Renegade Leo: A Scifi Alien Shifter Romance (Shifter Kings of Kartak Book 1)

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Renegade Leo: A Scifi Alien Shifter Romance (Shifter Kings of Kartak Book 1) Page 7

by Delores Diamond

  “I thought you told me to never leave your sight. You remember that?”

  I grunt. She truly is my fated mate. The Blind Witch must be laughing at me now.

  “Yes, I remember. But I'm asking you to stay. On this rock, hidden out of sight.”

  I lean down to give her a kiss, but she moves her face out of the way. “Fine! If you insist. But don't expect me to be happy about it.”

  I shake my head in frustration, letting it mask my hurt from her dodging my kiss. Has having a mate made me so soft to care about such foolish things?

  I let her sulk. At least she can do it in safety. I leave the jetbike hidden behind the outcropping and head towards the cliff on foot. I stick to cover, hiding my approach from anyone watching from one of my blind spots. The sun is falling behind the cliff, providing generous shadows to work with.

  I duck behind a tall rock as I near the crash site. The rocks are safety. It keeps anyone under the sand from sensing my approach. I see the escape pod ahead of me. It is cradled in a small crater it must have created in the rock. It looks severely damaged from the impact. I'm surprised anyone could have survived the crash.

  The door is unsealed. I approach closer, moving to the pod's flank to get a better look. The door is not open. It has been cut open. From the outside!

  I hear movement behind me followed by a high pitched curse. It's Astrid. I told her to stay put! I turn around and see her spilled in the sand trying to pick herself back up.

  I hear movement above us, and a plasma gun charging up on the cliff. “Astrid! Run!” I draw two knives. “It is a trap!”



  I scramble onto my hands and knees as spotlights turn on from the top of the cliff, leaving us nowhere to hide. I see the outline of a dozen skinny attackers rappelling down the cliff. Two knives glitter in the light as Leo hurtles them into two of their chests. They crash to the ground with a crushing thud, spilling their insides across the baked rock. The others land squarely, turning their weapons on Leo. He bounds back from as one of the enemy guns blasts a ball of white energy that scorches the ground where Leo just stood. He leaps onto the cliff face, slamming a hand into the rock for grip and throws a third knife into one of his assailant's backs.

  They scream a chittering war cry. They must be the ones Leo called skinners. Three of them charge towards me as I try to scramble back towards the jetbike.

  I'm slow on the sand, and my breathing is labored. It's so fucking hot, it gets impossible to breath when I exert myself.

  I trip on the sand again and fall to the ground. I look back as I see the skinners gaining on me. One of them is spinning a hooked chain in the air. I remember what the hooked spike on its end did to Leo. I cry out to Leo for help.

  I think this might be the end for me. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you Leo.

  Leo leans back and lets loose a ferocious roar. It shakes the ground and knocks loose debris from the cliff-side. He bounds into the air, leaping an impossible distance. His body is distorting in the air; growing, sprouting fur and lengthening. He lands on two of the skinners firing wildly into the air. It's hard to see if any of the shots strike him, but it doesn't matter. The two he lands on are crushed under his massive paws. What was once Leo, is now a massive lion, with blue fur and a black mane.

  He ignores the skinners around him, shakes off their bullets and leaps in the air, aiming for the skinners coming after me. They chitter in terror and turn around to fire on him, but it's too late. The lion is on top of them. He splits one open across his belly with a massive claw. The skinner stumbles back trying to keep his innards from spilling out on the ground.

  The lion crouches close to the ground as the second skinner fires at him and the third launches his spiked chain at him and misses. He jumps on top of the one with the gun and tears his throat out. The last drops his chain and turns to run. He doesn't get far before the lion leaps onto his back and rakes out his spine with his hind legs.

  The lion turns to the remaining skinners and roars in defiance. I see him look back at me. I recognize Leo's golden eyes. His head swivels between skinners and me. They chitter back defiantly and run at us. One fires another ball of energy, exploding the ground just short of Leo.

