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Essentia Page 4

by Ninana Howard

  After a small awkward moment, Thane said. "Well My Lady it was a pleasure meeting you, but we need to get going. I do hope we get to meet again." with a small bow he turned to leave.

  Enre then bowed and said "My Lady" and turned as well. They both walked out the door. I sat down in one of the wooden chairs and sighed to myself. 'what was I thinking saying that to him?' Even though I thought every word was true, I had never been so bold to do something like that.

  After getting back to work, I was thinking about how much the brothers look alike even though they are not the same age. Both of them are very good looking. But enre has a sweetness to him while Thane seems to be a bit more straight-forward. As I finish up with my work for the day, I lock up the shop and head home so I can get ready to go out tonight. Abby will kill me if I am not ready when she shows up to get me. I pick out this tight fitting black dress that comes half way up my thighs and makes the twins look bigger than they are. I put my makeup on and fix my hair in a messy up-do. Adding a few pieces of jewelry, I look in the mirror and hardly recognize myself. I rarely get cleaned up like this, but I knew if I hadn't then Abby would gripe at me and make me do it anyway.

  While I am waiting for them to show up, I fix Le'ander's food and make sure I have my money and ID in my little clutch bag. DING DING... The doorbell. "I'm coming" I grab my keys and head for the door. When I open it, Abby is standing there in a slinky Blue number with impossibly tall matching shoes and Jeremy was in a pair of jeans and a gray button up with Converse tennis shoes. "OMG! you look AMAZING Terra" Abby screeched.

  "Thank you" I replied smiling at her.

  Jeremy said, "You do." Short and sweet as always, I think to myself. "Ok let's go," Abby said. And with that, we leave for Norpool.

  Chapter Six

  The Norpool - Terra

  We realize after arriving at Norpool, that we should have come earlier because there was a huge line to get in. All the people standing in line are all dressed up, hoping for the chance to get in. Unless you are really important or extremely beautiful, you can't get in. Then you had to wait outside with the ordinary people. Every now and then they will let the 'normals' in, but only a few at a time. The only reason Me and Abby use to get in was that she use to date the bouncer. But from the looks of it, he is not at the door tonight. Oh well. I guess we are waiting. While we stand here chatting with each other, I notice a beautiful fancy car pull up to the front, but I didn't get to see who got out of it. I let out a huff "Someone important I guess" I say to myself. I really do hate waiting in line.

  After a few minutes passed by, One of the Bouncer came walking down the line. Hmm, I wonder what that is about. As I think this he stops right in front of us and says "Ms. Ogden, if You and your friends will follow me I will escort you in." I just stood there for a minute. What just happened? Why are we getting in, and How did he know my name? Maybe it Was someone I know or done work for that told them to get us. I'm not going to argue though. My feet are killing me in these heels. So I just smile at him and nod my head.

  Abby practically skipping behind the bouncer, followed by Jeremy. The people standing in line giving snarky looks at us the whole way to the door. When we finally get there, he opens it, motioning for us to enter and said "Have a great night" I nod at him again, and say "Thank you."

  Norpool was a theme club, decorated like a palace inside, it was exquisite. Suits of shiny silver armor lined up against the walls with floor to ceiling royal blue curtains. Swords and shields were hanging behind the bar, and all of the staff was dressed very nicely, it was very tasteful and very popular tonight apparently judging by a number of people in here. Abby leads us to the bar where we can sit for a bit and get a drink. "And what was that about?" She was looking at me with her one of her eyebrows raised.

  "I honestly have no idea, but I am not going to argue, are you?" I ask her. Relieved that I can sit for a minute.

  "Nope. Not at all" she Giggled.

  The Bartender headed over to us and said "What can I get you lovely ladies to drink?" Abby ordered a Calypso, and I ordered an Andalusia. After that he asked Jeremy, I think he ordered a beer. Typical man. I laugh to myself.

  Not long after that the bartender returns with our drinks and I ask "How much?"

  "It’s already taken care of My Lady" Then he winked. Not catching the 'My Lady' part till after I started drinking.

