Santa's Naughty Helper

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Santa's Naughty Helper Page 3

by Ari McKay

  He put the box back in the Macy’s bag he’d used to carry it in and headed over to Shelley’s desk, which was right outside Erik’s door. She looked up as he approached and smiled.

  “Hey, Kevin, what’s up?”

  Drawing in a deep breath, Kevin looked at her imploringly. “I need your help and your discretion,” he admitted, glancing around to make certain no one else had come in and could overhear. “I’m Erik’s admirer, and I need to leave today’s gift on his desk. But please, I’m begging you, don’t tell anyone else. It’s not just for me, you see. Erik said he’s enjoying this, and I don’t want it spoiled.”

  “Hey, don’t worry, your secret is safe with me,” she replied, crossing her heart solemnly, before giving him a sly smile. “I knew it was you, anyway. It’s so sweet and romantic! I’m rooting for you.”

  Kevin’s eyes widened. “You knew it was me? How?” He must have screwed up somehow, but hopefully no one else had figured it out.

  “I have my ways.” Shelley waved her hand. “Maybe someday I’ll tell you. But don’t worry, I don’t think anyone else knows. I’ve been keeping my ear to the ground, and all the speculation I’ve heard is about Jake in accounting.”

  “Jake?” Kevin frowned, remembering the brash, arrogant young man who’d joined the firm last year. To be honest, Kevin hadn’t been impressed with him, but neither he nor Erik had much to do with the accountants.

  Shelley nodded. “Mostly because he’s said he thinks Erik is the sexiest man in the firm.” She glanced at the clock. “You’d better hurry if you want to drop that off before anyone else gets in. And make sure not to leave the Macy’s bag! Especially if the receipt is in it!”

  Relieved, Kevin hurried into Erik’s office to place the gift on his desk. As he stepped back out, he heard voices from the front of the office, and he gave Shelley a brief smile before returning to his own desk. He stashed the now-empty bag in a desk drawer before opening a folder and pretending to work, while he strained his ears to hear if Erik had arrived.

  He missed Erik entering the office, but there was no mistaking the burst of familiar laughter he heard a few minutes later. He jumped up from his desk and hurried to Erik’s door. “Hey, what’s so funny?” he asked, stepping inside.

  Erik held up the pair of red boxers, still chuckling. “Look at these! So cheesy and so perfect. The green pair says ‘jingle my bells,’ and his note says these are for wrapping up my own package.”

  Grinning, Kevin shook his head, but he was immensely gratified that Erik liked the jokes. “Sounds like Mr. Admirer is naughty.”

  “Obviously he is.” Erik mirrored his grin, looking quite pleased. “I like it! I wonder if he’s had thoughts about unwrapping my package and stuffing my stocking.”

  Kevin felt his cheeks growing hot. Hopefully Erik would think he was reacting to the risqué comment and not to the fact that Kevin had had exactly those thoughts. “No doubt he has, and that’s why he got them.”

  “I like his sense of humor.” Erik folded up the boxers neatly and put them back in the gift box. “These tell me he doesn’t take sex super seriously, and he knows how to have fun. Both things I like in a man.”

  “It sounds as though you’ll be quite compatible.” Kevin rubbed the back of his neck. He couldn’t say anything about how Erik viewed sex, because he’d stumble all over the words and end up sounding like a moron.

  “Oh, yes.” Erik seemed amused. “Sex can be serious, but it can be fun too. I like some playfulness in the bedroom.”

  Kevin knew that his face must be scarlet, but he drew himself up instead of slinking away as he wanted to do. Clearing his throat, he nodded and tried not to imagine Erik’s bedroom, especially not with Erik splayed out on the bed wearing nothing but a come-hither smile. Which brought that exact image to mind. “Oh.”

  Erik laughed and shook his head. “You’re so cute when you get flustered, Kev. I guess that means you don’t want to hear about my sex life? Assuming I have one with the new year, that is.”

  Kevin didn’t want to hear about it; he wanted to be part of it. Erik had said he was cute. Surely that counted for something? Bolstering himself with the compliment, he managed a sheepish smile. “You can always talk to me,” he replied, and then he shook his head ruefully. “See, this is why I’m not good in front of juries. You know how in public speaking they tell you to imagine your audience naked? That doesn’t work for me at all!”

