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Murder at the Con: a novella

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by Riley Adair Garret










  Murder at the Con - A Novella

  Copyright © 2014 by Taylor James and Riley Adair Garret.

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN EPUB - 978-1-939062-57-4

  This is a work of fiction - names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without written permission of the publisher.

  Editor - Margaret Martin

  Book Design - LJ Reynolds

  Cover Design - Christine Svendsen

  Sapphire Books

  Salinas, CA 93912

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Edition – June 2014

  This and other Sapphire Books titles can be found at

  Taylor’s Acknowledgements

  I’d like to thank my writing partner Riley Adair Garret for putting up with me during the writing of this book. We had a ton of laughs, which cost us a lot of writing time, but laughing is always worth it. When Riley and I first discussed writing a book together I told her that if it wasn’t going to be fun, it wasn’t going to be done. It turned out to be an adventure, as well as an education. I learned a lot. I hope it sticks! I’d also like to thank Sapphire Books for taking a chance on me, sight unseen. That’s quite a leap of faith. Also, a big thank you to all the readers who encouraged us to get this book done in time for the 2014 Portland Con!

  Riley’s Acknowledgements

  I’d like to thank my writing partner Taylor James for agreeing to write a book with me. It was an excellent experience on many levels. We learned a lot from each other, and Taylor is right we laughed…and laughed…and laughed! Taylor is a very positive, supportive, encouraging, and patient person. If it wasn’t for her note taking and organizational skills, there would be no Murder At The Con. Thanks Taylor! I would also like to thank my publisher Chris at Sapphire Books. She, too, is extremely supportive in every way. A special thanks to the people who encouraged me to believe in myself and who believed in me. Thanks in advance to those of you who attend the Con and dare to read this book.

  Cast of Characters

  Landry Matthews Author at Equality Books

  Skye Saffron Author at Equality Books

  Eileen Adams Reviewer at The Sapphic Muse Magazine

  Nico Nolan MC at large and in charge

  Genny Gillespie Avid Reader

  Sharon Sumptner Avid Reader

  Ruthe (Rusty) Rustin President of Southwest Desert Literary Society

  Jansen Jeffries Author at Equality Books

  Sally Sandow Revered Reviewer

  Zelda Zion Author at Sparkle Press

  Lucy Lincoln Author at Spellbound Books

  Billie Babcock Author at Spellbound Books

  Dawson Daley Publisher of Equality Books

  Sharon Stenson Dawson Daley’s wife

  Bambi Bartlett Avid Reader

  Patsy Patterson Reader & friend of Sky Saffron

  Kay Kapinski Avid Reader

  Lily Pond Author at Sparkle Press

  Judy Marcus Avid Reader

  Ellery Quinn Detective

  Captain Morgan Quinn’s Captain

  Chapter One


  Landry stood in front of the dark mahogany reception desk at the Woodstone Hotel in Flagstaff, Arizona. This year’s Southwest Desert Literary Conference was about to begin and she needed to get settled into her room. She collected her room entry card and turned to see a fellow author, Skye, standing in line behind her.

  “Skye! Babe, it’s so great to finally see you in person.” She threw her arms around the zaftig body and hugged her tight.

  Landry enjoyed feeling the warmth of her cyber-friend against her. As authors with the same publisher, their late night Skype sessions and secret sharing via e-mail had cemented an emotional bond between them. But online friendship left something to be desired. This physical connection was what was missing. She used the opportunity to feel Skye’s ample bosom against her. She liked it. A lot.

  “Nice tat,” Skye said, as she ran her hand down Landry’s arm, fingering the silver dagger. She traced the blade to where it pierced a blood-red heart, then touched each individual drop of blood across the back of Landry’s hand.

  “Wow, you’re green eyes are even sexier in person. I could get lost in them,” Landry told her.

  “Ma’am, may I help you?” The desk clerk cleared his throat.

  “Oh, uh…yes.” Skye approached the registration desk.

  Landry took the opportunity to give Skye a once over. After all, she had never seen her in the flesh. She was sexy and curvaceous. “You need help with your bags?”

  Skye gave her a sweet smile and nodded. “Thanks. That is the nicest thing anyone’s done for me today. It’s been a crappy trip so far.”

  “Was your flight delayed, too? That damn air traffic controller strike.” Landry slung her bag over her shoulder and reached down for one of Skye’s bags. “Let’s get this stuff to your room. How about later we meet for drinks?”

  “That sounds great.”

  Skye set down her bags and leaned against the elevator wall. “Umph. It feels so good to lean.”

  Landry eyed her mischievously. “Why don’t you lean my way?”

  Skye flashed a smile. “Can I feel your muscles?” She giggled as she leaned against Landry’s arm and slipped her hands over her well-developed biceps and triceps.

  “Please do, m’lady.” Landry was glad they had the elevator to themselves.

  Four floors up the elevator doors slid open.

  “I think my room is that way.” Skye pointed to the right.

  At the room, Skye struggled with the key card until Landry took it from her and effortlessly opened the door. “There you go. You had the card upside down.”

