Xenosaber: Fury of the Stars

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Xenosaber: Fury of the Stars Page 21

by Jedaiah Ramnarine

  All the suffering, all the pain, the evil, the influence, torment, and war Malstrife brought upon Star World and her Moon fueled Arya and Jaival to push with all their might for all that is right.

  Malstrife howled as the blasts began to overwhelm him.

  Jaival and Arya pushed harder.

  They had to eradicate this evil.

  They had to clean up this ancient mess.

  No more cycles.

  No more returning.

  The combined power of Jaival and Arya finally overpowered Malstrife, sending a shockwave rippling across the planet.

  “YOU CANNOT ESCAPE WHAT WE ARE!” Malstrife’s voice echoed in their minds. The planet quickly began collapsing from the power exchange, breaking apart from the inside. The ground gave way and the mountains trembled. Jaival descended for Arya. He grabbed her in his arms and flew back to the sky, ascending for space as his wings wrapped around her. The illusion of the Void dimension faded. Soon, a supernova erupted, engulfing everything and everyone with it.


  The Result

  A GIANT BLAST ERUPTED from the Citadel Tower, sending pulsing beams of light across Eira. Demons touched by the beams of light, disintegrated into dust, screaming in searing agony. A domino effect rippled across the battlefield. Nidhogg, who was confident of his master’s return, flapped his wings and flew away as the light chased him. The resistance soon found themselves without enemy. Remaining Void Order forces fled or found no choice but to surrender without the demons and The World Breaker to aid them. Cyrus chased one of the Order’s summoners as he attempted to escape, then, using the power of Mordjün, the paladin blasted Malstrife’s servant to the ground and pointed his hammer at him threateningly.

  “The Kingdom is ours!” Cyrus announced to the resistance.

  Cheers filled the air from the voices of the relieved. After all their hardships and all their turmoil, the people had prevailed. Eira, even in its ruined state, was theirs again. Danzul looked on as they cheered. The sudden eradication of Malstrife’s forces had him wondering about the culprit. Jaival, the guardian thought. Mikael studied the abandoned armaments of the disintegrated demons, while Sorata observed their surroundings. The dark clouds that loomed, started evaporating. Sunlight parted the clouds and shone from above. After all the countless years witnessing this cycle, Sorata had to ask herself – is it truly over?


  Baldr opened his eyes. He found himself under rubble after the tower collapsed. Using what little remains he had of his energy, he blasted the rocks off him and crawled out of the crater. The King took a moment to look around. Though Eira was destroyed, it seemed things were slowly taking a turn for the better. Bit by bit, the sky started reflecting its natural blue.

  Have I done it? Baldr wondered.

  A loud footstep from behind caught his attention. He cautiously turned around.

  “I suppose this was inevitable.” Baldr said.

  Mikael, Sorata, Danzul and Cyrus all glared down at him – their swords, staff and hammer drawn.


  Atop the mountainous slopes surrounding Eira, a portal materialized and a star shot out, crashing nearby. Smoke coiled into the air from the scorched earth with two figures laying in its tracks. One, the reborn Goddess and the other, the reincarnated Titan, both reverted to their normal forms. Life came to Jaival as he got on his hands and knees, shaking his head to snap out of the daze.

  “Arya,” he whispered upon seeing the unresponsive beauty. Jaival took her in his arms, leaning her against his chest to study her condition. “Oh, no you don’t.” he groaned.

  The Twilighter held his palm over her face and called on what little remained of his energy to heal her, barely able to keep himself together as he did. But Jaival didn’t care if he was incapable of healing. Arya needed him. The rest of the world could be saved but the thought of losing Arya would be his undoing. If she was gone, then in his eyes, he had failed. It was the last thing needed for redemption. The last token of gratitude.

  “You can’t!” The moon elf grew flustered at his inability to cure her. “You can’t leave me. Not like this. Not again.” he found himself repeating her words. Jaival kept trying, until his power fizzled. Arya remained unresponsive, her body, cold.

