Book Read Free

Operation Family

Page 10

by Dobson, Marissa

  “Just…” Mac started to tell Angelo just to tell him whatever it was but Nicole cut him off.

  “Go ahead, I’ve got the girls.” She sat Gabriella down next to Sophia and looked between the men. “It’s fine.”

  Mac caught Nicole’s hand and tipped his head toward the library. “I’ll be just down the hall.”

  “It’s only going to take a minute,” Angelo said from behind them.

  Mac shared one last took with Nicole before forcing himself to step away and stroll down the hallway. Inside the library, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and waited. Whatever Angelo wanted to talk to him about alone had better be important, because in that moment he had just wanted to be with Nicole and the girls. They were supposed to be spending the day getting the house ready for Christmas and enjoying the normalcy of life when he wasn’t on Navy duty.

  Angelo shut the door behind him and cut to the chase. “I spoke with Dad this morning. He mentioned he suggested you retire.”

  “If you’re here to try to convince me to retire, you’re wasting your time.”

  “Actually I’m here to tell you to think twice before you jump into a decision. The military is something we’ve wanted our whole lives. Could you see yourself living the dull life that others lead, leaving behind the excitement? This isn’t something you can change your mind about once the paperwork is started. You know our parents have always wanted us to be happy and have supported our careers. You’ve just thrown Dad for a loop, making him a granddad without any warning.”

  Mac rolled his shoulders and tried to force the tension away. “I’ve already spoken to Nicole about it, I’m not retiring.”

  “Nicole? How serious are things between you two?”

  “Serious enough that she has a say.” Mac had always been superstitious and didn’t want to say she was the one he’d been waiting for all these years, but it was what he was thinking.

  “Seems like things are progressing between you two rather quickly. Have you thought this through?”

  “I have. She’s not one of those flag-chasing women who hang around the bars military personnel frequent. Nicole is unlike any woman I’ve met, and we’re going to raise the twins together.” More than that if I have my say.

  “Mom might be right. She said you had fallen for Nicole, but I didn’t believe her. I didn’t think a woman could ever tame my big brother.” Angelo let out a light laugh.

  “Tame…not the word I would have used, but whatever it is, it isn’t so bad. Maybe you should consider it. You know there’s more to life than just the next big case.” As the words left Mac’s lips he wondered when he’d started thinking about more than just the latest mission. When Nicole entered my life, that’s when.

  “They’ve already been telling me it’s time for me to think of the same thing. That I could have a successful legal practice outside of the military, that I need to find a wife of my own.” With a distant look in his eyes, Angelo slipped his hand into the pocket of his Marine dress uniform. “Can you really see a woman settling for a workaholic like me?”

  “You’d be surprised. Look at Nicole.”

  “Women like her are hard to come by, especially in your line of work.” Angelo’s shoulders slumped just enough to make Mac wonder if his brother had been searching for a serious relationship.

  Even though Mac had been adopted, while Angelo had been born to their parents a few years later, they were still two peas from the same pod. They were close, sharing the same goals and dreams most of their lives. Even now, he could see Angelo wanted what he had, he wanted a woman he could come home to when the days were done. What their mother called the big old Italian heart. They were protective of women, even strangers, and they both wanted to stand up for what was right.

  “I’ve got to get back to the base. I’ll see you at Mom and Dad’s for Christmas dinner, right? I have plans to mark my nieces so I can tell them apart.” Angelo broke the silence that had settled over them.

  “Nothing permanent,” Mac warned, then nodded. “We’ll be there. Nicole and I have decided to incorporate traditions into the Christmas celebration for the girls. Just like we always went out with Dad to cut down our own Christmas tree, we’re going to do that once the girls are older. Christmas dinner with everyone is one we’re not going to lose, though Nicole mentioned doing it here next year to take some of the burden off Mom, but we’ll see what the year brings.”

  “Good, then I’ll see everyone on Christmas.”

  This was the first Christmas since Mac was a boy that he was actually looking forward to Christmas. For the first time in a long time, there seemed to be something to celebrate. He had two beautiful daughters and a woman he wanted in his life for years to come. Everything was perfect.

  While the girls played in their playpen, Nicole sat with a book opened in her lap. Because her mind was wandering, she hadn’t actually read any of it. Her thoughts kept going over the same things and every time she thought something was taken care of she started doubting it. Never in her life had she waffled back and forth as much as she was doing now over having the girls call her Mom. She wanted it more than she had ever expected, but there was a part of her that wondered if she wasn’t doing a disservice to the woman who had actually given birth to them, and more importantly to Shawn. Would the girls one day understand why they had raised them as their own children?

  It seemed almost crazy to doubt such a minor thing, especially since people did it all the time. The girls deserved real parents and they could be that for them. It was what Shawn would have wanted, so why did she doubt it?

  As if lightning had struck, she realized she wasn’t doubting the word mom, but what it would mean for her relationship with Mac. It brought their connection to another level. Going down the path that led her to him, she had to be serious about it or shit would hit the fan and quickly. She had been truthful when she said his career didn’t bother her; it was dangerous but what he did was honorable. If their love was strong enough it would overcome any separation the military threw at them.

