Macleod, Kirsten 260, 261
McLuhan, Marshall 746
Macmillan, Alexander 151
Macmillan, Harold, 1st Earl of Stockton 494, 638, 697, 709
McMillan, Terry 653
McNeile, Violet (née Baird) 354
MacNiven, L. S. 519
McQueen, Steve 428, 485
MacShane, F. 431
McVeigh, Timothy 686, 759
McWilliams, Carey 182
Mailer, Barney 597
Mailer, Bea (née Silverman) 597, 598
Mailer, Fanny 597
Mailer, Norman Kingsley (born Nachem Malek) 170, 426, 510, 555, 556, 557, 588, 596–9, 613, 675
Major, Sir John 727, 755
Malamud, Bernard 426, 613
Malcolm, W. K. 420
Malcolm X 671
Malcolmson, R. N. 315
Mallory, Sir Thomas 423
Mallowan, Sir Max 362, 363
Mamet, David 374
Mann, Thomas 341, 370, 507, 635, 646, 738, 780
Manning, Nicholas 87–8
Mansfield, Guy 549
Mansfield, Irving 548
Mansfield, Katherine (Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp; later Bowden, later Murry) 335, 348–51
Maquet, Auguste 338
March, Fredric 357
Marcus, Steven 166
Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of 24, 25
Marlowe, Christopher 442, 681
Marr, D. 522
Marryat, ‘Captain’ Frederick 67, 195, 218, 695
Marsden, Roy 573
Marsh, John 416
Martí, José 632
Martin, B. K. 714
Martin, George R. R. 776
Martin, J. 447
Martin, John 568
Martin, P. 21
Martineau, Harriet 76–8, 79
Martineau, James 76, 77
Marx, Eleanor 208, 244
Marx, Karl 227, 381, 512, 523–4
Marx, Leo 87
Marx Brothers 445
Maschler, Tom 779
Mason, James 352, 773
Masood, Syed Ross 311
Matheson, Richard 408
Maturin, Charles 41
Maugham, Liza 293
Maugham, Syrie (née Wellcome) 292, 293
Maugham, William Somerset 229, 250, 251, 266, 291–93, 429, 491, 499, 536
Maupassant, Guy de 292
Mauriac, François 609
Maxse, Frederick Augustus 153
Maxwell, John 167
Maxwell, Robert 727
Maxwell, William Hamilton 91, 92
Maynard, Joyce 559
Mehta, Ved 704
Melamed, Heshel 634, 636
Melendez, Angel 763
Mellor, Anne K. 74
Melville, Allan 131
Melville, Elizabeth (née Shaw) 133
Melville, Gansevoort 131, 133
Melville, Herman 53, 67, 87, 131–5, 544, 564
Mencken, H. L. 171, 283, 286, 288, 373, 446
Meredith, Augustus Armstrong 151, 152
Meredith, George 151–4, 202, 208, 210
Meredith, George (father of Mary Webb) 315
Meredith, Marie (née Vulliamy) 153
Meredith, Mary (née Peacock) 152
Meredith, Melchizedek 151
Meredith, William Maxse 153
Merrill, George 311
Meyer, Russ 601
Michael X (Michael de Freitas) 671
Michelet, Jules 299
Michener, James Albert 487–9
Michener, Mabel 488
Michener, Mari Toriko (née Sabusawa) 489
Middleton, Dorothy 207
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig 651
Miles, Keith 489
Milford, Nancy 387, 398
Milius, John 585
Millais, John Everett 115
Milland, Ray 507
Miller, Arthur 527
Miller, Clarissa (Clara) 361
Miller, Frederick 361
Miller, Henry 367, 433, 503, 518, 602
Miller, Karl 47, 635, 660, 665–6
Miller, ‘Monty’ 361
Millett, Kate 629
Millgate, Michael 180
Mills, H. 599
Milner, Alfred 294
Milton, John 31, 69, 76, 600
Mitchell, Charlotte 255
Mitchell, Elizabeth 626, 628
Mitchell, Gladys 572
Mitchell, Margaret Munnerlyn (later Upshaw) 149, 415–17, 609
Mitchell, ‘Maybelle’ 415, 416
Mitchell, Rebecca (née Middleton) 420
Mitchell, S. 151
