in Hoodwinked 90–91
‘tragic’ cases of 272–273
Howie, Rodney N 173
Hulme, Robert 200
humour 264–273
Hungarian interpreter, use of 52, 56, 58
Hunt, David 143, 153, 172, 225–226, 258
Hutchins, Will 214
identification parades 126, 135
innocent people convicted 2–7
insanity see diminished responsibility; mental illness
interpreters, use of 52, 56, 58
interviews see electronic recording of interviews; police briefs; unsigned records of interviews
intoxication, self-induced 55–56, 58
Isaacs, Simon 72, 74–78
Jackson, Florence 158–159, 163, 165, 174
Jacobs, Kenneth 23, 134, 170
Job, Richard William ‘Bill’ 27–28, 30, 39–42, 45, 187, 189, 191, 207, 222
Johnson, Leigh 250–251
judges, impartiality of 33–34, 42–44, 57–58
jury discharge 75, 235–236
Justice (mythical goddess) 3
Justices Act, Section 48E 133–134
Kaczmarek, Kazimierz and Richard 10–11, 34
Kaldas, Nick 86
Keleman, Robert 173
Kennedy, Ian 228, 240
Kennedy, Marie and Mr 61, 68, 71
kidnapping see Anita Cobby case
Kiraly, Jozef 49–59
Knox, Malcolm 272
Koraknay, Stephen 57
Krauss, Peter Werner 121–124
Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial 49–59
Lalor, Detective Senior Sergeant 13
Landa, Paul 104, 193, 199, 213–214
children’s words. see Dawson case
forbidden words in court 241
Larcombe, Helen 262–263
Larkins, Tony 220–221
Lawford, Anastasia 116, 120
Lawford, Michelle 113–124
Lawford, Mr 113–114
Lee, Jack 98, 187, 189–190, 204
legal aid
Anita Cobby case 224–225, 229, 233–234, 256–257
Driscoll case 26, 28
Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial 54
Price case 99
Tim Anderson case 193–194, 197
legal representation, right to request 16–17, 20
line-up parades 126, 135
liquor, legal responsibility and 55–56
‘Lonely Hearts Murderer’ see Mallard, Rodney Francis
Lord, Bob 268
Lucas, Bill 160, 163
Luland, Charles 218–220, 222–223
Lusher, Edwin ‘Ted’ 98
Lynch, Gary and Grace 227, 237, 251
Lyons, Catherine 172–173
MacLeod, Stuart 52
Maddison, John Clarkson 125–136
Maddison versus Goldrick 129–130, 133
Makin versus The Attorney-General for New South Wales 174–175
mala fides (‘bad faith’) 77
malicious wounding 265–268
Mallard, Rodney Francis 156–165, 167, 174–178, 180–182
Maloney, Billy 11, 31
Maloney, John Patrick ‘Jake’ 10–12, 18, 31, 34
manslaughter see also Allen, Paul Anthony; Booth, Robert; Ferguson, James Leighton; Krauss, Peter Werner; Lawford, Michelle; murder
accidental, by child 261–263
maximum sentence for 178
murder compared 75–78, 114–115, 167, 172, 177–178
Maric, Angelo 215–223
Marr, RJ 23
Martin, Henry 94–95, 97, 100–101, 111
Martin, Josef 216–217
Mason, Anthony 23, 170, 173
Mason, Keith 273
Maxwell, Justice 233, 235–237, 243, 247–253, 255–256
McAlary, Frank 198
McCaw, Kenneth 187–188
McClemens, ‘Jock’ 27
McDermott, Frederick Lincoln 3–4
McDonald, Angus 126–129, 131–132, 135
McGregor, Doug G 133
McGregor, Malcolm 199–200, 205–206
McInerney, Peter ‘Tex’ 97
McInerney, Sally 91
McInnes, Albert Henry 61, 68, 79, 82–83
McLeod-Lindsay, Alexander 4
McMahon, John 66–67, 72
McMillan, Detective Senior Constable 11
