Fury's Bridge

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Fury's Bridge Page 26

by Brey Willows

  The powerful looking, dark-skinned man with a dark gray beard and fathomless eyes looked briefly at her, but she didn’t think he’d actually seen her. And she was glad. She was on personal terms with enough gods already. That one had a reputation for turning people into spices and throwing pests at them.

  They all left and disappeared down the path leading into the woods, talking and pushing one another like a group of teenagers getting ready for a night out.

  “I wouldn’t want to be Aka right now.” Dani rose from the booth and held her hands out to Selene and Chandra. “Let’s head to Afterlife, shall we?”


  Alec moaned softly. Her wings were on fire. From the base to the tips, it felt as though someone was holding a torch to them. If Selene hadn’t lowered the chains, Alec knew she wouldn’t have been able to withstand the pain. The fact that Selene wasn’t a mass of wounded flesh in the cell beside her gave Alec hope that she’d somehow made it out.

  She let her head drop forward and tried to breathe the way Selene had asked her to. Slow and steady.

  The door opened and dread filled her when she saw the female silhouette. But the figure came closer, and she’d never been as happy to see anyone in her life. “Ama. Thank every god ever born.”

  Ama quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek and then began inspecting the chains. “I’ll need Zed to get the ones off your wrists, but I think I can get the ones from your wings.” She looked at Alec calmly. “This is going to hurt, Alec. Do you want something to bite down on?”

  Alec shook her head. There sure as hell wasn’t anything she’d put in her mouth in that cell. Especially with Selene gone.

  “Okay. Breathe deep. You can scream; we’ve got them surrounded and Selene is headed back to the office.” Ama reached up and took the ring in Alec’s wing in both hands. With a fierce yell, she pulled the ring in two, taking some of Alec’s wing with it.

  Alec didn’t scream. She blacked out.

  When she came to, the other ring was out of her wing and Zed was standing in front of her, lightning bolt in hand. He tapped it to the metal cuff and the jolt ran through her body before the cuff fell into pieces at her feet. Ama stood behind her, her arms around Alec’s waist to brace her, and when the second jolt of electricity slammed her body back, but allowed her wrist to drop free, she let Ama take her weight as she fought to stay conscious.

  “Aka?” she asked.

  “With the board. His little minions have all slithered back into the nooks and crannies they came from. Except one, the human involved with Selene.”

  Alec slowly pulled herself from Ama’s embrace and stood, though she swayed with the effort. “I want to see him.”

  “You’re not in any shape—”

  “Now, Zed.”

  He frowned at her but shrugged and led the way out. She leaned on Ama for support, glad for her strength. Zed led her to a conference room, where Frey Falconi sat huddled against a wall, his hands over his ears and his eyes tightly shut, as though that would make all of them go away.

  “Did you know?” Alec asked.

  He glanced at her, then shut his eyes again. “I knew he wanted the gods gone, but he was only saying what I thought anyway. That the world is better off without religion. I didn’t know he wanted to be some kind of maniac world dictator, no. At least, not at first. And I didn’t know he was going to hurt Selene. When he suggested we work together, I really did think it was a great idea. She’s amazing, and a hell of a philosopher. When he told me about the gods later, and about Selene joining them, I was disappointed. I did my best to convince her, yes. I didn’t believe what he said about her father, because if there was anyone who didn’t seem to have a dark side, it was her. But I never, ever would have hurt her. That’s why I let her escape.”

  Alec listened, her snakes at the ready. But they stayed in place. He was telling the truth, and he was genuine.

  “Fine. I believe you. But don’t think about trying to run. The others are going to want to talk to you.”

  He nodded vigorously, and had just begun to lower his hands from his head when an awful screeching sound filled the room, and a tiny gremlin-like creature leapt from the light fixture and onto Frey’s shoulder.

  He rammed a razor sharp letter opener through Frey’s neck and then laughed as he was sprayed with blood. The gremlin lapped at it with his tongue before leaping from Frey’s shoulder onto the table, then scrabbling along the wall to the doorway, and out onto the ceiling, where he disappeared through a hole in the tiles.

