Keeping My Pack

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Keeping My Pack Page 14

by Lane Whitt

  “I want you…” She trails off as she lifts her hand to my chest. Using the pad of one of her fingers, she reaches out and lightly traces my pec. Damn that feels good. The rest of her fingers and her palm join in and before I realize what’s happening, my head is tilted back, and her soft hands are running insistently all over my exposed chest and abs.

  “Fuck…Kitten…” I pant. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

  “No,” She says sweetly with a smile in her voice, only serving to make me harder. Playful Kitten is a sexy Kitten. She takes another step forward and my brain stalls out at the feel of her chest pressed to mine, then I’m falling backward as she gives me a light shove, catching me off guard.

  I bounce on the bed once before Kitten bounces herself up next to me, her hands never leaving my skin. I close my eyes and let her explore.

  Her fingers drift over my shoulders, over my collarbones, tracing every line of my ribs and abs. She finds a spot just under my ribs that she seems to like and circles it with a dainty finger. I fist my hands in the comforter when everything in me is screaming for me to grab her hands and put them where I really want them.

  “Kitten. Seriously. I’m not complaining or anything, but is this something you really want to do? I’m not just a man Kitten; I’m a wolf as well, and right now both parts of me are begging me to flip your beautiful ass over and take you.”

  “Don’t you feel it?” She asks me. I open my eyes and look into her pale green orbs, the gold streaks looking brighter than usual.

  “Feel what?” I ask her, slightly dazed by the hunger I see in her.

  “The tingles. Every time I touch you, they jump and dance along my skin, like there’s electricity in me and it wants to touch you too.”

  “Our mating bond? Of course I feel it, it’s amazing.” I tell her.

  I groan as she leans over my body, hovering her lips over my sternum. Her lips barely graze my skin as her hot little mouth moves up between my pecks and traces the column of my neck. Her tiny nose nuzzles behind my ear, and my chest vibrates with a low growl.

  Kitten inhales deeply again, and I feel her body tremble on the bed next to me. I hear a low growl that is more a purr before her soft lips part, and she takes an unhurried lick at my neck.

  “Holy fuck!” I shout out. My hands reach for her waist, and I roughly pull her body down over mine. I just hold her there, pressed tightly to me, not trusting myself to move. A pulling sensation starts at my neck, and I realize she’s sucking on my skin, probably giving me a lovely raspberry. I feel the sensation all the way to my cock and I almost cum right there and then. I’m turned on, shocked, and just downright hot and bothered, and I swear I can feel Kitten singing through my veins. But I never want it to stop. I do, however, want to make love to her, not just fuck her into next week like my smaller brain is begging me to do.

  I fist my hand in her long wet hair and yank her head out of my neck. I need to see her. Wild green eyes, flushed cheeks and rosy red lips, swollen from her ministrations. Damn, she’s hot. I pull her head forward and crash my lips to hers. My tongue swipes her lips, and she gamely opens up for me. I taste the tang of toothpaste mixed with Kitten, and my wolf instincts go into overdrive.

  I pull roughly at her shirt and tear it away from her body. I flip us over, and she lands with her blonde hair fanned out beneath her, draping over my red pillows. I watch unabashedly as her beautiful tits heave up and down as she pants with excitement. Excitement for me. I test out these new tingles and watch her face as I gently tease her nipples, rolling them between my fingertips. Her swollen lips part and she gasps, arching her back up for more. Gorgeous.

  I slip my fingers under the waistband of her shorts, leaving the panties. I can’t wait to see her in nothing but her little red panties. If I weren't so impatient, I’d get my phone out to snap a pic to hold onto the memory forever. As soon as her shorts slip past her feet, I move to my knees and look down on her for a better view.

  “Part your legs for me, Sweetie,” I tell her in a hoarse voice. Kitten spreads those gorgeous legs apart, and I nearly die. I run my hands down her smooth legs, stopping just before touching her where I need to most, or she needs me to, or something like that, I can’t think straight. “If you want to stop and just cuddle, now’s the time to say so, because I don’t know if I’ll be able to once I tear these off you,” I warn her.

  “I don’t want you to stop. Please, Tristan. I need…something.” She begs me.

