Finney, Albert 506
Finney, Jack 485
First, R. 209
Fish, Stanley 688
Fisher Unwin, Thomas 268
Fishkin, Shelley Fisher 172
FitzGerald, Edward 277, 396
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (Francis Scott Key) 330, 370, 396–8, 399–401, 423, 425, 447, 507, 514, 515, 622, 624
Fitzgerald, Mollie 396
Fitzgerald, Percy 90
Fitzgerald, Scottie 397, 398
Fitzgerald, Zelda (née Sayre) 396–8, 399, 400
Fitzgibbon, Constantine 406
Flanders, Michael 668
Flaubert, Gustave 614, 748, 749, 751, 752, 753
Fleming, Ann (previously Lady Rothermere) 493, 494, 495
Fleming, Caspar 493, 496
Fleming, Evelyn 491, 492
Fleming, Ian Lancaster 184, 226, 293, 353, 355, 491–6
Fleming, Peter 491
Fleming, Valentine 491
Floyd, Charles Arthur ‘Pretty Boy’ 606
Flynn, Errol 299
Foe, Henry 11
Fonda, Jane 382
Foot, Jill (née Craigie) 461
Foot, Michael 461
Foot, Paul 704
Ford, E. 379
Ford, Ford Madox see Hueffer
Ford, Henry 299, 384
Ford, John 491
Ford, Tom 458
Forster, E. M. (Edwin Morgan Forster) x, 44, 57, 134, 214, 269, 293, 309–12, 323, 411, 472, 520, 521, 576, 668, 769
Forster, John 90, 107, 108, 109
Forster, Lily 311
Forster, M. 163
Forsyth, Frederick 726
Foucault, Michel 643
Fourmantelle, Catherine 26
Fowles, Elizabeth (formerly Christy) 620
Fowles, John Robert 353, 619–22, 708
Fowles, Robert 619
Fox, Charles James 60
Francis, Dick (Richard Stanley Francis) 478, 569–71
Francis, Felix 570, 571
Francis, Mary 569–70, 571
Francis, Merrick 570
Francis, Ted 727
Franco, General Francisco 632
Frank, Anne 595
Frankau, Arthur 227
Frankau, Gilbert 228
Frankau, Pamela 228
Frankenheimer, John 608
Franz, Harry 664
Fraser, George MacDonald 298, 708–11
Fraser, Kathleen (née Hetherington) 710
Frears, Stephen 485
Fremlin, Gerald 660
French, Jamie 629
French, Marilyn (née Edwards) 628–30
French, Patrick 669, 672
French, Robert, Jr 629
French, S. 456
Frenkel, James 745
Freud, Sigmund 238, 324, 383, 384, 447, 512, 542, 641
Frey, James 165
Friedan, Betty 628, 674, 721
Fritzl, Josef 595
Frye, Northrop 720
Fuentes, Carlos 182
Fugate, Francis L. and Roberta B. 360
Fuller, Sam 601
Fullerton, Morton 252
Furbank, P. N. 312
Furnas, J. C. 196
Gable, Clark 417
Gaiman, Neil 745, 796
Gale, R. L. 498
Galsworthy, John 265, 313
Galt, John 49
Gandhi dynasty 770, 772
Garbo, Greta 341, 342, 456, 628
García, Andy 633
Gardiner, Connie 383
Gardiner, Muriel (later Buttinger) 383
Gardner, Agnes Jean 360
Gardner, Erle Stanley 338, 340, 345, 359–60
Gardner, Grace 360
Gardner, Dame Helen 687
Gardner, John Edmund 226–7
Gardner, Natalie (née Talbert) 360
Garfield, Brian 686
Garibaldi, Giuseppe 167
Garland, Judy 213
Garner, Dwight 687
Garner, Margaret 655–6
Garnett, Edward 219, 335
Garrick, David 20, 22
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (née Stevenson) 37, 100–102, 118, 123
Gaskell, Revd William 101
Gaskell, Willie 100
Gaston, G. 587
Gauguin, Paul 293
Gawsworth, John 260
Gébler, Ernest 648–9
Gébler, Sasha 649
Gehrig, Lou 693
George III, King 39, 44
George IV, King (earlier Prince Regent) 47, 55, 56, 75, 401
George V, King 241
George VI, King 407
Gernsback, Hugo 563
Gershwin, George 330, 332
Gershwin, Ira 330, 332
Gibbon, Edward 439, 709