  “I’m sorry.” he held her close, nuzzling his cheek in her white-blonde hair.

  Sunlight shone down on them.

  “I’m sorry I was too late. And I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you that,” he stuttered on his words, part of him hoping she’d hear, the other part wishing she’d not. Jaival gently parted a strand of hair from her face, looking at her like some lost jewel of the sea. Fighting demons was easy but this took every fiber of his being to muster.

  “…I love you,” he confessed. “Always have, always will.”

  A subtle warmth came to Arya’s body. Her heart started beating, and bit by bit, she began breathing. Arya opened her eyes with a warm smile.

  Jaival grew nervous. “Did you hear-”

  Arya reeled him in for a long, deep kiss.

  “And I love you.” she whispered afterwards when their foreheads touched.

  A distant explosion shook the air, startling the couple.

  What now? They both thought.

  Jaival and Arya ran to the edge of the slope and peered over the horizon.

  “Fireworks?” Jaival caught sight of the celebrations. “Are the demons gone or have they lost their minds?”

  Arya giggled.

  “After all we’ve been through, a bit of madness is in order.” she said.

  Jaival peered at her. “You may be right.”

  Arya looked up at the sky and sighed.

  “Do you think it’s over?” she wondered aloud.

  A quiet voice called to Jaival from his side. He looked to see where it came. The Xenosaber.

  “Did you hear that?” The moon elf asked the Queen.

  Arya looked at the Xenosaber with him.

  “I was hoping I wasn’t the only one.” she said.

  Jaival cautiously approached the claymore, Arya close behind. The whispers grew louder, speaking an unrecognizable language.

  “What do we do with it?” Arya asked.

  Jaival reached for the sword and held it observantly.

  “Perhaps it is best we refrain from our past mistakes. There is much for us to discover of the claymore’s true power; the secrets it contains. We must protect it.”

  “And a kingdom to rebuild. No, a world.” Arya looked back in the direction of Eira.

  Jaival sheathed the claymore on his back.

  “Yeah.” he looked on with her.

  “Do you think we can do it? The end is only a beginning.”

  Jaival slipped his fingers in Arya’s.

  “With you,” he gazed into her striking eyes. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”

  Arya’s grip tightened. She nodded, silently, deeply.


  The Fate of Star World

  MONTHS AFTER THE FALL OF MALSTRIFE, many things in Star World and her Moon alike, changed, or were on the path of change. Eira Citadel, while not completely rebuilt, had been almost restored to its former glory, although, they weren’t able to make it land again. It remained there, floating above Eira’s capital, suspended by magic. Most of the destruction was repaired by the natives who worked night and day, inspired by their victory over Malstrife. Eira felt strong and capable, and they weren’t alone. Other ravaged parts of the world came together to restore order, balance, and harmony. New alliances were made and new ideals were sought to be pursued, giving way to the dawn of a new era.

  Baldr’s crimes had opened many eyes. Those who were in denial of the evil, and headstrong in the wrong direction, were pressed to rethink of their world’s future. For some, it was a shame such evil was necessary for the denizens of Star World to realize the grave dangers, especially in their misguided heroes. Malstrife’s last coming was a blessing in disguise, but it
would be no overnight fix. Though the Dark Lord was defeated, there were many things left to do. It would take time before Star World would come to complete peace.


  The Queen and her Heroes

  ARYA SILENTLY SAT IN HER ROYAL SUITE with a blank expression, looking at herself in the mirror while her maids of honour prepared her royal gown. It was a special day. This was the day Arya officially became The Queen of Eira. While almost everyone in the kingdom wanted Arya to be Queen, including her servants who were all high-spirited and giggly, Arya herself was getting cold feet. For her, it was more than just assuming leadership of Eira. She had to do what no one else in her family line had done correctly.

  Right where we have gone wrong.

  Týr’s words replayed in her mind.

  Knock! Knock! Someone was at the door.

  “Tahlia, see who it is.” Arya said to her servant, eyes still fixed on the mirror.