Mitchell, Silas Weir 236, 238–9, 242
Mitgang, H. 630
Mix, Tom 279, 290
Mizener, Arthur 398
Moers, Ellen 74
Moffat, Wendy 310, 311, 312
Molotov, Vyacheslav 472, 499
Monk, Maria 124–6, 609
Monmouth, James Scott, 1st Duke of 8, 12, 178, 224
Monroe, Marilyn 549
Monsarrat, Eileen (née Rowland) 509
Monsarrat, Nicholas John Turney 500, 508–11, 584
Monsarrat, Philippa (née Crosby) 510
Montagu, Lord 539
Montaigne 748, 751
Monteith, Charles 513, 604
Montgomery, Bruce 604
Moodie, Lieutenant John Wedderburn Dunbar 724
Moodie, Susanna (née Strickland) 723–4
Moody, Charles 74–5
Moody, Rick 761
Moody Simms, L. 137
Moorcroft, Michael 539
Moore, Alan 796
Moore, Demi 789
Moore, Dudley 704
Moore, George 227, 228, 268, 285
Moore, George Edward 310
Moore, Michael 633
Moore, Roger 487
More, Hannah 44
Morrell, Ottoline 348
Morris, William 142, 306, 438
Morrison, Harold 654
Morrison, R. 66
Morrison, Toni (born Chloe Ardelia Wofford) 653–7
Mortimer, John 441, 755
Morton, P. 191
Mosley, Oswald 391, 395, 406
Mosley, Walter 502
Mount, Ferdinand 704
Mudie, Charles 152
Muggeridge, Malcolm 466
Muir, Edwin and Willa 472
Mulford, Clarence E. 497
Mulock, Ben 151
Mulock, Mrs 150
Mulock, Thomas 150
Munchausen, Baron 165
Mundy, Talbot 481
Munro, Alice Ann (née Laidlaw) 658–61
Munro, Charlie 276
Munro, Ethel 276, 278
Munro, Jim 659, 660
Munsey, Frank A. 369
Murdoch, Dame Jean Iris (later Bayley) 389, 410, 550–52
Murdoch, Rupert 736
Murray, N. 386
Murry, John Middleton 335, 350, 351
Nabokov, Dmitri 413
Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich 269, 412–15, 503, 741
Nabokova, Elena 412
Nabokova, Véra Evseyevna (née Slonim) 413
Naipaul, Patricia 670
Naipaul, Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad 669–72
Napoleon Bonaparte 40, 105, 119
Natanson, Maurice 651–2
Negulesco, Jean 500
Neiderman, Andrew 595
Nelson, Admiral Lord Horatio 76, 92, 119
Nelson, Thomas (‘Tommy’) 294, 295
Nelson, William 144
Neruda, Pablo 631
Neville-Sington, Pamela 62, 64
Nevils, R. P. 720
Nevin, Ethelbert 246
Nevitte, Charlotte 135
Newby, Thomas Cautley 122, 137
Newman, Cardinal John Henry 197, 542
Newman, Paul 608
Newnes, George 225, 364
Ngugi wa Thiong’o 638
Nicholls, Revd Arthur Bell 123
Nicholson, Jack 773
Nietzsche, Friedrich 467, 641
Nin, Anais 518
Nixon, Richard 372
Nolan, Sidney 519, 739
Nolan, William F. 370, 547
Norman, Barry 585
Norris, Frank 182, 285
North, Christopher 49
North, Lord 422
Northcliffe, Alfred Harsmworth, 1st Viscount 300, 301, 354
Norton, R. 47
Noyes, Alfred 318
Obama, Barack 170, 531
O’Brien, Conor Cruise 436
O’Brien, E. 255
O’Brien, Edna (later Gébler) 647–50
O’Connor, Ed 609, 610
O’Connor, Frank 467
O’Connor, (Mary) Flannery 579, 608–12, 717
O’Connor, R. 249
O’Connor, Regina 609, 611
O’Hagan, Andrew 660
O’Hara, John Henry 424, 427, 429–31
Ojukwu, Emeka 639
Okafor, Isaiah 636
Oliphant, Francis Wilson 155
Oliphant, Mrs Margaret (née Wilson) 154–6
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy 726
O’Neill, Eugene 170, 332, 556–7
O’Neill, Oona 556–7
o’Phaup, Will 660
Opie, Mrs Amelia 67
Orage, A. R. 349, 350
Orczy, Baroness 421
