The Vampire King’s Nanny

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The Vampire King’s Nanny Page 1

by T. S. Ryder

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  The Vampire King's Nanny

  A Paranormal Romance

  By: T.S. Ryder

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One – Thomas

  Chapter Two – Adrielle

  Chapter Three – Thomas

  Chapter Four – Adrielle

  Chapter Five – Thomas

  Chapter Six – Adrielle

  Chapter Seven – Thomas

  Chapter Eight – Adrielle

  Chapter Nine – Thomas

  Chapter Ten – Adrielle

  Chapter Eleven – Thomas

  Chapter Twelve – Adrielle

  Chapter Thirteen – Thomas

  Chapter Fourteen – Adrielle

  Chapter Fifteen – Thomas

  Chapter Sixteen – Adrielle

  Specially Selected Bonus Content

  The Shifter's Nanny

  The Shifter's Detective

  Taken by Two Football Dragons

  Mated to the Dragon King

  The Vampire King's Mate

  My Shifting Billionaire Boss

  Her Two Alphas

  Night of the New Moon

  Single Dad Shifter

  The Shifter's Secret Twins

  About T.S. Ryder

  Selected Other Books by T.S. Ryder

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  Chapter One – Thomas

  Thomas gazed up toward the moon at the stars which were hardly visible behind the glare of city lights. Humans. They didn't know what they had – to be able to walk freely under an open sky. Instead, they hid the stars and filled the air with putrid fumes. Not that he blamed them when it came to cars. He'd had engineers working on converting his favorite vehicles so that they ran on electricity, but there was something about the roar of an engine that made his blood stir.

  Coming to the surface was a forbidden pleasure, even for the king. The scents around him were tantalizing, making his mouth water and his fangs throb. If his people were allowed free access up here, even the most hardened of them would be tempted. The weaker ones would lose their minds. Even for him, after all his years of self-control, it was difficult not to give in to the desires pooling in the blackest part of his soul.

  Thomas turned back to the alley door he was waiting in front of, putting the thoughts from his mind. He had work to do. When the door opened, he flashed his invitation and was let in. His late wife would be horrified to see him enter one of these places, but he needed a woman. It wasn't like he could just go out into the street and take one or set up interviews to find a candidate to leave her life, taking up residence underground.

  "You made it."

  The familiar, slimy voice made Thomas's hair stand on end, but he turned to the blue-eyed man with a curt nod. "Samuel."

  Of course, after Thomas got his woman, he'd be sending in an anonymous tip to the human peacekeepers to tell them about this place. Not just because the likes of Samuel frequented them, but because of what it was. Only the foulest of people would frequent such places. He was a hypocrite for coming here on Samuel's invitation with the purpose of buying a woman, he knew that, but once he was done and he told the authorities where to rescue the rest of the women, it would be justified… Wouldn't it?

  He took a table and ordered a drink. If his heart wasn't dead, his palms would be sweating as it beat out of his chest. This was wrong. But he needed a woman. It wasn't for his own sake that he was here… It was for his daughter's.

  "They've got a nice selection, don't they?" Samuel sat beside him. "I especially like that little redhead there."

  Thomas was silent as he viewed the women being paraded across a stage as though this was a beauty pageant. The fear in their eyes made his hands clench and a growl hover in his throat. There was a time when he would have merely killed everybody here and sent these women back to their homes, but those times were long gone. After everything that had happened to him, he knew that compassion was not rewarded.

  He had to protect his own – look after his kingdom, his people. If he killed this bunch of criminals, another group would just take their place. He'd seen it again and again. Fighting evil was a losing battle. And while he wasn't joining it – or was he? He was too tired to keep fighting. It was a battle enough to repress the darkness inside of him. He was tired: too angry, too bitter to worry about what was happening on the surface. Everyone around him was.

  Except for Clarissa, of course. Thomas's rigid muscles relaxed as he thought of his precious young daughter. Clarissa still saw beauty in the world, even while she lived underground in a guarded palace that she never left. She still tried to make others around her happy. She tried to make him happy. And that was why he needed a woman. He needed someone who was still capable of being soft and kind. Someone who could nurture that light inside of her.

  If it was left to him alone, that light would wither away and die. She would be left as black-hearted as her father.

  "See anyone you like?" Samuel's eyes were locked on him instead of the women. "Don't look like that, Tommy. You might pretend otherwise, but you have needs just like the rest of us. When was the last time you had sex, huh? Two, three years? I know you used to come up for the occasional prostitute, but you haven't left your palace—"

  "I am not here to be your friend," Thomas snarled low in his throat. "If you think I'd purchase a stolen woman to be my sex slave the way you have —"

  He trailed off as the women were lined up and one of them was brought to the front of the stage. Her large eyes swept over the crowd as her short brown hair curled around her face in waves reminiscent of the fifties. She wore a white overcoat and heels that matched her cherry-red lipstick. Thomas could just imagine what was under that coat – nothing. She stood straight, hands clenched at her sides.

