Pretty Fly for a White Guy: The Complete Series Collection

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Pretty Fly for a White Guy: The Complete Series Collection Page 1

by Lena Skye





  BOOKS 1-4

  An Interracial BWWM Romance By..



  Drama, Conflict, Revenge, Jealousy, Insecurities and Misunderstandings. Life is never going to be simple when you are dating a man who is pretty fly for a white guy!

  Kenneth is the love of Nicole's life.

  However, it has been over a year since they were together officially and all signs are suggesting it is over for good between them. The fact he is now dating her ex-best friend is just the tip of the iceberg.

  Can she ever get over him and find happiness with someone else? Or should she fight for the man she believes she is meant to be with?

  Copyright Notice

  Lena Skye

  The Complete Pretty Fly For A White Guy Collection © 2014, Lena Skye


  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.


  #1 Episode 1 – The Pilot

  #2 Episode 2 - Revenge

  #3 Episode 3 - Trouble

  #4 Episode 4 – Finale

  Other Popular Lena Skye Titles

  Dating The White Billionaire

  Camille is a young, ambitious African American woman who lands herself a new job as personal assistant to young billionaire, Kyle Kane. Kyle is the sexiest white guy that Camille has ever seen and concentrating at work is not going to be easy with such a dreamboat around. However, things get very interesting when Kyle suggests that her job as personal assistant is set to be much more “PERSONAL” then she first imagined....

  Out Now!




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  Peace, Love & High Heels

  Lena xx




  Episode 1 – The Pilot


  “If a man is going to be a dirt bag, he will BE a dirt bag!”


  Most people compare their lives to movies and books.

  Movies and books imply a happy ending if you’re lucky. My life has seemed like more of a soap opera, well my love life anyway. It’s been an endless stream of bullshit and I just can’t seem to get over that one special person. I know that I should move on but when your heart is attached, there isn’t much that you can do about it. Some women have the power to move on from men that don’t mean them any good, but most women are like me. We fall in love with a man that we perceive to be absolutely amazing, we find out that he has all kinds of issues, and then we hope that we’re lucky enough to be able to settle for him in the future.

  That’s the way that I feel about Kenneth.

  Kenneth and I have been on and off for 3 years and right now we’re in an off period. It’s been a whole year since we’ve officially dated. We met through some mutual friends a while back and we hit it off immediately. He’s the typical alpha male, when he steps into a room his presence demands attention. He’s 6’3, handsome, dark hair, muscular physique, beautiful smile, and slit dimples to die for. The fact he is white and I am Black has never actually be an issue at all. Not for us or for our friends. I guess we live in times now where biracial relationships are not as taboo as they once were, certainly not in Atlanta anyway. However, subconsciously I do often wonder if maybe we were the same race then our relationship might be a bit....smoother?

  The bad side of him is that he comes off as a bit of a player. I would constantly find texts, or be approached by women that he had been dealing with. This usually leads to an ugly break up, him coming back, and I accept his apology. It’s kind of hard not to because he always seems so sincere and I have a huge soft spot for him. That’s why I can’t believe that it’s been a year since he’s tried to come back. Sure I’ve seen him quite a bit since then. We hang out in the same social circles. It’s hard to not run into him in Atlanta. We’re a pretty decent sized city but all of us in the fashion industry hang out amongst each other. There is no escaping it.

  “Earth to Nicole,” my friend Jasmine said as she snapped her fingers in front of my face. “Girl, the waiter is about to come back around and you better be ready, I’m hungry.”

  “Don’t worry about me, you’re always the one holding me up,” I laughed.

  “It’s the both of you,” Patrice chimes in, “the both of you heffas better have it together so that we can order.”

  Jasmine and I laughed because we both knew that Patrice was right. It’s always fun to get on her nerves because she’s a stickler for timeliness. She hates waiting for anything and so it’s interesting that she’s our friend. Jasmine and I are never on time unless it’s something that we’re getting paid for.

  I have a lot of associates but Jasmine and Patrice are my best friends. The three of us met in college and we’ve been best friends ever since. Jasmine was my roommate and Patrice shared a bathroom with us. Patrice was roommates with a white girl named Amelia, and all four of us were inseparable during undergrad. We all had fashion dreams and we pushed each other to great things. We are still the driving force behind each other’s success.

  Sometimes I miss Amelia, but then I remember why I hate her. She slept with Jasmine’s man 2 years ago, and they were engaged at the time. It was a terrible situation and Jasmine is still recovering from the whole ordeal. She’s sworn off of relationships and she’s focusing on her fashion line, which is pretty successful.