  "By who?" I asked with a curious look on my face. "The Gentlemen in the clouds." He said. Pointing up to the largest VIP area which was made to look like giant clouds. I looked up there and could see 3 figures, but I couldn't make out the faces because of the lighting. So I tilted my glass up in that direction thanking whoever it was that had done this.

  I sense Abby staring at me, so I ask her “What?" as I smiled at her. "Really? You know what," she said.

  "No, honestly I don't. Are you gonna pass on a free drink?" she shakes her head. I grin at her and say "I didn't think so hahaha."

  We sit there for through a couple of drinks listening to the music and watching all the people. When Jeremy asked Abby if she wanted to dance. She said yes, then looked at me. "Are you going to be ok for a few?" she asks.

  "Of course, go dance, have fun. I am gonna have another drink" I reply.

  "Ok Hun, I will be back soon." I smile at her and shoo her away. I let out a giggle as I watch them dance.

  "That's a beautiful sound" I hear someone whisper in my ear. Startled I spin my barstool around to be face to face with Enre. "Enre, hey there, you scared the living daylight out of me" I put my hand on my chest. He was the last person I expected to see tonight.

  "I am sorry My Lady" he did a mocking bow, and then grinned up at me. I just laugh and smile at him. He then said "How was your drink?" a wicked smile on his face.

  My drink? "Wait. That was you?" I look at him stunned. "Yes, indeed My Lady" he calmly added. Again with the 'My Lady' stuff

  "And I guess you're responsible for us getting in as well?" I raise my eyebrow up at him. Already knowing the answer.

  "Uh huh. I saw you standing outside when we arrived, So I told them to let you in" still smiling at me. So he was the one in that fancy car. I feel sorry now for complaining about it.

  "You didn't have to do that, but thank you very much Good Sir" I reply, Then I bow to him like he did to me earlier.

  "No, no, My lady. A creature as Beautiful as you bows to no one" he puts his hand under my chin and raises me up running his finger along my jaw line cupping my cheek. "You look ravishing tonight My Lady" I start to blush. Feeling like I am about to start glowing, my face is so hot. I guess he noticed and removed his hand. I don't know how to take him. The way he carries himself is old fashioned and his words are beautiful and elegant. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, My Lady, I have a bad habit of speaking my mind." He looked away and down like he really was bothered that he had embarrassed me.

  "Don't feel bad ok. I-I just get embarrassed really easy. I'm not used to being complimented like that. It caught me off guard. But I am fine now. Promise" I say to him. Rambling on and on. Noticing his shoulders relaxing, I relax as well. "Well, I'm not going to guarantee that I won't embarrass you again My lady. So I apologize ahead of time ok." He said.

  All I could muster up is an "ok", but I did manage a smile. After a couple minutes, we both get a drink, and He asks me, as he sweeps his arm in a grand gesture, "Would you like to go to the clouds with me My Lady?"

  Huh? The clouds? Oh, the clouds. The VIP area. I decide to play along. "But of course Sir Prince, but what of my friends?" I say in my best Renaissance maiden voice.

  He flashes a wicked grin at me and in one quick movement he sweeps me up in his arms. Looking over at the bartender who is trying to hide a laugh and says "Tell her friends that a Prince has kidnapped her and has taken her to the clouds, and to come up when they get done dancing. Hahaha." I guess the bartender was playing along because he said "Yes My Lord" and bowed his head. I wrap my arms around his neck to hold on to him. And I tell him. "
I am too heavy for you to be carrying like this." It's not that I am fat, I just have some extra weight here and there.

  "Nonsense My dear, you are just right," He says. Smiling down at me as he continued up the steps to the clouds and on to the largest Cloud in the center. When we get to it, I see Thane sitting there by himself. Has he been by himself the whole time Enre was down there with me? Enre spoke before I could ask him "Look, Brother, I have returned with a prize" he smiles real big. Thane says to him with a hint of laughter "I see that Brother. How are you My Lady?" Prize? That's funny.

  I answer him "I am great Thane. How are you?"

  "I am well My lady, thank you for asking" He replies cordial as ever.

  After a minute I realize that Enre is still carrying me, So I whisper in his ear. "Are you going to hold me all night good Sir" playing around with him.

