Xenosaber: Fury of the Stars

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Xenosaber: Fury of the Stars Page 10

by Jedaiah Ramnarine

  Mikael nodded. “He was the promised one we all hoped for. The chosen champion of light. The one who I thought would carry on my legacy. After Sorata was exiled, I, as The Hero of the Lands, went on to create The Guardians – a reincarnation of the Dragon Knights which lasted for several centuries as a bastion to protect our world from the invasion of dark forces. Baldr was my most promising student.”


  The day when Baldr was born, it was said the very forests of Star World whispered his name. King Týr, was a great friend and ally, who helped unite much of the broken lands, had dreamed of a boy child to carry on his lineage. Baldr’s mother, Eir, was equally blessed. He was unlike anyone I’d ever met. Baldr exhumed greatness and nobility with a love for all that was well and ordered. There was a sense of willpower and magnetism about him. He could attract anyone and turn them to his will.

  It was impressive, so of course, I, like much of the rest of our worlds, thought him to be the next Hero of The Lands. It pleased me to know that after waiting for so long, I could pass on what I’d learned into good hands. So, I trained him. I trained him since he was a little boy and I watched him grow into a weapon of righteousness with my own two eyes. He was more than a student to me, he was like the son I never had. A brother to guide.

  Then he became curious. He wanted to know more of the ancient world that even I, as an ancient, didn’t know. The Battle of Helion was the turning point. Baldr realized that for every time we drove back The Dark Lord and his influences, he came back ten times stronger. It was a cycle, a wheel of fate that spun inevitably since the dawn of civilization. Baldr thought our ways of waiting and defending were too passive. We needed a more ‘active role’, according to him. A way to eradicate the threat of the ancient evil, once and for all.

  I watched as the boy I raised, went from righteous defender to unmoving absolutist. He sparked controversy in the kingdom. Some agreed with him. There was a time when Star World allowed refugees of Helion in, some who really needed the help, and others who were, no doubt – evil in intent. Baldr wanted neither and The King did not agree with him, so eventually, he left and he took his followers with him – never to be seen for several years.


  “Little did we know, he joined the same forces he so readily fought against,” Mikael scoffed. “Makes sense, really. Malstrife is the Avatar of Darkness, the bringer of the vilest Void magics. Baldr was a champion of light, the complete opposite. That’s why Malstrife seduced him to his side. The Star Blades can only be harnessed to their maximum potential when there is a balance of Pure and Void, Light and Shadow, like Sorata and I, eons ago. Baldr gave up his calling of the light for the path of darkness. Malstrife played a wise game. He broke the best of us all.”

  Jaival remained quiet as he absorbed everything.

  “I’m sorry.” The moon elf muttered.

  “To this day, I still wonder if I could do it, if I could take his life. And it still bothers me that I cannot answer that question,” Mikael turned to Jaival. “You are more like him than you realize.”

  Jaival cocked an eyebrow.

  “The two of you have the same eyes. The eyes of a hero,” Starlight twinkled in Mikael’s eyes. “I would know, they’re mine as well.”

  “I am nothing like him.” Jaival said bitterly.

  Mikael rose to his feet, ready to call it a night. He peered at Jaival.

  “We’re all given a certain deck of cards, hero or not. How we use it, is what truly matters,” Mikael began walking away. “Goodnight, young hero.”


  The World Breaker

  BALDR AND A BAND OF TWELVE ACOLYTES made way into the frozen wasteland of Iceglaze Mountains. Heavy, swollen clouds followed them across the icy glaze, reminding them of the darkness that laid dormant in the snowy hills – the same darkness Baldr was determined to unleash. They encountered Ice Guardians, a subset of elves who had long lost their natural skin color and beautiful features to adapt to the icy wilds. These Ice Guardians were not friendly. They were there to protect against outsiders reaching the top. Nevertheless, Baldr and company proceeded, slaughtering the Ice Guardians and anyone else who dared stand in their way.

  Each step the exiled prince took, and each breath he inhaled as the cold winds howled in his face, as he climbed up the glazed slopes, Baldr heard the whispers of his father, calling to him when he was a little boy. My son, the very day you were born, Eira knew you were our chosen champion of light.

