Operation Family

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Operation Family Page 12

by Dobson, Marissa

  “What is it? You’ve never been one to hold your tongue, so out with it.”

  “Sam.” She wrung her hands in her lap. “I don’t know what’s happening here.”

  “You mean between you and Mac? Because it seems pretty clear to me. You’re wearing his shirt, which means only one thing.”

  “Well…yeah.” She felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment. This was not something she wanted to talk to her brother about. “What I’m getting at is I don’t want you to tell Mom about this. Not yet.”

  “Embarrassed by your man? That’s never a good sign, sis.”

  “No.” She quickly defended herself. “It’s not that, far from it. Come on, you know how Mom can be. Look at what she said to get you out here. I want to see where this goes before she knows. Either way, we have to raise the girls together, so I don’t need Mom complicating things.”

  “Mom complicating things…are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” Sam teased her and came to sit beside her. “You’re secret is safe with me, but you know Mom’s not going to lay off. She wants you back home in Texas.”

  “I know. She wants me back home without the girls and to start my accounting practice again.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “It’s not what I want.”

  “Then don’t do it. This is your life and I want you happy. I’ll stand by you and fight your battles with Mom if you need me to.”

  “You’re the best big brother a girl could ask for.” She leaned her head against his shoulder. “I’m sorry Mom made you come all this way for nothing.”

  “I’d go to the ends of the earth to save you from any heartache.” He laid his hand over hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Now go to your man. Make sure you tell him your brother isn’t always an ass.”

  “You’re never an ass. You were only trying to protect me and for that I love you.” Their mother could be overwhelming, and twisted things sometimes to get what she wanted, but Sam was amazing. He wasn’t like anyone in the family. He preferred to keep to himself, but when someone was in trouble he’d go to any lengths for them. He had shown it before, and coming to Virginia when he thought she was in trouble he’d shown it again. Now if she could only get her big brother to settle down and off those dangerous oil rigs, everything would be perfect.

  With Gabriella and Sophia in safe hands with Uncle Sam, Nicole and Mac slipped out to do some last minute Christmas shopping. She wasn’t sure how she managed to do it but over breakfast she talked Sam into staying until after Christmas. He had the personal leave saved up and for once he agreed to take it. She suspected it had a little to do with returning home to face Mom, but she didn’t care, it was still nice to have him there.

  “Your thoughts keep you busy, amore.” Mac slipped his arm around her waist as they strolled down the boardwalk toward Heart of a Diamond.

  “I was thinking about my mother and this latest stunt. My phone call to her this morning seemed to have calmed things to a point, but she’s still determined I need to return to Texas. What will she pull next?”

  “I’ve got until after the New Year before my team has to report back for duty. We could take a trip back to Texas and smooth things over with your parents. Let them know I haven’t kidnapped their little girl. It might help.”

  “Or it could make things a million times worse.” She glanced out at the water. With the cold breeze off the water and the frigid, rainy weather the beach was deserted and peaceful.

  “Give it some thought. We could fly back when Sam goes home and you’d have his support as well as mine when you see them.” They walked in silence as she wondered how she could smooth things over with her mother. When they arrived, he held open the door to the boutique for her. “After you, amore.”

  “Mac, Nicole, how nice to see you.” Wynn stepped out from behind the counter, her hand on her swollen stomach. “What can I do for you today?”

  “We’ve come to purchase some addition things for the girls.” Nicole tried not to stare at Wynn’s stomach, but the sight of the pregnant woman made her wonder if someday she would have the same experience. Gabriella and Sophia were her daughters even if she hadn’t given birth to them, but she wanted to experience the miracle of having a child grow within her. Would Mac want more children?

  “I know I’m huge, and I’m not even due until June.” Wynn laughed, rubbing her stomach as if it were a magic lamp. “Why don’t you two have a look around, while I step into the back for a moment? I have a couple things that might suit your beautiful girls. Is there anything you’re looking for in particular?”