  He turns his head and whispers back "If My lady allowed it I would hold her for eternity" The look in his eyes lets me know that he is being deadly serious.

  Hmm, what do I say to that? What can I say to that? I think for a moment, and I smile at him sheepishly and whisper back to him. "I will think on it, good Sir." To be honest with myself, I wouldn't have a problem with in the least. He is polite and well mannered. Gorgeous and has a pleasant personality, just from what I have seen so far. Plus, my creep meter hasn't even made so much as a tingle.

  "I will take that, and wait for more," he said back. After that, he placed a kiss on my forehead and slowly stood me back up making sure I was stable before removing his hand from my back. Did he just kiss my head? Mmhm. Yep, he did. That was a little unexpected, but I am not going to argue with it.

  "Have a seat My Lady" Thane said. Now standing and gesturing to fluffy looking bench seating.

  "Thank you," I say. Stepping over to the bench to sit down. Enre taking a seat beside me.

  A few moments later Thane asks Enre and me if we would like another drink and we both said yes. Then he snaps his fingers, the next instant a waiter enters the cloud and says "Yes, My Lord?" It must be the way the staff was trained. Being this is a theme club. So I think nothing else of it. "Three drinks please" was all that Thane said. He didn't tell him what we wanted. He just said three drinks. Are the waiters here that good?

  I almost laugh out loud. Enre looks at me with his head tilted and says. "Is something funny My Lady?"

  At that, I start laughing. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, I was just thinking of how good the waiters must be, being Thane just told him how many drinks to bring and not what kind." I look down shyly.

  It was Thane that said something next. "You are right Brother she does have a beautiful laugh" and he started laughing too. "The bartender keeps track of who is in these clouds to make sure they get the right drinks," he adds while smiling.

  "That's convenient," I say. After our drinks arrive, each one being correct. I look over the edge of the cloud to see if I can see Abby. Being it has been awhile since I had seen them.

  Enre asked, "Are you looking for your friends?" I nod my head back to him. "I will go check for you ok. Sit tight My Lady" he reaches over and places another swift kiss on my forehead. Before I could object to him going looking for them, he was already out the door.

  "He will find them for you My Lady," Thane said. With a gentle smile on his face.

  "I just don't want to be an inconvenience to either of you. I would have gone and looked for them myself." I say to him, feeling kinda bad that Enre has gone searching for them.

  "Enre would not have let that happen My Lady. It is in his nature. You could never be an inconvenience to either of us," he said. Looking down for a moment he adds. "I see the way he looks at you My Lady, you have captured his heart in this short time he has known you. And for that, he would do anything for you. Just promise Me one thing, My Lady." I nod at him. My heart fluttering at his words. "If you two turn whatever this is into a relationship, please stay by his side and support him ok, he is going to need someone if something ever happens to me." Grinning at me he says "And have no worries my lady, Enre will take care of you and treat you like a princess."

  I think about what Thane said, he really does look out for Enre doesn't he. I know it is kinda quick, but I do like Enre. There is an air about him that keeps drawing me in. I haven't been in a relationship in a long time. It couldn't hurt to see if this goes somewhere. Somewhere deep down in my heart, I think that I want it to work out that way. I don't know why but I do. So I say to Thane "I promise that If he is serious, then I will put my whole heart into it and stay by his side until he decides, I'm not wanted anymore."

  Thane looked at me and said just above a whisper "He will never not want you, My Lady. If he loves you it will be for eternity, I know my brother and his heart. That is what kind of man he is." Then he smiled at me. All I could do was smile back and turn red of course.

  The door opened a little later, and Enre and my friends walked in. "Terra, there you are," Abby said with a half drunk grin. She was leaning on Jeremy. Jeremy then said Hey to me. Enre introduced them to his brother, and we all sat down. Abby was sitting by me, she leaned over and tried to whisper something to me but it was most definitely not a whisper, everyone heard her. "These are the three hottest guys here, aren't we lucky" trying to wink at me. She has already drunk too much, but I guess her and Jeremy are getting along good.

