My One Night: An On My Own Novel

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My One Night: An On My Own Novel Page 8

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  “That would be my brother, Brendon. He hates bartending, and according to our regular bartender, Beckham, he’s not very good at it.”

  “I heard that, asshole,” Brendon muttered.

  “Aiden’s in the back. Harmony will be helping me.”

  “Oh, thank God,” I said, and he flipped me off. The regulars at the bar laughed, as did Elise.

  “You’re lucky I like you, kid. And who’s this?” he asked, his gaze brightening.

  “Hi, I’m Elise,” she said, waving. Brendon nodded.

  “I’m Brendon. I know Violet called you in, but we didn’t know you were out on a date. Sorry about that.”

  “It’s okay,” Elise said, and I nodded. “I’m here to help. Just let me know what you need.”

  “We need a waiter.”

  “I can help carry food or something,” Elise said, shrugging. “I may as well. I don’t want to sit around doing nothing.”

  Brendon met my gaze, smiling.

  “Okay. That sounds like a plan. We could use the help.”

  Elise smiled at me, and something twisted inside. I thought I knew what it meant.

  Hell, this girl surprised me at every turn. While this wasn’t exactly what I had imagined for our first date, it seemed there was no going back.

  And I liked it.

  Chapter 8


  * * *

  My feet hurt by the end of the evening, but it was the most unique and enjoyable date I had ever been on.

  “That was busy,” I said, and Dillon winced as he looked over at me from the driver’s seat.

  “I’m sorry about tonight. It wasn’t exactly what I had been planning. I promise there was supposed to be an actual dinner where we sat down at a table we weren’t also serving.”

  I shrugged. “It was entertaining. I’ve never actually waited tables before. I don’t know how people can do that every night, but I had a good time with you.” I blushed. “I mean...a good time in general. And I only dropped one plate, so I can count that as a win.”

  “I didn’t think you did too badly,” he added and laughed.

  I mock scowled. “I would hit you, but you’re driving. I’ll just have to do it later.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” he said and chuckled. He paused then, letting out a breath. “By the way, where am I taking you?”

  I looked over at him, anticipation churning in my belly. “Oh. I guess I didn’t give you an address or, I don’t know...”

  “I’m sort of on my way to my house because that’s where the campus is, but if you want me to take you home, I can do that. Or I guess I could take you to my place and you could use a rideshare again. Or…I don’t know.”

  I looked at him then, the strong line of his jaw, his very sexy forearms as he turned the steering wheel. “We already ate at the bar, but maybe we can still hang out?” I asked, blushing.

  He looked over at me as he stopped at a stop sign, smiling. “Yeah?”

  “I mean, I’m not actually propositioning you,” I said with a laugh.

  He snorted. “Well, shucks,” he said.

  “I know. How horrible of me.”

  He just drove, a smile playing on his lips. “How could you?”

  “But, yes, it’s still decently early since you didn’t have to work the whole shift—or I guess we didn’t have to work the whole shift.”

  “Thank God, I wasn’t prepared to work tonight. And I do enjoy taking time off.”

  “I can see that,” I said with a laugh. “So, yes, let’s go steal some Twizzlers from Pacey.”

  That made him grin, and he turned off the street, headed towards his place. He parked in the back, and we got out. As we did, my stomach clenched.

  I didn’t know what I was doing. Was I here for something more? Or just to hang out with him? This wasn’t what I’d expected. I kept telling myself I didn’t have time for this, and yet here I was, figuring it out.

  At least, I thought so.

  We made our way inside through the back door and into the kitchen. Pacey and Tanner were there, Pacey cutting up fruit for a glass container while Tanner made coffee. It was after nine, but we were in college, so it didn’t faze me. They both looked up at us as we walked in, and I blushed. A small smile played on Pacey’s face, while Tanner just narrowed his eyes.

  “Hi,” I said softly.

  “Hello there. How did the date go?” Pacey asked, looking at me rather than Dillon.

  Tanner just snorted, and Dillon let out a groan.

