Her Undercover Prince

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Her Undercover Prince Page 19

by Carol Moncado

  Isaiah turned to Kensington. “For now, I won’t have my men restrain you, but if you don’t behave, you’ll end up tied to a chair.” He turned back to Anabelle. “Tell me where the children are, or your husband gets it.”

  Anabelle’s face hardened.

  Isaiah backhanded her.

  Kensington roared away from his captors but was stopped before he could get to Isaiah.

  With his hands on his knees, Isaiah leaned over into Anabelle’s face. “Where are they?”

  She shook her head. “I have no idea. But even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.”

  He rocked back a bit. “You’ll never be her parents, you know.”

  “We’ll be the only parents she ever knows. She doesn’t remember our parents and certainly not her birth mother.” Anabelle rested her hand on her cheek where Isaiah had struck her.

  “She’ll know her father though.”

  The news didn’t shock Anabelle. She must have already guessed. She tilted her chin upward. “Kensington is the only father she’ll ever need.”

  With a flick of his wrist, he motioned two of his men. In a moment, Kensington and Anabelle were both tied to chairs several meters apart, but directly in each other’s line of sight.

  Isaiah circled the group several times, just staring at them.

  Though she was touching people on every side, Jacqueline Grace felt strangely alone.

  Maybe because most of the others were paired off and the other unattached men and women were all close to each other, but not her.

  Fear gripped her heart like an iron band when Isaiah stopped to look directly at her.

  What could she have that he would want?

  Before he could say anything, the last two men to leave the room returned.

  Isaiah moved off to the side to talk to them for several minutes, his agitation growing as they spoke. Harrison and the others must be safe.

  She noticed every one of those sitting in the middle were exchanging looks and sizing up the men holding them captive. Were they going to try to take the room back?

  The goons were all wearing black tactical gear, complete with boots with good tread. Every one of the men in the center were wearing dress shoes with next-to-no tread at all. On a floor like this, it could easily be the difference in a fight.

  When the conversation ended, two sets of two men left the room. One headed in the general direction of the room the nannies likely would have taken the children, though they clearly weren’t there. The other team went toward a lounge area the teens had spent time in playing games. Though that’s where Jacqueline Grace would have thought Harrison and the others would be, they must not have been.

  Hopefully, Harrison and the rest, as well as the nannies, knew what was happening. If they did, they knew the protocols.

  Get away.

  If you can’t get away, hide.

  If you can’t hide, fight.

  If you can’t fight, or know you can’t win the fight, bide your time.

  She and the rest in the banquet hall were biding their time. If the others were hiding, they should know to stay put until their location was compromised or until security forces they could trust came for them.

  The problem?

  Some of the men still holding guns were on the different security teams.

  They might be found, believe themselves to be safe, and walk right into the arms of the enemy.

  The kings and princes had to be waiting for the right moment to act. Dave waited with them, though he wasn’t sure what he’d do if Isaiah singled out Jacqueline Grace.

  When he’d stopped and stared at her, he’d been afraid for her safety - and his. Because he’d react the same way Kensington did.

  Dave didn’t like being so far away from her, but given that they had no formal relationship, he thought it might be safer for her. Besides, there weren’t enough men for each one to protect one woman. Some of the women would likely take exception to the idea they needed protecting.

  Some of them did.

  Some of them didn’t.

  They’d all likely been trained in self-defense, but that didn’t stop his protective side from wanting to, well, protect.

  Isaiah finally turned back to those assembled in the center of the room. “Split them up,” he told his men.

  Could he end up with Jacqueline Grace?

  Instead, six of the men, all carrying rifles started pointing the business end at one person then another. In just a few minutes, the women were all in one corner. Queen Mother Eliana still held her wrist. Anabelle remained tied to the chair.

  The men all in another corner of the room, far enough apart from each other there would be no whispering or formulating of plans. They were close enough that, given their superior firepower, only a couple of henchmen would be needed to control them.

