Colin (Threefold Book 1)

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Colin (Threefold Book 1) Page 2

by Sotia Lazu

  He moved his hand faster on his hardening shaft, and Jules’s greedy mouth gave its place to Brad’s wide lips. Colin gritted his teeth. He shouldn’t be doing this. If Brad ever found out Colin sometimes thought of him when he jerked off…

  Colin pulled on himself faster, relishing the deliciously wrong mental image of his best friend kneeling naked before him.

  Long, thick strings of cum shot from his dick and sprayed the glass. Dude! He’d already come once today; he hadn’t expected to only last this little.

  Or to have a flashback of Becca licking her lips, as his hips jerked one last time.

  The water was still scorching when he quickly soaped up again. He rinsed, and then used the showerhead to chase the last drops of his spendings down the drain.

  The steam had fogged up the mirror, and Colin wiped enough of it clean with the hand towel that he could watch himself while he brushed his teeth and applied a thin layer of moisturizer. Other than a handful of smile lines around his eyes, and the two deeper grooves framing his mouth, his skin was smooth, and he intended for it to remain so.

  He put on some deo, and wrapped his bath towel around his hips. He had to call home, and that wasn’t something he felt comfortable doing in the buff.

  It was nice to know there were some lines he wouldn’t cross.

  He grabbed his cell phone and hopped on the couch, tightening the towel when it threatened to slip off.

  He pressed 3, then Call.

  “Hey, pumpkin.” His mom was the only person to get away with calling him something so silly.

  He didn’t even bother to grouch about it. “Hey, Mom. How’s Dad?”

  “Annoying, but I’m not allowed to shoot him.” She always gave a version of the same answer.

  Colin chuckled anyway. “That’s a relief.”

  “For you, maybe. I’m the one who keeps hearing how his leg hurts, and how he hates being unable to scratch it. I had to pry one of my knitting needles away from him. He was trying to shove it inside his cast.”

  “Maybe next time he won’t try to clean the rain gutters himself.” Colin was glib about it now, but had been terrified when his mother called to say his father fell off the roof. He remembered rushing to the hospital, and having it out with Alan, because he hadn’t been there to help their father. Funny how Alan hadn’t been there either, but he considered the accident to be Colin’s fault.

  Everything ever was Colin’s fault. Because he went to college. Because he moved away. Because he made more money. Because he fucked men once in a while.

  Memories of his brother’s parting words made Colin’s stomach churn. His jaw hurt, and the taste of copper made him wince. He’d bitten his tongue.

  “…three more weeks.”

  “Sorry, Mom, missed that last part.”

  “I said I don’t know how I’ll survive your father’s nagging for three more weeks. Maybe you should come down for a few days? Help me keep him in check? He’s too much for just me and Alan.” She gave a tight little laugh, but Colin heard the worry behind it. The hope her sons would patch things up.

  “Can’t take a leave now. Still fighting to prove I earned my place with the company.”

  “I understand.”

  He hated hearing her so sad. “Tell Alan I said hi.”

  “He said the same.”

  No, he hadn’t, but Colin played along. He let his mother drag him into idle chit chat about things in Boston, and eventually used the same early-day-tomorrow excuse he’d given Jules, to get off the line.

  He’d just poured himself a nightcap—solely to stop his tongue from bleeding, of course—when his cell rang.

  Would people let him get some sleep?

  The screen showed Brad’s name under a funny picture from last year’s Halloween party. He accepted the call and brought the phone to his ear. “What do you want, man? I’m about to turn in.”

  “Becca liked you,” Brad said.

  “Yeah? Tell her to get in line.”

  “Douche bag.”


  “So what do you think? About her?”

  Colin thought his friend was too good looking for Becca and Becca was too sexual for Brad, but he shoved the impulse to say so aside. “You’re right; she’s fun. And smart.” And Colin wanted to feel her boobs. Shit.

  “She’s all sorts of things. You should get to know her better.” Pause. “I know! Movie, the three of us, tomorrow night.”

