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Operation Family

Page 11

by Dobson, Marissa

  She shook her head. “I was thinking about the idea of you finding me beautiful. You must have women falling at your feet, but here you are with me and I’m nothing special.”

  “You’re special to me.” He leaned into her neck; his teeth grazed the skin by her collarbone. “You’re the only woman I want. Sempre.”


  “It means always in Italian.” When she caught hold of a button on his dress shirt and began to undo it, he laid his hand over hers and stopped her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “The last time—”

  “I looked away, not because of what I saw but because I wanted to touch you. To draw my fingers over the lines of your abs, to feel your tight muscles. It had nothing to do with the scars.” She reached up and cupped the side of his face. “We all have scars. Some are hidden while others brand our skin.”

  “I don’t want to see the look in your eyes when you see them. I want this to be a memorable night, not one that has to do with the memories of how I got each one.”

  “Take off your shirt and let me show you they don’t bother me. We all have something we’d rather hide. For me it’s the plump figure, for you it’s scars, but between us we will hide nothing.” His hand loosened over hers and she began undoing the button again. “Tonight is about overcoming our hesitations and coming together in every way.”

  Her fingers flew over the buttons, quickly undoing each one. In her mind the quicker she got him out of the shirt the sooner he’d see there was nothing to worry about. It would be like pulling a bandage off in one quick motion instead of inch by inch, drawing out the pain. With the shirt open she slid her hands up his chest, the toned muscles warm under her touch. She ran her fingers up his body until his heartbeat fluttered under her touch.

  “What do you see in my eyes?”

  In answer, he reclaimed her lips as she slid his shirt away. She brushed her fingers over more scars that decorated his back. Not wanting to give him any reason to stop, she let her fingers glide over them until she reached the top of his jeans.

  He kissed her neck, nibbling down her jawline to her shoulder. She unbuckled his belt, slid it out of the loops, and tossed it to the floor where it landed with a thump. She let him have a few more minutes of exploration, since he’d finally made it to her breasts. His fingers slipped beneath the thin fabric of her bra, then he teased over the nipple and pushed the bra aside.

  She lifted up just enough to reach behind her and unhook her bra. Her nipples had always been extra sensitive, the slightest touch bringing her pleasure. He lowered his mouth to her nipple, his gaze locked on her. She moaned in ecstasy when his tongue flicked over one hardened tip. She tugged on his jeans before he could move lower.

  “These need to go.” She unbuttoned his pants and guided them gently over his hips.

  “Always demanding, amore.” He rose off the bed and slipped the jeans the rest of the way off, as well as the rest of his clothes, until he stood naked before her. The candle light reflecting off his body made him appear even more delectable, and she had to have him. She craved his touch like nothing before.

  He came back to the bed and continued where he’d left off, kissing a path down her neck. Sensations collided and threatened to overwhelm her when he teased her nipples. Pushing her gently back onto the bed, his bulky frame hovered above her as he stared down at her, desire burning in his eyes.

  He caressed every inch of her body, sending moans of ecstasy from her lips. His touch was incredibly tender, as though trying to memorize every curve with his hands and mouth. Heat soared through her blood, like a fire burning just below her skin, impatient and demanding.

  Taking hold of the string bikini panties, he pulled it down her legs in one quick motion. He blazed a hot, wet trail of kisses across her belly and stroked her thighs with his fingertips. With every touch, she arched her hips, demanding more. She couldn’t get enough of him. He nudged her legs farther apart, his fingers delved inside her and she met the teasing thrusts. A demanding moan she barely recognized vibrated in her throat. A trail of wicked kisses tingled over her thighs. He moved his hand and replaced it with his mouth. Tiny nips and gentle licks flicked over her sweet spot, nearly driving her over the edge. She dug her fingers into his back, torn between pressing him closer and dragging him up. She wanted all of him.

  “Mac.” The one simple word held so much desire and need. “I need you.”

