Murder at the Con: a novella

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Murder at the Con: a novella Page 9

by Riley Adair Garret

  Sharon simply nodded and followed Quinn into the room.

  Quinn spoke to the techs. “Ms. Sumptner is going to grab her belongings, and then you can continue.” Quinn turned to Sharon. “Can I help you with those?”

  Sharon shook her head. “I’m fine.”

  Quinn shrugged and addressed the techs again. “I’ll show her to her new room down the hall and I’ll be back.”

  Sharon didn’t say a word until they were standing in front of her new room. “Is Genny going to be okay?”

  “It seems.”

  “She’s been a really good friend. I would hate to see something happen to her.”

  “Well, because it’s an active case, I’m really not at liberty to talk about it…but I can say that…well, she was lucky.”

  Sharon nodded.

  “Here’s your room.” Quinn handed her the key card, then started back down the hall.

  There were only two people left in the room and one of the techs was packing up.

  Quinn stood in the doorway. “Finishing up?”

  “Yeah, we bagged and labeled everything and we’re taking it back to the lab.”

  “Put a rush on it, will you? I need the results first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “Will do.”

  Quinn followed them to the elevator. When she disembarked she went straight to the front desk. “Thanks for moving Sharon Sumptner to a different room. The CSI team is finished collecting evidence, but the room is still a crime scene. No one, and I repeat, no one should be allowed in there. Please inform Housekeeping that the room is off limits until further notice.”


  Landry leaned against the bar. She was bummed. She had hoped Quinn was going to be with her at the dance. Time was slipping away. When would they ever get the chance to be together after the Con? She guzzled the last third of her beer. She needed a buzz. As she pushed the bottle away she felt a tap on her shoulder.

  “Up for a dance?”

  She turned to see Skye dressed in a brightly colored shift. Her eyes were enhanced by the emerald green pattern sprinkled throughout. Landry hesitated. Every time she and Skye touched…she shook her head…the only person she wanted to be with was Ellery Quinn…but Skye was a good friend. “Sure.”

  They took the dance floor together and stood a comfortable distance apart. “So, what’s going on with you and Patsy?” Landry asked.

  Skye smiled. “That remains to be seen.”

  “I noticed you’ve been dancing with her most of the night.”

  “Yes, but when I saw you looking so sad, I had to come to the rescue.”

  Landry laughed. “Thanks for that.”

  “What’s going on between you and Detective Quinn?”

  Landry didn’t answer.

  “I’m not blind you know. Neither are the other people here.” Skye laughed.

  Landry shrugged. She and Skye were friends for months before they ever met, but after their several rendezvous it was weird talking about this.

  “You two seem suited to one another…just as Patsy is suited to me.”

  Landry gave Skye a bear hug. “You’re the greatest, you know that?”

  “Of course I know that!”

  Landry’s eyes grew wide as Quinn came into view and tapped Skye on the shoulder.

  Skye turned. “Cutting in?”

  “Absolutely. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Nope. Just taking care of a friend.” Skye handed Landry off to Quinn.

  Quinn pulled Landry close.

  “I can’t believe you’re here. I’m so glad.” Landry’s voice was muffled against Quinn’s neck.

  “Me, too. What do you say we blow this joint?”

  Landry looked at Quinn, slid her hand into hers, and led her out. They remained silent on the trip upstairs, but were never out of contact. Landry opened the door and waited for Quinn to set the security lock before pulling her close. “God, I’m glad to see you!”

  “I hurried,” Quinn said against Landry’s lips as they kissed.

  “Mmmm.” Landry pulled away briefly. “All I could think about was you. I so wanted you to be at the awards ceremony and the dance with me.”

  “You and me both.” Quinn sat on the bed and pulled Landry down on her lap.

  Landry straddled her. “Oh, God, you feel so good.” She hugged her close.

  “How many times did you dance with Skye?”

  Landry chuckled and rolled off to the side. “Do I detect a bit of jealousy?”

  Quinn laughed. “No…well, maybe just a bit.”

