Murder at the Con: a novella

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Murder at the Con: a novella Page 7

by Riley Adair Garret


  “Sally? This is Detective Quinn. Are you free? I need to speak with you again.”


  “Yes, really. I’m in the Mahogany room. I’ll see you in three minutes.”

  “What if I’m sitting on a panel right now?”

  “Are you?”

  “No…but, what if I were?”

  “See you in three minutes.”

  Three minutes later, Sally stormed into the room. She barreled over to the table. “What now? This is not a vacation for me, you know. I have things to accomplish.”

  “What I have to accomplish, in case you’ve forgotten, is the catching of a killer. Now sit down and answer my questions.”

  Sally deflated right before her eyes. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Eileen was my friend and I’m just upset.”

  “I spoke with the managing director of The Sapphic Muse and was told that you were one of the applicants for the position Eileen was chosen for.”

  “Yeah and so were a couple of hundred other people. So?”

  “I was told you were in the top three. So, were you angry?”

  “I was disappointed, but of all people, I would rather Eileen be the one to get it if I couldn’t have it.”

  “Did you realize that Sharon Sumptner was also a candidate?”

  “Sharon? What the fuck?” She stared at Quinn with her mouth hanging open. “Sharon?”

  “Why the strong reaction?”

  “Sharon is not even a reviewer. Maybe she wishes she were, but…”

  “So you’re saying you had to currently be a reviewer to apply for the job?”

  “Not necessarily, but you should have some experience.”

  Quinn tapped her pen on her notebook and thought for a moment. “What table were you sitting at Ms. Sandow?”

  “I already told you during the last interview that I was at the table over there.” She pointed to the far side of the room.

  “Who was sitting with you?”

  “Zelda, Nico, Rusty, Mary Anne, and some others I didn’t know.”

  “Okay, I think we’ve covered everything…for now.”

  Sally stood and began to walk away.

  “Oh, one more thing…have you read Landry Matthews’ Murder at the Con?”

  “Who hasn’t?”

  Quinn sighed.


  Landry was ready for lunch. The Master Class she gave was grueling. Trying to cover everything in the time allotted was nearly impossible. Following the busboy who was pushing a cart of sandwiches into the Mahogany room, she was practically salivating over the roast beef, until she spotted Quinn. Suddenly, her attention shifted from her stomach to her nether regions. She veered off course and went straight toward the detective who was walking her way. Their eyes were locked, oblivious to everyone crowding into the room for lunch. Landry noticed Quinn trying, but failing to act indifferent. Her cheeks were slightly flushed and her eyes sparkled. Landry wanted to reach out, touch her or kiss her, but settled for brushing her hand against Quinn’s. For just a split second Quinn’s pinky wrapped around Landry’s. A feeling of contentment settled over her. “Hey, I missed you today.” Landry spoke softly.

  Quinn grinned. “Me, too.”

  “Will you have lunch with me?”


  “Great. You stake out a table for us and I’ll grab some food.”

  Rusty approached Quinn as Landry walked away. “Detective Quinn I hope you will help yourself to some lunch. It’s on the house.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “So, any developments in the case?”

  “Nothing I can discuss at the moment. But, you will definitely be one of the first to know.”

  Rusty nodded. “Well, please help yourself,” she said motioning to the food table before walking away.

  Quinn found a table away from the hubbub just as Landry approached with two plates packed with a variety of sandwiches and fruit. She set the plates on the table and slid her hand onto Quinn’s thigh.

  “Jesus!” Quinn whispered.

  “I’ve been waiting all day to touch you.” Landry removed her hand. “I’m starved.”


  Landry laughed. “You have no idea.”

  “I’m looking forward to finding out.”

  “Yeah.” Landry gave her a small smile. “That will be fun. Tonight?”

  “I came prepared.”

  “Good. I’m glad.” Landry ate a grape. “Now, we need to talk about something else before I’m tempted to haul your ass upstairs.”

