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David's Dilemma

Page 4

by Sydney Addae

  Smiling she bent forward and tasted the pearl of juice that covered his tip. “Mmm, a different flavor, nice.”

  She positioned herself above him and eased down until fully seated. Eyes closed, she absorbed the sensation of being completely full, something she hadn’t experienced in decades. He was indeed a prize she thought as she rode him gently.

  “It’s customary to ask before you take,” he said peering up at her.

  She paid him no mind and continued riding him between her legs. He placed his hands on her waist and gyrated his hips.

  She gasped at the movement and egged him on for more. He kept up, moving faster and faster with her. She reached her peak, a bit more, just a little more... she hung at the precipice and fizzled, missing completion as he shot off.

  Screams of outrage were futile. This was her curse. To desire fulfillment and never reach it. Still, he was a good ride. Maybe she’d keep him around a while. She touched his cheek and locked eyes with him to sift through his mind.

  Cain. Interesting. La Patron? The name meant nothing to her until she picked up this La Patron planned to take over the Pack in this area. Would he come to the mountains for Cain and the black wolf? If so, could she cast a bargain? Find a way to escape her prison? She searched his memories, discovered he had a twin. Yum. She’d love to have both of them. One for breakfast the other for dinner.

  “Get out.” He kicked her out of his mind, locked it down, surprising her with his strength. No one had done that before. She tried to re-enter but could not. Maybe he didn’t understand she was in charge here.

  “You do not give me orders.” She leaned over him, staring into his eyes.

  He snorted “I don’t take orders from anyone except my Alpha.”

  She grabbed his face between her hands and stared into his eyes. “You will obey me,” she growled.

  He placed his hands on her and struggling, pulled them away. “No.”

  “You are of no value to me, otherwise. I will kill you.” She pulled out a blade and placed it against his neck.

  “We all have to die sometime. I obey my Alpha. I don’t know you.”

  His delicious blue eyes held hers for a long moment. She grabbed a handful of his long white hair and cut off a hank. Holding the hair above him she glared at him. “I am Nadira. You will address me as Queen.”

  “Will I?” his brow rose.

  “Or die. Your choice.” This time the blade pierced his skin, a rivulet of blood ran down his neck.

  “Where am I...Queen?”

  She heard the mockery in his voice, ignored it as she rubbed against him, enjoying the friction. His rough skin and hardened cock felt better than anything she’d felt in years. Maybe she’d keep him as her consort. Leaning forward, she bit his nipple before laving it with the flat of her tongue.

  His breath hitched.

  She moved sinuously against him feeding off his need. “Give yourself to me.”

  “Where are we?”

  “Aargh,” she yelled and embedded her sharp nails into his chest and dragged them downward. Blood welled from the torn skin. Moving quickly, she licked the wounds before his skin closed. Leaning back, she smiled. Her saliva held an agent that kept men in a constant, eager state of sexual need. Soon he would beg her to lay with him.

  She moved off him and stared down. “You want to know where you are?”

  Beads of sweat dotted his forehead. He nodded.

  “You’re in the middle of the Torngat Mountains, one of the oldest places on earth. I’ve been here for decades.” She stared at him, saw him fight the urge for sex and smiled. “You will be here for a long, long time.”

  “No,” he whispered as he tried to stand, only to fall back. “Alpha will come for me.”

  She laughed. “I hope he does. Maybe we could cut a deal and I could leave.”

  “What did you do?” he whispered looking at her.

  She shrugged offhandedly while watching him closely. “Slight misunderstanding, it no longer matters.”

  Placing her hands on his face she intruded his thoughts and smiled. “Your litter-mate helps you? How divine. I’ll have two for the price of one now that I know your strength won’t fail you.”

  He groaned as sweat poured down his face and dripped onto the bed.

  Nadira scratched him again, licked him to send more toxins into his blood.

  “Stop,” he said in a ragged whisper, holding her close as she continued scratching and licking his chest.