  Baldr and party arrived near their destination – a clearing in the middle of the mountainous slopes that rose so high in the air, clouds gave way. A deep yet subtle rumbling echoed across the frozen wasteland followed by a trail of void energy. Baldr gave word to Magnus and the others that they stay behind and keep watch while he moved toward the point of origin, alone.

  I watched as you stomped over evil with righteousness and brought justice to our name.

  Baldr dropped to a knee and wiped away some of the snow covering the sheet of ice where underneath, a giant, scaled monster lay entombed, frozen in time.

  My child, remember that our line has always ruled with wisdom and strength. We were always the protectors of all that is right, and all that is good for elvenkind, even since the dawn of the gods – we were always there. We had to do what others could never fathom. We were the ones who made the hardest decisions.

  Baldr rose to his feet and breathed in deep, his father’s words echoing in his mind as he unsheathed the Void-Star Blade. Shadowy energy circled around his ancient weapon, reminding Baldr of the sacrifice he made giving up his call to the light. He knew no one would understand what he was doing was for the greater good. Or was it? Years gone by pursuing a righteous goal and things had become so muddled. The power Baldr was granted was beyond his wildest dreams and yet that was only the beginning. He had so much more to achieve.

  And when the time comes, I know you will exercise control in your great power and usher a new era of prosperity to our world.

  Baldr held the Star Blade high then stabbed it into the ground. A shockwave rippled across the snowy plains in all directions followed by streams of violent energy emissions. Baldr’s party stood uneasy, most quivering in their boots. What manner of power is this?! Simply unreal, they thought. The prince rose to his feet unmoved while the ground trembled and shattered around him.

  Claws rose from the depths of the icy tomb, followed by wing and fang, then the armored, dark carapace of a seething, fire-breathing dragon, laid dormant for centuries – hungry, demented and enraged. The shadow of its wings cast an almost unnatural darkness upon the land, blocking out what little sunlight shone from above. Baldr stood still, unmoved by the beast’s emergence. He simply looked ahead, knowing the decision he had just made was the breaking point that would separate him from redemption in the eyes of all who once loved him.

  The World Breaker was unleashed, fearsome and unrelenting, and even larger than Baldr had anticipated. The former Dragon Guardian knew the call was issued by the Star Blade, and he knew that Baldr was the one who freed him from his prison.

  ‘So, it is you.’ Nidhogg telepathically intruded Baldr’s mind. ‘You are the one that was promised to free me.’

  Baldr closed his eyes, trying to keep his balance as the dragon’s magical probing almost knocked him off his feet. The Avatar of Malstrife was much to deal with, but this? This was on another level. Unlike Malstrife, Nidhogg wasn’t projecting his likeliness, he himself was there in the flesh. His power was fearsome beyond measure. Nevertheless, the exiled prince concentrated on communicating with the beast, harnessing the powers of the Star Blade to fuel his own magical gifts.

  ‘There is use for you once more, Nidhogg, World Breaker.’ Baldr whispered back, glaring into the dragon’s bloodthirsty eyes. ‘Your task was not completed. You were halted from becoming all that you were meant to be.’

  ‘Indeed?’ Nidhogg explored the depths of Baldr’s mind, searching through his deepest memories. Baldr did h
is best to keep his magical barriers up, shielding his most precious remembrances. As Nidhogg searched Baldr’s mind, looking for the sincerity in his words, he found flashbacks of the prince’s dealings with Malstrife.

  “I see our Lord has not forgotten about us, nor has he forgotten his promise of retaking our world.” Nidhogg said with a low, guttural growl for all the others to hear.

  “And now the time has come for us to execute the next step in his plans. We must take back this world – take back all that rightfully belongs to us,” Baldr stepped forward. “And to do that, we must shatter Star World and its moon – purge it of corruption and filth; the false elvenkind that has been allowed to spread wide. The deception they’ve led us to blindly believe has no place in our new world. It must be destroyed. All of it. You, Nidhogg, The Great Lieutenant of our Lord, you have been reawakened to continue this task.”

  “Exactly what task is that, young Prince?” Nidhogg tested him.