  The noise of massive jet engines roar to life. I look in terror as a great metal airship begins to lift into the air above the cliff.

  He turns from them and leaps by my side protectively. The Lion is massive; his shoulders stand as tall as me.

  The ship fires on him and he shields me with his body. His right flank is scorched black where a laser beam cut into him. The rest of the skinners fire at us wildly as they run towards us. I feel a dull pain in my stomach and drop to the ground. I look down and see myself bleeding through my shirt.

  I look up at my lion protector helplessly. He licks my face and leans down letting me climb onto his back. I grab weakly onto his mane, screaming with the pain of my effort and pull myself up on his back. I grip tightly with what strength I have left as Leo bounds to safety. I look back at the escape pod we've left behind. The skinners have stopped chasing us and are firing their guns in the air in celebration.

  I look back, and I start crying. “I'm so sorry Rhea. This is all my fault. I couldn't save you.” I bury my face in Leo's mane to soak my tears.



  I finish patching up her stomach as best as I can. I'm thankful she had our medical supplies we brought for her friend in her pack. Otherwise, I do not know if she would still be alive. She has lost a great deal of blood. Her blood is belligerent like her, refusing to clog as quickly as mine. Or anyone for that matter.

  My fated mate lies at my feet, paler than before, near deaths door. By Krio's cock! I will raze your temples to the ground if you take her from me!

  I am out of options. I do not have the skills or equipment to heal her. And I promised to never return to the only place I know that has what I need to save her.

  I roar in frustration. How did I let this happen? To walk into such an obvious trap. How could I let her optimism sway me?!

  There was never any chance that her friend was not discovered by the skinners on the same day I found my Starling. They likely cut her out of the pod, forced her to fix her comms and used her to lure us into their trap. They knew I had her friend. I let them trick us into their trap. But why? What do they want with my Astrid?

  I would have never allowed this to happen to myself. How could I let this happen to her?!

  I fall to my knees and slam my fist into the sand. I know what must be done. I will have to sacrifice my pride for her.

  I look down at her sweet face. She looks so innocent; so helpless. I must save her, even if I must sacrifice myself to do it. And it may very well come to that.

  I belt out a ferocious roar to announce my arrival. Astrid stirs in her straps on my back, moaning in pain. It was difficult strapping her to me in a way where she would stay on my back after I transformed. It took a lot of energy out of me, but I managed it on the third shift.

  My stomach feels like an empty pit, gnawing at itself, trying to satiate my hunger. But I ignore it.

  I walk through Haven's familiar gate. A great archway, studded with advanced weaponry. My sight is even sharper in my second form and I can see the men up there, ready to fire upon me if given the order. They have been following my approach for miles but I have ignored them. They recognize me, and I recognize most of them. None would harm me here unless the King orders it. And even then, they will hesitate. It is difficult for any soldier to fire upon a former brother at arms, let alone a revered commander.

  I stop beneath the Great Archway, a good distance from the gate. I see one of my old friends, Gavin, at the gate. He salutes me, fist to heart.

  I roar back as I transform into my first form. Astrid is still strapped to my back. I kneel slowly to the ground and lower her off of me onto her back. Her stomach is still bleeding. Her bandages are completely soaked through with fresh blood.
  I press my hand on her wound and yell out, “Gavin! Summon my brother. I would speak with him!”

  A great many warriors have gathered by the gate. I see many of our women and elders gathering behind them. Word of my arrival has spread quickly. My brother, Drake, steps up above the gateway, his golden spear in hand. “Brother, why have you returned? Was it not clear that if you were to return, only one of us would live to see the next night?”

  “I remember.” I address my brother, but raise my voice so all could hear. “I would not have come without great need. I do not come here lightly or for frivolous cause.”

  Drake scoffs at that, “No? So you do not remember when you abandoned your Clan? When you went renegade against your father's dying wishes? Do you dare claim your honor is unsullied?”

  I feel the pain of those words. It is all true.