McNamara, Glen 48
McTiernan, Edward 113
Melham, Daryl 99, 101–102, 104–105, 108
mental illness 149–157 see also diminished responsibility
forensic psychiatry 102
legal insanity 179
sentencing issues 176–179
Mewburn, John 141–143
Milat, Ivan 258
Milton, Rodney 154
miscarriages of justice 2–7
M’Naghten rules 149–150, 179
Moffitt, Athol 132
Molomby, Tom 197
Montgomery, Peter 57
Morey, Noel Charles 10, 12–21, 29–30, 36–38, 41, 48
Morrison, Major 11
Moses 225–226
Muir, Alec 53, 57–59
Mulligan, Bradley 232–233, 257
Mulligan, Mr 247–248
murder see also Dawson case; Driscoll, Linus Patrick; Findlay, Gary; Lawford, Michelle; Mallard, Rodney Francis; manslaughter; Price, Harold and Lorraine; Schneidas, Peter; Veen, Richard
innocent people convicted of 3–6
Murdoch, Michael 228, 232, 238
Murphy, Chris 46–47
Murphy, Gary 228, 232
Murphy, Leslie 228, 232–233, 255–257
Murphy, Lionel 23–24, 170, 176, 192, 202, 217, 222
Murphy, Michael 228, 231–232, 235, 238–242, 244–246, 249, 254, 257–258
Mutton, Montague 151
Nagle, John Flood 146–147, 187
Nagle Royal Commission 138, 146, 172
natural causes, death from 6
Newham, Ron 224
Newman, Peter 175–176
Newport, Barry 174–175
Nicholson, Garry Robert 121–123
Nicholson, John 140, 181
Nixon, Mr (not the President’s brother) 268–269
Nixon, Ross 11, 31–33
Norrish, Stephen 172
Foreword by vii–x
notebooks, police records in 16–17
O’Brien, Detective 205
O’Brien, John ‘Happy Jack’ 97–98, 161–164, 218–220, 222
O’Hagan, Helen 30–31
O’Hagan, John 14, 16–17, 41
O’Reilly, JK 54, 56
O’Reilly, Merick 64
Papayanni, Cliff 130–133, 135
pardons 3, 207
Pederick, Evan Dunstan 210–213
Peel, Robert 149
Peoples, William ‘Bill’ D 96
Petersen, George 199, 204–205, 213–214
Pettit, JJ 146–147
Pivetta, Steve 89
Pohl, Ziggy 4
allegations of assault by 239–240
attacks on 247–249
honesty and frankness 85–86
records, in notebooks 16
police briefs 127–131, 133, 134
Porter, Chester 98, 130–131
post-mortem examinations see Dawson case
Pratt, Norman David 219
preventative detention 169–170, 177–180
Price, Enid 108
Price, Harold and Lorraine 92–112
Price, Trevor 103, 105–109, 111–112
prison escapees 87–91
Prisoners’ Legal Service 214
Privy Council 174–175
psychiatric illness see mental illness
public defenders 1–2, 67, 230, 255
first female 172–173
Hosking’s appointment as 167–168
Synnerdahl’s reticence about use of 91
Purnell, Howard 130–131, 168–170, 220–
rape see Anita Cobby case
Rath, Arthur 166–167, 171–172, 177
records of interviews see electronic recording of interviews; signed confessions; unsigned records of interviews
remissions for good behaviour 178, 225
Rhadamanthine courts 120–121
Robert, Stent 96
Roden, Adrian 270–272
Rogerson, Roger Caleb 10, 12–13, 18–20, 41, 47–48, 205, 213
Ross, Colin Campbell 3
Rowland, James 104
Royal Arms, bowing to 26
royal commissions viii–ix, 3, 32, 138, 146, 172
rumour see hearsay evidence
Samuels, Gordon 132
Saunders, Alan ‘Slipper’ 231–232, 235–237, 243–245, 248, 250–251, 256
Schloeffel, Mervyn 52–53
Schmalzbach, Oscar Rivers 102–103, 106, 152, 159–160, 163–164, 166–167
