Lanie's Choice: Survivors of Paradise Book 1

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Lanie's Choice: Survivors of Paradise Book 1 Page 10

by Kimberlyn Day

  Horny rubbed at his little nose horn. “What is Beedee Essem?”

  Lanie laughed—a belly laugh, one that cackled out of her and culminated in a ridiculous snort. And if it was just short of hysteria, no else had to know; her day had been all kinds of fucked up. “Stars above, the others are gonna kill me. I suck as an interspecies intermediary. I mean, discussing B-D-S-M on the second day.” She wiped at her eyes. “Wow. Go me!”

  “What is B-D-S-M?” Horny asked again, a smile on his face at her rambling.

  Lanie grinned. “It’s along the lines of your ‘sensual discipline’, actually. It stands for bondage, domination, sadism, and masochism. Of course, enthusiasts explore a wide variety of activities within each subset of sexual classification. With bondage often comes discipline. With domination, there is also a need for submission. And with—”

  Horny’s chuckle drew her from the explanation. She stared blankly, confused, until he explained, “You flipped the scientist switch, like when you were explaining your engineering.”

  Lanie blushed. “Sorry. I was fascinated by interpersonal relationships in my youth, especially around puberty, and read everything I could get my hands on. Maybe even a dictionary or two.”

  By then, all three of the males were laughing, and Lanie was relaxing again.

  “And what did your books teach you about submission, little Charm?” Fen asked, eyes bright with laughter and lust. He reached out and wrapped one of his big palms around the back of her neck, cupping it possessively. The humor faded from his gaze when she gasped and shivered, her body instantly responding to his touch.

  Lanie licked her lips, quaking with the need she’d been ignoring. With her angst out of the way, it was almost impossible to keep from reaching down and using her own two hands to ease the ache…thankfully, it wasn’t as intense as when she’d swallowed Horny’s cum, but Hilom’s didn’t leave her comfortable, per se.

  Yet Lanie had no compulsion to take care of herself. She wanted him—them. “I learned a lot of things about submission…about human submission. How some people enjoy pleasuring others,” she whispered.

  His big thumb swept across her bottom lip. “Did that interest you?”

  Lanie wanted to moan at the caress, to let her tongue lap at his finger, but she kept her gaze on his. “Yes.”

  Hilom groaned appreciatively from somewhere beyond her peripheral, but Fen ignored his brakka. “You like when we take sexual command,” he stated.

  “Yes,” she whispered—and she especially like his emphasis on sexual command. It helped her feel safer in admitting her kink, knowing he grasped the difference between total submission and her own need to let go purely between the sheets.

  “Then go to your knees, little Charm, and open your mouth. You’re going to finish what you started.” His hands went to his cock, which she’d done a grand job of ignoring up until then. But as she slid quickly—excitedly—to her knees, she couldn’t help but stare. Fen’s body was the perfect balance between Horny’s muscular, bulky frame and Hilom’s younger, more wiry one. His cock, too; thick veins lined it, and she wanted to trace each with her tongue. And the drop of pre-cum on the tip? It was the cherry on top.

  Her clit throbbed. It would be so easy to swipe her tongue across his slit, to bring him to his knees alongside her. He’d moan and she’d suck and suck until he gave in, until someone’s dick was balls-deep in her aching pussy.

  But Fen had told her to drop and open up, so instead of acting on impulse, Lanie simply let her lips part. The reward was worth it. Fen stepped closer and gently thrust into her waiting mouth, and Horny kneeled behind her, his big hand arrowing down to tease her.

  Lanie moaned around Fen’s thickness, her eyes closing as she was inundated with sensation. Horny had mastered fingering her—and his pace was wreaking havoc on her equilibrium.

  “No, keep your eyes open,” Fen demanded. “Look up at me.”

  She peered up from under her lashes. Her intense, thoughtful lover was replaced by pure dominance, and she shivered as she obeyed. Their gazes locked as he continued to thrust, and she tentatively raised her hands, wanting to use them…but not sure if she was allowed, and not wanting to stop to ask. She gave him time to deny her permission, but he didn’t.

  He gasped when her fingers encircled his girth, squeezing and rubbing in time with his movements. Lanie hollowed her cheeks, keeping her lips sealed tight over the mushroomed head. “Just like that, little Charm. Suck hard for me.”