  I look over at enre and Thane, and both of them have a little redness in their cheeks. There embarrassed. Hmm. So I had the idea that I would add a little fuel to the fire and say "Yes they are Abby" and I wink at Enre. Which is now, full on tomato-colored. Thane is dying laughing. Abby then leaned over on Jeremy's shoulder, and he put his arm around her and smiled over at me. I smile back. Let him enjoy the attention for once. Tomorrow it will be friend zone again for him. It's really too bad. I know he is in love with her.

  We all chat for a while, and it is starting to look like my bubbly friend has fallen asleep in Jeremy's arms, so he says to me "Is it alright if I get a cab and take her home Terra? Will you be alright till I get back?"

  "That is entirely fine Jeremy, go ahead and go take care of her ok. You don't have to come back for me I can catch a cab home." I say to him. I know she will get home safe if Jeremy is taking her.

  "Are you sure?" he asks again, but it wasn't me that answers, this time, it was Enre "You have my word, I will make sure she gets home safe."

  I look up at him and smile and turn back to Jeremy and say "Go on, I will be fine" I smile at him. We say our goodbyes, and they were off. I turn and look at Enre and ask him. "Are you sure you don't mind? I don't mind catching a cab."

  "I don't mind at all My lady, it would be my pleasure, and on the plus side, I get to spend a few extra moments with you" he gleamed.

  "Alright then, thank you," I smiled at him.

  After talking for a bit longer, Enre asks "Would you care to dance my lady?" I have never been much of a dancer.

  I reply to him "Are you sure you want to dance with me? I'm not very good."

  He held his hand out to me, "It will be ok My lady" He said. Lord, I hope so. I would hate to get out there and step all over his feet.

  Thane followed with "Go ahead, he is a good dancer" shooing us away with a smile. We head down to the dance floor, hand in hand. As soon as we step on the floor, the music changes as if on cue. The song was a beautiful instrumental meant for slow dancing. Enre wraps his arm around my waist and holds my hand, facing each other we start to sway with the music. "Just let me lead My Lady," Enre said into my ear. I nod at him, very aware of how close we are to each other. His cologne smells familiar, but I can't place it. An enticingly good smell that almost makes your knees weak with desire. God, how is it even possible for a man to smell this good. 'Concentrate Terra, your dancing' I think to myself. I bring my attention back to the scene at hand. Enre glides me across the floor like we are floating on air, spinning me around in a flurry of graceful movements.

  "You dance beautifully, My Lady" Enre whispered to me
. I blush and whisper back "Only because I have a great partner leading me," I notice the rose color rising in his cheeks, with a swift motion he swirls me around one more time and the dips me low, kissing me on the chin. He lifts me back up and holds me in his arm for a moment before we heard a round of applause. Apparently while we were dancing the other patrons had cleared the floor without me noticing. Had they all been watching this whole time? I instantly turn crimson and try to hide my face away from the crowd.

  "See everyone thought you was excellent My lady," Enre said. No, it wasn't me they were clapping for.

  "It wasn't me they were watching. It was your great dancing." I reply. And it was. He was fantastic.

  "Oh no my Dear, it was you that all the eyes in here were watching. You enchanted them all" Enre said in a husky voice. I couldn't say anything in return. My face started feeling like it was on fire. We leave the dance floor, all eyes still on us as we head back to the VIP area.

  When we get there, Thane stood up and said: "That was a captivating display My Lady, very lovely." Still red I tell him thank you and sit back down. There was a fresh drink waiting for us, Which I am glad about. Maybe it will cool me down a little.

  Thane was talking to Enre when there was a knock at the door. "Enter," Thane said. A tall, well-built, well-dressed man walked in and shut the door. "My Lords, my lady," he said. Then bowed to us. Hmm? I thought to myself. They really go all out here don't they.

  "Aiden, please no formalities, join us," Thane said. Motioning to the seat beside him.

  "Thank you," Aiden said. I wonder who he is.

  "Aiden, let me introduce Ms. Terra Ogden," Thane said to him. He gave me a bow and said "A pleasure to meet you My Lady." Then he sat down and look over at Enre and me and said "If I may be so bold, you two looked amazing out on the floor. All eyes were on you."

  I blushed a little and Enre put his hand in mine and added "That's because this captivating creature was in the spotlight." Man, I have been flirted with before but never to this extent. His words are beautiful.


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