  “Anything for you, amore.” He spread her legs farther, giving him the access he needed before filling her slowly, inch by inch. Halfway in, he slid out before thrusting back in, filling her completely with his manhood. His strokes brought to life the need that had been kept hidden within her for years.

  He increased his pace, driving the force of each pump. The erotic dance amped up her tension, every delicious glide of his shaft inside her seemed to set off another cascade of heat. Their bodies rocked back and forth, tension stretching her tighter as she fought for the release she longed for. Upon that release, she dug her nails into his back, arching her body into his. He continued to pump until her name escaped his lips and his own ecstasy found him. Eternity stretched on until he collapsed beside her.

  Cuddled together in a mixture of exhaustion and utter relaxation while their breathing returned to normal, his fingers caressed her side in long, lazy strokes. Their lovemaking had been more amazing than she could have ever dreamed. His gentle caresses and the way he called out her name as he filled her body with himself almost had her climaxing again. It was pure Heaven, but it also had her heart picking up speed as she realized what was happening. From the beginning, she knew this relationship had to be long-term for the sake of the girls, but she didn’t expect it to be like this, especially not so soon.

  She loved him.

  The day had been beyond what Mac could have imagined. He wanted to stay in bed, his arms around Nicole, holding her tight. He had to deal with the candles. “I’ll be right back.” He slipped out of bed.

  “Leaving me already,” she teased.

  “No, you’re going to stay cuddled next to me until the girls force us to wake up.” He blew out each flame, leaving only the glow from the fireplace. All of a sudden, he felt a hand on his back. “Merda!” He should have known better than to get out of bed without putting his shirt back on. His back was the worst of his scars.

  “So much detail. It’s beautiful.” She touched the America flag he had tattooed between his shoulder blades. The flag in mid-wave, the words freedom isn’t free above it. Within the flag were the names of the men he had lost under his command.

  “Don’t.” The word came out softer than he expected. “It’s been too long since I’ve had to worry about someone seeing my scars.”

  “Why? I showed you they don’t bother me.”

  “These are the worse. The shrapnel…” He turned to face her.

  “Mac, stop trying to protect me. I know what your job entails, the danger, and it doesn’t change anything. Seeing the scars won’t change this. Don’t turn from me.”

  It was in his blood to protect her. His father had drilled it into him from an early age to protect women and children, and the military had only made that instinct stronger. Instead of fighting with her, he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Every time I see them it’s a reminder of what put them there. My job is dangerous.”

  “The world is dangerous. Parents can’t even send their kids to school without worrying they might not come home at the end of the day. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. While we’re alive and sharing our days together I won’t allow you to shut me out.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I know you don’t want to talk about what happened, and I’m not asking you too. Please, don’t put up barriers.”

  “I have a feeling I’m going to have my work cut out with you.”

  “Then I’ll start the first challenge. The names…” She traced her finger over the tattoo.

  “Those are the na
mes of the men I failed. I have them there so they’ll never be forgotten.” He paused for a moment, letting the words sink in before he tipped his head toward the other side of the room. “Now let’s go back to bed.”

  With a yawn, she wiggled her eyebrows. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Just to lay there and talk until we fall asleep. The girls might be sleeping through the night but it won’t be long before they wake us.” Taking her hand in his, he moved them toward the mattress.

  “Tomorrow will make five days until Christmas and we still need to decorate. There’s still stuff I’d like to get for the girls. I’d like to see about finding the girls some outfits at Wynn’s children’s boutique. They are growing so fast and they need something for Christmas dinner with your family.”

  “We can go tomorrow if you’d like.” Pulling her into bed next to him, he snuggled against her.

  She laid her hand in the crook of his arm, dragging her fingers over the scars on his chest. “All scars tell a story.” She traced over the deepest scars. “I doubt you could see it in the faint light but I have one just below my breasts. It’s from a knife, and it’s smooth unlike these, but when I see it in the mirror…it reminds me. Just as I’m sure yours do. Though mine brought something good from it.”

