Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4)

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Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4) Page 22

by Celia Kyle

  Not sexy, but true.

  Her hands were soft, the touch light, when she stroked his head. “It doesn’t matter, Isaac. Not anymore.”

  He nodded, scruff chafing her soft skin. “I know.”

  It didn’t. Nothing beyond them mattered any longer.

  He moved on, memorizing every blemished spot. Each one made him love her more. Each one had him desperate to see her family dead at his feet. Based on the condition of her body, he figured God would give him a pass.

  Isaac continued his journey south, exploring Kira, learning her. He didn’t just map her body, he memorized what his touches brought from her lips. He tucked her responses away for future use. Someday he’d drive her to release without touching her pussy, without entering her. Words and whispered kisses would get her there.

  Definitely not today.

  He crossed her stomach, tracing the long line that spanned her from chest to hipbone. It was long, thick, and deep as hell. It’d hurt, it’d burned her from inside out, and it had probably come close to killing her.

  His bear roared at the idea, at the mere thought of someone ending his beautiful Kira’s life.

  It wasn’t until she tugged on his hair and forced his head away from her that he realized he was growling.

  “It’s over. Done. No one else will get near me ever again.”

  Isaac swallowed the sounds pouring from his throat and shoved the bear back into its cage. “They won’t,” he promised.

  “Then forget them all, Isaac. They don’t exist anymore. You and me? We’re it. Nothing else matters.” Her smile was sweet, her eyes glazed with passion and the scent of her arousal wrapped around him like a needy cloak.

  His mate wanted him to discard the past?

  He would do anything to have Kira in his life, including forgetting about the males who’d nearly ended hers.

  Isaac nuzzled her hip and then rubbed his cheek against her inner thigh, enjoying the smooth flesh against his face. Once again, her musk surrounded him and drew him toward heaven. She was so sweet and delicious on his tongue and he wanted more.

  He lapped at her slit, gathering the moisture waiting for him and swallowed, enjoying the salty sweetness. Again he licked her, gathering more, enjoying every hint of her. Her gasps and moans told him he was doing something right, her body reacting to him and telling him he was on the road to satisfaction.

  The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  The road to happiness is paved with hardness.

  Isaac figured the men or women who originally wrote those words had never tasted Kira. Her pussy was the road to happiness and hell.

  She rocked against his lips, giving him more of her and he took it gladly, breathing her in as he tasted her. She begged and pleaded, but he didn’t listen. He was too busy devouring her.

  Of course, that was about the time she nearly yanked the hair out of his head.

  He released his treat and raised his head. “Kira?”

  “Oh my God, will you mate me already!” Her face was flushed red, sweat dappling her brows and her chest heaved as she fought for breath.

  “But…” He still had to explore her legs. And feet. Her toes really were adorable and he wasn’t even a feet kinda guy.

  “Isaac, if you don’t get your cock and teeth in me in a second, I will tie you to this bed and take what I want.”

  All right then.


  Kira was gonna kill him if he didn’t get the show on the road. Yes, she admitted things were very touching and wonderful and emotional as he fought to rid her of her past. Yada yada already.

  She wanted to be his.

  When he didn’t respond, she opened her mouth to repeat her demand. He wanted her, she wanted him, she just needed him to do his duty.

  With a growl, he crawled up her body and then shifted to his knees between her spread thighs. She couldn’t depend on her sight to guide her. All she had was her nose. And even with only that part doing its job, she knew every emotion that coursed through him.

  He wanted her. He was attracted to her. He… loved her.

  He was also ready to burst if he didn’t take her. The edge of his release lingered and she wanted him buried deep before he succumbed to pleasure.

  Kira spread her thighs wider, exposing herself to his gaze. “Please.”

  One word had him gripping her hip with one hand while the other encircled his cock. A shift of muscle had the blunted tip pressed against her opening and she shuddered with the connection. He was hot, heavy, and thick, and about to be inside her.

  Yes, yes, and yes again.

