Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4)

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Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4) Page 18

by Celia Kyle

  Her mate thought of everything.

  The wind whipped her hair, Isaac going faster and faster. Trees became a blur—more of a blur—the deeper they went.

  She enjoyed the rocking motion of his racing strides, moving with him, swaying in time with his galloping strides. It lulled and excited her in equal measures, soothing and yet thrilling to have such a powerful male caring for her. The mole reveled in the attention and affection that came from Isaac.

  Kira wasn’t going to consider that it might be more than affection. Not today. Not yet.

  Eventually their dashing pace slowed, Isaac lessening from a headlong rush to a gentle lope and finally a slow walk. His chest heaved, lungs and ribs expanding with each inhale. It didn’t take long to realize why he’d slowed and it lay spread before her in its wondrous glory.

  A lake, large and placid and bigger than she’d ever seen. The soothing presence of water crept into her, the crisp scent infusing her with a new calm and some of Isaac’s tension eased as well.

  He carefully lowered himself and she slid from his back, but didn’t step away. She needed to remain connected to him, needed his continued touch. The frantic race to this secluded spot had her aching for the feel of his skin on hers, but she’d settle for his furred body for now.

  Only now didn’t last that long. No, beneath her hand, his body trembled and the first snap of bone stung her ears. It was followed by another, and then another still. Kira’s transformation was different, she went from big to small, fighting to shorten muscle and bone into a tiny mole-shape. Isaac went from comparatively small to massive. He’d stretched to become the bear and now it was time for the metaphorical rubber band to snap back into place.

  The shift wasn’t pretty. It wasn’t sexy or gorgeous or arousing. It just… was. And times like now, when she couldn’t see the stretch of skin over bone or the way Isaac’s face returned to its human shape, she was thankful for her semi-blindness.

  The details were lost to her and she wasn’t sad about that fact.

  Then he was human shaped. Human shaped and naked.

  She was back to hating her blurred vision. Dammit.

  Isaac stretched his arms above him, groaning with the pull, and then let them drop to his side. “That felt good. You okay?”

  If she could touch all that bare skin, she’d be wonderful. Instead of saying what she felt, she merely cleared her throat. “Yeah. Fine. It was fun.”

  He held out his hand, beckoning for her.

  She wondered if he forgot he was naked.

  “C’mere. The bear was thrilled you came along. Even if it took you forever to get the point.” He grinned, his pure happiness coating Kira in its warmth.

  “I’ll give you forever,” she grumbled. “You realize you’re naked, right? I mean, the naked with the nakedness?”

  More joy struck her in the chest. “I was hoping you wouldn’t notice and I’d get to hold you. If it makes you uncomfortable…”

  Unease filled his voice and he dropped his arm, taking a small step back.

  Oh, hell no. She could deal with a lot of things, but letting her mate feel like she didn’t want him was not one of them.

  “If you’re good, so am I.” She padded forward, too intent on him to notice the uneven ground and then down she went like a tree. She had half a mind to yell “timber” but she was too busy attempting to fall gracefully.

  It didn’t work. She was sure she looked like a flailing, spastic idiot as she waved her arms and yelled. The ground raced up to meet her and she squeezed her eyes against her impending doom.

  But Isaac snatched her mid-air, arms encircling her waist and then a quick toss had her cradled in his arms and he had an apology on his lips. “I’m sorry. I completely spaced. Are you okay? I shouldn’t have stopped here, I should have—”

  “For a strong, dominant bear you sure do apologize a lot.”

  That had him freezing in place. “What?”

  “I said—”

  “I heard what you said.”

  She felt his glare, but pushed on. “I like you, a lot, Isaac.” Holy shit, a lot. “But you can’t spend your life tripping over yourself for me. I’m gonna fall. That’s life.” She shrugged. “I’d prefer not to, but you can’t be responsible for everything. The sun and moon do not rise and fall outta your asshole. Life goes on no matter how many times you catch me or how many times I fall.” She reached up and traced his scar. He’d gotten better the more time they spent together. He no longer flinched and jerked away from her touch. “You can’t live and die for everyone else, Isaac. You are not responsible for anyone else’s happiness. Sometimes you gotta worry about you and not everyone else.”