  Horny rubbed faster as Fen picked up the pace, and Hilom used her distraction to sidle up to her and capture her nipple in his mouth. With him low and out of Fen’s way, there was nothing to keep him from switching to her other breast when she screeched and rocked harder against Horny’s skillful hands.

  The wet slaps of Fen’s cock as he fucked her mouth, going deep enough that her inadvertently teeth scraped him, accompanied by the sopping sounds of her own arousal as she was fingered, were joined by groans from all of them as the room filled with the scent and sounds of sex. Lanie fell into oblivion first, her screams muffled only a moment later when Fen thrust deep, his tip flexing on her tongue as he emptied straight down into her belly.

  Lanie suckled him gently for a minute, until he gasped and pulled away, and then she was picked up and deposited on the bed.

  “Spread your legs,” Horny ordered.

  There was no thought of denial—her cunt was on fire. While Hilom’s cum hadn’t been enough to drive her mad, the addition of Fen’s was enough to make her immediately crazed. Her hips thrust and bucked without her control, and sweat sheened her body as she writhed helplessly.

  “It’s beginning, my Charm. We’re going to lifebond you, all of us.” With that singular warning, he thrust deep.

  Lanie screamed—and not totally in pleasure. Of all her brakka, Horny was biggest. The monster impaling her was enough to make her feel as though she’d been ripped in half, even as the fiery heat subsided and to a manageable degree. The pleasure-pain confused her senses for a moment, but Horny didn’t give her time to think.

  He pulled back and thrust deep again, this time slipping a hand between their bodies so he could rub her clit. The fullness combined with the pressure on her swollen nub was enough to immediately catapult her into orgasm, and Lanie screamed with it, almost convulsing at the boundless ecstasy.

  “I won’t last much longer,” Horny gritted between his teeth. “When I roll, you need to hurry.” Lanie had no idea what he was talking about—until she ended up sprawled on top of her big lug. She blinked down at him, surprised to find herself still impaled. Her hands went to the bed on either side of him, balancing. “Be still, my Charm. Fen and Hilom are joining us.”

  Nerves rattled her, but Horny pulled her face down for a hard, demanding kiss. It scrambled her brains until she was writhing atop him, her hips once again thrusting. Though she was full to the edge of pain, the burning of her arousal had barely receded—in fact, it was building again. Stronger.

  Nerves turned to panic…she was going to burn up. Die. There was no way to survive the surge of pure, raw lust. Her skin pulled tight over her muscles, her body gushed more wetness in a silent plea for more, and she was just opening her mouth to scream and beg for help when someone settled behind her.

  Fen’s confidant, soothing touch was different than Hilom’s sweetly savage caresses, making it easy to peg him. He leaned over her back, straddling her even as she was still stuffed full of Horny. The open-mouthed kisses along her spine made her shiver and arch up for more, and his soft chuckle against the damp skin was enough to bring her to the brink of another orgasm.

  It was ridiculous how easily they amped her up, and if she hadn’t been on the cusp of agony, she would have been irritated. As it was, she was mewling for more.

  Horny wrapped a hand in her hair and pulled her down for another kiss, invading her mouth with his tongue and dominating her mouth and mind as Fen continued gentling her from behind.

  Only once she’
d completely relaxed did she feel his hands slide over her ass, palming the globes and squeezing. Damn domineering aliens. She tensed right back up again, making fists in the homemade blankets on the bed, but Fen didn’t back off—no, he kept caressing her, going so far as to thrust up against her while pulling her cheeks apart!

  Lanie squealed and tucked her tailbone, much to the brakka’s amusement. Horny chuckled as he nipped at her bottom lip, and Fen rested his forehead between her shoulder blades, huffing out a short laugh.

  Hilom—damn him!—joined the fray; he grinned and turned her face from Horny. With both their hands in her hair, she was supported when he led her mouth to his cock for the second time that morning. He sat on his haunches near Horny’s shoulder, hips tilted toward her. Reaching him was actually easy, but with Fen rubbing against her ass, she felt vulnerable. The youngest of her brakka must’ve seen something of her fear on her face, because his grin melted into a tender, adoring smile.