  “You must break this world, shatter it to its foundations. To start anew, we must purge it by fire.”

  Nidhogg’s scaly lips, concealing rows of razor-sharp teeth, twisted into what resembled a smirk. That was the answer he wanted to hear. Baldr’s commanding approach only inspired The World Breaker. Centuries locked in an icy tomb waiting for freedom had left the dragon ravenous. He was aching for action.

  “Then it is settled. We will work together to bring forth a new age of prosperity under our order. The Order of Malstrife,” The World Breaker searched Baldr’s mind some more. “It seems we must start by taking Eira Citadel.”

  “They are the greatest threat to our mission. Within the walls of Eira, the other half of the Xenosaber awaits us.”

  “Say no more, young prince. They will burn beneath the shadow of my wings,” Nidhogg slammed his claws into the ground and flapped his wings, preparing to take flight. “My power must be reignited. Make way to Eira. I will meet you there, and together, we will reclaim The Twin Blades of Destiny.” Nidhogg soared into the air, a mighty gust of wind following him.

  “Agreed.” Baldr remarked as he watched The World Breaker ascend into the sky and swoop overhead, soaring over the hills with a terrifying roar so loud, it could be heard miles away.


  A Grim Disturbance

  Training amongst themselves over the course of time, Mikael, Jaival and Danzul had forgotten of the outside world and focused on honing their skills. One day, during a sparring session between friends, whilst their teacher looked on, a strange gust swept into the fortress courtyard.

  “What was that?” Danzul called it out.

  The ground trembled. In the great distance, a terrifying roar echoed throughout the lands. Mikael walked forward, his sights set in the direction it came.

  “It cannot be!” he squeezed his fists in disbelief.

  Jaival moved to his side, watching the Starlight Blade on Mikael’s back glow.

  “What is it?” The moon elf asked.

  “My Ancient Enemy.” Mikael confessed.

  “Nidhogg.” Jaival knew of The World Breaker as much as the common man did. History carved the dragon into the books and carved it with fear. Alexa flew into the men’s vicinity. She knew well of Nidhogg too, after all, she was among the ones who helped seal him. She would have recognized its furious roar anywhere.

  “The World Breaker has returned.” The fairy warned.

  Mikael’s mind began drifting. Soon, he found himself lost in an ancient memory.


  Over six centuries ago, Mikael, Sorata and a band of Dragon Knights, Sages, and benevolent Dragons, carried out a siege against Nidhogg at his fortress – The Dark Citadel, a hilly region atop a small, remote island, twisted with void magic, demonic, mutant soldiers, and servants of The Dark Lord. It was their last hope against the forces of evil that terrorized Star World for too long. Nidhogg was at the height of his power. He united dragons, kings, and dynasties. Their purpose – to resurrect Malstrife and take the world. Kill anyone who stands in their way.

  Sorata not only imbued the Twin Blades of Destiny with her Void magic, she amplified Mikael’s Pure magic to create Twilight power, draining the last bits of her power to fuel the ancient weapons. She gave the blades to Mikael, who went on to cut his way through demon and mutant, dragon, and acolyte to confront Nidhogg in a one on one duel. Together with the other sages, Sorata and party created a displacement field that temporarily disabled Nidhogg’s dragon form, forcing The World Breaker to fight in his half-human, half-dragon form.

  Even though he was depowered, Nidhogg wielded The Scythe of Chaos, a sinister weapon that struck horror in the hearts of men. The great demon was still more than a match for Mikael, and once he saw Mikael had struck down enough of his forces, he went to duel the Ancient Hero himself. At the time, Nidhogg did not have much respect for his opponent. Mikael was no chosen one. In those times, he was a nobody, so when word came to The World Breaker that a secret, rebel coup had stolen The Twin Blades, Nidhogg was furious and even more furious such a rebellion would dare attack his fortress. He needed the weapons to revive his master.

  Clash after clash, Mikael and Nidhogg whizzed across both land and air in a blur of speed while a battle broke out between The World Breaker’s forces and the Rebellion of Hope. Arcane spells were hurled left and right, countered by spells of fire and shadow. Siege machines with their fearsome catapults took to shooting down majestic, albeit ragtag aerial machines while foot soldiers of light and dark, brawled on bloody shores. The sky turned black and thick, ghastly clouds swirled with thunder and lightning.