  Alec and Ama watched as Frey gurgled his last breath. He was right. Religion was a bad thing for him.

  Alec turned to Ama. “I think we’d better get back to the office.” Somehow, the gremlin had been given orders to end Frey Falconi’s life. That meant Selene might still be in danger after all. And I really, really want to be in her arms right now. Alec sighed at the thought. Some big bad fury I am.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  The enormous meeting hall was crammed full. Gods, underling gods, personal assistants to gods, entourages, and even some ex-gods talked to and over one another, a cacophony of languages and sounds.

  Selene stood next to Alec, so exhausted she could barely stay upright. Although none of her cloud-based, magical cohort needed food or sleep, her own body felt like she’d been run over by a 747. Zed, Ama, the main Christian and Jewish Gods, and Allah all stood at the front, waiting for any latecomers. Finally, Zed, as the oldest among them, aside from Alec, raised his voice so it bounced off the walls like thunder.

  “Attention, please. Thank you for coming. As you can see, the oracle has come about in our favor, for the moment. The Bridge is safe, and the threat to our worlds has been curtailed.” There was a smattering of applause, but gods didn’t often feel the need to pat others on the back. “Aka Manah, a demon from the Zoroastrian department, has been taken into custody and given to Orcus and Nemesis, who will see to his punishment.”

  “What did he actually do, Zed? Was he the reason for the mass fades?”

  Zed held up a hand as other questions started to be shouted out. “Perhaps I should allow our fury to explain, as she was there.” He motioned to Alec, who stepped forward with Selene still safely under her arm.

  There hadn’t been any more attacks, and the perimeter sweep was clear. Still, Selene wanted to stay as close to her as possible.

  “Aka had determined that it was time for chaos to reign. He decided to use the human need for understanding and knowledge against them by using a mortal named Frey Falconi. He used Falconi’s belief in philosophy and logic, along with his natural charisma enhanced by Aka’s powers of persuasion, to reach beyond religious belief, giving humanity an option other than religion for hope and meaning. He did so only to provide an opening he could manipulate to the detriment of both gods and humans. That was the reason for the mass fades.”

  Selene listened half-heartedly, not wanting to think of the horrible demon or his daevas. Or my father. What does that make me? She didn’t have the energy to pursue the thought and focused on Alec instead.

  “When enough humans had stopped believing in us, and therefore diminished our power and ability to interfere, he was going to let the daevas loose on the world, and place himself in a ruling position. Too few in number, we wouldn’t have been able to stop him. And when he showed himself to the people, they’d have no choice but to believe in him, which means he’d never fade. He would have ruled without consequence. Fortunately, we managed to keep that from happening.” Alec turned and smiled at Selene. “We’re still figuring out the next step, but with Falconi dead and Aka in custody, we might have a better chance than we had before.”

  “Selene, are you still going to be helping us?”

  Alec tried to wave the comment off, but Selene stepped forward, not letting go of Alec’s hand. “We’ve only just come back, and we have things to discuss. I don’t know if I play any further part in this extremely unexpected journey, however, I do have some things to discus
s with your…department heads.”

  Alec gently pulled her back under her arm as Ama stepped forward. “There will be a company-wide email shortly, detailing what you’ve heard here today as well as any other relevant aspects, so that nothing is taken out of context, and no rumors are started. If you have questions, please bring them to your department head, instead of starting an internal mess of coups and mutinies. Thank you.”

  They left the stage as a group, and were surrounded by followers, asking various questions. The fears of fading, while diminished, hadn’t completely receded. Alec opened a wing and put it around Selene, effectively blocking off those who wanted a word with her. As soon as they were out of the crowd, Alec scooped her up in her arms and carried her to the Hummer. Had Selene not been so tired, she might have protested. But at the moment, she was so glad to be off her feet, she hoped Alec wouldn’t ever set her down again.

