War Master Candidate Omnibus

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War Master Candidate Omnibus Page 40

by Will Crudge

  We both sit face to face and press our nether regions together. We grasp and lick each other’s breasts, and take turns biting on each other’s necks.

  We both seem close to being on the verge of a massive climax, so we each lean back on one arm for support. She has her other hand grasping my left breast with vigor. And my other hand is pulling her hair, as her head is pulled to one side.

  Our warm muffins tingle and glide across each other. Our mutual wetness makes my toes begin to curl as we both start to thrust into each other. The heat builds up down below, and my body is throbbing against her’s with increasing pressure.

  My thighs begin to quiver. My mid-section begins to tighten. “Yes! - Yes! - Yes! - Oooooh, fuu-uuck!”

  Our lady parts explode into each other like a supernova, and I can feel my soul merge with hers. The universe shatters into spectrums of light that shouldn’t be possible… We both raise up to squeeze each other in our arms… I feel another spasm, a flush of heat, and yet an even stronger spasm coming on. I ignore the pains as she grasps my bottom lip in her teeth and begins to bite.

  We each lurch in one final throw of ecstasy… One final pelvic thrust… She let’s go and squirts her hot juices against my clit, and it pushes me over the edge into one last orgasmic spasm.

  But I’ve held my breath so much already, my brain is struggling for oxygen, and the sensation triggers yet another massive orgasmic episode… of which I won’t be awake to enjoy.

  I pass out.

  We both do. Our minds were fully melded. In fact, it ended up being Elizabeth who was calling the shots. It was she who pulled my hair… She ordered me to bite the pillow while sticking my ass in the air.

  While it happened, I couldn’t tell if it was me or her. It didn’t matter. We were one being enjoying two bodies. It was magic!

  Mind you, we didn’t fall in love…. Turns out we both prefer dudes. She was feeding on my impulses. It was my own perversion that inspired her to drag my face between her legs.

  We would go on to become the very best of friends… occasionally with benefits… but authentic friends, none the less.

  But that’s a story for another time…


  The disembodied entity had fluttered through the fabric of time and space for quite some time now. The void between realities has no true sense of time. It’s a plain of nightmares for any consciousness that came from the third dimension of reality.

  He didn’t know who he was. What he was. Or if he was even a ‘he.’ Genders had no place beyond the laws of the physical realm. All he knew was that he was in perpetual transition, but refused to move on.

  The universe beckoned him on to another realm of existence, but he wouldn’t go. He knew nothing but to resist. To persevere. It consumed him like an unquenchable thirst.

  He was a disembodied agent of chaos. He once had some significant role to play in the world he once called home, but his physical form was gone. Dead, even. But death was just like any other concept in this realm. It had no context. Without time, space, or matter there was only perpetuity… a state of perpetual presence. Nobody meant no life or death. No linear thought.

  All he had was his lust to resist the natural order of things. And his unshakeable resolve would pay off…

  Thoughts began to flood a mind he didn’t know he had. Sensations of pain rattled his awareness. With a single sublime breath of life, he forced himself into the physical world once more.

  He tried opening the eyelids that he was just now realizing were there, but the light made him recoil. He groaned in pain and felt the cold surface of some kind of table beneath him.

  He gasped to breathe but noticed there was something in his airway. Muffled voices filled his awareness, and he felt something being forcefully pulled from his chest and throat.

  He curled up in the fetal position and coughed until he thought he was going to suffocate. But then his breathing caught up to him, and he began to calm down.

  “Brother…” He heard an eerily familiar voice call out to him. “Can you hear me?”

  He forced himself to nod but dared not open his eyes. The cold hard slab pressed into his left shoulder and hips. He tried to roll over, but he had no bearings of his surroundings. His stomach lurched for a second, and he realizes he had rolled off the table right before impacting the surface below.

  His body slammed on metal deck plating, or so he figured. He felt hands pull him up, and he somehow found his footing.

  Several minutes would go by before he found himself sitting on the edge of the metal table. His thoughts and memories began to flood into him all at once. It was as if he were receiving some kind of conscious download.

  He would eventually discover that it was exactly that… A download.

  I am a clone! I died, and was reanimated within a new body! He realized. He labored to fight off a surge of panic, but he forced himself to find some level of mental acuity.

  He decided to open his eyes. This time the light was more tolerable. He winced at first, but then he blinked several times, and his vision came to him.

  The first was a new suit of powered armor. It was bright red but lined with flat black accents. The coating was shiny, and it was almost too bright for him to keep his eyes open.

  Then something else came into focus. He recognized the image. Letters… A word. It’s a word! He focused his mind on piecing them together into something he could decipher. Then he realized exactly what it said. He knew exactly who he was. He knew exactly what he had to do!

  He took one last look at the word printed on the armor with stylized block lettering.


  The End… for now!