  The waiter came back to our table and we ordered our food. One of our favorite spots is the Zuma Sushi and Saki Bar. We all like saki, and we love sushi. We can’t get enough of it and the red and black vibe of it is great for conversations amongst ourselves. A lot of our lives have been discussed at these tables.

  “Do you think that Kenneth will ever come back?” I blurted out.

  They both looked at each other and rolled their eyes. I know that they’re tired of hearing my questions, thoughts, and complaints about Kenneth but I just can’t help it. My heart is still tied up in him and it hasn’t quelled. I saw him at a networking event a week before and he looked so damned good. Women were all over him because he’s hot and he is one of the few straight men in our industry. He isn’t into the creative side of the industry but he’s one hell of an accountant. Most of the Atlanta fashion community uses him to manage their funds.

  He acknowledged me but he didn’t say much else to me. He treated me as if I had done something wrong. If I remember correctly, he was the one talking to other girls and not the other way around. Technically I should be the one ignoring him and treating him as if he doesn’t exist. He had a lot of damned nerve to do that to me. It should have pissed me off but all it did was hurt my feelings.

  “Why would you want his trifling ass back?” Jasmine said while giving me an exasperated look.

  “I just don’t understand why you’re still thinking about him.”

  “I’m sor
ry Nicole, but she’s right,” Patrice added, “You’re worth so much more than that. Didn’t we just see him last week and he acted like he didn’t even know you.”

  I sighed, “I know you both are right but I miss him so much. I’ve tried dating other people but it’s just not the same. No one else makes me feel the way that he does.”

  Patrice smacked her lips, “You must mean that no one else can make you cry your eyes out for 3 weeks straight and keep you from leaving your house? It took us forever to get you to rejoin society the last time he fucked up.”

  “Yeah, but do you think he’s over me? What’s wrong with me? I did everything right, at least I think so. I was a damned good girlfriend but it just never seemed like enough.”

  “That's the thing,” Jasmine said, “It’s not you, it’s him! He is an asshole and there is nothing that can change that. He won’t change, not for you, and not for anybody else. Believe me, I would know. I’ve been through this remember? I spend 6 months depressed and wondering why Deshawn cheated on me with Amelia. I kept wondering what I did wrong. Then I realized that it wasn’t me at all.”

  “It’s true,” Patrice said after she swallowed a California roll. “If a man is going to be a dirt bag, he will BE a dirt bag! You can be the baddest bitch in the world and he’s still going to want someone else. Fuck Kenneth’s white boy ass.”

  I knew that what they were saying was true, but my heart just couldn’t come to terms that he and I were actually over. It sucks when your life doesn’t come together the way that you envision it. I got quiet over the course of the meal and let Patrice and Jasmine do the rest of the talking. I gave small grumbles and nods but I was no longer in the mood to talk. I appreciated their advice but it’s not what I wanted to hear.


  “Will you please come to our fashion show on Saturday? We have a lot of great new designers in the show. You won’t be disappointed,” the young lady in front of me promised.

  I have a love-hate relationship with networking events here in Atlanta. I enjoy mixing and mingling with the fashion elite and finding great talent. I hate having my time wasted with endless mediocre fashion shows. As one of the top boutique fashion buyers in my area, I’m highly sought after. I run into a lot of talent but I also get a lot of duds, and my reputation is everything to me.

  I’ve had to hurt a lot of feelings in my industry and I’ve had to try to do it politely. You never really want to piss off a designer because their collection may be crap this season, but who knows what will happen in a couple of years. Granted, money talks and so even if they hate me, they’ll still do business with me but I don’t like to have enemies. I don’t want a reputation for being an evil person. Our industry already has a reputation for bad attitudes and I like to try to combat that. So even if I think that a designer’s collection is completely horrible, I don’t say that. I simply say “It’s not what I’m currently looking for.”

  “I’m not entirely sure if I can make it. Here is my card, call my assistant and see if my schedule is open for that day,” I pulled out the card and handed it to her. She held the card as if it was the Holy Grail, and walked away. I felt flattered, I’m not sure if I’ll ever completely get over people being excited to speak to me, but it assures me that I’m doing something right.

  I walked to the back of the room and took a seat on the lounge chair because my 5 inch heels were beginning to hurt. They’re hot but they are by no means practical. My studded pumps are meant for display purposes only. I chose the perfect spot because it gave me a direct view of who is coming and leaving. I was only at the event because I wanted to meet a hot new designer that creates structured dresses for women of all sizes. I planned on making a bee line for her as soon as I saw her walk through the door and then go home to read the new Lena Skye book on my Kindle with a nice glass of wine.

