Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4)

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Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4) Page 20

by Celia Kyle

  Zoey chuckled and then moaned. “Nice try.”

  “It’s part of the job. Clean, patch, and lie. Can’t do right by you without all the steps.”

  He touched another spot, hiding his emotional pain when yet another injury was exposed.

  Zoey hissed and then sucked in a sharp breath. “Fuck that hurts. I don’t know how she did this. God, years of this. It just…”

  Isaac clung to his control, wrapping the bear tightly when it threatened to burst free. “It just what?”

  “It just became normal after a while and I didn’t… Selfish bitch, party of one.”

  He flicked a glance to her face, watching the expressions and trying to look past the woman’s agony. “It’s hard to know something’s wrong if you don’t know what’s right.”

  “Yeah.” She twitched away from him and a tear escaped her eye.

  “He, he used that stuff on me and wouldn’t give me… And I couldn’t stop…” Zoey turned her head enough to stare into his eyes, to lay her life at his feet and beg without thought. “Am I gonna die? I don’t… I don’t want all this pain. I want it to not hurt. Can you make it not hurt before I… Please.”

  It was as if the searing asphalt was beneath his knees once again, sinking past his jeans and burning his skin as he knelt beside yet another clan member, yet another male fighting past the agony to beg for death.

  Males, men he’d admired and learned from, surrounded him again, watching him fight for life after life. He wasn’t losing another, he wouldn’t. One was too many and he was already missing two.

  Sorrow, the agony of the past and the helplessness of the present, overlaid each other. They crept into his heart and grasped the fear that lingered there. They tied together in roiling knots, stretching and growing and filling him with the pain until he couldn’t breathe.

  “Please.” Her voice was thin, barely above a whisper.

  “You’re not dying, Zoey. It would piss Kira off, and I wanna get laid someday.”

  Zoey chuckled and then groaned, hand moving toward the darkest part of her body. That’s where he’d start. The pain had to be the worst there, so he’d discover the source and begin his healing.

  The soft shuffle of feet on wood drew his gaze to Kira hovering in the doorway, pitcher in hand. One that was familiar to him and he hated that it’d serve the same purpose as when he’d been injured.

  “C’mere, baby. Help me patch up Zoey-bear.” He put a teasing smile on his lips, keeping the mood as light as possible while one woman’s heart broke before his gaze and the other crept closer to death with every breath.

  “Gonna kick her ass for saying that,” Zoey mumbled.

  “You and what army?” Kira shot back as she approached, brushing her tears away before finally stopping beside him.

  “You gotta sleep at some point, dirt eater.”

  Isaac pushed their bickering from his mind, their chatter distant as he carefully worked on Zoey. Occasionally she’d gasp or a hoarse cry would burst past her lips, but a few shots of local anesthetic had her suffering through his treatments. He couldn’t take care of everything in his makeshift hospital, but it’d be enough while his assistant swung by the clinic, grabbed what he needed and brought it to Kira’s.

  Minutes turned into an hour and then it eased toward a second before he finally took a break. Zoey passed out at some point, the stress of her injuries and pain sending her into unconsciousness. It was a blessing and a curse, but it meant his bear didn’t have to roar at every sound she made. The animal was ready to destroy the male who’d hurt Zoey, which in turn upset his mate. Zoey’s attacker was dead. He just didn’t know it yet.

  Just as he finished cleaning another of the woman’s wounds, a knock at the door snagged his attention from his patient. Kira sat beside him on the coffee table, always there to hand him what he needed or take away soaked gauze.

  “I think that’s Flynn. Hold this.”

  “I can—”

  “Not while whoever did this to Zoey is still out there.”

  “It’s not like he’s dumb enough to knock.”

  Crazy tended to go hand-in-hand with stupid, so he wouldn’t put it past the fucker.

  When he got to the front door, he looked through the peephole and was relieved to see his assistant, a large box cradled in his arms. Isaac tugged the door open and held it wide. “Just through there. Our patient is on the couch.”

  Flynn strode past him, all business when presented with a problem, but before he crossed the living room’s threshold, he froze in place.

  A pale-faced male slowly turned to Isaac. “Healer?”

