Dreamer: Book 7 of The Steel MC Montana Charter

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Dreamer: Book 7 of The Steel MC Montana Charter Page 4

by Michel Prince


  “Guess there’s one that got converted into senior living or something. But nah, that town was half dead when Red rolled in and started the charter.”

  “Let me get you the room keys,” the clerk said pulling out the stack of credit card sized envelopes. “And of course, we’ll need a credit card for incidentals. Will it be one or multiple?”

  “Just one.” Dell passed the woman a black card and the clerk typed away.

  Thousands had to be placed on there. Meadow worried about swiping for a quart of milk some days.

  Ten minutes later, the attendant had coded all the keys and gave them to Dell.

  Dell started to pass them out to everyone.

  The clerk watched, looking a bit bored and not impressed by the display of tough men and women who made their way through the lobby.

  “Meadow, come on I’d like to introduce you to all the members.” Dell walked up to a woman standing between two men.

  “All of them?” Meadow questioned, while peeking at the gathering mob in the lobby.

  “Well, most of them,” Dell corrected attempting to set the overwhelmed Meadow at ease.

  Using her camera as a shield, she held it practically fig leaf style in front of her. The strap wrapped around her wrist.

  “You remember my sister Sal?” Dell asked.

  Sal turned around to shake her now infamous butt at Meadow.

  “These are her husbands, Hawk and Mickey.” Dell handed them an envelope with keys.

  Meadow fumbled to move her camera, holding it with her left hand to her chest and stuck out her right. “It’s nice to meet you all.”

  Sal smiled and pulled her into a little hug.

  “This is the one who’s got a picture we want to see.” Hawk’s dark eyes cut to the camera being balanced in Meadow’s hands.

  “Yeah, I haven’t really had a chance to download or process it yet.”

  “When you do—”

  Sal slapped the back of her hand to her husband Mickey’s chest. “Real or digital, which do you want right now?” Sal arched her eyebrow.

  “Gushing for twenty minutes and spending thirty trying to figure out the right place to hang the thing and I’m the rude one,” Mickey said. “Alright, it was nice to meet you Meadow. If you’ll excuse us, we’ve had a long drive we’re going to go settle into our room.”

  Hawk and Mickey both shook her hand before they each took Sal’s hands and they left the group.

  The comment about a few men enjoying her picture made more sense now. Meadow was all about love who you love, but still couldn’t believe Sal had two men. She’d never seen a functioning ménage relationship before, especially two men she assumed were territorial.

  “Come on Meadow there’s lots of people you haven’t been introduced yet to. They walked up to Roxy. “This is Roxy’s husband and the Steel MC President Tiny.”

  “It’s a pleasure ma’am.” Tiny shook Meadow’s hand.

  Roxy gave her a hug. “It’s good to see you again Meadow. You’re doing well it looks like. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “Thank you.” Meadow tried not to stare at Roxy’s huge husband. Had to be over six feet tall and weighing well over two hundred and fifty pounds.

  After Dell introduced her to most of the group of people, she was exhausted. She knew she wouldn’t remember half the people’s names.

  “You okay?” Dell asked as Meadow clung to her camera. “I know we’re a bit much.”

  “I think so.” Meadow knelt and finally tucked her camera away in her bag.

  “You wield that like knight.”


  “Your shield, keeping people, one level away.”

  “Twenty-four hours ago, you were kneecapping the man I loved.”

  “Loved?” Dell questioned then gave her husband Steel a wink as he lounged in a chair waiting on her. “Or feared.”

  “I don’t know,” Meadow admitted.

  “That I respect. Sometimes when we’re so deep in with a person, we can’t see them.” Dell flipped an envelope between her fingers. “Usually, because we are blocking ourselves. Can’t see the stain on the dress if someone else is blocking the mirror.” Dell waved her hand and then passed Meadow a key. “Look, we’re tired from the ride. Most of the shops will be closed, but a few will stay open later. Window shopping in fresh air is good for you. See you in an hour?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “And I’ll be your shield.” Dell cut her eyes to the pocket Meadow had tucked her camera in.

