Fatal Deception

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Fatal Deception Page 20

by April Hunt

  “I’ll be on Maddy duty.” Ryder grinned. “No serial killers for her tonight. Besides, I don’t think you’re the only one who could probably use some relaxation.”

  Isa followed his gaze to Roman, who stood rigid just off the dance floor. That’s how she felt, too. Tense. Uneasy. Antsy. They all deserved a little break, and she crossed the room, hoping Roman felt the same. He saw her approach and met her halfway.

  “Everything okay, Doc?”

  “I’ve been told I need a vacation, and I was hoping that you’d be able to help me with that.”

  “Yeah? And how would I help sweep you away?”

  “Dance with me?” She skated her hands up his chest and around his neck. Just when she thought he’d maybe pull away, Roman’s arms eased around her waist, pulling her flush against him.

  Isa closed her eyes on contact, her body melting against his as she dropped her cheek to his chest. The loud thump of his heartbeat created the beat to their very own dance.

  She didn’t need a cement bunker in the ground to feel safe. Or armed guards. Roman Steele’s arms did that just fine. They lost track of time, Isa barely recalling Liam attempting to cut in and Roman telling him to bug off but in less polite terms.

  “It’s getting a little crowded up here, isn’t it?” Isa scanned the filling dance floor before meeting Roman’s heated gaze. “Or is it just me?”

  “Definitely not you.”

  “Maybe it’s time for a change in location?” She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. “Somewhere a lot quieter. With a lot less interruptions. Anything come to mind?”

  “The only place that fits that bill is my bedroom downstairs.”

  Somehow they made it down to the basement, through Steele Ops, and into Roman’s room in record time. Mouths fused and hands already pulling off clothes, Roman kicked the door closed behind them.

  “I don’t think you realize how badly I’ve been wanting to touch you today…or hell, for days.” Roman glided his mouth over the curve of her neck before pausing to nibble at the patch of skin just below her ear.

  Isa nearly melted into a puddle of goo right there. “Probably as bad as I’ve wanted you.”

  Roman Steele—fully clothed or completely naked, smirky or growling—had more than gotten under her skin. He’d somehow burrowed his way into her needs and desires.

  When they’d started this, she never would’ve thought the man in front of her would become as vital as breathing, and yet here she was, breathless and aching for him to kiss her.

  To touch her.

  To love every part of her body.

  She wasn’t sure when that had changed, and as Roman shifted his gaze all over her face, she could see him trying to figure out the answer himself.

  Cupping her cheeks, he lowered his mouth to hers in an achingly soft kiss. It was the barest touch of lips, and yet it sucked out every breath she had in her lungs.

  Worried she’d collapse if she didn’t hold on, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer, but Roman didn’t change his pace one bit. Keeping the kiss feather-light, he backed them toward the bed until the backs of her knees hit the mattress…and then he slowly lowered her naked body down, his following.

  “You’re so damn beautiful, Doc.” His lips gently kissed a path from her shoulder to her mouth. “So. Damn. Beautiful.”

  Isa arched her body against his, every inch of her begging to be touched. She wanted more. She wanted everything. And as Isa slid her palms down his back and guided him between her legs, she realized she wanted him most of all. She didn’t have much doubt left—if any.

  She’d fallen head over heels in love with Roman Steele…and it could either build her up the highest she’d ever been or knock her down into tiny, fragmented pieces.



  A warm, weighted blanket nestled against Roman’s side. He snuggled into it, wrapping his arms around it, and held it close. A flowery scent, mixed with hints of vanilla, filled his head, a pleasant invasion that reminded him of Isabel.

  “I hope that smile means you’re thinking about me.” Isabel’s sultry voice rumbled through his body.

  Roman cranked one eye open, then another, to see her chin propped on his chest. Her gorgeous brown eyes peered up at him with a heady mixture of sleep and drowsiness. And it was the best thing he’d ever seen.

  “Morning, beautiful.” Roman eased her closer, dropping a kiss on her bare shoulder. “And yes, definitely thinking about you.”

  And everything they’d shared the previous night.

  Never in a million years had he thought himself capable of being that open with someone else. It scared the shit out of him and made him hopeful in a way he didn’t think possible before…

  Before Isabel.

  Part of him was afraid to blink and find it a dream—or a nightmare. Or worse yet, to have this glimpse of what life could be like and have it yanked abruptly away. He didn’t think there’d be any coming back for him after something like that.

  “Hey now.” Isa slid up his body, her leg easing over his waist until she straddled him. She pinched his chin in her fingers and held his attention ransom. “Where did you go just now?”

  “Beneath you,” Roman tried joking, but it fell flat.

  Isa frowned, obviously not amused by his attempt at humor. Hell, he wasn’t thrilled with it, either. This happiness thing was something he wasn’t used to.

