Pretty Fly for a White Guy: The Complete Series Collection

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Pretty Fly for a White Guy: The Complete Series Collection Page 10

by Lena Skye

  “Probably more,” I admitted.

  “I truly doubt that Nicole. Everything that I’ve done for the past year has been for you. The reason I’ve been pushing so hard to do better is because I wanted to make a better life for you and me. I want to give you the life that you deserve and you deserve everything.”

  I felt tears spring to my eyes because these are the kind of words that I’ve always wanted to hear come from his lips. He was being completely vulnerable to me and I was soaking up every moment of it. I needed to hear it and it soothed my soul.

  “Mmmmm Kenny”.

  I reached into his underwear and stroked his length. He was swollen and hard and he felt very familiar in my hand. His hands dropped to his side as I ran my hand from the base to the tip and then back down again. He completely belonged to me and he submitted to my touch.

  “Shit, Angel…I’ve missed you. No one else has this effect on me. You know how to touch me just right.”

  “That’s the same way that I feel about you,” I said, “I want you inside of me now.”

  “Under any other circumstance I would hold off and tease the hell out of you but I want to feel your warmth surrounding my dick. I’ve missed that sweet pussy baby, it's still mine right?”

  “It’s always been yours.....”

  “Now that’s what I want to hear,” he said.

  This is exactly why I love him so much. If the roles were reversed, Joshua and I would have had to have a full on discussion comparing him and Kenneth sexually. He would have obsessed over if Kenneth was better than him. Ken on the other hand is confident that no one can do it better than him and he’s right. Women love a self assured man and Ken was that in spades.

  I slipped my panties off and watched as he got rid of his own. Not sure who invented the theory that white men have small dicks but they lied. His white chocolate cock needed to be molded and put on a fireplace. I’ve always referred to it as “The Hammer.” When he pulls it out you know that he’s going to do some delicious damage. I laid back on the bed and spread my legs wide for him. He crawled up and kissed me from my ankle, up my calf, to my inner thigh, and French Kissed the lips of my vagina.

  “I’ll be tasting you later,” he said to my pussy and then kissed up the rest of my body.

  He got a giggle from me.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You’re so damned silly,” I laughed.

  “Well it’s the truth. I will be getting to it later, unless you have a problem with that.”

  “I don’t have a problem with that at all Kenny” I said as I raised my legs to give him easier access.

  “Yeah that’s what I thought,” he put his massive cock head against my entrance and I took a deep breath to ready myself for him.

  He was without a doubt the largest man that I’d ever been with. He could have made a living doing porn if he wanted but I would never tell him that. He pressed against my hole and slid in with a slight pop. I gasped in slight pain and shock.

  “It’s okay Angel. I’ll take it slow so don’t worry,” he said.

  I nodded and lifted my forehead to rest on his shoulder.

  He took slow and shallow strokes. I started to ignore the pain as he pushed deeper and deeper into me. Each stroke ignited me passion and I pushed forward to take more of him inside of me. My walls were stretching to accommodate his wide girth. He was all the way inside of me and he pushed deeper still.

  “Shit, Kenny,” I gasped, “You’re so fucking big.”

  “It’s all for you baby,” he said.

  I became undone at his words. My orgasm erupted from my body like a volcano that had been sleeping for over a hundred years. My breath slowed down and my juices coated his dick and he slid in and out of me easier. His strokes became a lot more urgent and he was well on his way to his own orgasm.

  “You feel so damned good, I’ve needed this for so long,” he said.

  He pumped in and out of me and I placed my hands on his ass, pushing him deeper inside. I was reaching another peak. I felt like he was stroking my soul, my body needed him and recognized him. It responded to each and every thrust inside of me. I came again like a glass of overflowing water.

  “Fuuuckkk,” he groaned.

  “I love you so much,” I squealed.

  “I love you too Angel,” he growled as he pumped his semen inside of me.

  I felt whole again. It was what I needed for such a long time. He collapsed on top of me and we drifted to sleep. I was more than happy to be pinned beneath him, it made me feel safe and secure. I was exactly where I wanted to be.

  Thoughts ran through my head as I lay there with Kenny drifting off to sleep but these were all happy thoughts. I had never been this happy in a very long time.

  I guess I had known it all along but I was in huge denial.

  It was always going to be Kenny.

  Always was and always will be.....


  I awoke to kisses all over my face. It was confirmation that the night before was not just a dream. I smiled and wrapped my arms around Kenneth’s neck before opening my eyes.

  “Good morning Angel Face,” he said.

  “Good morning Kenny,” I said.

  “Baby wake up, I have breakfast here for us.”

  I opened my eyes and saw some amazing omelets, fruit, and mimosas out on the balcony of his room.