  The woman was all curves. She had a figure like Marilyn Monroe, only… better. Lush hips. Breasts barely contained by the overcoat. She wore a necklace and Thomas imagined it between her bouncing breasts while her thighs gripped him around the hips and she—

  He shook his head as the bidding started. Guilt settled in his stomach, making him feel sick. He was no better than the rest of these men, coming to this place to ogle women who had been stolen from their homes and put on sale like they were cattle. How could he look at this particular woman, seeing the fear in every muscle of her body, and still have such thoughts about her?

  Was this the type of father he wanted to be to Clarissa?

  "Two million," he grunted as the auctioneer asked for opening bids.

  Best to get the woman, get out and call the human law down on these disgusting animals. He would take the human back to the palace and she would be able to help Clarissa… He would not have another sexual thought about the woman he purchased here.

  "Two million? Sold!"

  The woman's gaze landed on him and her eyes widened further. For the first time, she shrank back but he held her gaze. A man came over to him for an electronic transfer. Thomas already knew the rules and had already authorized the exact amount to be transferred. It went through quickly and the woman was brought to him.

  Thomas stood, intending to leave right away. He had what he wanted. The woman flinched as he put an arm around her waist and he
withdrew slightly.

  "What's your name?"


  Thomas glanced at the spikes on her feet. "Can you walk, or would you like to take off those shoes?"

  "You paid two million for her?" Samuel leaned back in his chair and smirked. "She's a bit fatter than your normal fare, Tommy. I thought you had good taste in women, what with how good E—"

  Something inside Thomas snapped.

  With a roar, he launched himself at Samuel. The man wasn't about to say her name – he had no right to even think about her! Adrielle jumped and screamed as his fist collided with Samuel's face. The humans reacted quickly. Two burly security officers jumped on Thomas before he could land another decent blow.

  Laughing, Samuel slipped away. Thomas snarled, breaking one of the guard's faces with his elbow in his attempt to free himself. The other pulled a taser and pressed it to Thomas' neck. Jolts of pain ran through him, bringing out the beast buried within. In one smooth motion, he turned on the guard and punched hard. He felt his jaw break and snarled out a satisfied sound.

  Screams echoed from the stage. The women were being hustled away as more of the guards came at him. Another of the men grabbed Adrielle, pulling her back from the fight. Thomas dropped to one knee to flip the one with the broken jaw into his counterparts, then jumped onto the table.

  They were trying to take Adrielle back, hurrying her toward the stage. No way was that happening. She was his!

  A snarl burst from Thomas' mouth. He kicked a man in the face then used his crumpled body to launch himself over the crowd. The boards of the stage cracked under his weight as he landed and then sprang back to his feet inches from Adrielle.

  Her eyes were hazel. Her cherry-red lips opened in surprise.

  Thomas snagged her around the waist and spun her away from the man hurrying her away before head-butting him. The patrons were fleeing and Thomas snarled again. He hefted the human – ridiculously light despite her abundant curves – and threw her over his shoulder.

  Her scream pierced the air as he rushed for the door, throwing aside everyone in his way. His blood boiled, making his fangs throb and ache. Another deeper growl burst from him and, for a moment, a red haze settled over his vision. He reached to snap the neck of the nearest person, but the woman on his shoulder screamed again, tearing him from his bloodlust.

  He pulled back, the red fading, and rushed through the doors. One more of the guards tried to stop him, so Thomas picked him up one-handedly and threw him to the side. Then, he dashed to his car and tossed Adrielle into the back while he scrambled into the front. She made a soft noise, then was silent. Her coat had fallen open, revealing the top of a silky top. So, not naked beneath. Probably a good thing.

  Thomas snarled, adrenaline still riding him hard. He no longer had a heartbeat, but his blood still pumped through him, stirring rising sensations. His pants felt too tight. Violence always had this effect on him, making him want to bury himself inside a woman. When Erela was alive, she would hold him and whisper soothing things to him until the beast had retreated again. Then, she would give him what he needed to stay sane.

  But she wasn't here. The human was. Wide hazel eyes, a pulse fluttering in her throat. She smelled so good. Like chai tea and donuts. The sugary, powdery kind. Thomas' fangs lengthened, throbbing with the desire to sink into her skin and drink. He pulled away. He had to fight this – fight the beast that had its claws wrapped around his heart. If he gave in now, he'd kill the human.

  "Wh-where are you taking me?" she whispered, her voice raspy.

  Her terror made the beast rise and Thomas fought to keep it down. His knuckles turned white. This was why he hated being a vampire. Controlling his hunger was hard at the best of times, but with the beast riding him like this, it was almost impossible.

  He would still do it though. He was not a monster. Not a mindless killer.

  "Never mind that," he growled, voice low. "Do you live in this city?"


  Thomas nodded. "We will go to your apartment so you can pack a bag and then you are coming with me. No phones."


  She flinched back as another snarl ripped from him. Her eyes widened and she hunched over herself in the back, whimpering. Thomas focused on the road. I need her, he told himself. No. Clarissa needs her. She needs someone who isn't a beast to teach her about the good things in the world…

  His grip tightened on the wheel. The human was coming with him. That was final.