  “You’re not supposed to ask her that when the other person’s in the room,” Dillon grumbled.

  “I do believe I can do anything I want,” Pacey corrected.

  “That sounds like Pacey,” Tanner said, laughing. “Anyway, I’m headed back to study. You two have fun. Just not too much because then I’m going to get all grumpy.” Tanner took a sip of his coffee, winced—presumably at the heat—and made his way out of the kitchen.

  “That wasn’t grumpy?” I asked, knowing Tanner could still hear me. He didn’t turn back, but he did shake his head, his shoulders bobbing slightly, and I smiled. He seemed to be the most serious and scowly of the bunch, and the fact that I could make him laugh like that made me smile.

  “Anyway, the date didn’t turn out exactly as we’d planned,” Dillon said, catching my gaze. I smiled, shrugging.

  “But it was still enjoyable,” I said quickly.

  “What’s going on?” Pacey asked.

  “Cameron needed to have his appendix out. He’s okay, thank God, but I had to go in and cover his shift at work. Elise joined me, and our date was spent waiting tables and eating at the bar with my family surrounding us. It was interesting,” he said dryly and looked at me. “I am sorry.”

  I shook my head. “No, don’t be. I really did have a good time tonight. I know, I know, that doesn’t seem like it would be fun to anyone else since it was work. But it was different. And I’ve never been there before so…yay. And the food was divine. I had tapas.”

  “At a bar?” Pacey asked.

  “Yes, at a bar,” Dillon said. “I told you, Aiden is changing up some of the things on the menu and will continue to do so even as he opens his own restaurant.”

  Pacey shook his head. “A restaurant in this day and age. I don’t know how people can do that. It’s a little terrifying.”

  Dillon shrugged. “True, and that’s why we’re taking our time and making sure we get it right.”

  I cleared my throat. “But if the food is anything like he made tonight? You guys are going to be a hit.”

  Dillon’s smile was slow to form but wide in the end. “Really? I’m going to have to tell him that.”

  “I told him that to his face,” I said with a shrug at Dillon’s look. “He came out to check on me when you were in the back, getting something. I think he wanted to see who you would dare bring into your family’s precious bar.”

  “No, he’s just as growly as Tanner is. That’s his normal look.”

  “I heard that, asshole,” Tanner said from the other room.

  “That’s why I said it so loudly,” Dillon called out, and I just smiled.

  “Anyway, you two kids have fun,” Pacey said with a shrug. “Mackenzie and Sanders are in their room. The music is on, thankfully, so we’re not going to have to hear much this time.”

  I winced. “Oh, that’s not good,” I said, doing my best not to look at Dillon.

  “Sanders’ room is the least soundproof,” Dillon said comfortably, his expression purposely blank.

  I knew what he was thinking, considering I hadn’t been that quiet when I was here before. And now, I just wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.

  Pacey continued. “Miles is out with his study group. Sadly, I don’t think that is code for a date.”

  “Why are you so sad about that, considering you’re at home alone tonight and not on a date?” Dillon asked, his eyes bright.

  “Because I have plans with my time, thank you very much
.” Pacey looked between us. “Have fun, you two. I’ll be sure to keep the tele up loud.”

  Dillon flipped him off even as I winced, lowering my head. “So, do you want some coffee? A beer? I think we have tequila somewhere, but that seems a little much. I don’t know.”

  I just smiled. “I will take some water. I know, boring.”

  “No, water’s good. You worked hard today. I can’t believe we had to work on this date. I’m sorry. This wasn’t what I had planned.”

  “Your brother had an emergency, and not only did they need help at the bar, I think they just wanted you where they could see you, just in case. They wanted family close.”

  “That was my thinking. We have a couple of other waitresses they could have called, but they wanted family. And I get it. And I’m not resentful about it. Okay, maybe a little bit because it did cut into our evening.”

  “Not really. We had food. We hung out. I got to know you. And now we’re drinking water together in your home. Or at least talking about it. I still think this counts as a date.” I hoped those were the right things to say. I wasn’t good at this whole flirting thing, but with the way his smile slowly spread across his face, maybe I was doing okay, after all.