  “You do love me,” I said.

  “Of course, would you expect anything less?”


  “Don’t answer that. Besides I plan on showing you.”

  We walked out onto the balcony and began to eat our breakfast. We sat in silence as we stuffed our faces, sneaking glances of the other and smiling. The morning just felt so perfect and I didn’t want it to end.

  That evening we would be heading back to reality.

  “Babe, don’t say anything to Josh until I get a chance to speak with him. I want the chance to talk to him about it first and I don’t want you in the middle. I know that you two will have to talk but I rather be the one to initially break the news to him,” Kenneth said.

  “That’s something that I will have no problem with doing. I would rather you told him because he’ll completely freak out if I do.”

  “Don’t worry about it baby, I got you.” He said passing me a piece of fruit.

  I realized that I needed to check my phone. Not only because I left my friends at the club but because my clients had a bad habit of calling, emailing, and texting at weird hours. Usually I was able to wait until the next business day to answer but every now and then I needed to be available immediately.

  I got up and checked my phone. I had 5 missed calls, 15 emails and 1 text from Joshua.

  From: Joshua

  To: Me

  I know.

  My heart sank as I sat my phone back down on the dresser. Word had already got back to him it seemed, not surprising in this fast smart phone world we live in now.

  I headed back out to the balcony to the man that I love and sat back down. I took a sip of my drink and quickly thought things over whilst Kenneth browsed his own phone.

  I felt so happy about what had happened with Kenneth but, at the same time, so terrible about Joshua. It was the worst and the best feelings in the world at the same time.

  Clearly, there would be a lot to deal with when we got back to Atlanta....




  Episode 2 – Revenge


  “It is funny how people will doubt the good things they hear about you, but they will believe the bad things in an instant.”


  It’s hard for me to keep secrets from my very best friends.

  However, I know that the time isn’t right and so I’ll have to keep my business to myself until I can let it all out. I’m not the only person who knows this secret because I’m sharing it with my new boyfriend, well my old boyfriend but we’re back to
gether now. The entire situation is incredibly complicated but I feel like sunshine is radiating throughout my body. That kind of energy is hard to contain, but I’ll have to do it for now. I feel like I want to shout it from the hilltops but this is far from being the most ideal situation.

  So now I’m on this plane sitting next to Patrice, one of my best friends. Things feel so incredibly awkward between the both of us and I know why, but I refuse to acknowledge it even if she wants to. I promised Kenneth that I wouldn’t say anything until he had the chance to speak to Joshua himself. We both owe him that.

  Joshua and Kenneth are best friends. Kenneth was originally my boyfriend, and then we broke up. During our breakup Joshua expressed an interest in me and it was clear that Kenneth had moved on with his life. What sucked was that he moved on with one of my ex best friends. Joshua was really nice and so I figured that I would give him a chance. All seemed to be going well but I saw some traits in Joshua that I didn’t like at all. He could be extremely jealous and insecure. Not my type of guy at all.

  I tried my best to give our relationship an honest chance, and I even turned Kenneth down when he tried to come back. But Kenneth cooked up a plan to get me to Vegas and separate me from Joshua. What can I say? It worked. All of my old feelings came flooding back and I remembered why I loved Kenneth so much.

  Kenneth is finally ready to give me the relationship that I wanted and he’s my soul mate. He promised me that he would handle all of the drama and fallout with Joshua and I’m grateful for that. I wouldn’t want to be present during that conversation because it’s sure to be a doozy. I can’t imagine that Joshua is going to take the news well. Although a part of him already knows the truth. He texted me, letting me know that he was aware of everything, but that’s only his speculation.

  I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel bad about the way that everything happened. I didn’t have any intentions on hurting him or betraying his trust. But my heart belongs to Kenneth and nothing can change that. I wouldn’t be doing Joshua a favor by staying with him, he deserved better.

  “Where did you disappear to last night?” Patrice asked, breaking me from my trance.

  I sighed, “Please don’t ask me questions that you don’t want to know the answer to.”

  The truth was that I’d been in Kenneth’s hotel room screwing his brains out, but that wasn’t a conversation that was appropriate for a packed plane.

  “I asked you because I wanted to know the answer,” she countered.

  “I think that it would be best if we talk about this later,” I said.

  She narrowed her eyes and shook her head at me. It was clear that she already knew where I was last night and she asked only to see if I would tell her the truth.

  “Have you talked to Joshua at all?” She asked.


  “Ummm Joshua, as in your boyfriend…the one that loves you very much.”

  “Yes, I spoke to him,” I said in a short tone.

  “Okay, just making sure.”