  What she wasn’t sure she could get past was his family. They seemed nice enough, but having grown up in a home with two hardworking parents, she never had family surrounding her. It would be different having them pop in whenever they felt like it, just as Angelo had done today. Or having the grandparents part of the girls’ life, possibly daily. Growing up, she’d always wanted a big family, and now here was her chance. The girls could grow up surrounded by a group of people who loved them and maybe a house full of siblings.

  “Nicole, I’m leaving, but I’ll see you at Christmas dinner.” Angelo paused just inside the doorway. “Don’t let my brother get out of hand, keep him in place.”

  “Don’t worry, he’s behaving himself.” Too much actually. Angelo paused as if he wanted to say something else before he finally gave her a nod, turned on his heels, and headed for the door. Mac came in a few minutes later and sat next to her. “That was a quick visit.”

  “He spoke with Dad this morning and wanted to let me know how he felt about me retiring.” He plucked the book off her lap and lifted her into his arms.

  “Are you receiving pressure from him?”

  “Actually, no, he just wanted to make sure I thought about it before I submitted my request for retirement. I told him we’ve already made up our minds and I’d be telling Dad soon enough. Now what about this Christmas tree, are you ready to decorate it?”

  Before she could answer it, the doorbell rang again. Her heart skipped a beat with the hope that this was the delivery they had been expecting. The final custody papers for the girls, granting her shared custody. The very thing she wanted since Shawn had died now made her nervous. Legally she would be the twins’ mother, and was responsible for them. What am I doing? I can’t even keep a plant alive.

  “I’ll get that, then we’re going to go out to celebrate. There’s a little Italian place just off the boardwalk that’s delicious.” With a quick kiss to her forehead he
stood up, taking her with him. “The day we officially become parents seems like something we should celebrate. Now go get ready. I’ve got the girls.”

  “I thought we were going to decorate?”

  “We will tonight.” He hollered over his shoulder. “An early dinner, and tonight we’ll have this place ready for Christmas.”

  Why did the idea of dinner with him seem so intimate? It wasn’t like they’d be alone, Gabriella and Sophia would be with them, but it almost seemed like a date. Gabriella’s coos from the crib had her glancing in that direction, only to find her little fists power-punching the air. Almost as if to say: Go, Mommy!

  Mac laid the custody papers on the coffee table and held the small rectangular white box with the bright red ribbon in his hands. “Your mommy is going to love this. Now be quiet while I go hide this.” He glanced at them one last time before he dashed down the hall toward the den. For now, he’d hide it in his tools; she had no reason to go there, and he’d only have to keep it hidden from her for a few days until Christmas.

  With the task complete, he tugged his cell phone out of his pocket, slid his finger over the contacts until he found his parents’ number, and brought it to his ear. After two rings, his mother answered.

  “Mac, we were just talking about you. Would you guys like to come over for dinner tonight?”

  “Actually, Mom, I know it’s last minute but would you be able to watch Gabriella and Sophia? We’ve received the custody papers and I wanted to take Nicole out to celebrate our parenthood.” He heard the girls giggling as he headed back to the living room. They might not understand what was going on but seemed to be as excited as he was about the delivery.

  “Sure. What time do you need us there?”

  “Nicole’s getting ready now, so whenever you can get here.” He looked over at the steps. “I thought an early dinner, then a stroll along the boardwalk, but we’ll be home early since we had plans to decorate the house tonight.”

  “I’m baking cookies for the cookie exchange but if you don’t mind me bringing it along so I can use your kitchen, then we’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” In the background, he could hear his mother’s mixer.

  “You’re always welcome in my kitchen at the cost of you leaving a few chocolate chip cookies.”

  “Deal.” The mixer shut off. “We’ll be there shortly and I’m glad you’re going to have a quiet dinner, just the two of you. You need nights like this, it’s a key thing in relationships.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” He pulled the phone away from his ear, slid his finger over the screen to end the call, and squatted in front of the playpen. “You’re going to be good for Grammy, right, my beautiful Gabriella and Sophia?”

  “What’s this about Grammy?” Nicole’s heels clicked against the hardwood as she came down the steps.

  “I’ve called Mom, she’s going to come over and watch the girls while we go out.”

  “That wasn’t necessary.”

  “I know. I thought it would be nice for us to have some quality time alone. I guess you could call it our first real date. If you’re worried about her looking after the girls I can call her and cancel.”

  She shook her head, sending a strand of brown hair falling from the clip she’d tied it back in. “No, it’s fine. She raised two amazing sons. I have confidence she can look after the girls for a few hours.”

  “Good.” He rose from where he knelt. “I’ll change then, and Mom should be here in fifteen minutes.”

  “My beautiful girls, you know we’ll be back in a bit and I want you to be very good.” She lifted Gabriella from the playpen, tossing her lightly in the air before kissing her plump cheeks.

  “I love seeing you with the girls, it’s beautiful. You are a natural mother and hopefully you can help my parenting nature come out.”

  “You’re a good father. This makes us a good team and a hell of a lot better than some parents. Now get dressed and we’ll have a little quiet time to get to know each other better.”