  “Christmas dresses for dinner with Mac’s family. Other than that just some everyday clothes. They are growing so fast, most of what I have doesn’t fit anymore.” Nicole took in the boutique, the décor that made it feel posh and festive. She’d never seen such beautiful clothes. Instantly she was drawn to a cute line of sailor dresses. The white one with the blue collar and flag buttons was adorable. “Do people still stick by the rule of no white after Labor Day?”

  “You’re seriously asking me?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “I can only tell you that it still applies for the Navy. Our dress whites are only worn in the summer, any other time it’s our dress blues. As for fashion, you’d have to ask Wynn. You could always buy a bigger size, or try this.” He held up a similar dress but in blue with a red collar.

  “I see you’ve found the military inspired items.” Wynn came toward them, carrying a stack of outfits.

  “I was just asking Mac if people still stuck with the rule of no white after Labor Day.”

  “I’m old fashion and say yes, but I know there are people who will wear white any time of the year. Though if you like the outfit I can make sure you get one when it’s in season in whatever sizes you need.”

  “That would be wonderful.” Nicole hung the white dress back on the rack and picked out two of the blue ones in the size she needed before turning back to Wynn. “So what did you bring out to show me?”

  “Come over here.” Wynn walked toward a small counter just to the right of the register. “Since we’re just days before Christmas most of the dresses have sold out already. However, I thought you’d like this one.”

  Wynn held up a black velvet dress that had a sparkly, silver sheer tied around the waist, with the same material around the bottom of the dress. Nicole ran her fingers across the smooth velvet until she reached the silver design. It was softer than she had expected, almost like silk but completely sheer except for hints of silver sparkles. “It’s beautiful.”

  “The design came to me a little late for the Christmas season so I only made a small quantity for New Year’s parties, but I believe these two should be the perfect size for Gabriella and Sophia.” Wynn took a second one from the pile and laid it beside the first.

  “They’re perfect. Don’t you think, Mac?”

  “I think our girls will look adorable in them.” Mac rubbed his hand over the small of her back. “Ace was showing off a picture of his daughter, Roulette, with those cute pajamas that say SEALed for You on the shirt. Would you happen to have any in stock?”

  “They have the team’s name and logo on the back. Those aren’t actually something we carry, I’ve made them especially for the team. Well, the ones who have children, Ace and Gwen and soon Boom and I, but I have the stuff to whip them up. If you could give me until tomorrow I’ll have them ready for you.”

  “That’s okay, I’m sure we can find something else. We just need to find something special for our new tradition of new pajamas on Christmas Eve that we’ll wear to open gifts in the morning. It’s something my parents did with Angelo and me.”

  “We’re starting a number of new Christmas traditions,” Nicole explained.

  “I did that as a child, it was the one gift we were allowed to open early. My parents were very strict about opening presents early, even the ones from family or friends that were mailed to us.” Wynn leaned against the counter. “My favorite part of Christmas was when Ace, Lucky,
and I would band together to search the house for our presents. We never found anything. We later found out that Mom and Dad kept them in Dad’s workshop, the one place we weren’t allowed without them. It was still fun searching the house.”

  “Angelo and I did that. One year we found a box in the closet, and thought we stumbled onto the goldmine. That night while our parents were sleeping we snuck down the hall to the living room to open the box, or I should say boxes, because that’s all it was. Box after box after box inside of each other. Each wrapped. Inside the last box there was a note: you thought you could out smart us, did you? You failed, now go back to bed.” He let out a deep laugh that made him look ten years younger. So full of life and without concern. She had noticed that over their time together he had relaxed more, seeming to have finally let down his guard. This was just another sign of that.

  They shared a good laugh before Wynn picked up another garment from the pile. “This is one last dress I thought you might be interested in.” The red and white striped shirt with a blue skirt had a white anchor on the right side with the words United States Navy underneath.

  “That’s adorable, I just love your designs.”