  “Open for me,” Hilom murmured, stroking her cheek with one long finger. She did, swirling her tongue, and he closed his eyes with a sigh. “You feel amazing, sweet Charm. Warm, and soft—so soft.”

  Lanie watched him as she softly used her teeth along his spongy tip. Hilom’s head dropped back on a groan and she hummed in pleasure at doing that—at giving him that blissed-out look.

  Horny, of course, took that moment to thrust up, and Fen simultaneously pushed a fingertip down.

  The world imploded—probably. Maybe. Lanie wasn’t really there enough to know. She floated somewhere above herself, so completely pleasured that sinking back into her body wasn’t even an option; she’d found nirvana.

  And then they did it again, except instead of just barely penetrating her ass, Fen sank an entire finger into her. The stretch, the burn, was delicious. Lanie fell back into the moment, writhing between them as they set a steady rhythm.

  Her mouth never left Hilom’s cock, but her mind was wrapped around the dark, decadent, forbidden pleasure Fen was introducing her to. Each thrust wrung a strangled cry from her throat, but it wasn’t denial—no, her breathy noises all but begged for more around Hilom’s impressive length.

  And then he added another finger, and she heard him spit.

  What. The. Hell.

  She tried to buck herself off Horny, but his arms quickly banded around her, leaving Hilom’s hands tangled in her hair as the wretched weasel continued to thrust into her mouth. All of them made deep cooing sounds, almost purring at her.

  “Relax, little Charm. You’re okay,” Fen promised. He leaned down and kissed her spine, right above her butt. And then he nipped her ass cheek! “I’m watching you take my fingers,” he murmured.

  Lanie stilled at Fen’s words.

  “You’re sucking me in, Lanie. Your beautiful ass is swallowing my fingers—and I can’t wait to sink my cock in you instead. You feel so perfect—so tight.”

  Lanie closed her eyes, shocked by how the dirty, filthy words turned her on. An errant thought struck her then—how did these big lugs know how to make anal play pleasurable, but not know that males could enjoy the act together? Of course, that led to her imagining the three of them twined around each other, sweating and grunting and thrusting…

  “She liked that,” Horny rasped. “She’s squeezing the life out of me!”

  Somehow, while sucking on Hilom’s dick and seated on Horny’s, with Fen’s finger thrusting in her ass, she still managed to blush. Liking the naughty words was one thing, but having it baldly announced was another.

  “Did she?” Fen sounded amused. “The she’ll love knowing how her ass puckers when I pull out,” he withdrew his fingers, “and then opens wide when I push back in.” He did just that, and Lanie moaned.

  Hilom also let out a moan, the extra vibrations on his cock making him sway. “I’m not going to last forever,” he gritted out.

  “Me either,” Horny moaned, thrusting up into Lanie’s pussy. She was so wet that they made a wet smack when their bodies slapped together. “Hurry, Fen.”

  A sweet kiss to her lower back was Fen’s only answer. He pulled his fingers away and then heard more spitting before something hot—and huge!—pushed against her back end. Lanie almost jolted, but the bulbous head was accompanied by more of the deep, throaty rumbles from her brakka, and Fen ran his hands up and down her spine as he pushed forward. The head popped past the tight ring of muscles, and she jumped a little and then released a groan dredged up from somewhere deep within.

  She was so full. Too full—even with their cum making her needy and desperate, she was suddenly terrified. Oddly enough, that added an edge to her arousal instead of bringing it down.

  “If I were to die right now, I’d go with a smile,” Fen vowed, his voice so strained that Lanie didn’t believe he was actually smiling…but if it felt half as good for him as it did for her, even with the sharp bite of pain as she stretched, she’d give him the benefit of the doubt.

  And then Fen’s hands settled on her hips and he begin pulling her up, off Horny’s cock and onto his own. Lanie sucked deep breaths through her nose, lost as the fire in her pussy eased and her ass burned—the deep, pulsing heat as Fen pushed deep was glorious and dark and she went limp in his arms.

  Her true, total surrender spurned them on.

  Fen withdrew and lowered her back onto Horny’s cock, the in-and-out between them seamless and smooth. Her body went hot and then cold, and she trembled as her body geared up toward…hell, she had no idea.