  “Thanks.” Skye giggled as she entered the room. “Just drop that stuff wherever you want.” She thunked her purse onto the small desk. “Man, what a day this has turned out to be. But it’s getting better by the minute.” Her eyes smoldered as they drifted over Landry’s physique.

  “Why don’t you go ahead and take a shower?” Landry suggested. “You look like you could use one.”

  “Oh, that sounds great.” Skye slid her hand down Landry’s strong arm. “Hey, why don’t you order those drinks you were talking about earlier? I won’t be long.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” When Landry heard the water running she kicked her shoes off and stretched out on the bed for a moment before reaching for the phone.

  Skye wasn’t lying. She was out of the shower in no time with a very tiny towel covering her ample bosom. She cleared her throat. “I forgot my clothes.” Her sultry smiled seemed to belie her words.

  Landry jumped up from the bed. “Uh…uh…can I grab them for you?”

  “Or…” Skye gave her a conspiratorial grin, “…you don’t have to.”

  Just then, there was a knock on the door. “Room service.”

  Skye scurried back into the bathroom.

  Landry let the waiter inside, paid for the drinks, and tipped him. Closing the
door behind him, she called to Skye, “You can come out now.”

  Skye opened the door, stood for a moment, then dropped the towel.

  Landry took in the voluptuous form in front of her, and let out a guttural groan. “God, you look sooo luscious.”

  “Is it too soon to say I want your hands on me?”

  “Oh, hell no.” Landry pushed Skye against the wall and kissed her. It was a hard kiss, full of want and need. Her hands found Skye’s breasts and she pinched her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers.

  She knew Skye liked it when she grasped a fistful of Landry’s hair in each hand and mumbled through the kiss. “Bed…mmm…bed.”

  Landry twirled Skye around and walked her backward toward the bed.

  Skye pulled Landry on top of her as she laid back, their lips still attached. Landry straddled her, an arm on each side. Coming up for air, she quickly moved in again, meshing their lips together, repeating the movement several times.

  “Are you using me for exercise? You look like you’re doing push-ups.”

  Landry chuckled. “Sex is the best exercise ever.” Her voice was throaty. Fully planking above Skye’s body, she looked her over slowly. “And you have the most sexy, curvaceous figure I’ve ever seen.”

  Skye’s eyes sparkled with pride. “You make me feel so desirable.”

  “That’s because you are.” She nipped Skye on the nose, and their lips met again. Landry broke the kiss. Taking one of Skye’s breasts into her mouth, she stroked the other lightly with her hand. Both nipples hardened immediately. She continued to tease and suck with her hot, wet tongue before biting down gently.

  Skye hissed.

  As she gave equal attention to the other breast, she trailed a hand down Skye’s side and over her hip, lost in the softness of her curves. When Skye thrust her groin up in search of her hand, Landry smiled against Skye’s breast, and gave her nipple one last kiss before trailing her tongue down her torso. Positioning herself between Skye’s legs, she ran her fingers between her outer lips, releasing a flood of desire. Skye spread her legs further at the contact, allowing Landry to slide easily into her. Skye’s hips rose to meet her stroke, and they quickly escalated into a fast rhythm. Landry tried to make it last, but Skye was already charging toward the finish line. When Landry covered her with her mouth and began licking and sucking, Skye exploded quickly. Landry pulled her into her arms to recover.

  Skye required only a moment before turning Landry into her own personal playground. “Take your clothes off.”

  Landry obeyed, removing each article of clothing slowly as Skye looked on. She lay back naked, spread eagle in front of her. “I’m all yours,” she said with a smirk.

  Skye groaned.

  Landry watched as Skye traced and fondled each defined muscle in her arms…then traced her tight stomach with her tongue…and then her…****hhh, yes. Landry tried to hold it off as long as she could, but Skye’s tongue felt like heaven and all too soon she was shuddering and clenching as her orgasm took her.


  Landry eased out of bed, careful not to wake Skye. After throwing her clothes on, she leaned over and kissed her lightly on the forehead, then headed for her own room. She took a refreshing shower, then decided to go down to the Mahogany room to pick up her conference registration package.

  There must have been about a million women wandering around outside the room, all hugging one another. Now this was a crowd she could get into. She must have hugged half of them as she made her way to the door. She was stalled at the entrance behind a highly regarded author who had her arm around her partner. She hugged them both and resigned herself to the wait.

  “The line moves pretty fast.”

  Landry heard a rich, smooth voice next to her ear and turned to find a pair of deep brown eyes staring at her, triggering a sudden unfamiliar pull. The officer stood about two inches taller than Landry, who couldn’t help notice how well the police uniform fit her tight physique. As the line moved forward Landry had no time to reply. Instead, she glanced back for one last look, catching the officer checking her out. Taken by the look in her eye she stumbled into the registration table causing an avalanche of badges to cascade to the floor.

  Landry bent to retrieve the badges and clumsily knocked her head against the table. “Damn, aren’t I putting on a great show,” she mumbled, grabbing her head.