  “The military designs are specific for this shop, but there’s a lot of stuff that I do just for Roulette. I have a bunch of newborn things I’ve made for my little girl. I can’t wait until June when she’s born. She’ll be my own walking billboard,” Wynn joked, once again touching her stomach. “I’d gladly add Gabriella and Sophia to my private list. I have a couple new outfits in the works in support of their daddies.”

  “Oh, I’d appreciate that.” She continued to look through the clothes, setting aside most of the outfits. She knew the girls would quickly outgrow some of them, but they were too adorable to pass up. Shawn did most of the shopping for the girls, so this was her first time experiencing the excitement of shopping for baby clothes, and she was enjoying it. Especially when Mac added his comments, telling her what he liked and didn’t.

  “Okay. I’ll take all of these, plus those pajamas if you’re sure you have time to do them.” Nicole neatly stacked the clothes she was purchasing.

  “I’ll have Boom bring them over to the house tomorrow on his way to the airport to pick up my parents.”

  Mac smirked. “How did Boom get wrapped into that? Shouldn’t Ace or Lucky or even you be doing that?”

  “Lucky’s on duty and Ace made some excuse about taking Gwen and Roulette shopping and then to see Santa.” With a smirk, Wynn punched the prices of the garments into the computer. “As for me, well, I have to work.”

  “Work? I heard you handed the day to day stuff to a manager so you could focus on your designs. With your women’s clothing line from Roll of the Diamond already in a number of New York boutiques, and after the first of the year your baby clothes taking over half of a store on Fifth Avenue, I don’t think you need to be here. Are you sure it’s not an excuse?”

  “My sales associate for Heart of Diamond is actually out of town, she won’t be returning until after Christmas, and the manager for Roll of the Diamond can’t run both stores at the same time. So I have to come in.” Wynn put the purchases in a brown bag with the store’s logo, diamond design, on the side. “I’ll admit I could have closed the shop but Boom owes me one.”

  “Good for you.” Nicole encouraged. “Mac got a dose of my family already.”

  “It was like water in the face, worse than the cold ocean water during Hell week. A doorbell ringing at two in the morning, while the babies are sleeping, is worse than anything the Navy could throw at me,” Mac joked.

  “My brother, Sam, showed up last night rather unexpectedly,” Nicole explained as Mac handed Wynn his credit card. “He’s going to stay until after Christmas. Which reminds me, I need to get him a present while we’re out.”

  Mac took hold of the two bags Wynn held out and nodded. “We can head over to the mall next, it might be the best place to find something for him. Plus my gift for Angelo should be in and I can pick it up.”

  She slipped her hand into Mac’s, interlocking their fingers before glancing at Wynn. “Thank you for everything. I can’t wait to see what else you design.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll see you at the Christmas party I’m sure,” Wynn called to them as they made their way out of the boutique.

  “Christmas party…I almost forgot. I’ll need to find something to wear.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll find something at the mall.”

  They headed back to the boardwalk, giving her another chance to see the ocean before they reached the car. This time, instead of thinking how beautiful it was, all her thoughts centered on how quickly time was flying by. Before long the holidays would be over and Mac would be back on duty, the threat of deployment hanging over them. She wasn’t worried about him being gone, only that she’d miss the time she had with him. The fear of something happening to him lingered.

  Her brother’s comment from their conversation the night before played in her mind again. Don’t worry about things you can’t change. Live each day to the fullest and love with all your heart.

  Mac stood in front of the makeshift work table and sketched out an option for the library. He wanted to give Nicole a few choices to decide from, to make this a place where she could find refuge. The plan was to make the fireplace the center point, with the built-in bookshelves throughout the room sanded down and refinished. He’d take out the built-in end table on each side to expand the window seat to the full length of the window. He’d also add extra depth to the seat so she could cuddle there with the girls.

  He was just finishing his notations when the sound of heavy-soled shoes came down the hall and Sam cleared his throat.