  “There’s nothing to be jealous of. You’re the only one I want.” Landry pulled Quinn down to lay against her and held her close.

  “You sure about that?”

  “I’ve never been this sure of anything.”

  Quinn pulled back and looked Landry in the eye.

  “I know. It surprises me, too. But it is what it is and who am I to question it?”

  “Or me.”

  Landry covered Quinn’s mouth in a deep kiss and rolled on top of her. She never felt this type of connection before. Usually she enjoyed sex simply for the physical sensations of it, but this was much more than that. She savored each and every one of Quinn’s touches. They were more like a positive emotional charge. And she appreciated the feel of Quinn’s soft skin beneath her—appreciated it more than she every appreciated physical contact before. Could she be falling in love?

  Landry pulled herself up and kissed Quinn on the forehead, then the nose. She nipped her chin and planted a few kisses on her neck before returning to devour her lips. They kissed passionately until they were both gently undulating against each other.

  She heard Quinn groan. “Landry, you’re killing me here.”

  Landry sat up and began unbuttoning her blouse.

  “Just tear the dam thing off! I can buy another one,” Quinn pleaded.

  Landry laughed. “No, no. I’m going to take my time.”

  Quinn let out a low growl.

  Landry couldn’t help but laugh. When she had half the buttons undone she opened Quinn’s shirt and kissed from her neck to the top of her breasts.

  She swiped one hand over a breast and felt Quinn’s nipples turn rock solid beneath her touch. This time Landry groaned. She hurriedly unfastened the buttons and allowed Quinn to sit up and take off her shirt. Her bra followed

  Quinn surprised Landry with a quick move and flipped her on her back, straddling her. “Ah, ha. Now I’m in control.” She laughed an evil laugh.

  Landry relaxed and spread her limbs. “I’m all yours.” She slid her hands down the back of Quinn’s pants as Quinn kissed her and cupped her ass. “Come on, baby, I need you inside me.”

  Quinn broke their kiss and answered, “Oh no. I’m going to take my time with you.”

  “Touché.” Landry squeezed Quinn’s butt and pulled her tightly against her, bumping their centers together.

  “Take your pants off,” she gasped. “Take off all your clothes,” she added.

  She rolled to the side and Landry unfastened her pants and pushed them down with her panties. Quinn pulled them the rest of the way off and tossed them aside. When she turned back Landry was naked and waiting. She moved on top of her and their breasts met just as their lips did.

  Landry ran her hands over Quinn’s back, noting the firm muscles beneath her silky skin.

  Quinn pulled away and Landry felt her tongue trace from her neck to her beast. Soft lips enclosed her engorged nipple and suckled gently. It was wonderful torture.


  Quinn obeyed the plea and entered her easily. She started with two fingers and set a rhythm meant to build slowly, but Landry grabbed her forearm and thrust against her in time with her own need. When Landry’s legs tightened, Quinn dipped her head and covered her clit with her mouth.

  “OhGodohGodohGod.” Landry felt as if she were bursting at the seams. She lifted her hips off the bed and grasped a handful of Quinn’s hair.

Quinnnnn!” Landry screamed in pleasure as the orgasm overtook her.

  Quinn kept her fingers buried inside Landry, moving slowly as she continued to spasm for many minutes. She loved the feel of her velvety softness as she brushed against her inside walls. When Landry’s legs finally lost all tension and she lay in boneless stupor, she placed a soft kiss against her lower belly and withdrew from her.

  Landry made a sound between a groan and a whimper and it made Quinn smile. She lay beside her and pulled Landry into her arms. Holding her righted everything in Quinn’s world.

  It was many minutes later when Landry murmured, “You wreck me.”

  “In a good way though, right?” Quinn smiled against Landry’s temple.

  “Oh, yeah, in a good way.” Landry pulled away from their embrace and stretched. She propped herself up on an elbow and looked down into Quinn’s eyes. “A very good way.” She leaned over and kissed her. “I need you naked now,” Landry said when they parted. She placed a chaste kiss on a nipple and smiled when it hardened immediately. “Let me help you.” She unbuttoned her pants and waited until Quinn lifted her hips to pull her pants off. “Oh, yeah.” Landry tossed Quinn’s pants onto the floor, keeping her eyes on the yellow briefs Quinn still wore. “Those are very nice but they have to go.”