  He slid his hands up her back and into her hair, holding her close. “I guess I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. And I guess I also feel a little guilty. Shit’s still happening out there, and yet, right now…I’m happier than I have been in a long time.”

  Fuck, that took a lot for him to say. He attempted to shift his gaze, uncomfortable and exposed, but Isa brought her face to within inches of his, the determination in her eyes fueling his own. “The shoe might drop…but at least we have this to fall back on when we need reminding what we’re fighting for.”

  Them. A future. Hopefully together.

  That’s what they were fighting for. Well, at least he was, because Isabel Santiago was the woman he could see himself with for the rest of his life.

  Next to his bed, Roman’s cell rang. He ignored it, not wanting to give up even a moment of this time with her. It stopped when his voice mail would’ve kicked in, and then wailed again.

  “I think someone really wants to talk to you.” Isa kissed a path over his chin and to the corner of his mouth.

  “Too bad it doesn’t go the other way around.” Roman took her mouth in a slow, deep kiss. Right around the time his head went dizzy, his cell rang again.

  “Roman,” Isa chuckled.

  “Fine. I’ll answer it.” Roman grabbed his cell, not bothering to check the caller ID, because it could only be one of a select few. “This better be fucking good, asshole.”

  A beat of silence, and then, “Did I call you at a bad time? My mother always said I had the worst timing of anyone she knew.”

  “Who the fuck’s this?” Roman asked the unfamiliar voice.

  “I’m sure your pretty little doctor is close by, right? Put me on speaker phone, and I’m sure she can verify it for you. I’ll wait.”

  Something in Roman told him to hang up, but instead, he put the phone on speaker.

  The voice addressed Isabel, “Hey there, Dr. Santiago. Tell me, have you learned your lesson yet? Wait, don’t answer that. I already know you didn’t, because you went ahead and got my special lady friend arrested.”

  Isa’s eyes narrowed as she glared at the phone and confirmed his suspicions with a nod. It’s him. “If she didn’t want to be arrested, maybe your special lady friend shouldn’t have threatened to put a bullet between my eyes. Or hell, taken up with the likes of you.”

  Roman squeezed her leg to get her attention. Grabbing the pen on the bedside table, he wrote on Isabel’s hand: Get Liam.

  Isa leapt from the bed, practically diving into her panties and grabb
ing one of his extra-large T-shirts on her way out the door. Roman slipped into his prosthesis before tracking down and tugging on his pants. “So you’re the bastard with the big brass balls who stole FC-5 from Tru Tech, huh? Gotta say, man, that was a pretty fucking stupid move.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. It’s paid off so far, hasn’t it?”

  “You said it yourself. We already have one of yours sitting in a jail cell. I’m not so sure I’d call that being in your favor. Staring at the possibility of life behind bars tends to make people awfully chatty.”

  The asshole chuckled. “Nice try, but she’s not going to talk. Now me, on the other hand? I’m willing to have a nice little chat.”

  “Yeah? If it’s to turn yourself in, I accept. Why don’t I personally come pick you up? Tell me where you are, and I’ll be there in a jiffy.”

  “Turn myself in? And here I thought you’d been a soldier, not a comedian.”

  “I see no other reason for why you’d be calling me.”

  “I have a proposition you’ll want to hear.”

  “Somehow I highly doubt that.” Footsteps padded on the cement floor as Isabel returned with not just Liam, his computer in hand, but Knox and Ryder. Hell, even Cade and Grace. Good thing he wasn’t naked anymore. “But for shits and giggles, go ahead and tell me.”

  Liam, with an already booted up computer, signaled for him to keep the bastard talking as long as possible.

  “I want you to hand over Isabel Santiago.”

  Roman snorted. “You may as well be asking for flying pigs, because you’ll get those before you lay another hand on Isabel.”

  “You see, I thought you might say that, so I made myself a little insurance policy. Did you know, that at this very minute and well into the night, there’s a street carnival happening right down the block from that gothic-looking building you’re holed up in? All the people. The families. The little kiddies holding their cotton candy and balloon animals.”

  Next to him, Isa looked like she was prepped to jump through the phone and kick the bastard’s ass.

  “Did one of your brothers ping my general location yet, or would you like me to keep talking?”

  Everyone froze.

  “You’ll find I’m a lot closer than you realize, and I’m not joking, Steele. I want Isabel Santiago at the festival. Alone. In one hour. If I see you or anyone from your team, I expose the festival. If I see any cops, I expose the festival. If I see anything I don’t like, I expose every last fucking person at that damn festival. And when you send Izzy my way, give her your phone so we can catch up on what we’ve been doing since parting ways in Alaska.”

  The line went dead.

  “Fucking hell,” Roman growled, barely refraining from throwing his cell against the wall. “Where was he?”