  Isaac furrowed his brow. “What’s wrong? Do you have a problem treating another wolf? Or is it my mate you take issue with?” He couldn’t suppress the growl. The bear was furious on both women’s behalf. How dare anyone—

  “No, Healer, never. I just wasn’t aware he had… No one knows… I mean… I thought… Is Alpha Bennett back?”

  His rising anger gave way to confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  The Redby pack’s ex-Alpha had almost gotten Keen’s mate killed. Hell, in reality, he’d actually tried to murder Trista. Too bad for him that 1) killing her outside the planned challenge was illegal and 2) Trista was the Southeast Itan’s niece. Terrence had not been a happy, deadly werebear.

  Reid Bennett had fucked up and was then taken into custody. No one had heard from him—nor asked about him—since. All anyone did know was that the Southeast Itan hadn’t killed the werewolf.

  “That’s… She’s related to him. No lie, Healer. I don’t know her, but she scents like a sister. A close cousin at least.” Flynn’s eyes widened. “Oh shit, you didn’t know that, did you?” The young wolf dropped the box, sending it clattering to the ground and waking Zoey. “I’m so outta here if she’s gonna die. I like breathing.”

  “Isaac?” Worry tinged his mate’s voice and the expression on Zoey’s face was even more shattered.

  “Nothing, baby. Flynn’s grip slipped. Let me go through this with him in the kitchen and we’ll be right back,” he assured Kira, waiting for the tension to ease before he grabbed the discarded box in one hand and snared the wolf by the back of his neck with the other.

  It took them no time to get to Kira’s kitchen and the moment they crossed the threshold he sat the box on the counter and rounded on his assistant. “Speak.”

  “I-I-I-I didn’t know. I don’t know. She smells like… But the Southeast Itan… And he never said… She just smells like…”

  Between the blood and the emotions surrounding the females, Isaac wasn’t surprised he’d missed the telltale aromas that clung to Zoey. Now that he thought about it, he did notice how similar she smelled to the banished alpha wolf.

  God, just what he needed. Couldn’t anyone in their family find a mate without all the drama?

  “I don’t care if she’s the devil incarnate, she’s hurt. So we’re going in there to help my mate’s best friend. Zoey is her pack mate and soul sister. She will not die.” With that, Isaac snatched the box once again, needing to keep up the ruse, and marched from the room.

  Of course, in the silence of the house, it was easy to hear Flynn’s words. “Hell no she won’t die. Reid would kill us.”

  When Isaac stepped into the living room, Kira’s worried gaze was on his as she sat beside her friend; Reid was the least of his worries. No, if something happened to Zoey, it wasn’t Reid who would come after him, it was Kira.

  And that was scary as hell.

  * * *

  Short of magically transferring his strength to Zoey, the woman was healed. She still remained on Kira’s couch, bandaged and out cold, but Isaac didn’t think she was in any danger of dying.

  At least, not anymore. Goddamned Carvrix got way too close to her heart for Isaac’s comfort. And then her lungs…

  He hoped the woman’s wolf was a strong little bitch.

  Hands now free of blood and patched up from working with the poison, he rested
on Kira’s front porch, rocking in the swing with his mate at his side. Murmurs crept from inside, sneaking past the thin glass windows. Cars lined the street, almost a dozen and the number grew by the minute. He watched yet another slowly cruise by, the driver obviously hunting for a space.

  Damn the house was gonna get crowded.

  Kira sighed and rested her head on his chest, snuggling even closer. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He returned with equally soft words. “For what?”

  “Saving her. She…” His mate sniffled.

  Pressing a kiss to her head, he wrapped his arm around her and tugged her closer. “Hush. Everything’s fine. She’ll recover. She won’t be happy for a while, healing is a bitch, but she’ll be okay.”

  Kira nodded. “I know, but I was so scared.”

  So was I.

  But he didn’t say the words. Speaking them aloud wouldn’t do anything but ratchet up her unease and that was the last thing he wanted.

  Instead, he enjoyed the cool breeze, the rhythmic squeak of the swing, and the feel of his mate in his arms.