  Colin really had no reason to want to know her better, but he also had no excuse not to. If Becca was there to stay, he had to resolve his issues, and accept her as his buddy’s girlfriend. “Text me where and when, and I’ll be there.” He hastened to add, “But it better not be a chick flick.”

  Chapter Three

  “Sorry I’m late. Broke a nail, and had to fix it.” Becca waggled her fingers at Brad, and smiled when he clasped her wrist and kissed each fingertip. “Did you get us tickets?”

  “Got them.” Colin waved them for her to see, and took the time to really look at her. She wore skinny jeans. He always believed skinny jeans were meant for skinny women, but she more than pulled them off in her high heels. Maybe it was the low-cut top that balanced it out.

  And he was giving her too much thought. Whatever made her look hot tonight wasn’t his business.

  Fuck. Not hot. Best friend’s girl, and all.

  “See? You’re more than eye candy.” Becca swept her gaze down his body, and licked her lips like she’d tasted something scrumptious.

  Colin shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket, and wrapped it around him. The night wasn’t that cold, but he felt self conscious under her scrutiny. “You ready to go in?”

  “Lead the way,” Brad said.

  Colin turned to do just that, but not before he saw Brad cup Becca’s ass. Couldn’t he just keep his hands to himself? It wasn’t just the two of them outside the movie theater. Some respect for other people wouldn’t kill them.

  Colin shook his head. Was he also going to tell those damned kids to get off his lawn? Brad was happily letting go of his hang-ups. Becca might not be the partner Colin envisioned for his best friend, but she made him happy. And that involved public displays of affection, whether Colin was comfortable with it or not. He’d get used to it.

  Just not immediately.

  Like, he might still feel uncomfortable when halfway through the rom-com they made him watch, he saw Becca trail her fingers up Brad’s thigh, and then not-so-subtly pop his fly.

  Colin tried to return his attention to the movie, but it was hard. Like Brad’s cock was, when Becca pulled it out and closed her fist around it. Colin wanted nothing more than to openly watch what took place next to him. Even in the darkened room, he could make out the drop of precome glistening on the red head of Brad’s cock. Becca twisted her wrist, caught the drop on her thumb, and brought it to her mouth. She sucked it in slowly, and then grasped Brad’s shaft again and began pumping it.

  Brad raised his hips to meet the movements of her hand. Maybe she wasn’t good for him after all. She was making him completely forget he was Mr. Cleancut. He’d regret it when he came to his senses.

  Colin faced the screen, but kept sliding his gaze to what Becca was doing. His mouth was dry. Beside him, Brad panted. Brad looked straight ahead, but when Colin chanced a more lingering look at his friend’s face, he saw Brad’s jaw was clenched, his eyes squeezed tight.

  Colin was so hard, it hurt. Brad let a little moan slip out, and Colin found himself cupping his own cock over his jeans. Pressing down with the heel of his hand. He needed release too, and he envied Brad, who was about to get his.

  But where? Was Becca going to make him spill on his pants, or would she stop and give Brad blue balls?

  Just then, Becca ducked her head in Brad’s lap. Brad didn’t seem surprised at all, as if this was a regular occurrence, but Colin glanced around in panic. At least they were in the last row, so nobody seemed to notice the deviant—and no doubt illegal—behavior t
aking place right next to him.

  When Becca sat back up, Colin realized he was staring. It didn’t matter. They had to know he would see them. That he’d watch them.

  Becca winked at him, and rubbed her index finger along her bottom lip.

  Brad elbowed him while trying to button up his jeans. “Sorry, man.” Whether the apology was for the hand-and-mouth action or the jab in Colin’s ribs, Brad’s huge grin implied utter lack of remorse.

  Colin’s cock still throbbed when they left the cinema. He was going through a mental list of booty calls he could go for, when Brad suggested a night cap.

  “Nah. I don’t wanna be the third wheel,” Colin said.

  Brad and Becca exchanged a look, and then Becca said, “That doesn’t have to be a bad thing.”

  Colin didn’t know what the look meant, and lacked the energy to find out. He shook his head. “I’ll go home. Had a long day at the office. You crazy kids enjoy the rest of the night.”