  “I’m still perfecting my night shooting anyway.” Flipping open the little envelope, she made her way down the hallway. Opening the door to room one hundred and five, she threw her bag on the bed and decided a shower was necessary.

  She had an hour to take her shower, dress, and dry her hair. More than enough time if she didn’t get distracted by bubble patterns. Turning on the water to heat it up, she walked back to the bed and dug out her laptop and camera. Setting it up on the desk, she used her firewire to start uploading pictures from the last few days. No reason to not double down. Walking away before they would start loading to avoid distraction, she stripped her clothes off and stepped into the shower.

  After washing her hair, she got out and toweled off. Walking naked in the free space allowed the cooler air to dry her as she woke her computer up and turned her camera off. Images populated and she began scrolling. She was right. The chrome, leather combo was amazing, and Sal’s ass…

  Meadow glanced at the clock and quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and a blouse. The early spring in Colorado felt a bit brisker than she was used to, so she once again put on her pale, lavender cardigan. Fluffing her long hair with the towel on her damp hair then pulling it up into a decently shaped bun, she felt ready to go get something to eat. Then see all the shops Dell had promised she would like to see. A knock at her door startled her. “Who is it?”

  “It’s me Dell.”

  “Oh, okay.” Meadow opened the door to her room.

  Dell entered as Meadow went to the bed and pulled on her knee high boots.

  “You ready to go?”

  “Yes, I am. I’m hungry.” Meadow smiled as she grabbed her crossbody purse and followed Dell out of the room. “Is it just us?” Meadow began digging out her keys as they crossed through the lobby happy to not be flanked in all directions.

  “Yeah, we tend to scatter when we come here. Everyone has their favorite spot and we have a charter outside of town some of the club rode out to visit.”

  “How are we going into town? You or me driving?”

  “Oh, we’ll walk it’s only a few blocks down the street.” Dell led the way.

  Meadow walked beside her and as they made their way down the sidewalk, she couldn’t help but be amazed at all the cute shops in this town. Their windows weren’t necessarily dressed to pull people in and still, a random object would draw her attention. Especially, the giant geodes in the rock shop. “It amazes me how intricate beauty can be trapped in an ugly hard shell.”

  The bright purples and blues with sharp angles sparkled from the reflection of the street light.

  “Kinda of a book by the cover thing,” Dell replied. “I’m sure you had some preconceived notions about me and my girls at the fair.”

  Heat flooded Meadow’s cheeks and she brought her cooled hand to them hoping to tamp down her embarrassment.

  Dell nodded. “Hey, we all do it. I was surprised you weren’t living in some commune.”

  They stopped in front of a restaurant.

  “You said you’re hungry let’s get something to eat here.” Dell pulled the door open and they walked in.

  “No one eating here?” Meadow glanced around the restaurant expecting to see others , but didn’t see any of their group.

  “Some are going to come here to eat later. But I thought you would be more comfortable if it was just the two of us. I know we overwhelmed you in the lobby, so I asked for space.�

  A waitress walked up to them. “Just the two of you?”

  “Yes,” Dell answered.

  They followed her to a booth with high backed, old west style wood benches. Each taking a side, Meadow read the menu as did Dell. They both were quiet until a different waitress came to their table.

  “Can I get your order?”

  “I’ll have the chicken, this southwest salad looks good,” Meadow ordered.

  “Same.” Dell smiled as the server left. “Well, what do you think of the MC? Merry band of miscreants?”

  “There’s a lot of people.” Meadow couldn’t believe how many members they had. “But after attempting to teach seventh graders how to sketch something other than anime, I’m going to say you’re all pretty tame.”

  The rich sound of Dell’s laughter filled the medium sized restaurant. “This isn’t half of the MC. These are the ones going to Turnabout for the wedding. We left a lot of the members back in New Mexico.”

  “Seriously?” Meadow was surprised, then again for the few hours she’d been on the compound there was a lot of activity.