Schneidas, Peter 137–148
scientific evidence 4–5
Seary, Richard 184–186, 191–192, 201–204, 207–208
Secrets of the Jury Room 272
Seeto, Anna 187
self-defence considerations
Dawson case 68, 83
Krauss case 121–124
Lawford case 114, 117–118
self-induced intoxication 55–56, 58
Sentencing Act 1989 225, 254
sexual assault see Anita Cobby case
Shadbolt, Ken 90, 187, 198
Sheahan, Terry 242
Sheppard, Julia 232, 241
Shields, John 67, 73–74, 76–85
Short, Noel 128
signed confessions 230–231, 237–240
Sim, Alistair (film star) 199–200
‘similar fact’ evidence 174
Slattery, John Patrick 105–108, 110–111, 144–145
Slattery Inquiry 112
sleeping pill use 55–56
Smith, George 272–273
Smith, Greg 179
Snelling, Harold 1
sodium pentothal (‘truth drug’) 103, 106–107, 109–111
solicitors, access to 16–17
‘pub test’ to distinguish 20
Solomons, Adrian 151–152
Someone Else’s Daughter, The Life and Death of Anita Cobby 232, 241
‘special leave’ quality 221–222
Stephen, Ninian 170
Stephens versus The Queen ix Street, Laurence 98, 132, 201, 255
suicide possibilities see Dawson case; Price, Harold and Lorraine
Sully, Brian 181
Synnerdahl, Carl 86–91
Tanner, Leon 162
Taylor, Robert Lindsay 21–22, 77–79, 83–84, 130–132
Tedeschi, Mark 210–211
Terracini, Winston ‘The Hat’ 5, 159–160
terrorism cases see Maric, Angelo; Tim Anderson case
Tim Anderson case 183–214
Toecutters gang 9–10
Toohey, John 173
Traill, John 130
Travers, John 228, 230, 235, 238, 240–245
‘truth drug’ (sodium pentothal) 103, 106–107, 109–111
‘truth in sentencing’ 225, 254
truth telling 260–263
underworld cases see Driscoll, Linus Patrick
unsigned records of interviews (verbals) viii, ix
Driscoll case 16–21, 38
end of 46–48
High Court on ix, 24
judicial inaction and 22
Maric case 217–218
not used by Commonwealth Police 218
‘pub test’ to distinguish 20
Rogerson on 47
Tim Anderson case 186, 188–189, 204–206, 213
Veen, Richard 156, 165–174, 176–178, 180–182, 221
VERBAL (Murphy’s numberplate) 47
verbals see unsigned records of interviews
video taping see electronic recording of interviews
Vidovic, Uros 216–217
Vinson, Tony 143
vision loss, faked 87–91
voir dire evidence 75, 240, 243
Walker, Frank 213–214
Wallace, Vincent ‘Vin’ 72–78, 81, 83–84
Walsh, Norman 191
Walsh versus Regina 170–171
Ware, Ronald 57
West, Doris 68
Westmead Coroner’s Court 228
Wetmore, David ‘Sandy’ 232, 248, 250–251, 273
Whitlam, Gough 216–217
Whitton, Evan 32
Wilson, Ronald 173
witness box ordeals 82 see also dock statements
witnesses 126, 135 see also police briefs
Wood, James
Ananda Marga Inquiry 193, 198–199, 201–202, 206–207, 213
Price case 112
Wood Royal Commission viii–ix
Woodham, Ron 148
Wran, Neville 184
Wright-Short, Frederick 159–160, 162–163
wrongful imprisonment 4–5
‘Yagoona Three’ see Ananda Marga case
Yasmar Children’s Court 261–263
Yeldham, David 27, 33–34, 42–44, 136, 223, 255
Yugoslav-related businesses, bombing of see Maric, Angelo
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First Published March 2017
ISBN 9781489211071
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