  She kept her mouth suctioned around Hilom as they pulled and pushed, and her pliant body became a receptacle of mounting, building pleasure unlike anything she’d experienced before. Tears leaked from her eyes when mini-orgasms rocked her, the spasms in her pussy and ass making Fen and Horny groan and take up a faster, more demanding pace.

  “Give me your hand,” Hilom ordered.

  She’d been using both hands to balance, but she didn’t hesitate to offer up her palm. Hilom grabbed her wrist and placed a kiss between her thumb and forefinger, tonguing the fleshy pad of her palm.

  “We’re almost there, my Charm,” Horny growled, his voice deepened with pleasure. She looked down at him, their gazes catching even as he thrust and she sucked. “As soon as you peak, we’ll follow you. Scream for us, Lanie—scream, and let the universe know we’ve bonded you.”

  His words, along with the unceasing thrusts, pushed her closer, but she closed her eyes. The intensity was frightening her—whereas before she thought she was going to die, her body burning with raw lust, now she was afraid of being consumed. There would be nothing left, not if they pushed her past the ledge they’d been leading her to, not when she’d already found and then surpassed nirvana.

  Her tears fell onto Horny’s cheeks, and when she managed to open her eyes and glance down at him, he was watching her with a ferocious possessiveness. “Do it, Lanie; let go.”

  She shook her head, mouth tightening around Hilom and causing her youngest brakka to shout and thrust deeper; the back of her throat closed up, and instinct blanked her mind as she gagged and fought to breathe…

  But by then it was too late.

  Without her mind actively working to stave off orgasm, she fell.

  She tumbled and she rolled and she screamed and bucked and lost hold of reality. Her body was stretched tight but she wasn’t there—she was numb and yet every nerve was alight, and she couldn’t come down from it. She couldn’t escape. The pleasure blurred with pain, and her mind shied from it even as she embraced the foreign, erotic ebb and flow coursing through and around her.

  Three sharp bites drew her from the nothingness, latching on to her and acting as anchors.

  Lanie screamed and thrashed, but she couldn’t move—her brakka held tight, holding her still as their teeth went deep. She knew it was part of the bonding, but she hadn’t taken their fangs into account. Her palm was torn open, Hilom’s bite shredding it, and her neck was bracketed by Fen and Horny, their teeth slicing through that delicate flesh easily

  It should have been agonizing, but the pain was muted—and the wounds healed even as she watched them withdraw their fangs. A part of the bonding, perhaps? She didn’t know and she didn’t care because there was something else pressing on her.

  Not physically, but mentally. Emotionally.

  She pulled from Hilom’s softening cock—she didn’t remember swallowing his cum down, but she must have because it wasn’t splattered across her face—and latched onto his thigh. With instinct driving her, Lanie’s teeth cut deep; Hilom shouted in surprise…and pleasure.

  Horny’s hand reached up and grasped her hair. He pulled her off Hilom and set her face to his own neck. She took full advantage and bit again, something deep within urging her to mark him—to make him hers—and sunk in her blunt teeth as far as possible. Horny’s dick, which had been at half-mast within her, went hard again in an instant.

  She pulled back, and Fen’s hand slipped across her mouth, rubbing at her lips. Lanie snapped at his fingers, drawing blood with her incisor. Then, when that wasn’t enough to satisfy her own inner urging, she latched onto his wrist; Fen’s rumble of satisfaction was echoed by the others, and she groaned. As reason slowly returned, she was amazed at the bloody mark she’d left on Fen’s skin…and the pleasant taste of it in her mouth.

  The sweet, laving kisses her brakka placed on their bite marks eased some of the lingering pain, but she was done. Totally, completely done. She lay there, pliant and dazed, as they petted and kissed and rumbled.

  “It’s over, my Charm. We’re lifebonded,” Horny whispered into her ear. “You’re ours.”

  “And we’re yours,” Fen whispered into her other ear.

  “Forever,” Hilom’s whisper was reverent.

  Chapter 8

  Lanie woke up in her brakka’s arms again, mercifully dry. The lack of sweat was a small mercy, but she reeked of sex. Hopefully now that they’d done the dirty, she’d be able to take a shower without her big lugs freaking out.


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