  “Shit! Just leave it.” A young woman scowled from behind the registration table. “You don’t know what order they go in. Just give me your name and I’ll find your badge.”

  No sooner did Landry check the woman’s name badge and say, “Thank you, Sharon,” she felt someone tap her on the shoulder.

  “Here you go Landry, here’s your badge.” A young girl with flowing dark hair handed Landry her badge, looking at her as if star-struck. Her name badge read Genny Gillespie. “It landed on my foot.”

  Landry nodded. “Thank you, Genny.” As she strung the badge around her neck, the room reverberated with Nico’s resonant voice over the microphone.

  As Director of Events at the Conference, Nico wore many hats. One of them being conference comedienne. “Hey y’all, everybody listen up! Take a look at the newest entry for the auction table…a busty bordello woman in a sexy red cocktail dress. Now, who wouldn’t want a taste of this.” Nico ran her hand over the statue. “Open your wallets because she ain’t cheap.”

  Landry sauntered over to the table. “Oh yeah, I would love to have her in my bedroom. Just my type.” She leaned over and scratched a hefty sum onto the bid sheet, then made her way around the rest of the table. There was an eclectic mix of unique items ranging from a hand-knit hat to an author’s first laptop. She lazily made her way from the auction table to the Kooky Crafts table, where she eyed a silver dagger much like the one tattooed on her arm, but decided to pass.

  The constant chattering and the dull thud of books being stacked on publisher’s tables around the perimeter of the room caused a stir of excitement within her. Her next stop was at her own publisher’s table, Equality Books. “Hey, Dawson. The table looks good.”

  “Thanks. Janis and I worked hard setting everything up.”

  Just then a loud POP exploded.

  “Ah, I’ve been shot!”


  Everyone froze as Nico grabbed her head. “Fuckin’ cork! Where did that come from?” She began singing “I Haven’t Got Time for the Pain.”

  Ruthe (Rusty) Rustin, the conference president, hoisted a magnum of champagne in the air. “Attention everyone! Free champagne to toast the death of DOMA.”

  “So that’s the culprit,” Nico boomed over the loud speaker.

  A roar of approval encompassed the room and everyone surged forward. After toasting, Rusty called the group to attention, again. “Since most of us are here, I have a few announcements to make. First, if you don’t already have a schedule there are copies on the back table by the door. Second, the Con Newbies are meeting for a special breakfast tomorrow morning at eight sharp. Your Newbie Master has many interesting surprises up her sleeve. Have fun with it.” She waited until the laughter died down before resuming.

  Landry chuckled and looked back at the Newbie table. She remembered what that was like. She noticed both Genny and Sharon were Newbies this year. She thought Sharon was a bit uptight, but Genny seemed okay.

  “I would also like to take this time to bring your attention to our own Eileen Adams who had her latest review quoted in USA Today. In case you didn’t know, Eileen was recently hired as the head reviewer for The Sapphic Muse. Please congratulate her when you see her.” The room erupted with shouts of congratulations.

  Rusty cleared her throat. “I said when you see her.”

  “We see her right now,” someone shouted.

  Rusty laughed. “A few more things you should know. Don’t forget about karaoke night. I hear someone is planning to dress as a cactus. That should make an interesting dance partner.”

  She couldn’t speak over the laughter
. After several moments she rapped on the microphone to regain their attention. “Finally, this year we will be hosting a formal dinner before the awards dance, making it officially a dinner dance for the very first time.”

  Landry cupped her hands to her mouth and yelled above the thunderous applause. “It’s about damn time.” More laughter followed, then the crowd began chatting among themselves.

  “Excuse me…one more thing. Don’t forget to register, and pick up your badges. You will notice we have security here this year.” She motioned to the security officer in the back of the room. “I would like to introduce Officer Quinn. She will be here to protect us helpless, little ole’ lesbians.”

  “Helpless? Look at the guns on Billie!” someone yelled.

  Billie stood and showed off her physique in bodybuilder style, which was followed by hysterical laughter.

  As the crowd broke up, Landry decided to make her escape but ran into Skye in the doorway. Skye blocked her path and slipped her arms around Landry’s waist. “When I woke up you were gone, baby.”

  Landry noticed Officer Quinn out of the corner of her eye and stiffened. “Uh…let’s take this somewhere else.” Her voice was low as she turned Skye around and led her out of the Mahogany room.

  “Is something wrong?” Skye asked.

  “No, no, nothing is wrong. We just don’t want the whole place to know our business do we?” She laughed nervously.

  “I wouldn’t mind anyone knowing exactly what we’ve been doing.”

  Landry cleared her throat and giggled. “Now, now, this place is like a gossip factory. We can just look like we’ve done something, and it will spread like wild fire.”

  “Well, we may as well do it then.” Skye linked her arm in Landry’s and pulled her toward the elevator. When the doors closed behind them she moved in closer and whispered in Landry’s ear. “I can’t wait to get you in my room and have your hands all over me, again.”


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