  His face tensed, the area around his eyes tightening.

  “You’re glaring at me, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, because what started as a ‘don’t worry about me’ turned into an after school special about my scars and how I need to heal.”

  Kira winced. “Dammit, I was being subtle.”

  “No, you really weren’t.”

  She stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry. “Pft. Bite me, furball.”

  “Like you’re not a little furry, and just point out the place, baby. I’m all about biting you.” His voice dropped, all seductive and sexy, and biting was at the forefront of her thoughts.

  All over her mind. The whole thing was coated in a big blanket of biting and tasting and claiming.

  Isaac breathed deeply and released a bear-ish purr. Yeah, bears didn’t purr. That sound belonged cats, but she wasn’t about to tell his animal that. “You like that idea?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Because we discussed this. This is going fast.”

  “Three weeks is fast?” he countered, sex filling every syllable and Kira’s pink bits were getting very interested. Very.

  Okay, it had been three weeks. Really only one though since the first couple were spent apart. But still, if she counted them, then it didn’t sound as bad.

  And since it didn’t sound as bad, she didn’t feel any bit of bad about being aroused by him. By his scent, the feel of his skin and the sound of his voice.

  Though, at the moment, skin was winning out in the “what’s causing arousal” department. Like, by a lot.

  She let her touch wander, stroking his cheeks, his neck, and his shoulders. Specifically where his neck and shoulder met. Her bite wouldn’t be as blatant as Isaac’s on her flesh, but it would be unmistakable.

  Her mouth watered, the mole anticipating the taste of his blood on her tongue. It’d slide over her taste buds and soothe the growing ache for him. She’d be filled with him as he slid into her pussy and his tastes consumed her.

  Isaac’s scents would sink into every part of her body, making his aroma a permanent part of her body.

  She couldn’t wait. Didn’t want to wait.

  Kira took a quick glance around them, noting the wide expanse of gray and assumed the ground was lined with rocks. Great. She was all for nature-laced boinking, but she was not getting a boulder up the ass.

  She wanted Isaac, just not that much. Unless he was on the bottom…

  “Kira, whatever you’re thinking, you need to stop. Now.” The words were growled by the bear and weren’t the smooth baritone of Isaac’s human half.

  “I was just wondering where we could get horizontal.”

  A shudder wracked him and he breathed deeply, only to release the air in a heaving gust. “God, you want me.”

  It wasn’t a question, but she felt compelled to answer anyway. “Yes.” She nodded. “It’s…” She let her head rest on his shoulder. “You’re mine. I know it. You know it. I don’t know why we’re fighting the inevitable.”

  “I didn’t wanna rush you.” Brown fur tickled her cheek.

  “Thank you for that, but we’ve been dancing around this. We’ve kissed and maybe we should have gone past first base once or twice—or ever—before hitting a home run, but it’s time for you to score. Or me. Someone
is scoring and I expect a lot of applause when we’re done.”

  Oh, a lot of fur came out to play then and when she lifted her head and focused on Isaac, she gulped. Yeah, lots of hair going on there. Wow.

  “Mine.” He bared his teeth, opening his mouth and exposing ever-lengthening fangs. “Mine.”

  She trembled. Not in fear—maybe a little fear—but there was a whole lotta desire pumping through her veins.

  “Yours,” she whispered. All his.

  That had his bear pushing farther forward, stretching his skin. His shoulders seemed to expand.

  “Kira,” he rumbled her name. “Need, Kira.”

  “C’mon, Isaac.” She wiggled, encouraging him to lower her to the ground. Then she carefully eased away, slowly backing and putting space between them. “C’mon.”

  The farther she got, the more of him was exposed. The dark fur on his chest turned the tanned flesh brown. She followed the line of hair down his body, tracing the fur’s path until she got to the juncture of his thighs. Big or small, short or long?