  A large SUV screeched to a stop in the middle of the street, double parking and blocking most of the traffic. Isaac wondered when Ty would finally get word. Mrs. Laurie had already visited and then scampered back to her home to spread the gossip she’d gleaned from Kira. He would have told her to keep it quiet until they could speak with the clan’s Itan, but with the confusion of Zoey’s recovery and all the wolves… it just hadn’t happened yet.

  Ty strode through the gate surrounding Kira’s front yard. They’d finally just propped the thing open so they wouldn’t have to listen to the bell jingle every thirty seconds.

  The clan’s Itan bounded up the stairs, murder in his eyes, and swung his attention to Isaac.

  He didn’t bother getting up. Sure, his mate stiffened in his arms, but a gentle rub had her relaxing once again.

  “Isaac.” His brother’s voice was calm. Too calm. That meant the man’s bear was good and pissed.

  “Itan.” It was best to fall back on protocol when Ty got his back up. He had to remind the male that not only was he a bear, he was the bear and meant to protect his members.

  Not rip them to shreds.

  A door slamming deep within Kira’s home drew Ty’s attention for a moment, and the male glared at the front door as if he could see through the panel.

  “Would you like to tell me why I have half the Redby pack in my territory?”

  “Not really.” That earned him a glare and he huffed. “Kira’s best friend from her old pack showed up. Her father or brother—maybe both— decided Zoey was a good substitute for testing out their toxins. She managed to make it here, but it was close for a while, Ty.” Too damned close.

  “That doesn’t answer—”

  Isaac held up a hand. “I called Flynn to fetch supplies from the clinic, and as you know, he’s a wolf like Zoey. So when he brought what I needed, he not only recognized her as a wolf, but also as Reid Bennett’s sister. Possibly cousin, but Flynn seemed positive she’s the male’s sister.”

  “Fuck. I didn’t even know he had a sister.” Ty bit off the word and then clenched his jaw, muscles of his neck bulging. “You know what that bastard did.”

  Reid had nearly killed Trista because of something her father had done to Reid’s family. It didn’t matter that the Hyena Alpha who’d caused his family so much pain nearly did as much damage to Trista. Reid had wanted the blood debt paid. One of the few things that’d saved Trista and Keen from Reid was Van.

  They’d also managed to capture Reid. Alive. No one was sure what the Southeast Itan did with the alpha wolf, but they’d never spoken of him again.

  Until now.

  “I know what he did, but that has nothing to do with Zoey,” he countered. “Just as whatever Trista’s father did was not Trista’s fault. We don’t hold that against her.”

  The “anymore” was implied.

  “And the pack is here because…”

  Isaac shrugged, nearly dislodging Kira. He brushed a kiss across her head with a murmured “sorry” before answering Ty. “Because, even though he was more than a little psychotic, they still respect the man. He held them together for a long time. Right, wrong, or indifferent, that pack is loyal to Reid Bennett and she’s his family. She needs help. The pack is ready to give it to her however they can.”

  “Can they help her on their land? Having this many here makes me uneasy.” Ty’s chest expanded, stretching the man’s shirt.

  “No, she’s Kira’s best friend and that makes her family, which makes her clan.” He wasn’t going to address the fact that he pulled that idea outta his ass. “Besides, their interim alpha will be here soon. Right now, they’re crowding around her and giving what comfort they can. You’ll probably find more wolves than humans in the living room. Once he arrives, I figure you two can negotiate the number they leave behind.”

  Ty took another deep breath, the low snap of string telling Isaac that his brother’s clothes were quickly losing the battle with his size. “There doesn’t need to be a negotiation. They leave. Done.”

  “You know we have that treaty with them. Boyne Falls is neutral territory since the fight with the hyenas and you even let a dozen wolves or so work in Grayslake. It’d be a show of good faith if you let a few stay.” Isaac remained intent on his brother. “Plus, it makes my mate happy. And if my mate is happy…”

  He let the words trail off and the tension in Ty deflated like a balloon.

  “Then my mate is happy because the family should be happy.”

  “And one chink in the chain…” He continued Mia’s favorite message.