  “Where are we going?” Selene asked, her eyes already closed as she leaned her head against the window.

  “My place, if that’s okay with you? Zed okayed it, and we’ve had someone move your things from the cottage to my place already. Too many people would bother you on site, so it makes sense to give you some privacy.”

  Selene meant to say thank you, but before she could, she fell asleep.


  Selene woke when Alec gently placed her in the softest bed she’d ever been on. She sank into the black comforter and pillows and sighed happily. When Alec turned to go, she grabbed her hand.

  “Please stay with me?”

  “Baby, I’m not going anywhere, ever. I need to change the bandages on my wings, and then I’ll come join you. I promise.” She kissed Selene’s hand and headed from the room.

  Selene closed her eyes, but as jarringly, nauseatingly exhausted as she was, her mind was crowded with questions and few answers.

  Alec came back in and lay beside her. Selene curled next to her and relaxed completely when she laid her head on Alec’s chest and was enfolded in her wings. Ama had carefully sewn the gaping holes shut and applied her healing magic, but the wounds were too deep and too jagged, so they’d need time to heal on their own. Fortunately, Alec said she didn’t feel any numbness anywhere, and would be able to fly again without issue.

  “What’s on your mind, beautiful?”

  Selene felt the tears well in her eyes. “Where do I start? What does it make me, that I’m part demon? Does that mean I’m evil too? I don’t feel like I’ll ever really know my mother, and having gotten to know her even a tiny bit, I’m not sure I want to. Although, there’s something in there, something nice, sometimes. And what does that say about me? I feel like people are still looking for answers from me, but why? The big evil villain plot to destroy the world has been foiled. Isn’t that enough? Why did they ask if I’m still helping?” She let the tears go, frustration, fear, and fatigue falling with them. “And us? Where does all of this leave us?”

  “Whoa, there. Let’s take on one thing at a time, okay?”

  Selene nodded and waited. She needed reason right now. She needed logic and a plan. Please give me that rather than more wise-woman words on old paper.

  “First of all, your parents. There are a lot of people, both gods and humans, who don’t like their parents. Biology doesn’t necessitate likability. Your mother is a good woman, and when she’s in her prime every month, she’s amazing. But she’ll never sit and bake pies with you, Selene. And your father…who cares? He was DNA, and nothing more. Sure, maybe you’ll find out something about yourself you can blame him for. Or maybe not. God knows, I don’t mind a bit of dark in my light, if that’s the case. You’re the amazing woman you are because you decided who you wanted to be and made it happen.”

  Selene considered that perspective for a moment. What role did genetics play in personality, particularly when the people related hadn’t been around one another? She’d need to look into the research, get answers based on more than supposition. But Alec was right. With no help, she had made it to the top. She’d consider the rest later, but she felt easier about it now. “Okay. Next?”

  “Next. You’re right. People are still looking to you. In fact, I would venture to say people are looking to you in both our worlds. Zed called you the Bridge because that’s what the oracle refers to you as. A bridge between our worlds. We don’t know exactly what that means yet, but we’ll figure it out. Together.”

  Alec stroked away some of Selene’s tears and her wing tips caressed Selene’s back. “And that leads me to the next question.” She tilted Selene’s chin so she could look into her eyes. “I’m making it my life’s work to take care of you, and to make you the happiest you’ve ever been. I can’t fathom a day without you, and if you’re willing to let me, I’ll show you what a love for the ages really is.”

  Selene’s tears began again, and she buried her face in Alec’s chest. “But I’ll die. You’ll have to watch me get wrinkly, and warty, and get liver spots and gray hair. What if I get sick? Clearly, I can’t pray it away…And that’s a whole other can of worms I still need to swallow. I need answers to religions limitations, and why and—”

  “Stop, baby. Shh.” Alec placed her fingertip on Selene’s lips. “You’re right. I’ll have to watch you get older. But the more time you spend with me, or at Afterlife, the slower time will go for you. It’s kind of a between-time place, Limbo, if you will. You’ll age far slower than normal, which gives us more time together. And then…”

  “And then?” Selene looked up at Alec, confused by her sudden silence.

