The King's Executioner

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The King's Executioner Page 22

by Donna Fletcher

  She ran so fast that the two guards, a short distance from the door, did not see her until it was too late. She ran past them, throwing the door open.

  “Stop!” she screamed once inside. “You must stop!” She looked around for one man and when she spotted him, she ran to him. “Please, my King, please stop this now. I can get what you look for with one touch.”

  A hand suddenly grabbed her arm.

  “Let her be,” the King ordered and turned to the two guards who had followed her in. “Leave us and let no one enter.”

  Paine spoke as soon as the two guards closed the door behind them. “I do not want her here.”

  Anin turned to her husband, fearful he would challenge the King. There was more concern than anger in his blue eyes and it touched her heart. “Please, Paine. His screams tear me apart. I cannot bear them.”

  “It is not his decision, it is mine,” King Talon said. “Anin will touch the prisoner and tell me what she learns.”

  “I will stay by her side,” Paine said as if the King had no choice in the matter.

  “With my sanction,” King Talon snapped.

  Anin responded before her husband could say anymore. “We are grateful, my King.”

  “I will have a word with you, wife, when we are alone,” Paine whispered as he guided her by the arm over to where the prisoner was strapped to the table.

  Anin barely heard him, her eyes rounding at the man on the table. He was naked and bloody with wounds and burns all over his body. She did not have to touch him to feel his fear. It was there for all to see.

  She pulled her arm free of Paine’s grasp and laid a gentle hand on the Drust warrior’s chest, trying to avoid his wounds. She gasped and quickly squeezed her eyes closed tight. Fear like none she ever felt before reached out and grabbed hold of her and she had to fight to get through it. Deep shame surfaced, once through the fear, for not having enough strength not to scream when tortured. Hatred hit her hard and strong. Hatred for all he felt that had been taken from him and his tribesmen. Hatred and distrust for the King and what he continued to take from them, pride for being one of four chosen to scout the area and discover where the sentinels are located around the King’s stronghold. He held hope for the time his tribesmen would arrive here and conquer the King. The last feeling, faint, but there, was his longing and deep caring for his wife and two bairns and no regret for the sacrifice he made for them and his tribe.

  She thought it done when she felt something he was trying to keep locked away. She scrunched her brow as she fought to go deeper and though she was barely able to feel it, she got something, and she shivered.

  She opened her eyes and met his and felt his confusion. She moved her hand off his chest to pat his shoulder, trying in some small way to comfort him, for she somehow knew he would never see his wife and bairns again. She stumbled slightly as she moved away from him, her legs feeling weak.

  Paine hurried his arm around her to steady her. “Never again,” he whispered when her body dropped back to rest against him. He kept her steady on her feet as they walked to stand in front of the King.

  “Tell me,” the King ordered.

  “There is great fear for what he suffers and deep shame that he does not suffer the torture more courageously. He holds deep hatred for what has been taken from him and his tribesmen and hatred and distrust for you in failing to keep your word and provide for them until they could once again stand a proud tribe.”

  Anin saw the way his brow rose ever so slightly as if surprised by that. She continued. “He is proud for having been one of four chosen to scout the area around your stronghold and he is eager to see his tribesmen arrive and conquer you. He holds no regret for the sacrifice he has made for others and,” — she shivered again— “though he has never met him, he is grateful to the Pict who betrays you and will lead the battle against you when the time comes.”

  “Not a word is to be spoken of what went on here tonight,” the King ordered and turned to Anin. “You will benefit me more than I realized. “With you and Paine working together, I will get all I need from a prisoner.”

  Anin felt her insides churn at the thought. She shook her head at the King. “Never again could I be part of such suffering.”

  King Talon scowled at her. “You are already part of suffering. You are joined with the executioner.”

  Anin turned to Paine, realizing how her words must have hurt him.

  His blue eyes held no warmth, no caring as he ordered, “Return to our dwelling now!”

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Anin paced around the fire pit endlessly, waiting for Paine to return. She had scrubbed her hands of blood in the rain barrel on the side of the dwelling before entering, glad to be rid of it and the reminder of what she had felt. What upset her most though was that she had foolishly spoken without thought to her words and had hurt her husband. She had not meant to and when she had seen the coldness in his eyes, she knew she had hurt him badly.

  Her heart wrenched with how she must have made him feel. She was no different from others who treated the executioner poorly. His task was burdensome yet necessary. It was not his fault that she could not bear the screams.

  She shook her head. She truly did wish she could rid herself of this curse. It had brought her nothing but heartache.

  The door opened and Paine walked in. His stern face and naked chest glistened from a fresh washing. He walked straight for Anin and the anger that flashed in his blue eyes had her running around the fire pit away from him.

  He caught her as she reached the door and shoved her against it, pinning her there with his hands planted against the door to either side of her head.

  “Did I not order you to remain here and did you not tell me that you would wait here?”

  Anin cringed, having done just that.