  “Right away, your majesty,” The servant went to the door and cracked it open. “It’s Lord Cyrus.” she looked back for confirmation.

  “Let him in.” Arya replied.

  Cyrus entered the room, checking to see if he’d overstepped his bounds.

  “I hope my presence means you no disturbance.” The Paladin said.

  Arya turned to her maids of honour. “Ladies, please excuse us for a moment.”

  “Of course, Your Highness.” They replied and exited.

  A moment of silence crept into the room.

  “The dress is stunning,” Cyrus peered at Arya’s elegant, pearl white gown. “I’m sure the people will love it.”

  “Will they love what the Royal Family has done?” Arya asked.

  Cyrus looked over her, uncertain what to say.

  “If I may.” he started respectfully.

  “Go on.” Arya nodded.

  “I have served your family for a long time, as my family, and the Paladin Order before me. I know this is not what you wanted, but if I am to fulfill my Paladin oath, and speak only truth, then I must confess – there is no better ruler Eira can have right now. You are the only one who knows the deepest truths and it has not corrupted you.”

  “Some of those truths may be too much for some to bear.”

  “Indeed. And only you will know when the right time is to disclose it.”

  Arya turned to Cyrus. Her penetrating eyes caused the paladin nervousness.

  “Do you think it’s possible we can change where we’ve gone wrong?” she asked.

  “I do,” Cyrus nodded. “There’s a quote from The Paladin scriptures, it reads, ‘Man may be prone to natural error, but he is also naturally prone to setting things right.’ If there’s anyone capable of righting where we have gone wrong, it’s you.”

  Arya took a moment to absorb his wisdom.

  “Thank you.” she finally cracked a smile.

  “Of course, Your Highness. I just wanted to let you know that. Now, I must be on my way.” Cyrus bowed and made way for the exit. “Oh,” he halted and smiled. “Our esteemed guests have arrived. They’ll be waiting downstairs for you.”

  “Sounds good.” Arya replied warmly.

  Cyrus left the room while Arya replayed his words in her head.


  Some time later, the Coronation began. It was being held in the rebuilt Temple of Light, serving as a token of open arms for the attendees. The halls were packed. There were people lined up outside the doors. Natives from all over Star World and Star Moon traveled for Arya’s Coronation. There were elves, orcs, dwarves, and trolls. It was the most monumental event of the time. Eira had been the sovereign power for many years, naturally, there’d be curiosity. Wild whispers chattered about the packed rows. Some wondered if Arya would be able to handle such a responsibility while others questioned if another royal family member could be trusted.

  Arya peeked at the crowd from the sidelines.

  “Stars above.” she uttered, taken back by the size of the audience. People were struggling to even get in. Then there were all the whispers; the naysayers, and the worshippers. The whole thing was overwhelming. Arya looked around the crowd more, interested in finding her esteemed guests.

  “There you are.” she smiled upon seeing them.

  In one of the front rows – Sorata, Mikael and Danzul sat waiting.

  That’s when Arya thought of Jaival.

  I wish you were here.

  “My Queen,” Cyrus interrupted. “It’s time.”


  Arya walked to the center of the enormous chamber, to be greeted with a hearty round of applause. She wasn’t only becoming a Queen on this day, most considered her a heroine. They respected her efforts against Malstrife despite the mouthy skeptics who hadn’t forgotten about her brother, Baldr.

  “Thank you.” Arya addressed the crowd.

  She studied the audience carefully. Her heart sank. There were so many different faces, each of them telling their own story. Each of them, having their own opinion. But Arya had been through hell and back. She pushed her nervousness aside and engaged the masses anyway.

  “I want to thank you all for being here. Eira welcomes you into our gates for this special ceremony. We, the citizens of Eira along with our international allies, have joined forces to rebuild our world and secure a prominent, peaceful future. The recent events that transpired, the return of Malstrife, have caused many hardships and great loss that all of us, in some way or another, have experienced.