  “If you’re sure.” Brad gave Colin the typical male half hug.

  Becca, on the other hand, plastered her body to his. She smelled like wild flowers, and her breasts felt warm through his shirt. Colin had never touched breasts this big. The waifs he went for had small, firm tits that didn’t jiggle when they walked. He wanted to zip up his jacket and shield himself against the warmth and the temptation.

  Becca gave him a kiss on the corner of his lips. He thought she meant to go for the cheek, and he tried to turn his face more, but she moved with him.

  “I hope you enjoyed it.” She played with the short hair at the nape of his neck.

  Surprise got the rest of his body as rigid as his cock. “The movie?” he asked in a whisper.

  “Of course.” She giggled, and stepped back, hand already reaching for Brad’s, fingers splayed. “We have to do this again, but next time you’re coming for drinks too.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow, bro. May drop by.” Brad tugged Becca after him, and the two crossed the street laughing.

  Colin watched until they were swallowed by the crowd. Then he walked briskly to his car. The night had turned chillier, but a fire burned him up inside. He tried to cool off, but his thoughts kept returning to the couple that just left.

  They seemed so happy together, and Becca appeared completely in love with Brad.

  So why did Colin have the feeling she was coming on to him?

  He got in the driver’s seat, turned on the ignition, and raked his fingers through his short cropped hair. Should he say something to Brad?

  He peeled off without checking the side-view mirror, and barely missed a passing car. A horn blared, but Colin was preoccupied. What could he say, when he just had a vague suspicion? He’d only seen Becca twice in as many days. He didn’t know her. She didn’t have a shy bone in her body, but that didn’t mean she’d hit on her boyfriend’s best friend. And Brad wasn’t an idiot. If he didn’t mind her overt sexuality, why should Colin?

  In fact, Colin shouldn’t give her another thought. He should call Liv, and get lost between her mile-long legs for the night. Liv, who never turned him down and was up for anything. Eyes on the road, he pulled out his phone, pressed the voice-command key, and said, “Liv.”

  “Do you want to call Liv?” the nasal electronic voice asked.

  He began to say yes, but it was almost eleven, and he had to be at the office in the morning.

  And Liv tended to be boring when her ankles weren’t framing her ears. She never got his jokes, and was always on about one diet or another.

  “Screw it,” he said.

  “Command not recognized. Please try again.”

  He tossed the phone on the passenger seat, and drove the rest of the way home, trying hard not to think of women he shouldn’t be thinking of. Women he didn’t find attractive anyway.

  His phone rang a couple hours later, but he was busy pulling on his cock. In the morning he saw he had a missed call and text from Brad.

  The text read, “If you liked how it looked, you should see how it feels.”

  Colin started his day with another wank.

  By the time he got to work, he’d decided Brad and Becca were messing with him. Maybe it was a loyalty test. Brad wanted to see what kind of friend he was, and if he’d take advantage of the openings—ha!—Becca gave him. Or they could be trying to teach him a lesson? Show him big girls had moves too?

  That was mean. Becca wasn’t big. She was curvy. Though he typically considered anyone not in possession of a flat stomach overweight.

  Okay, lesson learned. He might not be into her, but he admitted Becca was attractive. Not to him. In general.

  He pinched the bridge of his nose, and crashed his thumb on the intercom button. “Simon. Coffee. And two aspirin.”

  “Rough night, Mr. D?” His assistant sounded as cheeky as always. It was one of the reasons Colin had hired him, the others being his great ass and quick wit—in that order. Now his cheekiness added to the pressure building behind Colin’s eyes.

  Colin let go of the button. Yelling would get him nowhere. Simon knew his value, and wasn’t intimidated by even the foulest of Colin’s moods.

  The proof was in Simon’s smile, when he brought the coffee and pills. “Maybe a massage will help?”

  Would it ever? Simon had long, pianist fingers, and a mouth that seemed made for sucking cock. Unfortunately, an interoffice affair was on the short list of lines Colin wouldn’t cross. “Just the aspirin, thanks.” He kept his tone professional, but couldn’t help a grin at the dramatic roll of Simon’s eyes.

