them sliding down. Kellan helps me get the over my knees and all the way off, my kiss with Finn never breaking.

  I chase his pouty lips as repositions himself to sitting, then to laying on his back. Kellan’s hands smooth up and down my exposed back, from shoulder to hip, then back again. The next pass taking his hands down my bottom, one hand staying on my hip, the other using a finger to slick through my wetness.

  “Oh god, you’re so wet, Kitten.” He whispers hotly behind me. I push my hips back at him, wanting more, but not being able to voice it. His fingers continue to tease at me until I feel like punching him. Finally, he places his long, deft fingers at my entrance and plunges them into me, twisting on the way back out. I have to pull away from Finn to shout my approval of his twin’s actions. Kellan uses his thumb to play with my button as his fingers continue their maddening stroking.

  “Kitten.” Finn gets my attention. “Please, can I have your mouth?” His question boarding on a plea.

  Some of the hazy lust leaves my body as I start to wonder if I’m doing something wrong. Does he mean kiss? Because Kellan said that’s not what he meant. Seemingly out of nowhere, images of some of the guys from the ice rink come to mind, leaning against lockers with their pants down and girls’ heads bobbing back and forth. Is this what he means? Oddly, the thought excites me. I slowly crawl back towards Kellan, keeping my eyes on Finn for signs of disapproval, but what I see are his eyes darkening before his head drops back with a prayer.


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