  Soon he’d be out of his mind with need. She shivered imagining what this big man could do. Licking his sweat, she sat back with a wicked smile. How long had it been since she’d taken someone against their will?

  Ages. Not within the past decade for sure, which made this all the sweeter. She took a moment and braided her long hair to keep it out of the way. Once they started, she suspected they would be at it for a while.

  Cain grabbed her around the waist and squeezed. His blood boiled. His vision wavered as sexual hunger crashed through him. No matter how fast Abel worked to give him relief, it wasn’t fast enough.

  Whatever she did, intoxicated his beast with mad desire to conquer this blue-eyed witch. The hardness of his cock matched the stone he lay upon. Goddess help him!

  “What the fuck is she doing to you?” Abel asked.

  “Licked me. Something in her saliva creates this... heat. Back off before you’re ensnared,” Cain said.

  “Too late, I feel it. My dick’s harder than a hammer but I’m not horny. It’s like my body and mind aren’t connected. Is it the same for you?”

  Cain groaned as he rubbed his cock against her wetness. “No. Horny doesn’t begin to ... describe this. Back away. I can’t fight it. You don’t want this.”

  “Are you sure?” Abel asked.

  “Do you feel this shit flowing through me?” Cain growled as Nadira lined up his cock with her opening and slid down a fraction.


  Cain sensed his brother’s withdrawal as the full impact of whatever she sent into his system overwhelmed him. Eyes closed, he lost track of time, had no idea what planet he was on or even his name. Release became his singular focus.

  Mindless with need, he emptied his seed over and over until he collapsed.


  GROGGY, DAVID WOKE slowly, looked around and remembered falling in the pool. “Cain?” he called, searching. Where had Cain gone? He crawled out of the grotto until the air became lighter, fresher and took several deep breaths.

  “Cain?” He called again and again, looking around. There was no sign of the man. “Dad?”

  “Dad still can’t connect directly to you or Cain. Everything okay?” Adam asked.

  “Cain’s missing. There was some kind of mist by the water. It hit us after we climbed out. I just woke, and he’s gone, hasn’t responded to my calls either.” David rubbed the back of his neck and twisted it to get rid of the cricks.

  “Maybe he’s looking around for... food or something,” Adam said faltering.

  “Maybe. Let Dad know. He wanted us to stay together.” David’s stomach growled and he realized it had been hours since he’d eaten. Indecision warred in his chest. Should he look for Cain or remain here in case Cain returned? Hungry, he decided to wait for a short while rather than expend energy. Water wasn’t a problem, food was another issue.

  Leaning against the rock he looked at the massive rock formations in the cave. Some places soared so high he couldn’t see the top, others were solid or jagged rock, a few ledges jutted out and other places were flat rock. For a moment he wished for his camera to record the grandness of the area.

  “David?” his dad called.


  “Cain hasn’t returned?”

  “No, he hasn’t.”

  His dad cursed.

  “What?” David looked toward the grotto and around the cavern expecting to see Cain.

  “Abel says Cain’s drugged and unavailable.” His dad explained the female
had succubus-like energy and powers. “While he’s under her influence he can’t help you. How’re you holding up?”

  “Hungry, otherwise okay.” David started picking his way down a craggy path.

  “Son, I’m so sorry this happened. The Knights are on standby to get both of you out of there as soon as we find an opening. There has to be one. We’re going to get you out of there.” His dad’s confidence warmed him.

  “I know. I’m looking around, maybe I’ll find something that’ll help you with the location, a landmark or something.” He paused. “Whoever took Cain has to feed him, right?”

  “Hopefully,” his dad said cautiously.

  “Well, she needs to eat,” David said. “Which means food, water, and air has to be here for her survival. Lots of water and air so far. Food should be close.” He tried to sound upbeat for his dad while quaking inside. Sure they could drink water from the grotto, but his beast required food to function. Otherwise, he’d become sluggish and ineffective, easy prey for the witch.