  “Why not?” Erik raised a questioning eyebrow at him. “Do you get turned on?”

  Kevin gave a strangled laugh. “Oh, God, no! It’s too embarrassing!”

  “So why doesn’t imagining them naked work?” Erik asked, and Kevin knew he wouldn’t let it go until he got an answer.

  “Because most of the time, I’d want to burst out laughing, I guess.” Kevin replied sheepishly. “At heart, I’m still twelve years old about some things.”

  Erik laughed, his dark brown eyes dancing. “Well, I’m giggling over a pair of boxers with ‘stuff my stocking’ on them, so what does that say about my maturity level?”

  “I’ll keep your secret, if you keep mine.” Kevin chuckled, glad that Erik was amused. “It wouldn’t do for it to get out and ruin our reputations as hard-nosed litigators!”

  “No, definitely not.” Erik packed up the rest of his gift and stashed it in a desk drawer, and then he regarded Kevin curiously. “Did you need something else, or did you just come by to watch me make a fool of myself?”

  “You haven’t made a fool of yourself,” Kevin said quickly. “I just wanted to know what made you laugh.”

  “The spirit of the season in the form of my admirer.” Erik smiled, still seeming quite pleased. “Whoever he is, he’s making me quite happy this year.”

  Restraining his desire to whoop in victory, Kevin limited his reaction to a grin. Making Erik happy made him happy. “I suspect he’ll be pleased to know that.”

  “I hope I’ll get a chance to show him for myself one day,” Erik replied. “Maybe while wearing a pair of those boxers.”

  Kevin felt himself beginning to flush again, so he decided he’d better retreat. “I hope you do too. And on that note, I’d better get back to work. See you at lunch?”

  “You got it!” Erik waved and then turned his attention back to his laptop.

  Back in his own office, Kevin rubbed his hands together gleefully. If Erik was amused by the boxers, no doubt he’d really get a chuckle out of the rest of the surprises Kevin had in store.

  “WHOA.” ERIK swiveled his chair to face away from his office door when he pulled a package of flavored condoms and a large bottle of lube out of his gift for the day. Ever since he’d received the saucy boxers, the gifts had gotten increasingly spicier. On Tuesday, he’d received two bottles of cinnamon-scented warming massage oil, and on Wednesday, it had been a large jar of chocolate-flavored body paint with two brushes.

  The gifts were making two things very clear to him. First, the gifts appealed to all five senses in different ways, which implied his admirer had a sensual nature. Second, his admirer definitely wanted to unwrap his package.

  Erik wondered if he ought to be creeped out by an anonymous man sending him gifts of condoms and lube, but he dismissed that thought quickly. He knew his admirer through work, at least peripherally, and the firm didn’t hire anyone without a thorough background check. Whoever his admirer was, he wasn’t an obsessed stalker. Besides, the gifts were all playful and fun, and they weren’t setting off any alarm bells about his admirer having a dark, dangerous side.

  He just hoped it wasn’t Jake from accounting. Jake was hot, sure, but he knew it, and Erik had never been turned on by arrogance. That young man had some serious growing up to do before Erik would consider slathering him in body paint and jingling his bells.

  Erik heard a knock on his doorframe a fraction of a second before he heard Kevin’s voice. “So what did you get today?” Kevin asked, amusement lacing his tone. Kevin had, of course, seen all the previous gifts, and
his reactions were growing less flustered.

  It was time to see if he could make Kevin blush and stammer again, so Erik held up the bottle of lube in one hand and the package of condoms in the other before he swiveled his chair around to face Kevin, grinning wickedly as he waved the items back and forth.


  Kevin gazed back at Erik with a completely deadpan expression, although a hint of pink showed in his cheeks. “Wow. Do you think he wants to use all of those in one night? If so, you’d better take some vitamin B!”

  Erik laughed and waggled his eyebrows at Kevin, leering playfully. “Who says I don’t already?”

  That made Kevin chuckle, and he shook his head. “If so, your admirer will no doubt be a very happy man.” His smile turned teasing. “You’ll have to ask if he has a brother who prefers a shy, quiet lawyer. Maybe I can get lucky too.”