Gibbon, Lewis Grassic (born James Leslie Mitchell) 417–20, 716
Gibbons, Stella 317
Gibson, Graeme 721, 722
Gibson, Hoot 279
Gibson, Mel 232
Gibson, William xi
Gide, André 251, 252, 311
Gideon, Charles 9
Gilbert, J. G. 330
Gilbert, Micheline 620
Gilbert, Sandra 723
Gilbert, Sir W. S. 184
Gilliland, J. 184
Gilman, Charlotte Anna (née Perkins; first married name ‘Stetson’) 235–7, 238, 239, 242
Gilman, George Houghton 237
Girodias, Maurice 413, 503
Girouard, Mark 56
Gissing, George 153, 265, 291, 454
Gittings, Robert 180
Givner, J. 313
Gladstone, William Ewart 82–3, 145, 198, 204
Glass, R. 703
Glendinning, V. 411
Godard, Jean-Luc 395, 758
Godwin, Mike 748
Godwin, William 32, 34, 52, 71, 72
Goebbels, Josef 288
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 65, 127, 129, 130, 589
Gogarty, Oliver St John 320
Gogol, Nikolai 445
Gold, Glen David 791, 792
Golding, Ann (née Brookfield) 513
Golding, Sir William Gerald 145, 511–14, 536, 604, 784, 785
Golding Bright, George 229
Golding Bright, Reginald 229
Goldsmith, Ann 29
Goldsmith, Charles 28
Goldsmith, Oliver 27, 28–31
Goldwyn, Sam 440
Golemba, Henry 165
Gollancz, Victor 162, 163, 378, 433, 462
Gooch, Brad 608, 612
Gooding, Margaret 670
Goodkind, Terry 776
Goodman, Benny 514
Goodman, Rebecca 593
Gordon, Dexter 602
Gordon, John 414, 822
Gore, Al 736
Gore, Mrs Catherine Grace Frances (née Moody) 74–6, 155
Gore, Captain Charles Arthur 75
Gorky, Maxim 604
Gosse, Edmund 153, 738
Gottlieb, Carl 585
Gottlieb, Robert 717, 718
Gould, Lady Sarah 17
Gowrie, Grey 704
Grace, W. G. 225
Grafton, Sue 789
Graham, Billy 788
Graham, Ruth Bell 788
Graham, Sheilah 398
Grahame, Alastair 231
Grahame, Elspeth 231
Grahame, Kenneth 230–31
Grand, Sarah (Sarah Frances Elizabeth Bellenden McFall; née Clarke) 201–3
Granger, Stewart 299, 352
Graves, Caroline 148
Graves, R. P. 787
Gray, Alasdair 700–703
Gray, Alexander 700–701
Gray, Andrew 702
Gray, C. 724
Gray, Inge (née Sorensen) 701–2
Gray, Richard 404
Greacen, Lavinia 704, 705, 707
Green, Henry (Henry Vincent Yorke) 451, 458–60, 465
Green, Jonathon 355
Green, P. 231
Greene, D. G. 478
> Greene, Graham (Henry Graham Greene) 269, 276, 387, 388, 414, 425, 439, 450–54, 498, 535, 542, 586, 609, 665, 712, 773
Greene, Vivienne (née Dayrell-Browning) 452
Gregory XVI, Pope 124
Grey, Lina (‘Dolly’; née Roth) 289, 290
Grey, (Pearl) Zane 288–90, 369, 370
Grey, Romer 289
Griffin, R. S. 687
Griffith, D. W. 257
Grimm Brothers 211
Grisham, John 453, 773, 789
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot 99
Gross, John 600
Grossmith, George and Weedon 754
Gruber, Frank 290
Gruber, Dr Staci Ann 789
Gubar, Susan 723
Guevara, Che 633
Guggenheim, Peggy 368
Guinness, Sir Alec 163
Gunnarsson, O. T. 686
Gwyn, Nell 4, 81
Haggard, Sir Henry Rider 214–16, 339, 527, 637
Haggard, Louisa (née Margitson) 214
Haggard, William Meybohm 214
Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl 387
Haigh, John (‘acid bath’) 491
Hailey, Arthur 341
Haldane, J. B. S. 746
Hall, G. Stanley 273
Hall, Mary (née Chandler) 201
Hall, N. John 114, 117
Hall, Ralph 201
Hall, William 436
Hall-Stevenson, John 25, 27
Halperin, J. 471
Hamburger, Michael 744
Hamilton, Bernard 454, 455