  “I agree.” Quinn laughed.

  “What did you learn today?”

  “How well do you know Sally Sandow?” Quinn asked.

  “I know she was really mad about Eileen stealing her pitch session. But they were good friends before that.”

  “How successful of a reviewer would you say Sally is?”

  “She’s considered one of the very best. Everybody wants her to review their stuff. A good review from her sells hundreds of books.”

  “Would it have had a negative effect on Sally’s reviews because Eileen got the job at The Sapphic Muse instead of her?”

  “Hmm.” Landry tilted her head to the side as she thought about it. “It might have had some publishers sending their books to Eileen first, but I don’t know if that would have meant less work for Sally. Maybe.” She shrugged. “I just don’t know enough about it. I did hear she fell off Facebook for a while though.”


  “She used Facebook as her major marketing tool. Not seeing her on there was noticeable. Some said she was sulking about something.”

  “Did you know Sally was up for consideration for the job at The Sapphic Muse?”

  “Hell, no. I didn’t know that. But it might explain why she fell off the radar. Maybe she was sulking.”

  “Capable of murder?”

  “Oh, no. No way.” Landry scoffed.

  “Are you sure?”

  Landry ate silently for a few moments. “Shit, Ellery. If it was easy to spot we’d never have any trouble pointing out the killers, would we?”

  “That’s what I mean. Do you know her well enough to say absolutely no, she couldn’t kill anybody?”

  “I don’t know her or anyone else that well.”

  They were interrupted by Nico’s voice thundering over the speakers. “Ladies. Since the silent auction closed this morning, I hope everyone got a chance to make their final bids. The money has been tallied up and the Southwest Desert Literary Society made a record three thousand four hundred and sixty-three dollars!”

  Landry stood up and cupped her hands around her mouth. “Who won the busty bordello broad?”

  “How’d I know you would want to know about that one, Landry?” Nico laughed. She consulted her clipboard. “The winner of that particular item is none other than…wait for it…Landry Matthews!”

  Landry pumped her fist in the air. “Yes!” She did a silly little dance around her chair while everyone laughed. “My date for tonight,” she shouted before sitting.

  “Your date?” Quinn arched an eyebrow.

  “Yes, I’ve always wondered about having a threesome.”

  Quinn let out a hearty laugh while reaching under the table and squeezing Landry’s knee. “Where are you off to now?” Quinn asked as she gathered the remains of their lunch together.

  “I have the last half of my Master Class this afternoon. How about you?”

  “I need to re-interview a few people.” She stopped and looked at Landry. “I’m…I keep feeling that I’m missing something.”

  “Yeah?” Landry looked intrigued. “Do you think you’re anywhere close to figuring it out?”

  Quinn shook her head. “No. I don’t know. Everybody seems to have a motive for this murder, but not means or opportunity. It’s frustrating.”

  “Give yourself a break, Ellery. It’s only been a couple days.”

  Quinn nodded. “Every
hour I lose, the harder it gets to solve. Cold case, and all that.” She sighed. “And in a few more days they’ll all scatter to the far ends of the earth. If I don’t get lucky soon, this may never be solved.”

  “Play your cards right and maybe you’ll get lucky tonight.” Landry wiggled her brows.

  Quinn laughed, then quickly smothered it as several people turned their way. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Meet me back at my room around six o’clock and we’ll go to the awards and dinner dance together.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “That’s all I can ask.” Landry took the trash from her. “I’ll take care of this. You go be a detective.”

  “Thanks. See you later.”

  Quinn pulled the list of attendees out of her back pocket while simultaneously pulling her phone off her belt. Within minutes she was guiding Kay Kapinski to what everyone had dubbed the ‘the interrogation table.’

  “How are you today, Ms. Kapinski?”

  “Oh, I’m fine, dear. Are you going to interrogate me again?” She looked pleased.

  Quinn repressed a grimace at the term. “Ms. Kapinski, I’m not interrogating you. I simply think you were the most observant of all the people at Eileen’s table that morning.”