  “You all know what crimes I have committed, and I do not come seeking your forgiveness. I come asking for your help and to deliver news I know will brighten your hearts. This wounded woman before me is my fated mate.”

  The assembled crowd gasps in shock. My brother laughs mockingly. “What you say is impossible. No one of our generation has found their fated mate. We've all been given our prophecy by the Blind Witch. We do not share the prophecy with others, but we all know there is no hope. Most of us have come to accept that this will be the last generation of our people, but we carry on never-the-less. You chose to abandon your people and your duty to them in your despair.”

  He slams his spear down on his platform, “and now you dare return? You dare mock us with your lies?”

  “I do not mock you brother.” I look down on my sweet Astrid, the life drained out of her face. I must do whatever it takes to save her. Now that I know what it is like to have my mate fill the void in my heart, I cannot live on without her.

  I spread out my arms, palms upturned, and I bow down my head in submission. “I submit to your judgment brother, as the rightful ruler of the Tulani Clan. I swear to you; I have known the touch of my fated mate. I've felt the fire of our passion on my lips. I've felt the touch of her womanhood. I've filled her with my seed. She will give me a strong child. The first of a new generation of the Tulani Clan. She has told me of her people, numbering in the trillions! Could you imagine such numbers? As many people out there, in the stars, as there are grains of sand on Kartak.”

  “We could save our Clan! I beg of you. Judge me harshly, but do not judge her. I know I have failed our clan, and especially you. But you are the only one that can help save her. If you do not, I ask that you kill me. So that in death, I may live out the traditions of our Clan, and share the same fate as my mate.”



  I wake up, nude, and in a glass lidded coffin. I look around me trying to figure out where I am. Last thing I remember is looking down at my hands, covered in blood. And Leo... turning into a giant fucking lion. I'm in a large room, its walls painted white. Strange technology is embedded into the walls, blinking with patterns of multicolored lights.

  I look down at my belly, expecting to see a gory wound, but I am not wounded. I don't even have a scar. Just the gentle curve of my belly; guts completely unspilled.

  I actually feel amazing. The last time I woke from illness, and I seem to be making a habit of it, I didn't feel so good. This time, I feel full of energy.

  Good news aside. I'm stuck in a damn glass jar and I want out. I need to find out what happened to Leo. I need to get out and save Rhea. Peter help me. I need to get off this forsaken planet before it kills me.

  I pound on the glass. “Hey! Let me out!”

  I hear a hiss of air releasing and the glass slides to the side and clears out of my way. I step out on the cold floor with my bare feet. It's such a nice sensation. The cool floor. Clean, synthetic air.

  The door slides open and Leo walks in. “Leo!” I greet him. My stomach flutters with happiness. I'm surprised at my reaction, but I guess I shouldn't be. This was the fourth time he saved my life. And it was my fault. If I had listened to him, things might have ended differently.

  I jump into his arms and give him a deep kiss. He grabs me by my bare ass, and holds me tightly against him. I can feel his cock stiffening, and I can feel my juices start to flow. I'm not just full of energy. I also feel incredibly horny.

  He lowers me back down reluctantly. “It is good to see you are well. I feared I had lost you.”

  “I am so sorry-”

  “I'm so sorry-”

  We both blurt out and stop. I laugh and he joins me. It's good to see him laugh.

  He hands me a light robe and a pair of light leather sandals. “Here, I had these made for you, while you were recovering. These should actually fit you.”

  I take his gifts. I slip on the robe and sit on a cold metal chair to try on the sandals. They lace up to just below the knees. I like how they look on me.

  “How long was I out?” I stand up and walk to feel the shoes on my feet. The fit is perfect.

  “You were in the Apotheosis Chamber for one night. How do you feel?” He leads the way out of the room and into a smooth, white-walled hallway.

  “I feel amazing actually. I didn't expect to be saying that the day after I was shot in the belly.” I reach out and take his large hand in mine. “I thought I was done for. Thank you for saving me; again.”

  He squeezes my hand gently, “I would give everything up for my fated mate. I have told you before. I hope you believe me now.”