  But with great loss comes great gain, and for every valley – there’s always a mountaintop. Malstrife has been defeated and his dark forces have either fled or have been detained. Together with the assistance and unification of our allies, we have formed the multi-national, peace-keeping combat inquisition –Lightning. Wherever Malstrife’s forces are hiding – we will find them, and rest assured, they will be brought to justice. Though Malstrife himself has been defeated, we cannot expect his fall to magically cure our world. There will be challenges. There will be obstacles. And together, through patience, strength and great tenacity, can we seek to best what is ahead of us.

  Only through working together in unity can we achieve true peace and a better, safer world. Only through working together we can create a good life filled with opportunities for every man, woman, and child. The ceremony today is not about the crowning of another ruler or the transfer of power, but an acknowledgement of you, the people. This is your day. This is your celebration. This is your Eira, and this is our Star World.

  There will be no deities, star travelers, gods, or goddesses that we should depend on to save us from chaos, Malstrife or otherwise. Only through us – the people, my brothers and sisters of Eira, Star World, and Star Moon, can we protect, cherish, and nourish our worlds. And we are the only ones who can make this a better world worth striving for. The oath I take as your Queen, the Queen of Eira, is an allegiance I dedicate myself to for the good of all elvenkind and beyond.

  Together we will make Eira amazing. We will make it strong and we’ll make it safe. It will be a place of freedom, peace, harmony, wisdom, strength, and love. An exemplary beacon of the Primal Power of Creation, its laws, and teachings and a light to all those in the dark. It is through our courage, determination, tenacity, strength, and wisdom that we can and will achieve this great task, step by step.” Arya stopped herself for a second, shocked by what came out of her mouth naturally. “Thank you.” she added.

  The crowd went wild, rewarding their new Queen with a standing ovation.

  “Thank you.” Arya repeated, only to have her voice drowned out by the cheer.

  A hooded shadow atop one of the balconies caught the corner of the Queen’s eye. He was paying close attention to Arya and she knew he was there looking at her. Nevertheless, she had a ceremony to continue. Cyrus came to Arya’s side to remind her of their esteemed guests.

  “I’d like to call forth, The Heroes of Eira– Mikael, Sorata and Danzul.” Arya announced. The heroes made way forward, also receiving a standi
ng ovation from the crowd. Arya moved in front of them, greeting them with an uncontained smile.

  “Hello, my friends.” she said to them.

  “My Queen.” Danzul bowed his head with a pleasant smile.

  “Milady.” Mikael did the same.

  “Your Highness.” Sorata followed their example.

  Cyrus moved to Arya’s side, this time, giving her a royal box. Arya opened it. Inside were three golden pendants – tokens of appreciation for the Heroes of Eira. Cyrus widened his eyes and gestured Danzul, Sorata and Mikael to get down on one knee for Arya to begin the commemoration of their knighthood. The three followed the paladin’s silent instruction.

  “Danzul,” Arya placed a necklace on him. “Mikael,” she turned her attention to the Ancient Hero. “Sorata.” And finally, the Ancient Witch. “I hereby grant you three the title ‘Heroes and Heroine of Eira’ for your service in protecting our beloved kingdom and its people. This kingdom and the world at large, wouldn’t be where we are without you. Thank you.”

  The crowd went wild again. It was a much-needed token of appreciation, especially for the Ancient Witch who had been cast out after her previous service. Besides, Danzul, Mikael and Sorata were happy they could be there for Arya. The only one missing was The Moon Elf. Arya looked at the balcony again, hoping to find the shadow. He was gone.



  AFTER HER OFFICIAL CORONATION AS QUEEN of Eira, Arya slipped away from the afterparty. She was not very interested in entertaining her guests because she had other plans. She wanted to find the shadow but hadn’t a clue where he had gone. Since there were no other options, Arya did the same thing she used to do when she trailed him a long time ago when he was training to become a Phoenix Knight. She listened to her intuition.

  It led her toward the rebuilt tower atop the Citadel. Sunlight blazed from the heavens with little to no clouds about, and the sky took a deep blue as Arya went through the door leading out to the roof. A cool wind rushed at her, blowing her long hair in her face.


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