  Kay’s face lit up and she preened a bit, fluffing her hair. “Well, I like to think I notice what’s going on around me.”

  The word busybody flashed through Quinn’s mind but she didn’t give voice to it. She needed Ms. Kapinski relaxed and willing to help. “Good. That’s good. Why don’t we go over what happened that morning and see if you remember anything else.”

  “I’ve told you everything I remember.” However, Kay tilted her head to the side and gazed into space as if thinking.

  “That’s it, Ms. Kapinski. Just picture that morning and tell me everything you saw. Start with when you sat down. Was Eileen already at the table?”

  “She got there just before I did. I remember seeing her in front of me in the buffet line. The hotel put out a lovely spread. Just lovely. I was thinking that I should eat more of the fruit, but the pancakes looked so delicious and I just couldn’t pass them up. I—”

  “So, she was already sitting down when you arrived at the table?” Quinn coaxed.

  “She was just setting her plate down.”

  “Was she sitting down yet?”

  “No. I remember she leaned over the back of the chair and put her food on the table.”

  “Had she gotten her drink yet?”

  “No. I remember because she asked if she could get anyone else something to drink as long as she was going.” She looked quite pleased with herself.

  “Okay, good. You’re doing great, Ms. Kapinski.” Quinn scribbled in her notebook as fast as she could. “So, Eileen goes back and gets her juice. Did she get anything for anybody else?”

  “No. We had all gotten our drinks by then.”

  “So, Eileen gets her mango juice and comes back to the table. Who else was at the table by then?”

  “Eileen drinks mango juice? No wonder she had such a nice complexion–”

  “Ms. Kapinski?”

  “Oh, yes, let’s see. Like I said, our table was right on the path to the buffet and people were going back for drinks and seconds. It was very crowded and somebody bumped our table. People just don’t have the manners we were taught when we were growing up. Everyone is in such a hurry!”

  “Yes, I agree,” Quinn said to get her moving forward again. “So, someone bumped into the table?”

  “Yes. It was so hard it spilled my juice! And not a word of apology either! No manners, I tell you.”

  “Do you remember who it was?”

  “Well, everybody jumped up to get out of the way, and there was juice running all over the tablecloth. Everyone was trying to mop it up with their napkins. I’ll bet the hotel had a hard time getting that stain out.” She tsked with a shake of her head.

  “But do you know who actually bumped the table?” Quinn held on to her patience as best she could.

  “No. I was too busy trying to get out of the way of all that juice. And then Eileen made some comment about me spilling it! Of course, I told her straight away it wasn’t my fault. But I don’t think she heard me. She did offer to go get me another one.”

  “So Eileen left the table at that point?”


  “Okay, so think back to when everyone was standing up. Who else was there?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Was there anyone else there that wasn’t eating at your table? Maybe someone was hanging around near Eileen?”

  “No, I don’t remember anyone like that.” Kay was clearly disappointed she couldn’t help the detective. “Judy was on her way to the buffet along with that girl with the dark hair I told you about earlier. You know the one who was in the argument at the panel with Eileen. I only remember her because she was with that same woman with the mole on her lip. She dropped her Chapstick, and they both bent to pick it up. I thought they were going to bump their heads together.” She sighed. “But they were just passing by, not hanging around.”

  “Was everybody at the table at this point?”

  “Oh, well, let me think a moment.” Kay was a study in thought as she frowned, bit at the tip of her thumb, and closed her eyes. “I believe everyone was already seated.” Her eyes flew open. “Except for Billie! Billie was the last one to sit down.” She gave Quinn a triumphant smile. “I remember because someone was teasing her about having to work on her guns before breakfast.” She shot Quinn a guilty look. “I don’t think they meant she was actually shooting guns.”

  Quinn had trouble keeping her laughter from erupting. “I’m sure they weren’t,” she assured her.

  “Funny thing to say to someone, don’t you think? But everyone seemed to get quite a kick out of teasing her.”