  He rubbed that tip along her slit, teasing her with the heated pressure, until she thought she’d go insane. Up and down and up again, each pass nudging her clit and sending sparks of pleasure down her spine. She was ready, willing, and able as soon as he got inside her.

  Her teeth ached in anticipation, waiting and ready to lengthen and pierce his shoulder. The mole was more than onboard with that plan.

  Hell, it was waving pom-poms and doing its own version of a weremole dance.

  Isaac froze and his heavy gaze landed on her. “Are you sure, Kira?”

  Doubt still lingered inside him and that was unacceptable.

  She pushed herself up, resting her weight on one arm as she reached for him. He shifted as if to move away, but she captured him. It didn’t take a strong grip or a rough yank. No, it was nothing more than her palm against the rough side of his face. Her fingers teased the scarring, the rough line drawing her touch.

  “I want you to be mine, Isaac Abrams. You haven’t given me a chance to explore your body, but I bet it’s in better shape than my own. How about we both quit worrying we’re not enough for the other? Accept that I’m not lying to you and claim me already.”

  Isaac rushed forward, pushing her back and his cock was there again. Only this time, he wasn’t teasing or caressing. No, he pushed into her, spreading her with his thickness as he slowly consumed her. He stroked her inner walls with his length, rubbing against nerves ready to sing for him.

  “Yes,” she hissed and arched, rocking into his gentle thrust.

  Of course, it wasn’t long before they were less than gentle. They turned into deep, forceful thrusts that rocked the bed and sent it thumping against the wall. A sensuous retreat and then a forceful advance, emptying and filling her in equal measure. With each one she gasped, with each one he groaned, and with each one they reached for their peak.

  When they came, they’d also claim, the pleasure overriding any hints of pain.

  She was ready. More than ready.

  Kira worked with him, panting and heaving in an effort to race to the edge. She planted her feet on the mattress, using the leverage to meet his every thrust. Their bodies collided with an echoing slap of skin on skin, the sounds warring with their panting breaths, moans, and groans. It was sweaty and sexy and dirty all in one.

  Sex wasn’t pretty, but damn, it felt good.

  Kira’s fingers ached, her nails burning with her mole’s need to assert itself.

  Isaac could not bang an itty-bitty weremole. Just… ew.

  So she held it back, kept it at bay, but did allow the animal to sharpen Kira’s teeth. She would need them soon.


  Oh, fuck, soon.

  Isaac was gonna blow at any moment. She was hot, slick seduction and he was ready to lose himself to her. She moved with him, fought for release at his side, and he ached to fill her with his cum. Any moment now they’d bind themselves to one another and then she could never get away.

  He would never be alone. He would have a family. He would have a life that didn’t make him afraid to smile.

  Because Kira didn’t give a damn about his scars and she—his mate—was the only one who mattered.

  He leaned over her, blanketing her body with his and groaned with the feel of her damp skin aligned with his body. Damn, her arousal, her sweat, her scent… they all called to the bear.

  The ache
in his bones and the stinging of his gums told him the bear was ready to answer its mate’s call.

  Yes. Yes. Yes.

  As he lowered, she tilted her head to the side, baring her slim neck to him and his mouth watered at what was to come. Her blood would flow over his tongue, his would fill her mouth and then they’d be one.

  His hips continued their passionate movements, bringing them closer to release, and he reveled in the sensations. His body worked on automatic, allowing Isaac to catalog every feeling that filled him.

  Love overrode them all and he was man enough to admit it. At least, to himself.

  Kira’s sharp nails pricked him, those sharpened tips digging into his skin, and the scent of his own blood reached him. It also reached Kira. She gasped, mouth opened wide, and he spied evidence of her animal’s presence. Her teeth were long and sharp, prepared to enter… him.

  Now, now, now…

  “Isaac,” his name came from her lips like a gasping whine. Her pussy clenched down on him, tightening and milking his cock, telling him she was there. She was on the edge and it was up to him to push her over.

  He would do so. Gladly.