  “Yes. Seriously.”

  “That’s crazy. It’s so big…it’s a little overwhelming.” Meadow wasn’t sure about all this. She was from a small town and hadn’t ever seen anything like the Steel MC.

  “Well, I would say that too, if I didn’t belong with the Steels I guess. We’re like a big family, not just because my sister’s a part. Everybody protects everybody.”

  “I’m not sure I could belong to something like that.”

  “Well, on that note, Alphabet said I need to see your phone.” Her hand flipped, palm side up on the table.

  “Who said what?” Meadow asked slipping her hand in her purse, but not retrieving the phone, instead clutching it tight.

  “You turn off your GPS?” she asked.

  Meadow shook her head.

  Curling her fingers a few times Dell gave a look Meadow knew had to have destroyed those before her. Reluctantly, she placed the phone in her hand after typing her passcode.

  “Hey, this weekend is to get you a fresh perspective. If it lasts longer great, if not, you got to see Nederland.”

  “But after Frozen Dead Man Days.”

  “That is a loss, that shit is crazy fun,” Dell said her finger moving around Meadow’s phone to correct settings and allow her some room to breathe. “How many texts has it been?”

  “More than the phone calls.” Meadow held her hands up. “That I ignored.”

  “Typical ones I see. Though I’m a bit surprised he went from love to I’ll kill you in two texts.”

  “He’s passionate in his own way.”

  “An artist?”

  “Welder, well he’s certified as a welder, but he tends to take what he can get.”

  Dell passed her the phone back. “Now, it’s up to you if you want to change it back, but right now, he can’t find you.”

  Meadow wasn’t sure about anything right now. She might have made a big mistake agreeing to come along with them. It wasn’t like she was being held hostage or anything. She was having a girl’s week with a ton of hot bikers and all her shit. Yeah, she really stepped in it this time.

  After they finished eating their supper, they walked back to the hotel.

  Dell made sure she got to her room safely. “I’ll say goodnight here. We’re going to be heading out around eight tomorrow morning. Be ready.”

  “Ok, good night.” Meadow closed the door behind her.

  Lying down in bed that night had her thinking. Where were they going and what would she do once she got there? Was she supposed to join the MC if she wanted to leave Clive permanently? Or was there more to what she was doing.


  Freaky grabbed his helmet and walked out of his room. With a swagger, he made his way down the stairs and through the clubhouse. He liked his room here. It had been nice to do anything he wanted and be without the worry of a house. The Hoez usually took care of basic housework as long as he didn’t become a complete animal. Yet, they stayed away from his private items.

  Several people milled about the large room with the bar in it. He didn’t see any of the members. He wondered if everyone had already gone to the restaurant for the meeting Red called.

  Checking his phone, it was close to six P.M. He’d better hurry. Making his way outside, he pushed open the heavy door and made his way to his bike. Straddling the Fat Boy, he started it then headed toward the Roadhouse Bar.

  Parking in front, he waved to Baldy who’d been walking over from the SMC Garage. Getting off the bike, he walked up to him and they grabbed each other’s hand and shoulder bumped. “It’s good to see you brother.”

  “You too Freaky. What this meeting about?”

  “Don’t know, aren’t you a big boss man?” Freaky ribbed the VP for the Steels.

  “I’m just the man, next to the man, who knew a man.”

  They both let out a laugh.

  “Well, we’re about to find out,” Freaky said. “Come on, I’m starving.”

  Baldy grabbed the door and pulled hard.

  The darkened entryway helped illuminate the stage where the dancers were entertaining the guests of the restaurant. Topaz and Zoe were on the poles. Several other women were walking around the room.

  Freaky spotted the other members sitting in the center.. They made their way toward the group of men where tables had been pushed together to make one long table.

  Red led the group by sitting at the head of the table. Several others were surrounding him.

  Freaky took his spot and Baldy, as VP, took his rightful place to the left of Red. They were still waiting for a few of the guys to show up.

  Free and Michelle walked up. “Hey guys. Do you want anything to drink or eat?”