  He hurried upstairs, not bothering to hide his excitement about their evening together. Tonight I’m going to make you mine in every way possible.

  It was later than they had expected when Nicole and Mac arrived back at the house, so late Maria had already fed and put the girls to bed. It had been a wonderful evening and coming home to find everything done for them made it even better. She stood by the window while Mac saw his parents out, her thoughts returning to their walk along the beach. It had been the first time she had seen the beach and it was beautiful. The sounds of the waves crashing on the shore still reverberated in her mind, and a bit of sand remained between her toes. It was the closest anyone could get to Heaven while still alive.

  “Amore, you look a million miles away.” Mac placed his hand on the small of her back.

  “I’ve been thinking about the beach. I can’t wait until the girls are older and we can take them there and let them play in the surf.” She let her head fall back against his shoulder. “Since your dad put the Christmas tree in the stand and gave it water, would you be upset if we waited to do the decorating until tomorrow?”

  “No, amore, I had different plans for this evening anyway.”

  She tipped her head back enough to look at him. “What is that?”

  “I want you to wait here, I just need five minutes.”

  “You’re on the clock.” She teased as he stepped away from her and headed for the steps.

  She didn’t know what he had planned, but if it was anything like the day she had no doubt it would be amazing. He was more considerate than anyone she had known before, going out of his way to please her. It was so romantic to have someone like him interested in her wants and needs. Even with the knowledge of what was ahead of them, it didn’t stop him from being romantic, to court her, to get to know her.

  She turned away from the window, her gaze traveled around the room before stopping at the Christmas tree. It was only days before Christmas, and instead of grieving for Shawn, she was diving into a relationship with Mac. Hopefully, it would work out for them and the girls. She picked up one of the pink baby blankets and brought it to her nose. All she wanted to give them was a happy, steady home. One that Shawn would have been proud of.

  “Amore.” Mac called from the top of the steps, keeping his voice low so as not to wake the girls. “You can come up now.”

  Quickly she folded the blanket, laid it on the back of a chair, and headed for the stairs. Curiosity got the best of her, and she found herself speeding her pace. At the top of the stairs rose petals laid scattered in a trail toward Mac’s bedroom where only a flickering soft glow, like that of candles, reflected.

  He stood in the doorway, waiting and watching. “This is your chance to slip into your room if you need more time. I won’t hold it against you. Or…come to me, and I’ll make it a night you’ll never forget.”

  Not wanting to take the chance the click from her heels might stir the girls, she kicked them off and padded barefoot toward him. “I want this, I want you.” She stopped just short of touching him.

  He reached out and grabbed the sash around her waist that clinched the dress together, showing off a little more curve to her hips than she preferred.

  “Bella.” Beautiful. She wasn’t sure she heard him right until he said it again, but this time in English. “My beautiful amore. Come, let me take that doubt from your eyes.” Stepping backward he pulled her toward the bed by the sash, never breaking eye contact.

  As they made their way across the room to the king size bed, she had a brief moment to take into consideration the thought he had put into this night. The candles spread out around the room were the only light, and cast a romantic glow throughout. The rose petals from the hallway continued to the bed, with a few spread out over the blue and white comforter. There was even a fire crackling on the far wall by a small sitting area. It was more romantic than she could have possibly imagined.

  They came to stand in front of the bed, the rose petals tickling
the bottom of her feet. He leaned into her, pressing his lips to hers, not allowing her a chance to deny him. He tasted of chocolate and powdered sugar from the dessert they had shared over dinner, making her crave more of him.

  If Shawn’s death taught her anything, it was that she had to live for the moment. She tossed her self-doubts and fears behind her and returned his kisses without hesitation. Having finally come together, things would never be the same for them. It could only get better in the coming days or weeks. With each kiss, she embraced the family and life that was before her, waiting for her to claim it.

  He pulled back enough to break the kiss, his mouth still hovering over hers. “I’ve wanted you since I saw you standing in the doorway with that gun pointed at me. Feisty. Part of me knew in time you’d be mine.”

  “I’d say the SEALs have made you cocky, but after meeting Angelo I think it might be a family trait.”

  “A little of both I’m sure.” He reached behind her and slid the zipper down her back. With the zipper down, he found the collar of the dress and slowly slid it down her arms, baring her skin inch by inch until she stood there in nothing but her bra and panties. Under the scrutiny of his gaze, she wanted to cover herself, to hide the few extra pounds and the natural curve to her body.

  “Don’t you dare.” He caught her hands before she could wrap them around the front of her body. In one smooth motion he lifted her into his arms and gently laid her on the center of the mattress. “I don’t want to see you try to cover up one inch of your beautiful body.”

  Every time he called her beautiful her heart skipped a beat. All her life she wanted someone to find her attractive for who she was, not wanting someone to try to change her. She wasn’t a perfect woman to some men, not with her curves, but overall she was happy with who she was. Whenever anyone had criticized her body, she always told herself she was a sweet sixteen.

  “Amore, come back to me.” He sat beside her, his fingers in her hair. “What were you thinking about that had your mind wandering away from this moment? Doubts, bella?”


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