  Letting his control ease, his hips sped, increasing the force of their meetings, sending the bed rocking further. His balls were high and tight against him, prepared to release and fill Kira.

  She held her breath, heat squeezing him tight in one fierce fist, and he let that last tendril of restraint snap.

  With a roar, he lowered his head and struck, biting deep into her flesh. At the same moment, she echoed his action, sending a bolt of pain down his spine. It joined with the pleasure already pumping through his veins, and then his world exploded.

  He came in a rapid series of trembles and twitches, his body’s instincts stealing his control. He shook while his bear’s roar of approval vibrated through his mind.

  Her blood flowed over his tongue, sweet, just like her skin. It was dark and delicious and he knew he’d never get enough. Never, ever enough.

  He growled and shifted his hips, pressing them tighter against her as his cock pulsed and filled her with his release. She was his, his mate, his love, and hopefully the mother of his cubs. If he was lucky, he’d already gotten her pregnant. If not, they had all night.

  It only took Ty a couple of days. Isaac was determined to begin building his family now.

  Slowly Isaac released his hold on her shoulder, easing his teeth free of her abused flesh. He licked and lapped at the large wound. It was another scar to add to her collection, but while the others were created with hate, this one came with love.

  She just didn’t know it yet.

  Another tremble wracked him, his orgasm continuing to play havoc on his body while pleasure still filled his veins. Damn. Good thing he wasn’t gonna have to walk anytime soon. He wasn’t sure his legs would support him.

  Kira removed her teeth and treated him to the same treatment as he’d given her. Gentle, soothing licks were peppered along his shoulder. Minutes ticked past, her tongue bath encouraging his cock to respond, before she finally relaxed against the mattress with a satisfied sigh.

  She gave him a sated, sleepy smile, one that had her eyes drifting shut.

  He still remained between her thighs, softening cock filling her, and sweat coating them both, but none of that seemed to matter to Kira.

  No, it didn’t matter because she… A soft snuffle reached him. She fell asleep.

  He’d remind her tomorrow that snores were not sexy.

  After he stared at her for a while.

  Which, if anyone asked, wasn’t creepy at all.

  Chapter Seventeen

  A happy smile on her lips, Kira padded through Isaac’s home toward the back door, her path clear and the layout firm in her mind.

  And nary a box in sight. Well, sight-ish.

  Isaac’s words trickled through her mind, his assurances that if she wanted to remain in Grayslake then that’s what’d they do. The Southeast Itan and Healer would be disappointed, but frustrated leaders were nothing compared to an unhappy mate.

  That resulted in another round or two of lovemaking and claiming. Okay, it was four rounds and she was really happy her mole was adept at healing. Otherwise, she’d be walking funny.

  Her mate’s rapid descent reached her, his feet stomping on the aged stairs, and then he hunted her, growing closer and closer. She turned to face him, smile gracing her lips.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he grumbled and crowded her, easing closer until her back rested against the door and he was plastered to her front. “Woke up alone.” The man practically whined.

  Kira slid her hands over his chest and linked her fingers behind his neck. “Going to get clothes.”

  Isaac leaned down and nuzzled her neck, lapping at her mating mark. “Y’have clothes.”

  “Your clothes.”

  “Smell like me,” the bear half of him rumbled.

  “And I’ll smell like you even with my own shorts and t-shirt. I’m not running around half-naked. Especially when I know more bears and wolves will show up today.” She pulled away and met his gaze. “I wanna be at Zoey’s side and I can’t do that in your shirt and boxers. Even with the button in the front, your boxers are kinda drafty.”

  He grunted and mumbled, “Fine.”

  “Good.” She grinned.

  “Gimme a sec and I’ll go with you.”

  Kira rolled her eyes. “It’s right next door.”

  “In a house of males.”

  “I have your mating bite and I’m sure all of Grayslake can smell you on me.”

  “Yeah, but all those men. Who knows—”

  She huffed. “You said Zoey would be safe with them last night. Both you and Ty assured me the pack wouldn’t harm her and would, in fact, protect her with their lives.”