  Katherine’s story continues in Book 5, Katherine: War Master!

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  Also, feel free to like my page on Facebook. There you can get updates on ongoing projects, sales, and the occasional silly meme!

  Until next time, folks!

  -Will Crudge, Pendleton 2018

  PART 5



  The CIC of the sloop was alight in order to indicate combat conditions, and the dull red lights provided an ideal atmosphere for the crew to focus on the task. Colonel Kara Elders knew this all too well, as she often insisted that the crew train in conditions that minimize distractions. She was not only the CO of the ship, but she was also the CO of the famed, Wrecking Crew. A hodge-podge of UAHC Soldiers, former cops, a UDF Officer, a War Master with a Zodiac, and a former pirate. The latter was her most competent space farer, and helmsmen.

  But this wasn’t a training mission. She scowled at the NAV display and the coordinates that it contained. It was her intent to transition into normal space in close proximity to the Mwargoth warships, but not this close.

  “James, I’m delegating maneuvering decisions to you!” Kara said as she stretched her neck up to make sure Lieutenant James heard what she had said. Her command console was situated to the back of the CIC, and the helm was at the fore bulkhead, and down a few steps from where she was sitting. James turned his head around and gave her a curt nod.

  She could see the serious expression on the young man’s face. The former pirate was still in his early twenties but held the space faring experience and skill of a man twice his age. If anyone can make rapid sound decisions in tight maneuvering, it’s James! She thought.

  She knew that giving him full autonomy of maneuver was their best bet to survive. He was a cunning pilot with natural instincts. Kara was no stranger to piloting, herself. After all, she housed her own LRF-90 directly below the deck plating beneath the CIC.

  “Ma’am, I’ve got the five-inch rail and our missile batteries locked and loaded. Permission to engage!” Lance Corporal Lisa sounded off. The young UAHC Soldier was an elite Fire Support Team Member or FIST
ER. Performing fire control and scan suite duties wasn’t her normal role, but the Foehammer was running on a skeleton crew, and Lisa’s broad knowledge of ballistics and fire support meant that she could handle the job.

  Kara looked over her right shoulder to Lisa’s scanner suite station that doubled as a secondary weapons control console and gave her an approving nod. She decided not to bother asking the young Soldier what she was firing at, because it didn’t matter.

  They all knew that there was nothing that the modified mine-layer sloop had onboard that could do any damage to a Mwargoth ship. The alien entities had superior energy shielding, and it took the heaviest weapons that humanity could bring to bear, just to weaken them.

  Besides, Kara knew that the young FISTER was fully capable of selecting targets. The FISTER’s provided artillery and mortar targeting data, as well as painting ground targets for fighters or orbital bombardment platforms. The young woman was a human targeting computer, and could accurately direct heavy weapons fire on just about anything without the use of an advanced firing solution algorithm.

  “Steve, how are Gail and the boys doing with those mines?” Kara asked the ship’s AI.

  “Mines are armed, and the deployment armature is calibrated. We can expect the first mine to be placed in the battle space within thirteen seconds.” Steve replied. Kara made a mental note to thank him for not being a smart ass in the middle of battle.

  As a former law enforcement spec AI, Steve had come along way. He ended up becoming a UAHC ship’s AI by happenstance and has thrived ever since. But his irreverent sense of humor often manifested at the most inopportune times.

  Kara asked.

  Skull, the LRF’s NAV replied.

  Crusher, the hull maintenance system replied cheerfully. Kara cracked a small smile. She loved her boys. Steve, Skull, and Crusher were like her scrappy little brothers. But Crusher was unlike other hull maintenance systems. He had gone through a profound transformation recently, and now he’s got a personality. He’s even prone to interface with humans directly, unlike a typical hull maintenance system.


  Skull said as he sent an animated icon of a pair of eyes rolling.

  She replied, and then cut the feed from her neural interface.

  “First six-pack of mines are in the black, boss!” Steve reported. Kara focused her eyes on her command console display. She saw the little flashing amber blips of the mines leaving a trail behind the ship’s path.

  “Thanks, for the update!” Kara replied. “Have the team launch one more rack, and then close that blast door. Looks like James is going to cut across the Mwargoth formation. We’ll cut out into open space, and reassess our next move.”

  “Aye, Ma’am!” Steve replied as he sent his signature collage of horse penises to her command HUD. She just shook her head and reminded herself how grateful she was to have him. He knew just when to cut the tension with something silly, and it helped her keep her nerves in check.

  She looked at the flight path the sloop was following, and she was astonished that the enemy didn’t bother to fire on her. She couldn’t explain it.

  “Lisa?” Kara called out over her left shoulder.

  “Yes, Ma’am?” Lisa answered up.

  “Why do you think we haven’t been fired upon?”