  “Come in, Sam, and tell me how the call to your parents went. Should I go out there and soothe Nicole?”

  “She wanted to get some air, so she stepped outside, and the girls are playing in their playpen.”

  Mac set the pencil aside and eyed Sam. Since he arrived, he’d changed. No longer did he have the stubble across the face or the chip on his shoulder. There was an understanding between them that was almost becoming a friendship. Considering how close he and Nicole were, it was good that he and Mac could bond. “Then what can I do for you, because I know you didn’t come in here just to pass the time of day. Still worried about your sister?”

  “I’ll always worry about Nicole.” Sam ran his hand along the bookshelf, his fingers sliding over the old books that had been left in the house. “She must love this room. Nicole’s always been a reader.” As if realizing he was straying from the point, he stepped away from the bookcase and turned to face Mac. “Nicole is risking a lot by coming here, not just by putting her life on hold or our parents, but also her happiness. She’s leaving behind everyone she knows to come here to be with you and the girls. There’s no support system here for her, no one to call in case things go south between the two of you. Yet she’s willing to risk it all, not just because of the girls, but because she cares for you. So, before I leave…I want you to know if you hurt my sister, I don’t care how much training you have or who has your back, I’ll take you down. I won’t fail her again.”

  “I understand where you’re coming from. I was raised in an Italian family. We’re protective, too. But you have nothing to worry about. I care for Nicole, and for the girls.” Mac shoved his hands into his pocket. “Hell, she’s already made fast friends with two of my men’s wives. Gwen called last night to see if we could plan a play date with her daughter, Roulette, for after Christmas. Then there’s Wynn, the owner of the boutique Nicole bought all those clothes from. Nicole won’t be alone here, not even when I’m deployed. The military is a tight knit family and the SEAL team even more so. She’ll have more support than she’s ever had. My parents live close by, so does my brother, they’ll be here for her and will help her with the girls when I can’t.”

  “If you break her heart…”

  Mac stifled a laugh. Sam cared for Nic
ole and that was what mattered. He was willing to take Mac on even if he didn’t stand a chance. “Threats will do no good. Nicole and I need to explore where things go, but no matter how things turn out in the end we will remain friends for the sake of Gabriella and Sophia. If she wishes to leave and return to Texas, she can do that. I already told her I would keep Shawn’s house at least until we we’re sure. It would provide her a place to raise the girls if she chooses to return to Texas, and if not it’ll be a place we can stay when we visit your family. She has the key and I’d provide a plane ticket any time if that’s what she wants.”

  “What are you two doing in here?” Nicole asked from the doorway.

  “Nothing, dear sister.” Sam shot Mac a warning glance.

  “I’ve drawn up some ideas for the room. Want to take a look?” Mac grabbed the sketches from the desk and held them out to her. “If you don’t like anything, it can be changed. I want this room to be whatever you want.”

  “I’m excited for it to be done. I’m not exceptionally handy but I’ll help in any way I can.” She took the papers from him and he slipped his arm around her waist, cuddling her against him. He never pictured himself being happy with a life outside the military, but if anyone could see that he was, it was Nicole.

  “I’ve done some remolding in the past, and I’m here for a few more days. If you want I can give you a hand.”

  “Sure.” Mac and Sam exchanged a glance, as if the two had come to an understanding. It was also another thing they’d have in common besides the fact they both cared for Nicole.

  “I guess I’m finishing the Christmas decorating myself. I’ve been abandoned by both of you in my time of need,” she teased.

  “It’s days before Christmas, why would you want to decorate more when you’ll only have to take it down?” Sam raised an eyebrow at her, implying it was a crazy thing to do.

  “Mac and I purchased some additional things while we were out. Stuff I wanted to make the house feel homier and make it a special Christmas for all of us. There’s garland and lights for around the living room fireplace and main staircase banister. Some other smaller stuff for around the house, including one of those small Christmas trees you plug in and it lights up for the nursery. Remember, we had one in our room.”


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