Hamilton, Ian 559, 779
Hamilton, Kendra 332
Hamilton, Lois (née Martin) 455
Hamilton, Patrick (Anthony Walter Patrick Hamilton) 454–6
Hamilton, Lady Ursula (‘La’) Winifred (née Stewart) 456
Hammerstein, Oscar 330, 488
Hammett, Josephine (née Nolan) 380, 381
Hammett, Samuel Dashiell 345, 360, 374, 379–82, 502, 546, 547
Hamsun, Knut 229
Hancock, Tony 683
Handel, George Frideric 168
Hano, Arnold 484, 485
Happersberger, Lucien 602
Harding, M. D. 268
Hardy, Daphne 462
Hardy, D. G. 720
Hardy, Florence 178
Hardy, Thomas 89, 153, 176–80, 265, 285, 390, 513, 621, 627, 637, 638
Hardy, Thomas, Sr. 178
Hare, William 69–70, 176
Harley, Robert 9
Harman, C. 41
Harman, Claire 57
Harraden, Beatrice 139–40
Harris, Frank 358
Harris, Margaret 154
Harris, Richard 697
Harris, Robert 705, 707
Harrison, Michael 394, 396
Hart, Lorenz 430
Harte, Bret 182
Hastings, Selina 291, 293
Haswell, Lieutenant 41
Hatherill, Commander George 491
Hathorne, John 85
Hawes, Fanny 148
Hawking, Stephen 735
Hawkins, Jack 491, 510
Hawkins, John 19
Hawks, Howard 347
Hawley, F. Hughson 308
Hawthorne, Elizabeth (‘Ebe’) 85, 86, 87
Hawthorne, Nathaniel (born Hathorne) 53, 85–8, 133
Hawthorne, Sophia 87
Haxton, Gerald 293
Haycrafts 665
Hayes, John P. 489
Hayworth, Rita 430
H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) 365, 366
Healey, Denis 709
Heaney, Seamus 660
Hearst, William Randolph 182, 282
Heath, Sir Edward 422
Heger, M. Constantin 121
Heger, Mme 121
Heilmann, A. 203
Heinlein, Robert A. 563, 604, 721
Helena, daughter of Old King Coel 439
Heller, A. C. 468
Heller, Joseph 623
Hellman, Lillian Florence (later Kober) 381, 382–4
Hemingway, Ernest Miller 170, 172, 283, 305, 345, 367, 370, 393, 398, 399–401, 424, 427, 429, 531, 533, 544, 568, 597, 607, 631
Henley, W. E. 193, 194
Henry, O. (William Sydney Porter) 247–9
Henty, G. A. 195
Hepburn, Katharine 233
Herring, Phillip 368
Hersey, John Richard 424, 427–9
Hervieu, Auguste 62, 63
Herzl, Theodor 258
Herzog, Werner 738
Hester, Betty 611
Heston, Charlton 95
Heyer, Boris 421
Heyer, George 421, 422
Heyer, Georgette (later Rougier) 309, 421–3
Heyward, Dorothy 331
Heyward, Edwin DuBose 330–32
Heyward, Jane (Janie) Screven 331–2
Heyward, Nathan 331
Heyward, Thomas, Jr. 331
Hibberd, Dominic 278
Higgins, D. S. 216
Higgins, George V. 607
Higgins, Jack 584, 726
Higginson, Henry 229
Highsmith, Patricia (Mary Patricia Highsmith (born Plangman)) 347, 577–80, 610
Himes, Chester Bomar 501–3, 579
Himes, Jean (née Johnson) 502
Himes, Lesley (née Packard) 502
Himmler, Heinrich 324
Hiney, Tom 344, 348
Hinton, Michael 627, 628
Hirschfeld, Magnus 456
Hitchcock, Alfred 162, 199, 347, 455, 500, 577, 579, 666, 729
Hitler, Adolf 389, 391, 457, 566, 619, 741, 771
Hitler, Bridget (née Dowling) 666
Hobb, Robin 776
Hobbes, John Oliver (Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie; née Richards) 267–8
Hobbes, Thomas 268
Hobhouse, John 70
Hodge, J. A. 423
Hogarth, Georgina 108
Hogarth, Mary 108
Hogarth, William 13, 15, 22
Hogg, James 47–52, 658, 660
Hogg, Margaret 48
Hogg, Margaret (née Phillips) 49, 50
Hoggart, Richard 698
Lives of the Novelists: A History of Fiction in 294 Lives Page 122