  Since the bar had recently rotated the menu Freaky snagged one and flipped it open to check the new offerings.

  Michelle and Free worked their way around the table. Michelle, a local girl opted for jeans and a t-shirt with a deep V at her chest. Free, who still took to the pole on occasion, went for cutoff jeans and a bustier showing off her figure, that had her man Hollywood watching every sway of her hips. The look on his face leaving no doubt in what he wanted at that moment.

  “I’ll have one of those sausage and peppers sandwiches and some fries. Can I also get a beer?” Freaky put in his order.

  “Sure thing.” Free wrote his order down on her pad, then slipped over to her man Hollywood.

  As Sarge of Arms, he was sitting to the left of Red and Hollywood gripped her ass, and gave her his order as she leaned over. The sweet whispers in her ear had her lips smiling broadly.

  Finally, the two women left the table and the others had all arrived so it was time to start the meeting.

  Freaky looked around and noticed something out of the ordinary. There was another MC club here. “Hey Red. Did you notice those guys.” He pointed.

  Red turned around and looked. His face showed he hadn’t noticed them. “What the hell. Who are they?”

  Baldy and Cass rose out of their seats.

  “I’m about to go find out,” Cass said, the club still on edge from events last fall, threatening Cass’ babies.

  Red motioned to him, “Sit down. We’ll wait and see if they are just stopping by to eat and move on. Let’s meet, then we can figure if they’re even an issue.”

  Freaky took note of the patch on the stranger’s leather jackets was a logo with two crossed guns and red spatters. The letters spelling Blood Sport MC underneath. They were definitely an MC. But what was yet to be determined was if they we’re here as guests for liquor with a side of tits and ass, or were they here for a reason?

  After their food arrived, Red was half way through their meeting. He went over a few rescues they’d accomplished the past week. Some just as supervisors since they were crossing the MC’s territory and word had gone out they weren’t taking chances with possible medical complications. “Now, to what’s coming up. The
Steel MC New Mexico Charter and the Nevada Charter are on their way. They’re coming for Hack’s wedding.”

  The group crowed and howled, slapping Hack’s back, making the somber, silent former Navy SEAL have to set off a warning glare to get them to stop. “Ya done?” he asked.

  “We’re just jealous,” Mountain, the man stuck in prospect mode because of past affiliations, said. Over six-eight with a lumberjack build the heavily bearded man sat next to Hack. “You’re getting a damn good woman in Preacher Girl.”

  Men all gave him the agreeing claps.

  “We done with the locking down of Hack?” Red barked and the table silenced. “I understand from Dell that New Mexico is bringing a woman with them. Her name is Meadow Lind. She is escaping an abusive man and needs our protection. But there’s an issue.”

  “What fun would it be if it was easy,” Freaky grumbled.

  “Guess Dell said she’s trying to give the woman space to breathe, figure it all out. Reflect.”

  “We got the space for it,” Onyx, an enforcer and best friend to Hollywood, said in the deep timber of his commanding voice. The former LAPD officer stood out in the crowd with his deep black skin and shaved head. “Being in the middle of a domestic situation can be blinding in a way.”

  “Dell think’s this one might stay on for a while. If nothing else, we’re giving her a week without being hit. She has a special talent for art and photography. They said she’s good enough to do the wedding and is willing.”

  “Sweet. I want it to be a surprise to Preacher Girl.” Hack smiled. “It’s not something they did in her father’s church. Best her parents got was a Polaroid, who the hell still has one of those?”

  “Okay. We won’t tell her then,” Red agreed.

  Several of the Blood Sport members stood and walked toward the group of men.

  Freaky’s hand slipped to the Desert Eagle on his hip. No reason to be rude, but no reason to not be ready.

  “Your Prez here?” a large man with greasy brown hair spoke.

  His demeanor didn’t look threatening, but that didn’t mean all the men weren’t taking stock. Scanning the men still enjoying the stage as bills were being dropped on the women by a few of the men, while others were as mindful of the interaction.


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