  “Do you realize what you have done?” Paine did not expect a response. He continued speaking. “You have shown the King the depths of your abilities and he will make use of you whenever he wishes. As far as not wanting any part of suffering, I warned you suffering and death were my constant companions. Now they are yours. And my hands?” He held one in front of her face. “They may look clean but they are forever stained with blood. So now, Anin, tell me you are pleased to be my wife.”

  She wanted to reach out and touch, but part of her was fearful of what she would feel.

  “Are you afraid to touch me, Anin, and find out what I feel? Have you yet to realize how truly cruel I can be? Do you want to find out?” Again he did not wait for a response. He grabbed her chin and brought his lips down roughly on hers.

  There was no tenderness or kindness in his kiss and his fingers bit at her chin. She instinctively grabbed at his arm to pull it away. His feelings jolted her. His anger was not at her, but at himself that she had been forced into his world of misery and pain. But what she felt most was the strength and depth of how much he cared for her, how his heart belonged to her and only her. So much so, that he had been willing to let her go rather than have her be part of the executioner’s life.

  She winced as she felt the wound on her lip split open again and the blood run into her mouth and onto her chin.

  Paine tore his mouth away from her, cursing himself and winced when he saw what he had done. He left her side, grabbed a cloth from the table, and hurried back to her, dabbing at the blood.

  She stopped him when he went to speak and pressed her cheek to his and whispered in his ear, “Tuahna.”

  He felt a catch to his heart and though he wanted to say it to her as well, he felt himself unworthy to do so. He eased her away from him. “Come and let me tend your lip and we will talk.”

  She shook her head, stepped around him, and slipped off her garments to stand naked in front of him. “Make me your wife.”

  He stood breathless at the sight of her pale, untouched skin, not a single body drawing on it. Her ample breasts sat high and firm, her waist slender, her hips curved full, and the dark triangle of hair hiding
where he wanted desperately to plant his seed.

  It did not take him long to shed the little he wore and walk naked over to her. He gently pressed the cloth to her wound once again, the bleeding almost stopped. “Since last we kissed, I have ached to kiss you and not only your lips.”

  Anin looked at him questioningly.

  He threw the cloth aside and said, “The lips are not the only place meant to be kissed.”

  He kissed her high on the cheek and her eyes fluttered along with her insides, then he kissed the rest of the way down her cheek. When his lips touched her neck, he began to nibble there and nip gently with his teeth. A shiver ran through her and a soft moan escaped her lips.

  His loins tighten when he felt her shudder and he proceeded to kiss and nip down along her shoulder.

  Another soft moan slipped from her lips and when his lips drifted over her breast, she felt herself grow wet between her legs.

  He kissed her nipple, then teased it with his tongue and enjoyed how it grew hard with each lick and nip. Then he took the hard nub in his mouth and rolled his tongue around it before he gently suckled on it.

  Anin’s moan grew a little louder and her whole body grew taut as he crouched down in front of her to place kisses along her stomach, his hand slipping behind her to stroke her backside as he did.

  She let out a small yelp and another when he brought his hand back around to slip between her legs and spread them apart.

  His fingers spread her soft triangle of hair away from the small nub that pulsed wildly and he settled a kiss on it before his tongue began to lick and tease.

  A tingle rushed through her and she almost gasped from the pleasure it continued to spread through every part of her. Her body never felt so alive and she reveled in the pleasurable feeling.

  She cried out in protest when he scooped her up and laid her on the sleeping pallet, but it turned to an endless moan shortly afterwards when his tongue returned to pleasure her. She had never thought mating could feel so wonderful. Though, she discovered soon, it could be even more wonderful as she felt her desire begin to build and build until she thought she would burst and she cried out to Paine.

  He moved over her, his knee spreading her legs apart as he settled between them. He could wait no longer himself, his need for her pulsing his manhood until he thought he would explode, spilling his seed before he could slip inside her.

  She arched against him as he brought his manhood to rest between her legs, causing him to slip slightly into her and once he did, he could not stop. He reached for her hands, locking his fingers with hers as he stretched them above her head and pushed all the way into her.

  Anin let out a sharp gasp and felt herself settle around the thick size of him and began to sway her hips against him as she closed her fingers around his even tighter. She cried out, her pleasure soaring and she realized then that it was not only her desire she felt, but his as well and she thought she would burst with joy.

  Paine joined her slow pace at first and then began to thrust faster and harder until she matched his eager pace.

  Anin could not stop her moans from growing louder and louder, the deeper Paine sunk himself into her. Whatever was building in her was going to burst soon. She could feel it growing ever stronger.

  “Paine,” his name spilled from her lips on a moan and she bucked against him hard.

  He knew she was on the edge and he sent her tumbling over, following along with her.

  Anin groaned and it grew louder as she felt as if every part of her burst with a fulfilling pleasure over and over again, and she squeezed her legs tight to hold onto every last tingle and ripple that ran through her.

  Paine groaned as he poured into her and when he felt her squeeze him tight, he burst like he never did before. He threw his head back and moaned with satisfaction. He collapsed on top of her, though rolled off her quickly, knowing the size of him would be too much for her to bear and took her in his arms to settle her against him as he rolled onto his back.