  “So, Billie was the last to sit down,” Quinn brought the conversation back. “Did she bring anything for anyone? Like coffee, juice, or something else?”

  “I didn’t notice. She was laughing with the others about the gun thing. Hmm, I don’t think she did. I think she just put her plate on the table and sat down.”

  “Okay.” Quinn nodded at her. “So, Billie sits down and everyone is eating breakfast. What happened next?”

  “Eileen brought me a new glass of juice and a few minutes later she was dead.” Kay lifted a hand to her cheek. “I can’t believe Eileen is dead. Who would do such a thing?”

  “I don’t know, Ms. Kapinski, but I’m doing my best to find out. Thank you for your time. If you think of anything at all that you haven’t told me, please contact me as soon as you can. Okay?”

  “I will.” She nodded. “Are we done?”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  “Well, Detective Quinn…I’m so glad I could help.” Quinn was almost positive Kay fluttered her lashes at her before leaving.

  Chapter Eight

  Saturday Evening

  At six o’clock sharp Landry heard a tap on her door. Ellery was punctual, she had to give her that, but of course a detective would be, right? She let her in. Not entirely sure how to act, she kept her distance. “Hey.”

  Ellery held up a suit bag. “My dinner dance outfit.”

  “Whatcha’ wearing?”

  “It’s a surprise. What are you wearing?”

  “I have a couple of ideas.”

  “You want to know my idea?” Ellery moved in and put her arms around Landry’s waist.”

  Landry nodded.

  “My idea is to see you in your birthday suit. I’m dying to trace every one of your tattoos…with my tongue.”

  Landry groaned. “Do you have any tattoos? I could return the favor.”

  “I can think of better places for you to put your tongue.”

  Landry went weak at the knees. She pushed Ellery toward the bed. “Talking like that can get you into trouble.”

  “I hope so.” Ellery’s lips were against Landry’s neck, her
hands pulling Landry’s button-down shirt out of her jeans. She unbuttoned Landry’s jeans next and slipped her hands down inside cupping her ass.

  Landry lifted her knee up against Ellery’s crotch and pushed her gently onto the bed then straddled her, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss.

  Ellery groaned, slipping her hands inside Landry’s panties and pushing them off with the jeans. “Ahhh.”

  Landry scooted down and concentrated on undoing Ellery’s pants. She opened them and pulled up her shirt sprinkling kisses on her flat stomach. She helped as Ellery unbuttoned her own shirt and stripped it off, followed by her bra, then Landry’s bra. Soon they were flesh upon flesh. Landry’s mouth was all over Ellery.

  “I need you on your stomach,” Ellery said.

  Landry obeyed, and soon felt Ellery keep her promise and trace the tattoo on Landry’s back with her tongue. Chills ran up and down her spine. “Stop, stop. I’m going to climb out of my skin.”

  “Not before I fuck you.” Ellery turned her over and spread her legs engulfing her with her mouth. A few quick licks and Landry was over the top, gasping for breath.

  “Holy, hell. Only you can do this to me.” Landry smiled and pushed Ellery onto her back. “Your turn.” She kissed her deeply. “I could get used to this.”

  “I hope so.”

  Landry’s hands roamed over Ellery’s soft breasts. She moved down to nip and suckle them as her hand continued to move south exploring her warm, wet center. She heard Ellery gasp. She wanted to bring her pleasure, more than anything else in the world right now. As she moved her mouth down to Ellery’s navel she slipped into her gently, beginning a rhythm that Ellery easily matched. They moved in unison until Ellery’s breathing grew ragged. “Harder, faster…please.”

  Landry complied, adding more pressure plus her tongue until Ellery screamed out in pleasure.


  Landry stopped at the bar for a shot of Southern Comfort on the way to the Mahogany room for the awards ceremony. Though she was used to speaking to large groups, she was experiencing some nervousness at being the MC at this event. This was huge.


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