  I smile up at him. I want to say that I do, but I'm still not sure what to make of this fated mate business. But I don't want to lie to him anymore. He deserves better than that. If he was looking for me to agree with him, he doesn't let the disappointment show on his face.

  “Do you know what happened to Rhea?”

  “She pulled us into a trap.” I try to speak up to defend her but he goes on before I have a chance to speak. “The airship that ambushed us; no tribe of skinners has a weapon like that. Other than my clan, only the Void Seekers have such ships. They are known to have many ways to bend the will of their captives. She must have been forced to betray you.”

  I gasp in shock. I shouldn't be surprised to hear something awful. Kartak has plenty of cruelty to offer accidental visitors. I hope she didn't let herself be tortured and just did what they asked. I wouldn't blame her.

  “What could they possibly want from us?”

  He shrugs. “Little is known of the Void Seekers. They preach the end of all things. They want the world to be consumed by the Void.”

  “Will you still help me rescue her from them?” I plead. “Last time we were ambushed. At least now we know what we are facing, and I promise I won't do anything stupid next time.”

  He smiles grimly and squeezes my hand. “I will do anything for my fated mate. I will gladly risk my life by my mate's side if I am allowed to live past this day.”

  I look up at him with concern. “Allowed to live?”

  We enter an enormous elevator at the end of the hallway and it begins ascending. I guess we are underground.

  “I brought you to my clan's stronghold.” He pauses struggling with his words. “I am not welcome here. I am not proud to say this, and I never thought I would have to. But you must know the truth about me and my clan, for your arrival, heralds much change for the Tulani and Kartak.”

  I didn't know what I expected to hear, but it wasn't this. I nod to him, and feign a lack of surprise.

  He presses a button on the elevator and it stops. “In my clan, we have a tradition. When each of us reaches adulthood, we travel to the Blind Witch. If we survive the journey, she gifts us a prophecy. The prophecy tells each of us of how we will encounter our fated mate, so that we may find each other, find fulfillment in each other's companionship, and bear strong children to carry on the traditions of the Tulani.”

  “This held true until my father's generation. They were the last to ever find their fated mates. The prophecy that was given me was li
ke a cruel joke. I never thought it would come to pass. We keep our prophecy to ourselves as tradition demands, but we all saw the despair in each other's eyes. I know that my brother's prophecy must have seemed as impossible as mine.”

  “But where others chose to go on with their lives and fulfill their roles in our clan, knowing full well that they would never know the touch of their fated mate; I raged against our traditions. I cursed my father, blaming him for the downfall of our clan, and I abandoned my responsibility as my clan's future King.”

  “My brother was forced to accept my responsibility, at a young age. After I left, he decreed that I was to never return, upon pain of death. But I brought you here because only the Haven had the means to save you. Now I must stand in judgment before Drake, as the King of the Tulani Clan. I think he will judge me harshly, but he is an honorable man, and he will do no harm to you.”

  “He wishes to meet you, to hear of your story and of your people. Knowing that you survived the Apotheosis Chamber, he must suspect in his heart that you are truly my fated mate. Only one other outsider has ever survived the chamber. And she was Queen to our clan's first King. I think he is coming to realize, that if what I have told him of your people is true, you may very well guide our clan to salvation. All the signs are there. You just have to make him see them.”

  This is a lot to take in. I feel a tightness in my stomach, knowing how hard it must have been to admit this to me. And how much harder it must have been to submit himself to his brother's judgment. All this, just to save me. I lean up on my toes and brush my lips against his cheek.

  “Thank you for taking care of me.” It's an odd feeling. Knowing that there's a man who has spent so much effort, risked so much, and suffered so much anguish, just for me.

  He presses a button on the elevator and it resumes its ascent.

  I resolve myself against a surge of guilt as I think over my plan. I will do whatever I can to help him regain his brother's favor. But my priority is to get Rhea back, by whatever means I can, and get us both off Kartak before it takes our lives.


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