  For now.

  “I’m not an ogre.” Isaiah stood facing the women. “I understand you’re likely uncomfortable. Once we’ve found the rest of those here, we’ll allow you to go to your quarters, with an escort, and change clothes. You will be allowed to wear something comfortable. You will not be allowed to wear shoes or have any expectation of privacy.”

  He turned around. “Gentlemen, and I use that term very lightly, you will not be extended the same courtesy. If you need to relieve yourself, my men will escort you outside.”


  With that Isaiah left the room.

  He was no longer there, no longer presenting a threat, but plenty of others kept them in line.

  One of them stood in front of the women but seemed to be staring directly at Jacqueline Grace. He turned to whisper something to his partner who moved between the women until he could grab Jacqueline Grace by the arm and drag her out of the crowd.

  Dave tensed, but forced himself to remain still. If he reacted, he’d just get a fist to the face or the butt of a rifle to the side of his head.

  Then he would be no good to anyone.

  He hoped she understood that.

  The partner sat her in a chair before returning to keep watch. The first man turned, and Dave got a good look at his face.

  The drongo from Central Park. The one who’d hit on Jacqueline Grace.

  The one who’d tried to pick up Kiara.

  The one she’d been mad at Dave for not protecting her from.

  The one that led to the argument that led to their first kiss.

  And their second.

  Dave had felt something was off about the man, besides being a creep and hitting on a single mother, and now he knew. The man worked for Isaiah.

  He didn’t do anything, except stare at Jacqueline Grace. She simply glared back.

  He tied her to the chair, much as Anabelle and Kensington had been.

  Time seemed to stand still.

  Nothing happened.

  Isaiah was still out of the room. The security teams were tied up and held at gun point in one corner. The women weren’t tied up but were in another corner. The men were still separated by a few feet in yet a third section of the room. All of Isaiah’s men had rifles. Dave also spotted pistols and knives.

  Dave found his legs falling asleep and his rear end going numb. He tried to focus, to stay awake and alert, but it became increasingly difficult.

  Looking around, it seemed everyone else was in the same predicament.

  Another man came into the room.

  Another man Dave recognized.


  Both of the drongos who showed interest in Jacqueline Grace worked for Isaiah.

  “The following people will stay here. Kensington. Anabelle. Jacqueline Grace. Dave. Everyone else will be escorted to another location.”

  One standover man, larger than the others, stood in front of Dave ensuring he remained where he was supposed to be. The rest of the royal families were instructed to lace their fingers on the top of their heads, and they left the room.

  Four of Isaiah’s men escorted the security teams to another location one person a
t a time.

  That left just the four of them in the room with four of Isaiah’s men, including Martin and the man from Central Park.

  “What does Isaiah want with us?” Kensington drew all of the attention toward himself, but Dave didn’t think he could use it to his advantage. “I get that he thinks he’s Gracie’s biological father, but what do Jacqueline Grace and Dave have to do with it?”

  “You haven’t figured it out?” Isaiah walked back into the room.

  “Figured what out? Why you’re crazy? Were you dropped on your head by your nanny as a baby?” Kensington goaded him.

  “Grace’s mother was Anabelle’s aunt. She worked at the palace. You do the math.”

  “We already did.” Kensington struggled against his restraints. “The rumor was that Benjamin was her father, but when we confronted him, he had no idea what we were talking about. That’s when Anabelle realized it had to be you.”

  “Very good.” Isaiah clapped a few times. “You get a gold star.” He turned to Jacqueline Grace. “But you don’t get one. You’re a little slow on the uptake, Jack.”

  Wheels were turning in her head, though Dave had no clue what she was processing in there.

  Then she blinked.

  She’d figured it out.

  Whatever it was.

  “Go on. Tell everyone what you’ve just realized. Why you and your boy toy are still here.”

  Dave watched as Jacqueline Grace struggled against the rope holding her in place.