  It took a few moments for Anin to catch her breath but when she did she looked up at him with a smile. “I did not know mating could be so enjoyable. I thought it was done much like the animals, though I do recall my mum her sisters saying they were pleased their mates did not rut like animals.”

  Paine laughed. “There are those that rut and those that explore. I like to explore.”

  “You have explored?” she asked, feeling a bit annoyed that he had done so with other women.

  “Not near as much as I intend to explore with you.”

  Her smile grew. “I would like that.”

  His look turned serious. “It will not be easy.”


  He shook his head. “No, being the executioner’s wife.”

  She laughed. “It will not be easy being my husband when others learn what my touch can do. So I would say we make a good pair.”

  Her laughter and words brought a smile to his face. “Perhaps we do.”

  It was her turn to be serious. “I am sorry, Paine.”

  “For what? Our first mating, with many, many, many more to follow, pleased me beyond reason. You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  “It is not that,” she said unable to keep from smiling at his response, though her smile vanished quickly. “I am sorry for not remaining here.” She shook her head. “I could not stand the warrior’s anguished cries. I felt as if they were tearing me apart.”

  He wished he could return to the Wyse village with her and have her talk with Esplin. Perhaps there was a way Esplin could help her better understand her abilities. But until this matter with the Drust was settled, they could go nowhere. And until her mum arrived to explain things, he could say nothing.

  “I was desperate to stop it and desperate to be with you. I do not like being separated from you. I feel a part of me is missing when we are not together.”

  “I feel the same,” he admitted and hugged her close, “but do not worry. I do not intend to let you far from my sight.” That she gave no response disturbed him. “What troubles you, Anin?”

  She rested her hand on his chest, pleased to feel such contentment in him and a bit of worry over her. “I cannot help but wonder if perhaps I was cursed and if so who cursed me. I asked my mum when once she called it a curse and she warned me never to ask again. That some things were better left unknown. My curiosity will not allow me to let it be. I want to find out and make sense of it and know for sure that I will not pass it on to any sons or daughters I may have.”

  I would not worry about that now, perhaps in time, it will make itself known.”

  “At least my mum will be pleased that I did not wed the King,” —she grinned at him— “though I do not know how pleased she will be that I wed the executioner.”

  “It only matters if we are pleased with our union.”

  Anin tried to stifle a yawn, but it escaped.

  “Sleep, you are tired.”

  “And safe, I feel truly safe in your arms.” Anin yawned again and shivered.

  Paine reached for a blanket behind his head and spread it over them both. He slipped his arm beneath and stroked her arm, watching as her eyes drifted closed. He watched her sleep, his wife, here in his arms. He still could not believe that the King had joined them, that they were one and would remain so. He never thought Anin would be his and now he could not see a time without her.

  He was concerned what would happen when her mum and da arrived. What would Anin do when she learned the truth? Or could he possibly be wrong? Was there a chance Anin was not from the Wyse tribe? Could it be nothing more than a curse as her mum had called it?

  He did not believe so, though whatever the explanation, Wyse Tribe or curse, made no difference. Anin belonged to him now and he would let nothing or no one take her away from him.

  He settled comfortably against her and fell asleep, more content than he had been in a long time.


  Anin smiled softly when she woke to her hus
band curled around her. Not sure how long she had slept, she listened and hearing only silence and knew morn had yet to arrive. Also, the flames in the fire pit were still fairly high, not that she needed their heat with her husband’s body keeping her nice and warm. Of course the blanket helped as well.

  She reached for the blanket where it lay on his arm to pull up over his shoulder and stopped, the body drawings there catching her eye. She could not resist tracing her finger along the intricate drawings, each one flowing into the next as if ever continuous. She wondered what they represented.

  All body drawings were specific to each tribe and were distinct in their meanings. Her finger stilled. She did not know her husband’s tribe. Thinking on it, she did not know much about her husband. She continued tracing her finger, following a drawing across his shoulder and up along his neck.

  She turned her eyes on his face and was pleased to see he was awake. With questions nagging her and once again tracing along his neck, she asked “Tell me about them.”

  No one knew of his body drawings, they were meant for him and him alone, though perhaps not anymore.

  “They tell a story.”

  “I would be pleased to hear the story.” She was more than pleased, she was eager to hear all he had to tell her.

  It had been some time since he had spoken about it, leaving the painful memories buried deep, perhaps it was time to speak of it now. Before he could give it too much thought, he said, “I come from the Nomad Tribe.”

  Anin gasped. “I am so sorry, Paine.” She knew the tale well, though had not heard it from anyone who had lived through it, but then only a small few had survived.

  “We were a small tribe and we wandered, never settling long in one place. It was our way and we enjoyed it. We were skilled in many crafts; metals works, wood carvings, adornments, and weapons. We kept to ourselves, disturbed no one, and warred against none, though we were well versed in weapons. The tribes traded with us and gave us no trouble.”

  His words painted a clearer picture of him. His wandering was why he knew the land so well and his tribes knowledge of blades and weapons was why he was so adept with his battle axe.


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