  “Good point, son. Abel can’t get through to Cain yet, when he does, we’ll make sure the two of you find each other for the extraction.”

  “Okay.” David walked a little further. His skin tingled as he entered what looked like a campground with several large canvas tents in a circle. Startled he looked behind him, saw the craggy stones he’d just walked down.

  “I just crossed through some kind of illusion into a place with seven tents and heartbeats. Full-bloods.” David took a step back and the tents disappeared. He moved forward, felt the tingles on his skin again and rubbed his arm. Inhaling deeply, he smelled meat. His beast stirred.

  “What?” his dad sounded alarmed. “Full-bloods inside the mountain? What are they doing there? Have they sensed you yet?”

  David watched as six men with long, blond braids stepped into the clearing and looked at him. “Just now. Six of them but I think there’s more.”

  “That means there’s a way in and out of there,” his dad said, excited.

  These men were at least seven feet tall with blond hair and braided beards. They didn’t seem friendly.

  One of them pointed at him and waved him forward. “Come be my bitch.” The others snickered as they looked at him.

  David took a deep breath, realized this was the real deal. Kill or be killed. He refused to be anyone’s bitch while breath filled his body.

  “Adam, stand by, I’ll be pulling energy.” That’s the only warning he gave his brother as the full-blood who had waved him forward took exception to his delay and charged. He slammed into David sending him flying backward into the craggy landscape. Pain slashed into David’s back as he hit the unforgiving stone.

  “Black box whoever you’re fighting so there’s no interference from the others. We’ll share our energy with you so you can fight as long as you need to win,” his dad said in a calm tone.

  David shook his head to stop it from spinning, rolled to the side and avoided having his chest stepped on. He jumped up, tossed a box around him and the big guy and hit his head on the low hanging rock. He released the box, leaped forward to an area with a higher clearance, ensnaring the full-blood again while morphing to his two-footed beast. Standing slightly taller than his adversary and twice as wide, David unsheathed his razor-sharp claws.

  The full-blood stared, looked at the others who seemed just as surprised and took a step backward.

  Moving fast David punched his adversary in the chest, sending him flying into the wall of the box. He bounced to the ground. Watching David warily, he moved slowly, glanced to the side at the others and ran forward.

  Side-stepping him, David slammed his fist into the full-blood’s gut, knocking the wind out of him and sending him sliding back across the rock floor. Streaks of blood marked the ground at his passing.

  The others watched David as he stalked forward to finish it. The full-blood shifted, backed up and sprang forward, his long canines poised for David’s throat.

  David back-handed him, sending him crashing into the unforgiving ground where he remained still for a few seconds.

  “You’ve defeated the least among us, what will you do with Sage, a true warrior?” A massive full-blood David hadn’t seen before moved to face him. The full-blood had to stand at least eight feet or more, much taller than David’s two-legged beast. Long canines crowded Sage’s mouth giving him a sinister appearance. David’s confidence ebbed as he watched the full-blood prance and swagger.

  Hunger tore at David’s stomach. He needed to replace the energy he’d just expended. Rather than respond or allow fear to hold him captive, David fed off the energy from his litter-mates until the hunger abated and he could re-focus.

  “Come out of your little box, boy. Either kneel, offer me your throat and ass or die this day.”

  David released the box and met his adversary’s silver gaze. “Fuck that. I kneel only to my Alpha, Silas Knight, La Patron.”

  The full-blood and the others laughed. “La Patron? I’ve heard of him. He’s weak and pitiful. Either you’ll kneel in front of me willingly or I’ll rip off your legs from below your knees and force you.” With an arrogant swagger, he moved forward.

  David had no interest in talking to the wolf.

  “You look tasty.” Sage looked at the other men. “Our queen has sent us her left-overs, new meat. Yum.” He grabbed his cock and lifted it as if it were some trophy. The others stared at David as if he were a steak on a platter.