  She almost snorted. She’d never heard of a shifter being small or short in that department. The males were built like Greek gods with cocks to match. Why would a woman voluntarily get with a furball unless there were perks?

  His trim hips would fit snugly between her thighs. Mmm… Thighs. His were nice and thick, coated in muscles that he’d use as he thrust into her. Her pussy ached in anticipation, warming and heating with desire.

  Yes, he’d fill her, take her, and then mate her. If she were lucky, it’d be all at once.

  Kira continued easing away from him, slowly making her way toward where they emerged from the forest. There had to be some sort of path there. Maybe by the time she got there, he’d shift bac—

  With a squeak, she tumbled, arms flailing (damn, she did a lot of that) and she tipped backwards. Isaac rushed to her, arms outstretched as if to halt her fall, but it was a tree that saved her from another sprawling flop.

  “Kira.” He snarled her name, but not in a sexy-times kind of way. No, it was more of a yell than anything.

  Yells were not sexy at all.

  Then he was there, his body aligned with hers from head to toe and his warmth surrounded her. It crept into her, rekindling her doused desire. The near fall sent her need flying, but now, with his slightly-furry skin against hers, she was ready to pick up where they’d left off-ish.

  Kira didn’t want to mate in the middle of God’s nowhere, but making out just a little was okay. Maybe a kiss, or five, before they were once again locked in his classic car.

  “I’m okay.” She had his attention, now she just needed to keep it. “Stop worrying and kiss me for a minute.”

  He sneered, hands stroking her, fingers petting her body as if he were searching for any injuries. Distraction seemed like a good idea. For him, not her. She was already thinking of something other than the hard, rough bark at her back.

  Particularly the thick hardness pressed against her hip. It was long and big, and she figured it’d probably fill her oh so well.

  She couldn’t wait to find out. But first, distraction.

  “I’m fine, Isaac.” She petted his chest. “Just kiss me and then you can take me home and we’ll mate.”

  Another growl, one that ended when his lips met hers in a passionate meeting of mouths. He dominated her, shoving his tongue forward and stroking her. She licked and tasted in return, savoring each tasty morsel that he relinquished. Teeth nibbled and tugged before he delved back into their kiss once again. It quickly went for simmering passion to roaring heat and desperate need.

  Need. Yes, need. She needed him to touch her, fill her, possess and claim her.

  Her pussy heated further, clenching in time with his suckles and strokes. She knew her panties were growing damper by the second, her body preparing for him. Her mole chittered and chatted, excited about finally claiming the male that belonged to them.

  Isaac released her mouth, but didn’t cease his kisses and caresses. No, he simply changed location. He traveled over her cheek and then down to her neck, nudging her until she tilted her head to the side to grant him better access. He licked and lapped her skin, as if he couldn’t get enough of her flavors.

  “S’good.” His hands roamed her body, lips and fangs doing delicious things to her skin while he stroked her, sending her need spiraling higher.

  He flexed his hips and she rocked hers in return, reveling in the shudder that wracked his body.

  Yes. She did that. Kira Kolanowski had big, bad Isaac Abrams trembling and snarling.

  Go team Kira!

  Those large hands reached around and cupped her ass, squeezing the globes and pulling her firmly against him. He lifted her ever so slightly, fully aligning their bodies, and she quaked with the new sensations.

  “Isaac,” she gasped.

  He rumbled in response, rocking his hips against her once more. He pressed his face to her neck, chest expanding when he breathed and then he released the air with a deep growl. “Y’smell so damn good, Kira.” He licked her skin. “Need you.”

  “Yes.” Screw it. Bark burn was worth whatever Isaac had in mind.

  It was as if her single word released the floodgates of his passion. His hands stroked and touched her everywhere. His touch brought every nerve flaring to life, her body aching for more of him with each breath.

  They both panted, fighting for air as they continued their caresses.