  Lisa turned her eyes from her targeting display and locked eyes with Kara. The young woman blinked several times in rapid succession, and Kara knew that was her tell that denoted deep thought. While she waited for an answer, she couldn’t help but stare at the young Soldier’s silky dark hair. It was eerily similar to her own, after all.

  “It must be that the Foehammer lacks the tonnage to be of any real threat in the squids’ eyes, I suppose. That’s the most likely answer, anyway. Could also be that they’re standing by to coordinate a strike on the fleet itself.” Lisa replied. Kara nodded with sincere admiration for the young woman’s tactical instincts.

  “I concur with your assessment, Lance Corporal!” Kara said as she turned back to her display. But then a disturbing sensation arose from deep within her consciousness. It seemed like a fleeting thought at first, but then it evolved into a chilling realization.

  “James! Spin up our FTL generator, and place it on standby!” She rattled off abruptly. Something told her that this was the correct course of action.

  “Ma’am?” James said incredulously. Kara lifted her eyes over her console display and found the young blonde man giving her a look of confusion.

  “Is there a problem?” She asked as if to say ‘do it now!’

  “We need to bug out if things get hairy. Select a known point in space within a few light minutes of here, and dial it in for a slip-space solution!” Kara explained. She realized she probably shouldn’t have explained herself. James was still adjusting to life outside of piracy, and he needed to learn not to question every decision like a typical pirate would.

  “Aye, Ma’am!” He replied. “But I should make you aware that the FTL generators can only pull so much energy from the reactor at a time. I’d have to divert resources to pull it off quickly.”

  “What resources?”

  “I’d have to shut down our auto-defense cannons, dial back our shielding, and pull back on the throttle. We’ll be more vulnerable.” He explained.

  Kara stewed on it for a few seconds. It was a roll of the dice. They had just transitioned out of slip-space no more than five minutes earlier. The FTL drive generator had to expel a significant charge in order to rip a whole into space-time. As a result, she needs to make a call. Compromise their safety and defensive capability, or hold fast while in close proximity to a deadly enemy. Her instincts began to lean toward the former.

  “Do whatever you need to in order to get our FTL online! Don’t worry about the coordinates until she’s ready to pop, got it?” Kara ordered.

  “On it, Ma’am!” James replied.

  Steve said directly to Kara’s neural interface.

  Kara replied. Had Steve said it audibly, then it would undermine her position as the CO, and possibly shake James’ nerves.


  Who died and possessed Steve? Kara thought to herself. She was shocked that, the normal smart-ass, AI seemed to be sincere.

  Steve noted. Kara felt her face begin to flush slightly. She knew he was right. Ever since she met the love of her life, she’d been altered on some kind of quantum level.

  She had recently learned that trace amounts of War Master DNA run in her family, and her contact with Darius has seemed to have unlocked something within her. She just didn’t know what, or why. She knew she didn’t have enough of the genetic ‘gift’ to ever hope to become a War Master, nor did she ever aspire to do so. But what was her purpose? What was her destiny? It was the same set of questions that kept her up at night.

  It was why she had such insane dreams, as well.

  “Ma’am, I just realized we never reported in with the fleet CIC on the Thermopylae Since we popped out into normal space. Shall I call it in?” James asked.

  “Very well, James,” Kara said as she plac
ed a palm over her face. She knew that that was the first thing she should have done. Time dilation would mean that their presence wouldn’t be detected right away, and they were sitting ducks for friendly fire.

  James got on the horn, and Kara could hear him begin to relay the standard audio hail.

  “Shit!” James jumped out of his seat and leaned into his display.

  “Shit!” Lisa shouted from behind Kara’s field of vision. Kara looked at her screen, and the blood drained from her face. An incoming alert was flashing.

  [WARNING! Multiple KEPL projectiles detected! IMPACT ETA 0 MIN 12 SEC]

  Kara wasn’t a physicist, but she knew that the distance of travel, time of flight, and closing speed of the projectiles meant that they were fired before they jumped into the battle space.

  Time dilation delayed their detection, and the scanning processors would have taken precious seconds to reconcile the cross-section of the projectiles. She knew that KEPL slugs traveled so fast, that it took even longer for the proximity warning to register.

  “Go into slip-space, now!” Kara spat.

  “We have no coordinates!” James spat back.

  “Blind jump! Now!” Kara ordered. The estimated countdown was within four seconds… three… two…

  Space-time ceased to be. The stars blurred out, and the photon absorbing dark layer that coexisted with the normally three-dimensional reality put a veil of darkness on all of the CIC’s displays.

  “Transition complete!” James sounded off, but there was an exasperation in his voice that echoed what Kara was feeling inside.

  “Now, do whatever you have to do to get us back into normal space, James!” Kara said sternly but took care not to direct any misplaced frustration at the young helmsmen.

  “FTL drive generators are in safe-mode, Ma’am! The jump drove their charge to dangerously low levels to force the transition.” James reported.


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