  Not happening, David thought as every defense lesson he’d ever had, ran through his mind. He would kill the Alpha first. Since the man was much bigger, David would fight him in human form. That would make him cocky, sloppy. David would use the energy from his litter-mates to bring him down before he realized he had underestimated him. If necessary he would shift in the end, otherwise, he’d fight in human form.

  The others might rush him, that was always a possibility. If he moved quickly, put the barrier in place, he’d have a chance. Maybe pick them off one at a time. All he needed was one alive to tell him how to get out of this cave.

  “No defense of your Alpha?” the full-blood mocked.

  “La Patron needs no defense; the Black Wolf always rises to defeat our enemies.” David morphed to human, took a couple steps, jumped over the Alpha ensnaring him in a black box and landed on the other side in a crouched position.

  The Alpha growled, tore off his shirt and lunged at David who rolled aside, sticking out his foot to trip the much larger man. The ground shook from the force of the fall. The other pack members ran forward, trying to get closer but the bubble held.

  David stood quickly and watched the Alpha look at him for several seconds before walking toward him slowly. “Who are you?”

  David shook his head. The time to ask that question had passed. The Alpha’s death was just a matter of time.

  With lightning speed, the Alpha slammed into David sending him rolling across the floor into the wall of the bubble. David kept rolling along the floor to prevent being stomped on.

  Finally, he caught the Alpha’s large foot, held it several inches from his face, pulled in more energy from his litter-mates and twisted hard. The bone cracked. Yelling, the Alpha fell backward, bounced off the wall and hit the floor rolling in pain.

  David jumped up and repeatedly punched the Alpha in the face.

  The Alpha threw up his arms to stop the assault.

  David unsheathed his claws. He tore into the skin and flesh of the Alpha. Bones broke, blood splattered but David didn’t stop until there was little left of the Alpha’s face.

  Taking a deep breath, David stepped back, shifted to his two-legged beast, tore off the Alpha’s head and tossed it aside. Turning he looked into the faces of the stunned pack members.

  “I am David Knight, son of La Patron, Alpha of the United States.” When no one moved or spoke he shrunk the bubble so that it offered protection in case they rushed him.

  His beast growled as several of the men stared at him. He unshe
athed his claws, prepared to fight. The closest full-blood turned away and offered his throat. Soon they others followed suit. David inhaled and sensed there was someone else.

  He pointed to a tent. “Bring them out.” One of the men stepped inside and carried a smaller full-blood out. He placed him near the dead Alpha.

  “Sage,” the young man cried and laid his shaggy blond head on the Alpha’s thigh. David watched for a few seconds and then looked at the others.

  “Is this everyone in your Pack?” he asked the closest person to him as he turned so he could watch the young man on the floor.

  “We serve the Queen.”

  David didn’t understand. “Queen?”

  “Nadira. Our Queen. This is her home, we have sworn to serve her. She is our leader.”

  That must be the female who took Cain. Inhaling, David zeroed in on the food supply and walked toward it. When he found the simmering meat, he placed a box around him, stooped and ate. It lacked flavor but eased the gnawing in his gut. When he finished he realized everyone watched him. Had he eaten their dinner? Their only food supply?

  “How do you leave here to find more food?” David asked.

  They pointed to the Alpha on the ground. “Our queen gave him the key and instructions. Without him, we cannot leave and replenish our supplies. The protection surrounding us fell as he died.”

  A heavy feeling filled David’s belly.

  “You killed him and all of us with him,” the weeping fellow yelled from the floor.


  “Can you repair the wall?” one of them asked.

  “What’s your name?” David needed a moment to think.

  “Baez. Sage was my litter-mate.” He waved to the other five. “We’re all litter-mates, except the wee one.” He pointed to the man weeping next to the fallen Alpha.

  David didn’t know what to say. On one level, he’d made things worse but becoming their bitch was never an option. “I’ll speak to my Alpha, get his instructions.”

  “You can speak to him? In here?” They looked at each other, surprised. “The Queen forbids it. We lost that ability a long time ago,” Baez said.


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