  Nidhogg and Mikael were the vanguards of opposing forces. Neither was willing to back down. They fought as blood gushed from their wounds, and their allies fell, body after body, mounting the casualties of war. It had arrived at a point where Nidhogg gained the upper hand. He began smacking Mikael around the field while taunting and demoralizing the hero as the Rebellion of Hope began crumbling against The World Breaker’s forces. Mikael was almost driven back to the point of defeat until he remembered why he had taken up the swords. The love of his people, the loss of his family, his friends and all that he held dear to his heart, especially Sorata, overcame all his fears.

  It was in that moment, a split second before Nidhogg was poised to behead him, Mikael found an unshakable second wind. He became something more than just a hero. He became an aspect of the entirety of Star World, lashing out against all that had done it wrong. Mikael avoided the mortal blow and connected The Twin Blades as one, forming the Xenosaber and stabbed the ancient weapon deep into the heart of the evil dragon. Nidhogg dropped to a knee, weakened but not beaten. Mikael transformed into an avatar of Light. He flew into the air and shot a mighty beam at the dragon, using the Xenosaber to hold the beast still while Sorata and the other sages banded together and used their remaining magic to open an ethereal prison, to seal The World Breaker inside.


  “He’ll go for Eira Citadel,” Alexa snapped Mikael out of his daze by buzzing in his face. “They’re after the Starlight Blade and without the weapon in Eira’s possession, they are vulnerable. We have to go back!”

  Arya flashed in Jaival’s mind.

  “Arya is in danger. We can’t afford to lose her.” The moon elf insisted.

  “That too.” Sorata agreed.

  Mikael, however, remained unmoved. The training was incomplete. He had so much more to teach the young men, especially the one who was to wield The Starlight Blade.

  “We cannot help them,” Mikael stated. “Going back would only worsen our chances of besting Malstrife and his new uprising. This is but a test to draw us out.”

  Alexa furrowed her eyebrows. “How could you say that! The blades are useless without The Princess!”

  “No, they aren’t. There are other sorcerers out there.” Mikael shot a cold gaze at the fairy.

  “I’m not doing this with you again. This is as much our fight as it is in the hands of the new ones.” Alexa scolded.
  “Our fight? How did this become your fight? Aren’t you but a fairy guide?” Mikael quizzed.

  Alexa hovered with indecision. Should I tell him?

  “I’m going back.” Jaival finally stated. He started walking back to his hut to grab his gear.

  “Stop!” Mikael shouted at him.

  Jaival halted. He was willing to hear the ancient hero’s words out of respect, but he had already made up his mind. Arya needed him.

  “With Nidhogg back to terrorize our world, allied with The Order of the Void, then this is worse than we previously anticipated. We are not prepared! We need more time,” Mikael warned. “Arya made her choice. She knew this as well as I do, if things were to come to this, then there’d be no turning back. You were our last hope. Putting your neck out there is both stupid and reckless, especially when your training is incomplete. Her sacrifice would be in vain.”

  Jaival turned around and glared at Mikael.

  Something about Arya being sacrificed did not bode well with him.

  “With all due respect teacher, I don’t care,” he confessed. “Arya needs us. I can feel it in my gut. I’m going back for her, with or without your help.” Jaival walked off to gather his stuff while the rest of the party pondered against their inaction.

  Danzul took a step forward, his sight set in the direction Jaival went.

  “And where are you going?” Mikael questioned his other pupil.

  Danzul turned to stone. He was uncertain if he should disobey his teacher, but the more he thought of Jaival’s defiance, the more he was inclined to follow. “I think he’s right, my lord. Maybe we should defend the Princess. Eira needs us.” Danzul swallowed.

  “Hmph!” Mikael scoffed. “Then this is what it’s come to. Once again, I must take up arms due to the impatience of youth. Very well, go with him then. But don’t you dare think of stepping foot in these grounds again. You leave this place, the both of you are expelled.”


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