  His hands slid beneath her top, gliding over her, his rough calluses scratching and scraping her skin. The delicious sensations had her moaning for more, and he gave it.

  More touching. More stroking. More kisses. More… nakedness?

  Somewhere between sucking on her neck and cupping her breasts, Isaac managed to unsnap her shorts and nudge the material until they pooled around her ankles.

  The man was a drug and she was addicted.

  She also wanted whatever he had going on downtown. His lips left her neck, traveling lower and tracing the upper curve of her breasts before they disappeared altogether.

  Kira whimpered, aching for his mouth, but he was gone. Gone down and down and… on his knees before her. Oh, that was a pretty, blurry sight.

  “Isaac?” The ground was rocky. Wasn’t that why they weren’t getting horizontal? “The rocks…”

  “Hush and lift your foot.”

  “Naked times are indoor times and…” She didn’t really want to finish her thought since once she stepped out of her shorts, he tugged on her panties next. Then that traitorous scrap of cloth was gone, leaving her bare from the waist down.

  Bare with a bear kneeling between her legs.

  She would have snorted if he hadn’t chosen that moment to lean forward and bury his nose between her thighs.

  Then she didn’t give a damn if she scared the birds with her cries. Not when his tongue snaked out and lapped at her slit. Or when he parted the folds and licked her swollen clit. Definitely not when he sucked on the bundle of nerves.

  Kira reached down and sifted her fingers through his hair, fisting the strands as he continued to pleasure her. He kneaded and gripped her hips, pulling her tighter against his mouth and she didn’t have the energy to fight. Not when he did that thing with his tongue. And oh, that thing too… And could tongues really do that?

  Apparently, because Isaac did. He did it once, twice, and then again.

  Then his fingers filled her, two pushing deep into her heat, giving her a hint of a stretch while it also consumed her with pleasure. The gentle thrust of his digits was joined by the soft suckle of her clit, and Kira found herself merely riding the surge of bliss. She let him do as he desired, gifting her with wave after wave of joy.

  He stroked her sheath, flicked and teased her clit, all the while growling and rumbling. The vibrations added to the pleasure until she felt as if she’d burst from the sensations.

  She trembled and shook, overwhelmed by his attentions, but she refused to let him stop. Hell no, he better no
t stop. She’d go feral mole on him if he even hinted at slowing.

  Kira tested his hold, experimentally rocking her hips and that earned her a snarl in response. Not one of those “don’t fucking move” sounds. It was more along the lines of “do it again.”

  So she did.

  And again.

  And again.

  Because damn, it felt so fucking good.

  She held him steady and took what she needed. She opened herself to him, gently riding his hand as she sought her release. Yes, she’d come soon, body responding to his attentions with a final release.

  Super, super soon.

  Isaac scraped one of his sharpened fangs over her clit, the hint of pain adding to the gathering pleasure and she couldn’t keep her voice contained.

  “Isaac!” He did it again, drawing more from her. “Oh, God, Isaac!”

  He moaned and continued his torment. Any second now, she’d burst and shatter into a million pieces.

  Any… second… now…

  His fingers disappeared for hardly a moment and then they were back. Or rather, three were back, stretching and filling her. They touched and stroked, reaching and pressing against her nerves. He curled his digits, pressing against that internal bundle of nerves. He rubbed in time with his tongue lapping at her clit and that was all she needed.

  Her back arched without conscious thought, body tensing and trembling with the pure pleasure that assaulted her veins. Her pussy clenched and tightened around him, rhythmically milking his invasion. The feelings raced over her nerves, and still he didn’t relent.

  No, it went on and on, torturing her from inside out and she wasn’t sure how much more she could take. But Isaac wouldn’t stop, wouldn’t relent in his attentions and she realized she could take a lot.

  Muscles no longer responded to her, instead, they simply jerked and twitched at random. Shudders consumed her just as Isaac consumed her. There was no lessening, no pause or easing.

  “Isaac,” she whimpered, begging for more and pleading with him to stop at the same time.


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