  Quinn hooked her thumbs over the sides of her underwear and very slowly inched them off her hips. Landry growled when she stopped with just the first hint of her pubic hair beginning to show. “Did you want something?”

  “Oh, yes.” Landry grabbed her underwear and jerked them off, exposing her to her hungry eyes. “I want you.” She tossed the underwear over her shoulder, never taking her eyes off Quinn. She kneeled between her thighs and gently lowered herself to kiss Quinn, supporting her weight on her elbows.

  It was a nice kiss until Quinn opened to her tongue. Landry delved into her mouth slicking against Quinn’s tongue, searching and claiming. Her center began a gentle undulation against Quinn’s, bumping against her rhythmically until they were both breathing heavily.

  Landry broke the kiss and moved down her neck and chest to close her lips around a nipple. It was a hard rock pressing against her tongue and she sucked it into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the nub as she caught the other nipple between her fingers.

  Quinn ran her fingers through Landry’s hair, holding her against her breast and urging her on.

  At last Landry released her breast and trailed a line of kisses down her torso, kneeling between her legs. She inhaled Quinn’s scent and brushed her lips against her. Quinn’s legs parted, inviting her in. She looked up to see Quinn’s eyes were nearly closed. She massaged her gently, releasing the flood that was waiting for her touch. She had wanted to go slowly, but before she could stop herself she was sliding easily into her. The liquid sound of her entry increased her thirst for her. The thought that she was the one to cause this flood of desire was overwhelming. It made her feel strong and virile. She looked up at Quinn again. Her head was thrown back and the tendons in her neck stood out sharply.

  She dropped her eyes back to Quinn’s center. She was so beautiful. She slowed her thrusts until Quinn’s eyes opened to look down at her. “Put your legs over my shoulders, babe.”

  When she did, Landry began pumping in and out with renewed vigor and felt Quinn climbing immediately. She waited until Quinn’s legs were quivering with tension before leaning down and taking her clit into her mouth. Quinn’s hips lifted off the bed as she exploded into her orgasm.

  Landry kept her lips glued to her center until Quinn dropped back to the bed. She withdrew but continued to massage her as she recovered. Only when Quinn’s breathing returned to normal did Landry reluctantly leave her center to take her into her arms and hold her.

  Chapter Ten


  Quinn woke to the buzz of her cell phone. She sat up and ran her hands through her tousled hair, looking around the room in confusion. Where was her phone? The nightstand. She reached over and grabbed it. “Quinn.”

  “This is Rodney from the FPD Lab.”

  “What the hell time do you start work, Rodney? Is it even morning yet?”

  “It’s five a.m.”

  “What the fuck? Okay, what do you have for me?”

  “You’re going to love this. We found your poison, and you will never guess where.”

  “It’s early, Rodney, just tell me.” She yawned and smiled as she felt Landry move against her. She reached behind her and rubbed her hand gently over Landry’s ass.

  “Do you normally save your empty Chapstick containers?”

  “No, Rodney, I don’t. Get on with it.”

  “Well, we found an empty Chapstick in Genny’s cosmetics bag. So we tested it and found trace evidence of Hemlock.”

  She pictured him puffing up with pride. She stood. “Seriously? In her Chapstick?” She turned to Landry with a thumbs up. “We got her!” she whispered.

  Landry sat up in bed.

  “Great work, Rodney. You’re the man.” She snapped her phone shut and tossed it on the chair, then stretched out on the bed next to Landry.

  “What was the Chapstick conversation all about?”

  “Can you believe Genny took the guts out of her Chapstick and used it to store the Hemlock to poison Eileen?”

  “That’s ingenuity. Yet, somehow I can’t see Genny being that devious. Although, she did try killing me last night. But still…something’s…off.”

  Quinn gave her a look. “What are you saying? She almost killed you.”