  I felt my stomach turn at the mention of his name, “I’m tired and it’s time that I get some much needed rest before we land.”

  “Mmmmhmm,” she said.

  I looked behind me at Kenneth and he gave me a wink. This was going to be complicated but he was worth the trouble. My world was finally coming together and I was looking forward to the life that Kenneth had planned for us. He just got an amazing promotion, and he was ready to settle down now. Nothing was going to ruin that for me, not even Joshua. I decided to read a Lena Skye book to take my mind off things to come. Her books were always a good escape for me and that is just what I needed as I knew things were going to become quite intense when we got back.

  I do love to escape and read a good romance. Usually, the girl gets her guy in the end and they live happily ever after. In my case, I got my guy but there is a lot to deal with before I can say I got my happy ending. If only my life were a story also, then maybe I should expect a happy ending eventually. The real world is not so kind.

  I ended up drifting off to sleep on the flight back. I guess I was still tired from the events of the night before.


  Kenneth offered to take Patrice and I home. My friend Jasmine hitched a ride with her new beau and she couldn’t get away from us quick enough. Ken took Patrice home first and then me.

  “Well this was a great trip,” I said with a big grin on my face.

  “Yes it was, and I’m happy that it went so well. I feel like everything is right in my life, all the pieces are finally coming together. I have the perfect job and you’re back in my life. What more can a man ask for?” He said as he kissed my hand while he was still driving. My entire body shivered beneath the touch of his lips. I thought about all of the things that they did to me the previous night.

  “I’m used to you being sweet, but this version of you is going to take some getting used to. I’m in no way complaining but damn, where have you been all of my life Kenny Baby??,” I said with a laugh.

  “I’ve been here the entire time baby; I’m just finally being honest with you about how I feel.”

  I leaned my head back into the seat and gripped his hand tighter. I hated that we were returning back to reality. I wanted to stay in our state of bliss forever. But I know that nothing good or bad lasts forever; it was time to face the music. We still had to deal with the consequences of our actions. However, I had plans to lure him into my apartment so that we could enjoy our happiness for a few hours longer before reality set in on the both of us. I couldn’t wait to feel his hands all over my body again.

  Kenneth pulled into the parking lot of my condo complex and he helped me with my bags.

  “So will you stay with me for a little while?” I asked as I bit my lip suggestively.

  “I think that I can stay for much longer than that,” he said and kissed me on the lips. I instinctively grabbed the back of his neck to deepen our kiss. I loved the taste of him.

  “So this is how it is then?” I heard a familiar but very pissed off voice say from behind Kenneth.

  My eyes flew open and I looked into the eyes of Joshua. The look on his face could only be described as a mixture of hurt and anger. Kenneth grabbed my shoulders and pushed me two steps back before he turned around to face Joshua.

  “Hey bro, I didn’t want you to find out like this. I planned on telling you…”

  “When?! When did you plan on telling me, on your wedding day?” Joshua asked irately.

  “No, I planned on telling you today. As soon as I left from here, I was going to come to you and sort all of this out.”

  “It’s a little late for that don’t you think?”

  I started to apologize, “Joshua I’m sorry…”

  “Don’t say anything to me right now. Don’t say anything to me ever. I’m done with you.”

  My mouth clamped closed and I didn’t know how to proceed. He’d never spoken to me that way before and I believed him when he said that he was done with me. If looks could kill there would have been a massacre in my parking lot.

  “Hey, there’s no need to speak to her like that,” Kenneth said as he stepped in front of me protectively.

  Joshua was so angry that he looked like he was shaking and I was happy that Kenneth was there with me. I didn’t think that I would have been able to face Joshua alone.

  “I don’t even know what to say to either of you right now,” Joshua said.

  “Just like I said before,” Kenneth began, “I was planning on telling you. I’m so sorry that you had to find out this way. But I’m not sorry about what has happened between me and Nicole. I know that it seems really fucked up but Nicole and I belong together. You knew how I felt about her even when nobody else did. You should have never gone after her in the first place and you know that.”

  I was completely floored by that information. I was under the impression that Joshua thought that Kenneth was over me. He told me that he pursued me because he knew that things were
over between the both of us. It was surprising to find out that it wasn’t true. A look of shock spread over my face and Joshua gave me a seething look. It seemed like all of his anger was directed towards me and that Kenneth had been given a best friend pass. Men really do stick together I see.

  “This shit hurts like hell man, I expected more from you. You’re my boy and we don’t do this kind of shady shit to each other. We’ve never treated each other like this, especially over some bi-,”

  “Wait right there dude,” Kenneth said cutting him off. “I know that you’re mad but I’m not going to let you disrespect Nikki like that. Don’t call her out of her name.”


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