  Finally, she stopped. “You’re Kiara’s father, too. Kiara and Gracie are half-sisters.”


  It couldn’t be, but even as she said it, Jacqueline Grace knew it was true. Isaiah was Kiara’s father.

  He probably even knew her real name.

  When they’d tried to pass her off as Gracie, she’d been heavily medicated. Afterward, she refused to talk for a while. They had no idea what her name was. Finally, sitting in the hospital with her one day, Jacqueline Grace went through a bunch of names on a website and had her pick one.

  She liked Kiara, but shook her head when Jacqueline Grace asked if it was her name. They used it anyway.

  “You want to take both girls, don’t you?” Kensington tried to draw Isaiah’s attention away from her.

  Isaiah didn’t turn around. “They are my children. They should be raised as I see fit.”

  “Why? They’re not your sons.” Dave’s voice startled her. “Why would you care what happens to girls? Even when you take the throne, you wouldn’t want them to succeed you.”

  Isaiah turned to Dave. “You make a good point, but that doesn’t mean I want anyone else raising them either. They could be valuable bargaining chips. Everyone wants their sons to marry a princess. It makes for good business.” He turned. “Just look at Anabelle’s grandfather. He was willing to marry her off to Benjamin, so he’d gain custody of Grace. Or so he thought.”

  “I was never going to marry Benjamin!” Anabelle reminded him.

  “Only because you weren’t raised to respect the wishes of those in authority over you. No matter. He wouldn’t have gained custody anyway.” Isaiah’s coldly sinister laugh set Jacqueline Grace’s teeth on edge. “He would have had an accident sooner or later.”

  Anabelle’s face went ashen. “It was you, wasn’t it? You caused the accident.”

  From where she was sitting, Jacqueline Grace could see Isaiah’s face.

  He winked at Anabelle. “Not just his.”

  Realization crossed her face. “You...”

  Jacqueline Grace saw Anabelle nearly bite her tongue to stop herself from saying what she really wanted to.

  Isaiah tsk’d. “Now, don’t talk like that, princess. You could have been queen if you’d just cooperated. Now, one of you four have to know where the girls are. Someone is going to tell me, or your girls will lose...” He turned back to Anabelle. “What was it you said? The only parents they’ve ever known?”

  He looked at Dave. “Except yours, of course. She remembers her worthless wench of a mother.”

  “So you did know Claire?” Dave didn’t seem as surprised as Jacqueline Grace expected.

  “Of course.” Isaiah shrugged. “She claims Mary is also my child, but I have my doubts. She wasn’t exactly... faithful when I told her she needed to be.”

  Jacqueline Grace could see Dave’s face. He hadn’t expected to hear Isaiah was also Mary’s father.

  That meant that Mary was also Kiara and Gracie’s half-sister.

  “I know you’ve been looking for me.” Isaiah bowed dramatically at the waist. “David Smith.”

  Why the note of sarcasm? Was it not Dave’s real name?

  “Just wait until I get my hands on you.” The threatening tone of Dave’s voice shocked Jacqueline Grace. He’d never sounded like that, never even hinted he could sound like that, in the time she’d known him.

  But Isaiah was threatening Mary, and Dave loved Mary.

  “Is that why you sent your men to follow us in New York and Ravenzario?”

  What? She stared at Dave, trying to figure out what he meant.

  “I know the man who bothered the princess and tried to pick up Kiara in Central Park is here.”

  That’s why the man looked familiar.

  “I know Martin is here...”

  Jacqueline Grace hadn’t seen him.

  “Did you think we wouldn’t notice?”

  She knew Dave was passing the information on to her more than confirming it with Isaiah. How had she not noticed the two men?

  “If you’d just let me have my daughters...”

  Before he could finish, it fell into place. “You’re behind the missing passports, aren’t you? You had someone take them when we moved from one house to the other.”