  Chapter Two – Adrielle

  When I open my eyes, it will all be a dream.

  Adrielle pressed her palms over her eyes as she lay in bed. She felt chilled despite the blankets surrounding her and she curled up tighter. There was a heavy smell of minerals and the air felt thick and heavy. Tears filled her eyes. She wished she could somehow convince herself that she was dreaming. That she hadn't just been abducted by a… a… She couldn’t even think it, even as an image of the man's dreadful, beautiful face with his long fangs flashed before her eyes. A madman. Someone clearly insane.

  There was a slight shuffling noise near the bed and she shot straight up with a scream. Her hands clenched into fists, ready to take out that lunatic if he tried to come near her. Her scream died abruptly when she saw the person standing at the side of her bed.

  It was a little girl of no older than eleven. She might have been as young as nine, but it was difficult to tell. Adrielle didn't have much experience with children. The girl was quite small with large blue eyes and an overly pale face. She wore a green summer dress with a white cardigan pulled over it. A heart-shaped locket hung on a long gold chain around her neck, hitting somewhere near her navel.

  "Hello," the girl said. "I'm Clarissa."

  "Uh… I’m Adrielle. How… Who…" What was a little girl doing here?

  Clarissa tilted her head to the side. Her long ringlets, something that Adrielle associated with the Victorian era, bounced on her shoulders. The little girl wrinkled her nose and climbed into the bed.

  "Papa says that you're my nanny now," she said. "I'm too old for a nanny."

  "Are you?" Adrielle wasn't sure what to say or do. This was getting more and more bizarre.

  A door opened. The massive man who had taken her away from the auction strode in. Adrielle shouted a strangled yell and seized Clarissa. She pushed the little girl behind her as she jumped to her feet and lifted her fists. She had been taking some martial arts classes and wasn't about to let this insane person hurt her or the girl.

  "Good. You're awake." Fangs flashed as the man spoke. Honest-to-goodness fangs.

  Adrielle felt a little light-headed but planted her feet more firmly. "I don't know you who think you are—"

  "My name is Thomas and I am the king here." His voice was flat, emotionless. "No doubt you have already guessed this, but I am also a vampire."

  "King… of where?"

  The man–vampire–king Thomas stalked a little closer. "We don't have a name. Just… the kingdom. I brought you here to be my daughter's nanny. She needs to have a pure influence in her life and you will be it. You will not be permitted contact with the world above as long as you reside here, so you had better get used to living without sunlight or stars. Clarissa, have you introduced yourself?"

  "Yes, Papa."

  Adrielle turned to stare at the little girl. Adrielle drew back in anticipation as she smiled, but there was no sign of fangs in her mouth. A fire lit in her chest and she whirled on the so-called king again. If only she had a knife, a gun… She could use even use a candlestick: brain the man and get this poor little girl out of here.

  "So, you kidnapped a child, too?" she hissed. "What sort of sick person are you?"

  Thomas's eyes darkened as they landed on her. "Clarissa is my daughter."

  "Yeah, right! If I'm supposed to believe you're a… a…"

  "Vampire," Thomas growled.

  She shuddered. "She looks nothing like you. She's not your daughter. You're a kidnapper and—"
  A little fist slammed into her kidneys, driving her forward. Clarissa kicked her knees out, making her drop. Adrielle rose her hands to defend herself as the little girl punched and hit. Her face twisted in fury as the blows rained down on her.

  "Don't you ever insult my papa like that again!" she screamed, kicking Adrielle in the hip.


  The little girl ignored Thomas until he strode over and picked her up. He pulled her to one side, a scowl creasing his brow. Adrielle stayed on her knees, rubbing her sore jaw. For such a little girl, Clarissa could really pack a punch. The girl snarled, baring her teeth – still no fangs – and Thomas turned her around, blocking her from Adrielle's view. He dropped to one knee and gripped her shoulders.

  "We don't attack people for their words," the big man rumbled. Rich, considering how he'd laid into that man the previous night. "Now apologize. Adrielle is your nanny and you will mind her, understood?"

  Adrielle got back to her feet as Thomas moved aside. Clarissa gave her a fierce scowl but bit out an apology. Adrielle didn't respond. Maybe the little girl was a… vampire just like her father. Bile rose up Adrielle's throat and her head spun. She collapsed, sitting on the bed. Thomas gazed at her for a moment before gently prodding Clarissa to leave the room.

  He shut the door. Adrielle stared at it, wondering what exactly was on the other side. She knew she should be terrified, alone in a room with a man twice as big as her. This was not to mention the fact that he took out a whole roomful of guards at the auction. She couldn’t work up the mental processing necessary for fear, though.

  Maybe she was dreaming.

  "You will stay here and look after Clarissa," he repeated. "If you want to leave, the guards won't stop you. But you should know that here, in the underworld" – he flashed a small, bitter smile as if it were a joke – "we are not the only creatures to roam the darkness. There are also the mindless vampires that have given in to bloodlust and will drink you dry the moment they smell you."


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