  Erik’s smile faded at that as a pang of something shot through him. It almost felt like jealousy, but surely he wasn’t jealous of Kevin going out with someone, was he? It would be selfish of him to begrudge his friend the chance at happiness, especially since he’d been going on and on about his admirer.

  “Maybe you can.” He tried to make himself sound more upbeat about the prospect than he felt, and then he rubbed the back of his head, offering an apologetic smile. “And if you ever want me to shut the hell up about this admirer, tell me, okay? I don’t want to come off like I’m bragging or rubbing it in, especially not to you.”

  Kevin waved dismissively and offered a reassuring smile. “No, it’s fine. I’m really glad to see you so happy. You deserve it.”

  “So do you,” Erik insisted. “You’re a great guy, Kev. You deserve a nice man to make you happy too.”

  To his surprise, Kevin began to blush. “Thanks,” he said. “There is someone I’m interested in, actually.”

  Erik sat up straight and stared at Kevin, stunned by that revelation. “What? Since when? Do I know him?”

  Kevin’s cheeks turned bright red, and he glanced away. “I’ve been interested in him for a long time. I’m not saying who it is, because I haven’t worked up the courage to ask him out yet.”

  Erik frowned, but he sternly reminded himself that jealousy was inappropriate. Kevin was his friend, and he should be happy that Kevin was interested in someone.

  “Well, if there’s anything I can do to help things along, let me know,” he said, feeling virtuous for making the offer.

  “Thanks. Maybe I’ll take you up on it.” Kevin tilted his head at the lube and condoms. “Although it looks like you’ll have your hands full, eh? There’s still three more days of gifts. I wonder what Mr. Admirer will do to top that.”

  “I’m almost afraid to find out.” Erik chuckled and shook his head. “Where do you go from here, except maybe to hiring a stripper wearing nothing but a thong and a Santa hat?”

  “Well, that would give all the ladies in the office a thrill, as well as you and me.” Kevin’s eyes were full of amusement. “I can’t wait until tomorrow to find out.”

  “To be honest, I can’t either,” Erik admitted with a sheepish smile. “I’m looking forward to seeing what could possibly be coming next.”

  Kevin laughed. “Good. Just promise me you’ll let me know, no matter what it is.”

  “Like you won’t come barging in here tomorrow to ask if I don’t.” Erik made a shooing motion at him. “I’m starting to think you’re a secret voyeur.”

  “You found me out!” Kevin put the back of one hand against his forehead in a melodramatic gesture. “Okay, okay, I’m going. Just remember you owe me replies on three of those summary cases I sent you. Mr. Admirer can’t do your work for you.”

  “Too bad!” Erik retorted as Kevin waltzed out the door, but he went back to his work with a smile. It didn’t occur to him until later that he wasn’t sure whether the smile came from his admirer’s gifts or his conversation with Kevin.

  HURRYING TOWARD his office building through a light snowfall, Kevin grinned to himself as he imagined Erik’s reaction to the contents of today’s package. If Erik thought the lube and condoms were naughty, he was going to get a huge surprise when he opened the selection of erotic toys Kevin had bought at an upscale sex boutique.

  He wished he could have seen Erik’s face when he first opened the present, but unfortunately Kevin had to sit in on a deposition early in the morning. But he’d made certain to drop the gift off—with Shelley’s silent complicity—before heading off to his appointment. Now it was nearly noon, and he wondered if Erik was waiting for his return.

  Kevin was pleased with how the game was going, and if he had interpreted Erik’s reaction correctly, Erik had actually been a little jealous when Kevin had mentioned being interested in someone. Of course, it could have just been surprise, but Kevin hoped his teasing words had made Erik notice that he was more than just an efficient partner.

  Brushing snowflakes from his dark coat, Kevin hurried through the lobby and into the elevator. When he reached his floor, he didn’t immediately head for Erik’s office. Instead, he went to his own office to take off his coat and get his notes out of his briefcase. Only then did he go to see Erik, holding the folder in front of him as he rapped on the doorframe.

  “I have the notes from this morning if you want them.”

  Erik glanced up, appearing startled, as if he’d been jolted out of deep thought, but he smiled when he saw Kevin. “Great, thanks. I’ll look them over and let you know if I need any extra info before I add them to the file.”