  I moan at her words and breathless voice, gently tracing a finger over her satin covered clit. “You are so wet baby,” I whisper. Fuck, she is so hot, so wet, so ready. My hands shake with eagerness as I peel the panties off her and spread her legs wider for me. Such a pretty little pussy. I lick my bottom lip as I use my thumbs to spread her perfect pink lips. My cock jerks painfully at the sight.

  Shifting myself on the bed, I position my shoulders below her knees and nip at her thigh as I slide a finger through her slickness. She gasps as I circle her clit and her hips rock up off the bed. I suck at her thigh hard enough to leave a mark as I slip my index finger into her womanly heat.

  “Tristan!” Kitten shouts. I smirk up at her as I lower my head and flick her clit with the tip of my tongue. I keep my eyes trained on hers as I flatten my tongue and lap up her juices. My eyes close unwillingly, and I growl as her flavor flows over my taste buds.

  “Sweeter than honey,” I murmur hungrily before diving back in, pushing my finger in and twisting it out of her as her legs shake on either side of my head. I could do this all damn day. All. Damn. Day. Her sweet flavor fills my mouth as her intoxicating scent swirls around me. I feel her pussy tighten around my finger, and male pride swells in my chest. I want to make my sweet girl see stars. Her hips match my finger’s thrusting as she nears her orgasm.

  I get on my knees and push my shorts down my legs, not letting up on her for a second. My free hand fists my swollen cock, having plenty of precum to make it nice and slick. Damn, I’m not going to last.

  In a last ditch effort to make her cum before I do, I bend down to graze her clit with my teeth. Kitten screams my name as she shatters in my hand and I position the head of my cock at her entrance just before I blow. I don’t think I’ve ever shot so much cum in all my life.

  Her breathing evens out and her eyes close as I lean back on my heels. Seeing her pretty pussy coated in my cum is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Her coated in me. The possessiveness I feel right now is new, but not unwelcomed. I swirl my finger around in her folds, pushing as much of me into her as I can, still feeling her body’s aftershocks. If she wasn’t still in her blissful state, I’d see if she liked the taste of us mixed together. Oh well, there’s always next time. And the next.

  Before I can make myself hard again with thoughts of all the things I want to do to her in the future, I crawl up the bed, bringing the covers with me. I tuck Kitten close to my body and tuck the blankets around us. I still feel the warm tingles that come with touching her. I brush the damp hair away from her face and kiss her forehead reverently. A satisfied smile graces my lips as I drift off with the best girl in the world in my arms.

  Several times that night I awoke, needing of her, and several times her love and lust rose to match my own. We were both exhausted by the time we gave into sleep for good. And just in case anyone is curious, my sweet girl loved the taste of our mutual release, as did I.


  Kellan shakes me awake, but before I tell him how rude that is, I notice the panic in his eyes. “What’s wrong?” I ask, immediately sitting up and looking for my clothes.

  “I just got a call from the hospital; we need to go.” He responds as he pulls on his pants. “Damn it, where’s my shirt?” He mutters.

  “Need me to come with you?” Finn asks, pulling a shirt over his head on the other side of me.

  “It’s up to you,” Kellan answers shortly.

  My hair is a mess as we rush through the hospital hallways, and I
wonder if everyone can tell that I’ve been having sex lately. The car ride was silent on the way over, Kellan not giving Finn and I any more information, just telling him to park the car after he dropped us off at the sliding doors.

  “You made it.” The doctor sighs in relief when we enter the small room where Mikey is.

  “We came as soon as we could,” Kellan replies stiffly as he grabs the tablet at the end of Mikey’s bed, what he calls his chart.

  “What’s going on here? Why is he back on the breathing machine? I thought he was improving.” I ask rapidly as I take in the sight of the giant plastic tube that’s been reattached to the boy’s mouth.

  “He was having some complications, seizures to be more precise. We ran some tests, and it appears we missed a brain bleed when we were in there, it’s been leaking this whole time. I’m sorry, Kitten, there’s nothing we can do now except to make him comfortable as he goes. We did what we could, but this time, it wasn’t enough.” He says sadly before heading to the door.