  “Ruins the links and it’s harder to fix what was broken than to never have broken it in the first place,” Ty grumbled. “Fine. I’ll speak with the alpha and we’ll figure something out.”

  Isaac glanced at Kira, noting her even breathing and slack mouth. “It’s good to have them anyway, Ty. Who knows if her family followed or tracked her. I’m damned thankful I was able to patch her up, but on the off chance Kira’s father or brother show up…”

  “Yeah.” Ty nodded. “Do they know what happened to her? What they’re up against?”

  “No. Not right now. You know what I know. I realize you found out about all of this in a roundabout way, but I had intended on telling you. I figured you and the alpha could disperse the information as you desired.”

  “Gee, thanks,” he drawled.

  Isaac grunted, sounding so like their father it was ridiculous.

  Another vehicle roared down the street, fully blocking the road when it rolled to a stop beside Ty’s SUV. A large male climbed out, power and authority trailing in his wake. He exuded dominance in the overwhelming way of alpha wolves. Bears, for all their deadly ferocity, were more circumspect. They were slower to anger, but quick to destroy.

  Wolves, dominant wolves, went balls to the wall one hundred percent of the time.

  Kira shivered, body trembling and then she gasped, jerking away from Isaac. “Wha—” the male’s booted foot stomped on the first stair and she startled, jumping in her seat. “What’s… Who?”

  Isaac tugged her close. “Just Ty and the Redby alpha. I’ve got you. You’re safe.”

  The male finished his heavy trudging up the steps and stopped beside Ty, curling his lip at their Itan.

  Yeah, mistake.

  Ty returned the expression only, instead of a couple inches of fang, Ty revealed four and released a rolling, rumbling growl for good measure.

  Which, of course—of course—had his mate off the swing and across the porch before he could blink. She was a streak of brown hair and curves and he raced after her. His little mole was wading into fang and claw fight with itty-bitty teeth.

  She didn’t seem to care. Nope, she pushed her way between the two men and she snarled at them.

  “What do you two think you’re doing?” She nudged Ty and elbowed the alpha. “My very best friend in the whole world is dying i
nside—” She wasn’t dying and Kira knew that, but he didn’t want to ruin her tirade. “And you two are snarling at each other. You’re about to fight and cause more drama. Not here. This is my porch, darn it.”

  She stomped her foot, and he needed to remind her not to do that in public. It made her breasts bounce and it’d drawn the attention of other males. He’d hate to have to kill every man in town.

  “Kira, you’re in Grayslake. As the Itan, I don’t need anyone’s permission to—”

  “When you’re holding my wolves hostage, I have every right to—”

  Ty and the wolf spoke over each other and Kira stomped her adorable, tit bouncing foot again. “I am not yet mated to Isaac which means I am not part of the clan which means I don’t have to let anyone in if I don’t want to.”

  Ty glared at Isaac. “I could get a warrant.”

  “To stand on my porch?”

  Isaac hoped his brother realized how stupid that sounded. By Ty’s blush, he figured she’d accomplished her goal. Now she rounded on the alpha.

  “And you. I don’t know where you learned your manners, but you don’t come barging into someone’s home and—”

  “I’m on your porch.” The male pushed the words through wolfen teeth and his tone had both Isaac and Ty snarling at him. Which caused the wolf to snarl and they were back where they started.

  Except then the front door opened and Flynn stuck his head out. “Alpha,” he tipped his head at the wolf and then looked to Ty. “And Itan. With all due respect, can you please keep it down? Our Alpha Bitch is resting and she’s been through a lot already.”

  With that, the door swung shut and silence reigned in his wake.

  The wolf trembled but Isaac didn’t delude himself that it was due to fear. Nope, the male was filled to the brim with anger. “The pack does not have an Alpha Bitch.”

  Ty grinned, eyes sparkling. “You do now. I got a mole. You got an Alpha Bitch. I’m not sure which of us came out ahead, but I’m thinking it’s me. Have fun keeping her in line.”

  Kira spoke up. “No one is keeping anyone in line. Zoey is staying here, with me.” His mate turned to Ty. “She doesn’t cause any trouble and she’s really sweet and I know she could be an asset to the clan.”


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