  “What happened?”

  “My father stabbed me.” She paused, touching the scar on her chest. “It’s the first time I’ve said it out loud. I was sixteen and just came home from my first real date. My father had been drinking and was upset the boy tried to give me a goodnight kiss. In anger, my father lashed out. At the time I thought he was trying to hit my date…I didn’t see the knife. Not until it was too late. I had moved to stop him when the knife slid home, deep within my body.”

  “Oh, amore.”

  “It turned out for the best. His drinking started as a way to relax after working two jobs, but it quickly spiraled out of control and he couldn’t stop. This accident was the wakeup call he needed to get help. He hasn’t touched a drop since that night.”

  “He could have killed you,” Mac reasoned, his voice laced with anger and sadness.

  “Too close for comfort, but I lived.” She tipped her head to look up at him. “Sam beat the shit out of him and told him either give up the bottle or Sam was going to quit school, find a job, and take Mom and I away. He refused to have us live like that any longer. Before that night, Sam and I weren’t very close, probably because we had to share a room for so long. We just got sick of each other. He hated all the times I’d lock him out of the room, or when I’d wake up screaming because I had another dream about spiders, or other creepy bugs. But that night it was different, I could see it in his eyes, he wanted to kill our father for what he had done.”

  “What about your father?”

  “That night he checked himself into rehab. Mom was angry because he wasn’t there when she thought I was dying but he did the right thing. I was never sure if it was what he did or Sam’s threat that made my father see what he was doing, but it didn’t matter.”

  If Sam hadn’t stepped in that night, or threatened his father, who knew what could have happened the next time something angered him?

  Thanks to Sam, Mac now had the one woman who held his heart.

  Sounds like a damn fine man. I owe him. And I wish there were more like him.

  The ring of the doorbell pulled Nicole from a deep sleep. She glanced around the dark room, trying to gather her surroundings, until she caught a glimpse of Mac coming awake beside her and the night returned to her. It hadn’t been an amazing dream; it was real.


  As her eyes finally focused, she caught sight of the alarm clock. Just after two o’clock in the morning. “Who could that be at this hour?”

  “I don’t know but I’ll kill them if they wake Gabriella and Sophia.” He slipped out of bed and grabbed his jeans from the floor. “You stay here while I find out.”

  Unable to find her own clothes, she grabbed his discarded dress shirt and headed for the hallway. Someone at the door at this hour could only mean one thing. Had something happened to his parents? His brother? Surely if he was being deployed his commanding officer would have called, not showed up at the door. She wasn’t sure how it worked but going door to door to gather the troops seemed to be a waste of time.

  “Nicole Marie Ryan, open this damn door!” Fists pounded against the door, echoing through the house.

  “Sam?” She started down the steps, buttoning the shirt as she went. It was a little tight across her hips and breasts but at least it covered all the important parts. Sam hollered about something she couldn’t make out, and she sped her pace. What was he doing here?

  Mac opened the door and Sam rushed him, slamming him against the wall. Mac didn’t fight back, he just let it happen, and there was no doubt in her mind that if he wanted to stop it he could take her brother down without an issue. Sam might have been in good shape—he built up muscles working on the oil rig—but he wasn’t a match for Mac.

  “Sam, what the hell are you doing?” She stepped up beside them, placing her hand on his arm. Looking at her brother, she realized he hadn’t slept. His eyes were bloodshot, his normally clean-shaven look was replaced with messy stubble, but most of all he looked worn out and stressed.

  “Mom called, said you were being brainwashed and held against your will because this bastard needed someone to care for those children. I’ve come to get you and the girls. No way am I letting this bastard do this to you and Shawn’s kids.”

  “What the hell—”

  “Don’t lie to me because he’s here. Now get your stuff and the girls.” Sam glared at her, his eyes filled with rage. “I’ve only got a short leave from the rig to take care of this. Now move!”