  “He’s wrong, right Kellan?” I whisper shakily.

  “I’m so sorry, Kitten.” He replies, putting the tablet back and coming to wrap me up in a hard hug.

  “No, I don’t accept this. There’s always something, there’s all this equipment and all these people here, there has to be something!” I cry hysterically. He’s just a kid. Just a little boy who wants to play hockey who had a terrible father. It’s not Mikey’s fault that he’s here, he didn’t deserve to be here, doesn’t deserve to die over someone else’s mistakes.

  I sob into Kellan’s shirt, feeling useless and heartbroken. Then I get angry at him and pull away, moving to Mikey’s side and take his hand in mine. I shouldn’t be mad at Kellan, but I am, I’m angry at everyone, at the world. Why does life have to be so hard and complicated? Why did I have to know such loneliness before I met the guys? Why did I have to know such pain before I could keep them? Why does this little boy have to die before he even had a chance!

  “I’ll give you some time,” Kellan tells me. “I’ll be right outside the door if you need me.” I hate the defeated tone in his voice, but there’s nothing I can do for it. I feel pretty defeated myself.

  I’m not sure how much time passes as I sit there. I look at the boy in the bed, the silly picture of puppies on the wall, the sink and anti-bacterial soap, and the machines and equipment surrounding the bed. The tall stand with a hook and a bag hanging from it hold my attention. There’s a steady drip, drip noise that it adds to the beeping of the other machines. Following the thin tube that comes out of the bag, I see that it leads to Mikey’s wrist.

  A nurse coming in startles me out of my thoughts. “Sorry dear.” She says with a tight smile. “I’m just here to turn the monitors off and remove the breathing tube.”

  “What? He needs that!” I say, outraged.

  She sighs. “It’s what I’ve been ordered to do. He’s been declared brain-dead, and the state doesn’t want to keep him on as he is, not that there’s no hope.”

  No hope. She said no hope. People often say ‘I hope he will be okay,' ‘I hope it works out’, but no one is hoping for Mikey for Mikey anymore, not even the nurses and doctors. She said he’s brain-dead, but I have to wonder…is there a part of Mikey left in there hoping that he won’t die? Does he know I’m here, hoping that there’s something that I can do?

  I look away as the nurse does what she has to. My earlier anger at the world fades away to understanding. People do what they can; people do what they have to do. When she’s gone, I notice that she left the dripping tube in his arm. Why am I so fascinated with it? Obviously, the liquid in the bag passes through the tube and into him.

  I blink a few times, an idea forming roughly in my head. If my family members can give me blood to heal me, then can I do the same? But no, I’m not like them, my mother was different, so my blood is probably different too. And I can’t heal myself. Or well, I guess I can, just slower.

  I chew my lip as I watch the fluid slowly drain from the bag. Should I try? What happens if it works? What happens if he doesn’t get the fluid that’s in the bag, he needs that right? Would I be killing him faster? I look back to his face, now uninterrupted by the giant tube. He’s just a boy; he deserved to have at least one person in this world that would fight for him.

  I yank the needle out of the bag, looking to the door as if someone heard it and they’re going to come in and try to stop me. But there was no sound. I look at my arms, at the blue veins that show through my pale skin. I just have to put the needle in one of those right? Then my blood will go to Mikey, or so I think. I wonder what pushes the liquid through the tube, gravity, or something else? This would be a good question for Kellan, but I’m not sure if I want him to know what I’m doing. I have to have hope that everything will be alright, I have to have hope for Mikey.

  I stick the needle in my arm and watch as two drops of my blood slowly make their way down the tube. Then a third. This is taking forever. Following the tube again with my eyes, I see the small plastic thing on it that I noticed before. I don’t know what it’s for, but surely it has a purpose. To my delight, there’s a moving circle, and when I turn it one way, the tube clears of all liquid, the other way…there we go. My blood starts to fill the entire tube and make its way into Mikey.

  After a few minutes, I slump back in my seat, disappointed. Maybe my blood actually won’t work. Or maybe I’m just doing it wrong. I guess I could try to bite him, but I don’t think I can turn others into wolves, and the thought of biting a dying boy makes me shudder, not to mention I don’t know if I would be claiming his as a mate, which makes me want to punch myself in the face. Besides, I don’t need his blood; he needs mine.