  Isaac snarled, his acceptance teasing her nose.

  She pressed to her tiptoes and brushed a kiss across his lips. “I’ll be right back. Start coffee and when I return, we can discuss your reward.”

  “For making coffee?”

  “Uh-huh.” She nodded.

  And at the same moment, the coffee maker sputtered to life, the rumble of water heating immediately followed by the splatter of the caffeine-laced liquid hitting the bottom of the carafe.

  “Let’s talk about my reward now.”

  With a laugh, she nudged him away. “When I get back.”

  “Five minutes, tops. Or I’ll come over and haul you out head down, ass up. And you’re taking Ebenezer.” Isaac’s words were gruff and threatening, but she sensed his teasing. Sticking out her tongue, she nudged him back and slinked from the house, Isaac’s voice following her. “Don’t stick it out unless you’re gonna use it!”

  Ebenezer on her heels, the puppy bouncing along after her, Kira easily made her way to her own yard, the path marked with white flagstones. They’d have to pull them up and replace the fence between her house and Isaac’s once they began living together, but it was convenient at the moment. She wasn’t sure if he’d come to her house or she’d go to his. Either way, the fence had to go back up.

  Moving along the marked walkway, her mole remained alert, sniffing and scenting the air with every step she took. Right at the property line, Ebenezer shot past her, racing over the rough lawn. They’d done their best to restore the yard, but it’d take time.

  Her dog’s snarling barks snatched her attention, Ebie’s tone telling her he was upset by more than having to wait for her. No, he was enraged and aggressive like he’d been when Vanessa…

  Kira swung her attention toward the pup who was currently snarling at a large male standing on the back porch. An air of menace surrounded him like a black cloak and invaded the surrounding air. The dominance and power encircled him, seeming to create a barrier between him and the rest of the world.

  She wasn’t close yet, a good forty feet separating them, but she could feel his simmering rage. It wasn’t a scent or hint of an aroma. No, the feeling crept into
her bones, freezing her from inside out.

  In her life, she’d been afraid more times than she could count. Her pack was adept at scaring her, at driving her just shy of crazy with terror. She was familiar with the emotion.

  This… went very, very far beyond that.

  Staring at him, meeting his darkened gaze, she tacked on another very.

  Ebenezer continued growling, saliva dripping from his fangs as he bared them at the male. Her dog hadn’t cared for the interloping wolves, but accepted them into the house once they’d introduced themselves. If she hadn’t known he was a true dog, she would have thought he had a little shifter in him.

  Now, facing off against this stranger, she knew her little Ebie was all vicious animal.

  “You,” the male rumbled, his fury seeming to slink across the ground and reach for her with its invisible tendrils, “are either the most stupid or most ballsy bitch I’ve ever met.”

  He thumped down the back porch steps slowly, his booted feet colliding with each stair with a booming thud.

  Slow. Deadly.

  She wanted to back away, wanted to scurry and hide and dig into the dirt where no one could get to her. She could go deep, as could they, but she could go deeper still. And faster. Her little beastie was at home in the earth. Yes, she could sink faster than they could dig.

  But she didn’t relent. She held fast as the male approached, despite her terror and the adrenaline flooding her veins. Other shifters could taste her fear, she couldn’t help that, but she could remain strong beneath the weight of his dominance. She hadn’t backed down from Alpha Asshole or his son even when they did everything they could to be rid of her. She wasn’t about to relent to this stranger.

  Besides, he was in her territory. Not the other way around.

  “So, which is it?” He drew closer. “Stupid or ballsy?”

  Kira licked her dry lips, mouth just as parched and unwilling to release any moisture. She should run, race back to Isaac and hide behind his larger, stronger body.

  But she knew the fastest way to get caught was to run. It revved a shifter’s engines. Got males hot and hungry for the kill. Staying in place was safer. It might be just as painful, but the chance of survival was much, much greater.


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