  I wasn’t at all prepared for what was coming through the door next. I saw Kenneth walk through the door and he looked great. He was in all black and he was wearing it very well and that’s no surprise. He had a real “James Bond” vibe about him tonight. What was a surprise was who came sauntering into the room after him and then attached herself to his arm. It was none other than Amelia. My mouth went dry and my hands started to tremble and shake. I was happy that I was seated because I probably would have stumbled and fallen over. They both looked so damned…happy. He was wearing a self-satisfied smile and her disposition mirrored his.

  I couldn’t believe that the both of them would do that to me. I know that Amelia and I are no longer friends but there still should have been some boundaries. Everyone loosely knows the history between Kenneth and I and so there’s no excuse. But then again, what can I expect from a hoe bag like her? I can’t lie; I never thought she would do that to me. I wanted to walk over and bitch slap the both of them. However, I have more class than that and I was completely mortified at the scene before me.

  He placed his hand comfortably at her waist as they walked around and worked the room. They were obviously together. How long had this been going on? He knew that she was my friend and he’d dated her anyway. ‘Maybe that’s why he hasn’t come back to me,’ I thought. He was too busy fucking Amelia.

  All of a sudden the room seemed very small and I just wanted to leave. I rose to my feet, clutched my purse tightly, and headed towards the door. I would just have to see the designer on another day. I was in no condition to talk business with anyone. As I walked towards the door, Kenneth spotted me. I stared at him the way that a deer stares into headlights. He gave a half smile and then focused his attention on someone else. Once his gaze released me, I fled to my car.


  “What a crock!”


  “I’m so sorry that this happened to you,” Patrice said.

  “Me too, but I can’t really say that I’m surprised,” Jasmine said in a soft voice, “Amelia is a slut and I bet she couldn’t wait for the opportunity to get with Kenneth. Shame on him for allowing her to use him like that, she probably did it just to get under your skin.”

  My stomach felt like it was twisted in knots and the last few days had been torture. I keep seeing his arm around her waist and the stare that he gave me. I took another swig of my vodka and stared blankly at my friends. I understood where Jasmine was coming from but it was hard for me to feel sorry for her, I was too busy feeling sorry for myself.

  I fought myself for the last few days, I wanted to drive to Amelia house and whip her ass. I would have never slept with one of her exes and I definitely wouldn’t parade around town with one. I have more self respect than that and I wouldn’t want to hurt her that way. I began to think deeply about the whole thing.

  “Yeah,” I slurred, “I’m sorry too. I’m sorry that he has moved on and that he’s fucking that bitch.”

  “Darlin’, how much have you had to drink?” Patrice asked.

  “I don’t know, I’ve been drinking all day.”

  “Okay, we’re going to put you to bed, it’s late and it’s time for you to sleep some of this off. You have a lot of stuff to do in morning,” Jasmine took my glass and poured out the contents in the sink.

  She’s paying for my next bottle, what right does she have to bring her ass over here and throw away my liquor? I prepared to make a biting remark but then I got quiet. I knew that it would have been the liquor talking. There’s no need to lash out at my friends who love me. I needed to trust their judgment and take my trunk behind to sleep.

  “Okay, I’m going to bed. Thank the both of you for coming over. I love you,” I said as I staggered to my feet and headed towards my bedroom.

  “Good night heffa,” Patrice said.

  “Good night love,” Jasmine echoed as they let themselves out of my apartment.

  I plopped into my bed and tried to think even though my thoughts were hazy and affected by the alcohol. I need to move on because he obviously has. It’s crazy to sit and wait around for an entire year for a man that doesn’t mean me any goo
d. He’s never coming back and at this point I have too much pride to ask for him back. All kinds of thoughts have ran through my head and I finally begin to drift off to sleep.


  I wake up to the shrill of my alarm and I promise myself that I’m going to kill it one day. Its 6:30 a.m. and I feel like an elephant has been sitting on my head. I’m glad that I stopped drinking when my friends told me too because I couldn’t imagine feeling any worse than I already do. I head to the kitchen to get a glass of water and some pain killers. After downing them both I grab my phone and I see that I’ve missed 6 phone calls and three of them are from Joshua. He was blowing my phone up last night.

  I wonder what the hell Joshua wants, because he’s Kenneth’s best friend. My heart slightly races because I figured he was calling to tell me something about Kenneth. Joshua is overall a pretty pleasant guy. He’s the typical side kick to an alpha male. He’s loyal, cute, funny, and a yes man. He’s very easy on the eyes too. I’ve had to stop myself from looking at him a few times. He has chocolate skin, a slender muscular build, a little less than 6 feet, a light complexion, sexy full lips, and hazel eyes. You can’t ask for much more than that.


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