  “Well, if you change your mind, you know where I’ll be,” Simon said on his way out.

  Another look-but-not-touch situation. Colin seemed surrounded by those lately.

  He leaned back against the headrest, and closed his eyes. He couldn’t think that way. He didn’t seriously consider doing something with Simon, and couldn’t possibly be attracted to Becca. Even if Brad wasn’t falling for her—maybe already in love with her?—she didn’t meet Colin’s specifications. Some liked blondes, some liked brunettes, and he liked lean, perfect bodies. Simple as that.

  Maybe he was getting older, and yearned for something that lasted longer than a night or two. A relationship like Brad’s, with someone who shared his interests and sense of humor, and who was a tiger in the sack, like Colin bet Becca was.

  Someone more to his taste, naturally. But maybe with boobs like Becca’s.

  He wondered what her nipples looked like. They were responsive, for sure. The evening breeze had made them stretch the fabric of her blouse. He loved women’s nipples. Loved their rubbery feel on his lips and tongue. Loved feeling them harden against his palms.

  Becca’s breasts looked heavy. They’d fill his hands. Her nipples would be a dusky pink, with large areolas.


  He thumped his head repeatedly with the heel of his hand. No, no, no, no! Such thoughts were wrong. Next he’d start wondering if she trimmed or waxed—


  He had to call Brad. Tell him they had to set some boundaries. That he didn’t like watching Becca jerk him off.

  Then why had he watched?

  That Becca pressing herself to him made him feel weird.

  That she got him hard.

  He had to say something. If it was a test, he’d pass. If it wasn’t…he didn’t care. He’d still act as a good friend should, and then he’d go out and fuck someone who could be on the cover of Vogue, and forget all about the curvy brunette.

  Or he’d just avoid Brad and Becca all together, until being near them felt safe again.

  Chapter Four

  “You free for lunch?”

  Colin only briefly looked up from his paperwork. “No, I’m not. As I already told you when you called me, fifteen minutes ago.” He wasn’t really that busy, but he had enough on his plate he didn’t feel bad using work as an excuse not to meet up with Brad and Becca.

  “Come on, man. You’ve been avoiding me for days. And you have
to eat.” Brad rarely took no for an answer. Colin’s inner salesman usually found that admirable, but today it annoyed him.

  “I’ve been busy. We can do drinks tonight.” He glanced at his phone. “Have to finish this up, and then I’m showing a couple that two-story in Richmond district at four. Should be done by six, so wanna meet somewhere at eight?” That gave him enough time to come up with an excuse to cancel.

  “We didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. At the cinema. We thought you’d be cooler about it.”

  Cooler? While Brad got a blowjob right next to him? Colin fought hard to refrain from looking up at Brad. “I don’t know what you mean.” But his heart sped up at the memory.

  “I want you to have sex with Becca.”

  “What?” The pen fell from Colin’s hand and rolled off his desk. He ducked after it. “I don’t think I heard you right.” He couldn’t have. And he had no idea why he was sporting a semi.

  “Come out from under there.”

  Colin sat up, pen in hand. “Okay, say again.”

  “I want you to have sex with Becca,” Brad said again.

  So he had heard right. And he’d been spot on about the reason behind the other night’s exhibition. Relief and anger made his gut roil. “Is this some elaborate scheme to test her loyalty? Or mine? Are you asking me to do it, just to see if I will?” And could Colin please convince himself that he never would?

  Brad shook his head. “What’s with the conspiracy theories? You’re not right in the head, you know.”

  “And yet I’m not the one asking my best friend to fuck my girlfriend!” Colin must have raised his voice, because his assistant’s head popped at the opening of his office door.

  “Everything all right, Mr. D?”

  “Yeah, Simon. Thanks.” Colin stood and shut the door, then leaned against it. “Brad, can you please explain what got into you? You and Becca seemed fine at the movies. I’ve never seen you more taken with a woman, and now you want me to…what? Take her off your hands?”


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