  “Well, then we can talk about the options. You’re a demigod, baby, remember? Think back to the tales and what happens to demigods.”

  Selene thought of the various stories from different cultures. “Well, they all have harrowing, difficult lives full of monsters and terror, and then they die, usually at a young age.”

  Alec laughed and Selene’s tummy flipped at the delicious sound.

  “Okay, yeah, that’s mostly true. And proving to be accurate so far, don’t you think? But what happens after they die?”

  Selene’s eyes grew wide. “That’s true? They die and go to where the gods are, often becoming gods themselves.”

  “Kind of true. They don’t become gods, certainly not anymore, but they can come to live at Afterlife, and usually get jobs among us. They don’t die in the sense Dani takes them, generally.”

  “And I’ve got more questions about that, too, by the way.” Selene sat up and stared at Alec. “So, when I die, I’ll still be here. With you.”

  Alec gently pulled her back down so Selene was lying on top of her. “If that’s what you want. I’m in love with you, Selene. I have been since the moment I saw you, I think. Forever is a long time in our world, baby, and you may not want me that long. But I’ll be here for as long as you do.”

  Selene took Alec’s face in her hands and kissed her, putting every ounce of love and desire she could into it. “I want you. I don’t fully understand what’s going on, and I’m not happy about being some heroine pawn told what to do by some bizarre, matriarchal top management. But I do know I want you more than I ever thought it possible to desire another person. I crave you, and no matter what, I want to show you how much I love you with every breath I have, from now until I join you on your side of the time warp.”

  Alec lifted her and gently flipped them over so she was lying on top of Selene. Her kisses were deep, passionate, filled with promises she knew, now, could be kept. She slipped Selene’s shirt off, then quickly pulled off the rest of her clothes before sitting back on her heels to look at her.

  Selene flushed, unused to someone’s scrutiny of her body. But the way Alec was looking at her, as though she were both too precious to touch and yet something to be fully devoured, made her feel sexy in a way she’d never known. Alec moved between Selene’s legs, her wings fanning out over her to drape down either side of the bed. An angel. My own dark, avenging, dangerous angel. When Alec’s tongue slid softly, so, so softly,
over her clit, every thought fled, replaced by nothing but the feel of Alec’s touch.

  She buried one hand in Alec’s feathers and held on to her muscular shoulder with the other. Soft and hard. A perfect contrast, a perfect balance. As Alec licked her slowly, circling her clit, building the physical release while breaking through the emotional dam, Selene gave herself over and watched Alec between her legs. Alec looked up at her, and her pupils had elongated, making her look dangerous…Selene’s orgasm drew closer, and she pulled Alec’s head down. “Please, baby. Please suck harder.”

  Alec complied, sucking her clit into her mouth, pressing her tongue hard against it, then releasing it to suck it in again. Selene bucked and shook, and when Alec slid two fingers inside her, she exploded, coming hard, glad Alec had wrapped one arm around her thigh to hold her in place.

  Alec moved back up beside her after they’d both caught their breath, and Selene snuggled in close. Held in Alec’s arms, she drifted to sleep, safer and more sated than she’d ever been.

  Chapter Thirty

  “That’s the most absurd idea I’ve ever heard. I thought you were supposed to help us, not make us laughing stocks. Or get us killed. These bodies aren’t entirely indestructible, you know. They can take ages to repair if you really mess them up.”

  Zed paced his office, but Jesus was looking at Selene contemplatively, as was Ama. God was inscrutable, but she’d expected that. Allah, like Zed, looked perturbed. Fin, whom Alec had introduced as a Celtic god and longtime friend, sat at the table eating a cronut. He winked at Alec as he licked his fingers. Alec had explained to Selene that as a primary god, even a pre-fader, he had a say in this conversation. Selene decided she liked him, even before she knew he preferred Guinness.


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