  “If you’re going to look at me like that, make it mean something.” She reached for her.

  “No, no, babe, I have to get going.”

  “Aw, can I have a rain check?”

  Quinn leaned down to kiss her. “Don’t worry. I’m not done with you, yet.” She grinned. “Go back to sleep, it’s early. I’m going to shower and get to the hospital and wrap up this case.”

  “Okay, call me later?”

  “Of course.”


  Genny was pale with dark circles under her eyes. She was hooked up to an I.V. and looked as if she were collapsing in on herself. Quinn could hardly believe that this frail thing almost killed the woman she loved. Loved? Quinn pushed that thought away. This was not the time.

  Quinn pulled out her badge. “Genny, we need to talk.”

  “Detective Quinn? What are you doing here?” Genny’s voice was raspy.

  “What am I doing here? You don’t know?”

  Genny shook her head. “The last thing I remember is giving Landry Matthews a boutonniere for the awards ceremony. Then I woke up here this morning. What happened?”

  Detective Quinn frowned. This was the last thing she expected to hear. “You can cut the crap, Genny. The techs from the CSI lab found your empty Chapstick tube. It tested positive for Hemlock. You’re under arrest for the murder of Eileen Adams and the attempted murder of Landry Matthews.”

  “What? I murdered Eileen? I…I wasn’t…my God, I wasn’t even near Eileen.” Genny began shaking slightly. She stared at Quinn for a long moment. “Someone tried to kill Landry Matthews?”

  “You tried,” Quinn nearly spat at her. “You tried to put that Hemlock flower on her jacket. You knew she’d have to handle it when she took it off. You were hoping to kill her, too.”

  “What?” Genny’s mouth hung open. “I don’t understand any of this. How…what Hemlock?”

  Quinn held her temper with great effort. “The Hemlock you handed Landry at the awards banquet last night.” She clenched her jaw so tightly she feared she’d break a tooth. “The same plant you made the juice from and stored in the empty Chapstick tube. We found the tube in your cosmetics bag in the bathroom, Genny. It tested positive for Hemlock.” Quinn was breathing hard now and her hands were curled into fists. “That’s how you poisoned Eileen, isn’t it? You squeezed the juice from the stalk into the empty Chapstick and then poured it into Eileen’s juice that morning. Isn’t that right? And you tried again
with Landry. The only thing is, you handled it too much and poisoned yourself.”

  “No! What are you talking about?” Genny raised a hand to rub at her temple. “This is crazy. I didn’t do any of that! I don’t even know what Hemlock looks like. You have to believe me.”

  “The evidence is what I believe. Residual traces of Hemlock were in the Chapstick tube in your bag, in your room. And you were the one who handed Landry a sprig of Hemlock at the awards show.”

  “What Chapstick are you talking about? I don’t even use Chapstick.”

  Quinn was starting to get a bad feeling. “We discovered it in your bathroom bag, Genny. And I’ll bet when the techs get done fingerprinting it, it’ll have your prints all over it.”

  Genny laid her head back against the pillow with a grimace. “I don’t see how that’s possible. It can’t be mine.” She continued to rub at her temple. “The only thing I’m guilty of is trying to give Landry Matthews a flower for her jacket.”

  “Why did you choose that particular flower for Landry’s suit jacket?”

  “Because I saw them in the bathroom and they looked so pretty. White was perfect for Landry’s black tux.”

  “You saw that flower in a bathroom? What bathroom?”

  “Our bathroom. Mine and Sharon’s.”

  “We searched that bathroom. There were no flowers.”

  Grabbing her head with both hands she said, “Not yesterday. I picked fresh ones yesterday.”

  Quinn stared at her.

  “Sharon picked some pretty white flowers…I think it was Wednesday evening. They looked sort of like lace and when I thought it would be nice for Landry to have a boutonniere for the ceremony, I remembered them.”

  “Are you trying to tell me Sharon picked that same flower Wednesday?” Quinn shook her head. “Nice try, but Sharon is still walking around and you’re here in the hospital because you poisoned yourself.”


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