  Isaiah shrugged.

  “Why are you trying so hard to get your hands on both girls? You said Mary isn’t your daughter.”

  Dave struggled in his chair. “Because Mary is his daughter, too. He might have said he’s not sure he’s Mary’s father, but he wants her, too. Either he knows he is, or he’s unsure enough that he’s not willing to risk someone else raising her.”

  He jerked again. “What I don’t understand is how careless he was.”

  “Careless?” Kensington asked, struggling against his own restraints.

  Dave tried to stand with his chair, but one of the henchmen pushed him down. “Three girls. All about the same age. He’s a smarmy letch. We all know that. But the women who don’t know any better see the suave side. Only notice that he’s a prince and the money. Believe the lies he tells that she’s the one who will finally make an honest man out of him. How many one-night stands has he had over the years? Dozens? Hundreds? More? But he’s always careful never to get the women pregnant, so what changed five years ago?”

  Before he gave an answer, a man walked in the room.

  He stood next to Isaiah and spoke softly, but they could still hear what he said. “There’s still no sign of the children and their nannies or the teens.”

  Jacqueline Grace’s shoulders slumped in relief. Kensington, Anabelle, and Dave all did the same. Harrison would take exception at being called a teen. Weren’t Benjamin’s younger twin brothers twenty? They wouldn’t like it either, but at least they were somewhere safe.

  “Keep looking. One of these four will tell me where the children are.”

  “And if they really don’t know?”

  Isaiah looked at each of them. “Bring Thor in here. If they don’t know, he does.”

  Tears finally threatened to overwhelm Jacqueline Grace. She’d held it together this far, but it was too much. It was all too much.

  Emotions had been held at bay, but now they rushed to the forefront. Relief that some of her family members were safe for the time being. Anger that three of the girls she loved so much were biologically related to the madman searching for them.

  And more that she didn’t understand.

  She fought against the tears, against showing Isa
iah any kind of weakness.

  Deep inside, she found a strength she didn’t know she had. Praying that someone in the outside world knew something was going on, she resolved that she wouldn’t give in to the emotions.

  Not until this was over.

  Two-and-a-half hours later, Thor hadn’t told Isaiah anything. Neither had anyone else.

  None of them knew anything.

  Dave cooperated with Isaiah’s men as they led him away from the banquet hall. Jacqueline Grace, Kensington, and Anabelle were behind him. He didn’t know where they were going.

  Armed men stood in front of a nondescript door. Two went in, shouting something Dave couldn’t hear. The door was left open for Dave then the others to walk through.

  Inside were the others who had been in the banquet hall. The standover man guarding Dave shoved him to the floor. Jacqueline Grace ended up next to him while Kensington and Anabelle landed a bit farther away.

  The door shut behind them.

  The others rushed to their sides. With the aide of King Benjamin and Darius, Dave was soon in a seated position and his wrists had been untied. King Edward and Jordan aided Kensington, while Queen Miriam and Astrid went to Anabelle. Genevieve and Katrín helped Jacqueline Grace.

  Darius handed Dave a bottle of water once they were situated on the floor. The room was square, with no windows and only one door. There was no furniture, but bottles of water had been provided.

  “What does he want?” King Edward asked once they were all seated.

  “The girls,” Jacqueline Grace told them. “Kiara, Mary, and Gracie are half-sisters. They share the same father, and he wants them - and the throne. He thinks if all of you were to... go away, he’d get it.” She didn’t say die, didn’t mention that they’d all have to be dead.

  “Even if they killed all of us...” King Benjamin apparently had no such qualms. “...he wouldn’t take over. Louise would.”

  “He’s convinced he’s ahead of her in the line of succession.” Jacqueline Grace repeated what Isaiah had said repeatedly.

  “He’s not.”

  Dave rubbed his wrists. “I know that. You know that. Even Isaiah might know that, but he’s not the full quid. All that matters is he believes it.”


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