Orioli, Pino 271
Ormond, L. 159
Ortega y Gasset, José 264
Orton, Joe 755, 756
Orwell, Eileen (née O’Shaughnessy) 433, 434
Orwell, George (Eric Arthur Blair) 24, 281, 301, 387, 408, 431–5, 450, 463, 466, 472, 509, 511, 596, 598, 617, 667–8, 717, 750
Orwell, Richard 434
Orwell, Sonia (née Brownell) 435
Osbourne, Lloyd 194, 195, 196
Osbourne, Samuel 194
O’Shea, Kitty 318
Oswald, Lee Harvey 495, 624
‘Ouida’ (Maria Louise de la Ramé(e)) 153, 174–6, 270, 302
Ouspensky, P. D. 388
Owen, Wilfred 366
Page, Nick 241
Paget, Mamaine 463
Paget, Sidney 224
Pain, Barry 240
Paine, Tom 662
Paley, Grace 653
Palmer, John, Jr 60
Palmer, William 146
Panizzi, Anthony 713
Parini, J. 426
Parker, Bonnie 606
Parker, Charlie 656
Parker, Dorothy 330, 599
Parker, Hershel 131, 135
Parker, P. 458
Parker, Pauline 665
Parker, P. L. 43
Parnell, Charles Stewart 318, 319, 565
Parton, James 104
Partridge, Frances 511, 512
Pascal, Blaise 561
Patton, General George S. 427–8
Pattullo, Polly 625, 628
Paul, Sir John Dean 76
Payne, D. 243
Payne, Thomas 40
Peacock, Thomas 152, 270
Peake, Mervyn 626
Pearson, Karl 208
Peck, Gregory 182, 585
Peel, Robert 84
Péguy, Charles 452
Peirce, Charles Sanders 619
Penn Warren, Robert 527
Pepys, Samuel 7
Percy, Bishop 48
Percy, Walker 623, 718
Perelman, S. J. 445, 446
Peretsky, Sara 789
Perkins, Frederic Beecher 235, 236
Perkins, Mary 236
Perkins, Maxwell 397, 398, 399, 400
Peters, Andrew J. 430
Peters, C. 148
Philby, Kim 453
‘Phiz’ (Richard Hablôt Knight Browne) 91, 92
Piaf, Edith 395
Picasso, Pablo 434
Pierce, William Luther (‘Andrew Macdonald’) 684–7
Pigott-Smith, Tim 575
Pinker, James B. 219, 265, 292
Pinter, Harold 586, 621, 722
Piozzi, Mrs 44
Pisani, John 395
Pitt, William, the Elder 26
Plath, Aurelia 672, 674
Plath, Otto 672
Plath, Sylvia (later Hughes) 672–5
Plomer, William 493
Plutarch x
Podhoretz, Norman 527
Poe, David 98
Poe, Edgar Allan (born Edgar Poe) 53, 65, 94, 97–100, 146, 163, 195, 224, 259, 283, 356, 357, 438, 476, 578, 651, 704, 759, 775
Poe, Eliza (née Arnold) 98
Poe, Virginia (née Clemm) 99, 100
Pohl, Elizabeth Anne (née Hull) 554
Pohl, Frederik George, Jr 553–5
Polidori, John William 61, 69–71
Polito, R. 485
Polk, President James K. 133
Polk, Jim 721
Pollock, Walter 250
Pope, Alexander 21
Porter, Athol 247
Porter, Cole 532
Porter, Katherine Anne 527, 611, 612, 613
Posnock, R. 695
Potter, Dennis 704
Potter, Paul 158, 159
Pound, Ezra 185, 266, 322, 365, 366
Powell, Anthony Dymoke 438, 440, 460, 464–6, 471, 745
Powell, Dilys 495
Powell, Enoch 422
Powell, Lady Violet Georgina (née Pakenham) 465
Powerscourt, sixth Viscount 183
Prels, Max 341
Presley, Elvis 534
Price, Edward Reynolds 687–9
Price, Elizabeth 260
Price, Novalyne 482, 483
Price, Vincent 487
Priestley, Jacquetta (née Hawkes) 389
Priestley, Jane (previously Wyndham-Lewis) 387, 389
Priestley, J. B. (John Boynton) 265, 378, 387–9, 452, 743, 744
Priestley, Pat 387
Pritchett, V. S. 214, 526
Proust, Marcel 2, 346, 373, 474, 489, 517, 646, 661, 683, 761
Prouty, Olive Higgins 674–5
Pryor, Richard 172
Lives of the Novelists: A History of Fiction in 294 Lives Page 124