  “Let’s get some water and then head up to my room. Not that we need to do anything,” Dillon added quickly and then let out a low chuckle. “But that way, Tanner and Pacey can’t sneak up on us and do whatever they want to do. Miles will probably be home soon, too, and I’m sure if Sanders and Mackenzie come down, it’ll be a whole thing.” He paused, then looked at me. “Unless you want it to be a whole thing.”

  I shook my head, rose on my tiptoes, and pressed my lips to his. “Let’s go upstairs so it’s just the two of us. You’re right. People have surrounded us for most of the day.”

  “Oh, thank God,” he mumbled, then kissed me harder, squeezed my hip, and handed me my glass of water after he’d pulled away. We made our way upstairs, and I indeed heard soft music coming from Sanders’ room. I tried not to think about the fact that if I could hear them, they had possibly heard what’d happened in Dillon’s room. But if they told me that the soundproofing was good enough, I would have to believe it. That was a lie that I would gladly and readily tell myself.

  We made our way to his room, and I swallowed half my water in one gulp as I tried to think about what we were supposed to do or say. I hadn’t had a steady boyfriend before, nor had I had sex often. It had been smaller dates that had led to intriguing evenings, but I wasn’t good at this whole human-interaction thing.

  “Me, either,” Dillon said and shrugged. I looked up at him.

  “Did I say all of that out loud?”

  “I don’t think all of it because you sort of started mid-sentence, but I’m the same as you with human interaction.”

  “Oh,” I said, mortified. Dear God.

  Dillon looked at me then. “I’m glad you’re here. I had fun the first night we were together, and had a blast tonight, even though it felt weird. Not weird to be with you, but weird that we had a date while working.”

  “As I said, it was unique,” I reiterated, and he smiled.

  “It was, wasn’t it? Anyway,” he said softly.

  “Anyway,” I added.

  He smiled. “I don’t know what I’m doing here. I wasn’t expecting this.”

  I sipped my water, swallowed hard, and tried not to choke. “I wasn’t either. I’m not good at this, just like you.”

  “I know you said you didn’t have time for a relationship...”

  I cringed. “I don’t. But...”

  “Yes. But... We’re both busy. We’re both in school and focused on a hundred different things, but I enjoy spending time with you. And I’d like to continue doing that. You know? To see where it goes.”

  “But nothing scary,” I added.

  He met my gaze. “I hope to hell not.”

  And then he lowered his lips to mine. I groaned, sinking into him as he pressed in. He smelled of sandalwood and a little like the bar. It was something that was all Dillon.

  I swallowed hard as he pulled away and slowly wrapped his arms around me. I settled my hands on his hips, squeezing slightly, and he smiled against my lips.

  He kissed me again, this time adding more pressure. I parted my lips for him, needing him, craving all of his taste. He rocked against me, the rigid length of him hard against my stomach. He had stretched me before, almost to the point of pain, but it had been perfect. Bliss unlike I had ever experienced before.

  And now, here we were again, and I couldn’t help but want more.

  He tugged on my shirt, and I smiled against him as I lifted my arms. He pulled my shirt and tank top over my head, leaving me in my bra. And then he kissed me again, before slowly dragging his lips along my jaw and down my collarbone. He nipped and licked, and I groaned.

  When he kissed me again, I tugged on his shirt, and he smiled against me before pulling it over his head.

  “How do you do that?” I asked.

  He frowned. “What?”

  “You tug your shirt over the back of your head. It’s so sexy. I thought only movie stars did that.”

  He blushed, and I couldn’t help but notice that he turned pink all the way down to his very firm, very ripped chest and eight-pack.

  “I don’t know. It’s just something I do. I didn’t realize that it was a movie-star thing.”

  “I like it. You should keep doing it.”

  “I think we can arrange that,” he said softly.

  He kissed me again, this time leading me towards the bed. I tugged on his pants, and he did the same with mine. Suddenly, my pants were off, as were his, and I stood in nothing but my bra and panties with him in his boxer briefs.