  “What the hell are you doing, Kitten!” Kellan yells in a hushed whisper, his face panicky.

  “Trying to help. I have hope.” I tell him with a frown. Isn’t it obvious?

  “You can’t just…” He cuts off, waving his hand wildly at my arm and to Mikey.

  “Uncle and my Grandfather could fix me with blood; I had to see if mine could fix Mikey,” I explain. “It isn’t working,” I add, shaking my head sadly.

  “Kitten, honey…I know you liked this kid, and I understand the need to help, but do you realize what you’re doing?” He coos.

  I nod my head, albeit a little unsurely now. Kellan continues. “Even if your blood did heal him, he’d wake up changed, he wouldn’t be human anymore. Do you feel like you can make this kind of call for him? This choice? And then we’d have to take him with us, because he couldn’t be left on his own, especially in a hospital with a miracle cure. The government would take him and experiment on him. Are you ready to be an adoptive mom, to care for this boy just because you liked having him around at the ice rink?”

  I shrug a shoulder. “I didn’t really think about it. He’s my friend, if I can help him, I want to do that.” I tell him.

  “And the rest of what I said?” He asks impatiently.

  “I don’t know how to be a mom, but I think he would have a better life with me than he did before, and he likes dogs, so he would probably like wolves,” I say.

  Kellan scrubs at his face with both hands. “We will have to talk about all the things wrong with that statement later.” He sighs deeply. “For now, I have to do damage control. Your friend is waking up. Your blood worked after all.”

  I turn my head quickly and look to Mikey, his eyes just fluttering open. He blinks at me before going into a coughing fit. Kellan had anticipated this, I guess, because he already has a cup of water with a straw for him. “Stay quiet for now, okay?” He instructs.

  Mikey smiles nervously at me, and I smile back at him, kissing his forehead to hold back the happy squeal that wants to come out.

  Kellan stands by the door, speaking into his cell phone. “Hey Rem, it’s me. Look, we have a problem. To keep it short, Mikey was dying, and Kitten healed him with her blood…No, I didn’t allow it, I wasn’t in the room… Yes, it worked. Okay. Okay. Sounds like a
plan. I get it!” He hangs up and rolls his eyes. Pushing at the phone again.

  “What did say? Who are you calling now?” I ask him.

  “I’ll explain later; we need to move quickly here. I’m getting Finn to erase all footage of any of us from security tapes, but I need to find Mikey something to wear out of here. Get him up and see if he’s able to walk. I’ll be right back.”

  I have a sinking feeling that I did something wrong, but that thought changes as soon as I look back to Mikey. I help him sit up and shift the blankets around to keep him covered.

  “Uh, hey Mikey,” I say awkwardly.

  “Hey, Kitten.” He rasps back.

  I sigh heavily. “I know you’ve been through a lot, and you have no clue what’s going on, but would you like to come and stay with Jace and me and the rest of the guys?” I ask, hoping he’ll say he wants to because I’m pretty sure it’s the only option now.

  “My Dad?” He chokes out. I hand him back the water glass for another sip.

  “He’s in jail now. He’ll never hurt you again. I won’t let anyone hurt you again. Ever.” I vow, and I mean it.

  “Did you really save me, like the guy said?” Mikey asks shyly.

  I nod my head. “Yeah, I had to try, you’re my little buddy,” I say playfully and ruffle his already messy hair.

  “So you’re gonna adopt me? Like, you’re gonna be my mom now?”

  I shrug. “I can be if that’s what you want. I’ll warn you, though, I’m probably bad at it. I didn’t have a mom either, but I promise to do my best to care for you and make you a part of my family. The thing is Mikey, my family is…well, we’re different. There are things about the others that you might think would be scary, but they’re not scary at all. They will never cause you harm, and they will help you in any way they can, I just know it.”

  “Okay.” He says with a smile.

  “Okay? You want to come with us?” I ask, just to make sure.

  “Yeah. You’ve always been really nice, and Jace is cool, and you said there would be food.” He laughs cheekily.


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