  “I think you should listen to your sister,” Mac stated, his voice tight from Sam’s arm pressed against his neck.

  “Whatever she’s going to tell me is a lie because you’ve threatened to take those girls from her. She’s been the only mother they know, and she loves them, so what gives you the right to—”

  “Stop this, Sam.” She squeezed her brother’s arm until he looked at her. “Mom is the one lying to you. I came here of my own free will. Now get off him so we can talk and I can prove it to you.”

  Sam loosened his hold on Mac. “How?”

  “Come over here.” She stepped away from him and went to the coffee table, scooping up the papers Mr. Batty had sent. “These are papers for Gabriella and Sophia granting me joint custody. Does that sound like he’s keeping me here against my will? I could leave here at any time and take the girls but I don’t want to. I don’t know why Mom lied to you, but he’s not brainwashing me.”

  “How do I know the papers are legit? Maybe he has a friend who whipped them up.” Sam let go of Mac and walked to the sofa.

  “Mr. Batty sent them this morning.” Mac rolled his neck. “You know him, don’t you? He’s from your town.”

  She stood there holding the papers out to him. “Look at them for yourself if you don’t believe me.”

  “Why would Mom lie to me?” He leaned against the side of the sofa, appearing hurt and confused. “I could have lost my job. I was preparing to leave without getting the time off approved because I thought you needed me. I failed you before but I swore I wouldn’t this time.”

  “You didn’t fail me.” She tossed the papers aside and strolled to him, taking his hand.

  “That night with Dad, I failed you. Do I need to beat the shit out of this asshole too?”

  Smirking toward Mac, she let out a lighthearted chuckle. “That won’t be necessary.”

  Sam looked between Nicole and Mac before returning his attention to her. “I thought you’d say that.” He nodded to the shirt she was wearing, Mac’s shirt. “So I’ve come all this way for nothing.”

  “I wouldn’t say nothing. You got to see me, and if you stick around the girls would like to see you when they get up. It’s time to introduce them properly to the
ir Uncle Sam.”


  “We’ve decided to raise the girls as our own, together.” Mac came to her and wrapped his arm around her waist. “With Nicole as their mother and me as their father. That makes them your nieces. You’re more than welcome to stay here, get some sleep, and we can discuss anything else in the morning. You’re family and welcome in my home as long as you respect it. I won’t have you upsetting Nicole or the twins with these hateful lies. Is that understood?”

  “It seems like I made a bad first impression. I’m Sam Ryan.” He held out his hand to Mac.

  “Mac García.” Mac took his hand, giving it a firm shake before releasing it.

  “I know who you are. Mom made a big fuss some Navy SEAL had come and kidnapped her daughter. She wanted to call the cops, but Dad wouldn’t let her.” He ran his hand through his curly brown hair. “I guess that should have been my first warning something wasn’t right. If it had been true, Dad would have been on the phone with the police, FBI, hell even the Admiral.”

  “Merda, I’d have had some serious explaining to do to my CO.”

  “Mac, I’d like a minute with my brother, could you see that the room next to the nursery is ready?” She tilted her head back to look at him, hoping he didn’t mind that she’d stay in his room, giving Sam her bedroom since it was the only finished guest room.

  “I’ll see you upstairs.” Mac leaned down and kissed her lips. It was quick but gave her the reassurance she needed.

  She watched Mac leave them and wondered if he realized he didn’t have a shirt on. It was nice to see him without his shirt, comfortable and carefree. Maybe it had been the doorbell in the middle of the night that made him forgo it, or it could have been he didn’t feel the need to hide them around other men, only her. She wasn’t sure and it didn’t matter, because whatever the reason it was a step in the right direction.

  “If you wanted to tell me how bad I screwed up this time I don’t need to hear it.”

  “No. I wanted…” She stepped away from him and went to sit on the sofa.


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