  “Damn, did I tell you how much I love your curves?” he asked, squeezing me.

  I shivered. “I think you might have mentioned it. But wow.” I hadn’t meant to utter the last part, but he kept touching me, and it was hard to think. Hard to breathe.

  “Wow is a good word.” He kissed me again.

  I was falling, falling so hard I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to say, what to do. I hadn’t expected this. Didn’t expect him. And I shouldn’t have. This could be a horrible mistake that led to temptation and pain, but I wasn’t going to stop. At least, not right now. College was about finding who you were and making choices. Discovering your path. And if that road led to Dillon, then I would let myself fall, at least for the time being.

  I just hoped I didn’t break when I landed.

  Soon, I was on the bed, Dillon hovering over me as he kissed my naked flesh. We had both lost what remained of our clothes. The condom packet lay next to my head. He kissed along my collarbone, then between my breasts. He paid particular attention to my nipples, biting and sucking to the point that I almost came. I rubbed my thighs against him, needing the friction, needing something, anything, but he refused to lower himself, wouldn’t press himself against my heat.

  “Dillon,” I whispered.

  “I’m not done yet.”

  And then he lowered himself, kissing across my stomach, my hips. He nibbled, nipped. And then his head moved between my thighs, and it was the most erotic image I had ever seen. He kissed, sucked, took in my heat. He laughed at me, blew cool air on my warmth, and then spread me. I covered my face, embarrassed, and he just chuckled against me.

  “You’re so pretty and pink. So wet and ready for me.” He licked at my clit. “Are you going to come for me, Elise?”

  “If you keep touching me, the answer’s going to be yes.”

  He kissed me again, this time spearing me with two fingers. My hips shot off the bed, and he curled his fingers, finding that tight bundle of nerves that nearly sent me over the edge. And when he latched on to my clit with his mouth, fucking me with his fingers, using his other hand to play with my breasts, I was lost. I came, an agonized shard of bliss slicing through me as I fell from the cliff of wherever I had been. I orgasmed so hard, I was afraid I would break, b
ut then he was there, holding me tightly, and I couldn’t catch my breath.

  He pulled away, and I panted, putting my hands over my breasts to calm myself. He smiled at the look, and I quickly sat up, getting a bit dizzy and lightheaded.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  I shook my head and went to all fours.

  “There’s something I need to do.” And then I slid his cock into my mouth. He was wide and far too long for me, so I used my free hand to grip his base. My other hand was on his hip, keeping me steady.

  Dillon let out a groan, slid his hands through my hair as I sucked his length. I hollowed my cheeks, humming along him as the tip of his dick pressed against the back of my throat.

  “Elise,” he whispered.

  And then his hips began to move as he slowly fucked my mouth. I kept humming, needing him more.

  His body tightened, and I felt him twitch, then he pulled away and twisted me around. I was still on all fours, and I heard him slide the condom over his length. He had one hand on my hip, and I felt the tip of him against my core. He lowered his head, kissed the back of my shoulder, and then slid home.

  We both groaned, my pussy so tight and swollen from my orgasm that it was hard for me to even breathe with him inside me. He whispered sweet nothings against my neck and across my shoulders, and then he began to move. I shoved back into the thrusts, and he fucked me hard, both of us trying to catch our breaths but unable. And when he pulled on my shoulder slightly, I sat up so I knelt in front of him, on my knees only as he continued fucking me.

  I could barely breathe, but this was worth it. It was all worth it. He continued thrusting deeply, moving in and out of me, one hand on my breast, the other on my clit. He kissed my shoulder, sucking hard, and I came. Shattered. He shouted, his whole body shaking as he came hard deep inside me. Both of us let out gasping breaths and then fell to the side, his cock still deep within as the two of us fell down from our orgasms, trying to find our footing. But it was no use. I was still cradled in his arms, his cock still deep inside me. It was no use trying to return to reality. Or any semblance of normalcy. This was it. This was what I had been missing.


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