  Nodding, Kevin crossed to Erik’s desk and placed the folder on one end as he searched Erik’s face. “Is something wrong? You looked preoccupied.”

  “Not wrong, really. I’ve just got a lot on my mind.” Erik fixed him with a look that seemed almost challenging. “I received my gift for the day. It’s even racier than yesterday’s. Want to see?”

  “Sure.” Kevin wondered if he’d shocked Erik with the day’s gift. Certainly Erik didn’t seem as amused as he had the previous day.

  “I think it makes my admirer’s intentions pretty clear.” Erik pulled a box out of a drawer and placed it on his desk, and then he flipped the lid open so Kevin could see inside. “Fleecy handcuffs, a purple dildo, a cock ring. I think he’s interested in getting me into bed as soon as possible, don’t you?” he asked, searching Kevin’s face intently.

  Kevin had been a little embarrassed when he’d gone into the boutique to pick everything out, but the quiet, understanding professionalism of the owner had done much to help him get past being flustered. So he was able to look into the box without blushing and wanting to sink through the floor, which was no doubt the reaction Erik was expecting.

  “It certainly seems that way,” Grinning, he reached into the box and pulled out the handcuffs. “I guess the question is who is going to tie up whom.”

  “I’ll tie up him, of course.” Erik plucked the black leather cock ring out of the box and dangled it in front of Kevin. “First, I’ll put this on him so he can’t come until I let him. Then I’ll secure him with the cuffs. Then maybe I’ll use the massage oil or the paint, or maybe I’ll warm him up with the dildo to make sure he’s good and ready for me. What do you think of that plan?”

  Kevin thought it sounded absolutely perfect. He couldn’t help the flare of arousal Erik’s words evoked, and the flush he could feel rising in his cheeks had nothing to do with embarrassment. It was all he could do not to jump into Erik’s arms right then and there; only the knowledge that they were in an office with more than a hundred people just outside the door kept him from doing exactly that.

  “Wow. I think if he has any sense at all, he’ll like that plan just fine.” He looked at Erik with a wicked gleam in his eye. “I guess you’d better hope he isn’t toppier than you are, eh?”

  “It could be a deal-breaker,” Erik admitted, dropping the leather strap back into the box. “I don’t mind switching it up once in a while, but I prefer to be the boss in bed. If he doesn’t like t
hat, it’s not going to work out in the long run.”

  Kevin was very glad that he preferred to bottom, although he could hardly admit that… could he? “I like a man who takes charge in the bedroom,” he said, replacing the handcuffs. “He seems to know you pretty well, so maybe he’s probably pegged your preference too. You do sort of exude the whole alpha male vibe, after all.”

  Erik smiled, seeming pleased by the idea. “I hope so. Anyway, it all remains to be seen. I still don’t even know who he is, much less what his preferences in the bedroom are.”

  “Well, by my calculations, you only have two gifts left to go. I assume you’re anxiously waiting for a possible revelation on Christmas Eve?” Kevin watched Erik closely, hoping Erik hadn’t changed his mind about wanting to discover the identity of his admirer.

  “I am.” Erik nodded and leaned back in his chair. “I mean, the game has been fun, but it has to end sometime, and I’m curious to know who it is so maybe we can move beyond games.”

  “Or at least to more satisfying ones, perhaps.” Kevin paused. “I do hope discovering your admirer’s identity makes you happy, Erik, and that it isn’t a disappointment. You deserve the best.”

  “Thanks, Kev.” Erik smiled warmly at him. “I guess I’ll find out soon, right? The original note said the game would end on Christmas Eve, and that’s next Tuesday. Unless Mystery Man chickens out, I’ve got a date for the holidays.”

  Erik’s smile made Kevin’s toes curl. He wasn’t going to chicken out. Come hell or high water, he needed to know if he and Erik could really have something together. Just being coworkers wasn’t enough, not anymore. He wanted Erik, and he would do his best to win his man. “I doubt he’d chicken out after sending those kind of gifts. That would definitely qualify him as a cocktease, and I don’t think any of the guys working here are like that, you know?”

  “Plus you’d have to have some serious intestinal fortitude to send gifts like these in the first place, enough to see it all the way through.” Erik smiled and shrugged. “I hope so, at least!”


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