  “He wasn’t lying. The cell pinged off the nearest tower less than a mile away.” Liam brought up a map that looked eerily familiar. “He’s practically in our backyard.”

  “That means he’s already at the festival. We need to suit up and canvass the area…be on the offensive rather than playing defense. No way is this bastard slipping through our fingers this time.”

  It was time for him to be the one pulling the strings.

  Roman led his brothers to the commons and straight to the gear closet. None of them hesitated to pick out their favorites, Roman’s being a set of throwing knives and a taser with the highest legal capacity to shock someone’s balls off of their rocker.

  “Can we hold on a second?” Isa stepped into the cage, now fully clothed in his T-shirt and a pair of his boxers. “We need to step back a bit and think this through. The FC-5—”

  “That’s right, Doc. He has FC-5, which is all the more reason to go all-out.”


  “That bastard’s a threat to every living person who walks this earth—and that includes you. I’m ending the threat today.”

  “Everybody stop what you’re doing right the hell now!” Isa shouted.

  Roman and his brothers stilled. Grace watched with interest and a whole lot of concern, but he was only concerned about one person, and her glare practically drilled him to the core.

  “Doc…” He reached out to touch her, but she stepped back, shaking her head. He felt the move like a stab to the gut.

  “I have to go to the festival. We have to do exactly as he says,” Isa stated firmly.

  “No, we sure as hell do not,” Roman growled. “We have no idea what his ultimate goal is with you, and I’m not putting you in that kind of situation. No way. Nohow. Never.”

  Isa came to him, and he took her hand and tugged her close.

  “Is there any doubt in your mind he won’t do what he threatened?” She paused for him to answer, and when he didn’t, she added, “No, there isn’t. Because they’ve already done it once to Beaver Ridge. This could be their grand show, Roman. We’re right at DC’s back door. Do you have any idea the kind of fallout that could happen if he follows through on his threat against the festival?”

  “If this is his closing number, then he’s going to expose the festival regardless of if you turn yourself over or not.”

  “Are you really willing to take that chance?”

  Fuck, Roman’s chest hurt even thinking about letting her go. “I can’t let you do it. Don’t ask that of me. You…you of all people know…”

  It was like Kat all over again…except losing Isa wouldn’t just fuck him up. It would destroy him.

  Her hand slid against his cheek and held him captive. “I know, Roman. I do. But I looked into the eyes of every sick person in Beaver Ridge, and I told them that I’d do whatever it takes to make this right. This is our chance. This is the shoe, Roman. And you’re my reminder.”

  Grace said, “There has to be a way around the ultimatum.”

  “He was pretty clear,” Cade added. “If he sees anyone, it’s over.”

  If he sees anyone.

  “Fuckin’ A.” Roman wanted to kick himself in the ass. “He’s got people on each of the entry points…that’s how he’ll be alerted if Isabel doesn’t come alone. If we take them down first, they can’t throw up an alarm.”

  “How are you identifying them before they spot you?” Isa asked. “They probably have the faces of everyone who was in Alaska ingrained in their memory vault.”

  She was right…except for one thing. “But we weren’t all in Alaska.”

  Roman turned to Knox, Cade, and Liam. Grace waved, getting his attention, his cousin not one to be left out.

  “Seriously,” Grace scoffed. “Why do you guys always forget the one with the actual federal badge on her hip?”

  “You think your bosses would be okay with you taking part in an operation like this?” Roman asked.

  “I think in this case it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.”

  Knox grunted in agreement. “Then we’re doing this?”

  Roman nodded. “You four are going to be the first wave. You’ll identify this asshole’s men and take them down so the rest of us can get safely inside.”

  Cade looked as eager as any of them to get in there and bust some fucking heads. “Just to clarify here, but we are working two men short with Jaz and Tank still in Texas. I mean, it’s not impossible, but I think the saying the more hands the better is pretty damn fitting, don’t you?”

  “King,” Isa and Roman said at the same time.

  There’s no way Ethan wouldn’t want to be part of this, and unlike last time, Roman wouldn’t have to appeal to his deeply hidden good nature. He’d simply mention it was for Isabel’s safety, because like she’d slipped her way into his heart, she’d made his hard-ass friend that much more malleable.

  * * *

  With only thirty minutes to go before she needed to make her festival appearance, Isa’s earlier bravado had finally started to fade and nerves had taken its place. Knox and the rest of team one had already started scoping out the festival, but the takedown couldn’t happen until Isa
made contact with Mace.

  In order for this plan to work, everyone needed to perform their individual tasks with no flubs and no miscommunications. If they didn’t, they’d jeopardize hundreds of innocent lives.

  A soft touch on her arm jolted Isa from her worries.

  “You okay, Doc?” Roman eased her to the side, where it was only a bit quieter.

  “Yes. No. Is both an option?” Isa asked, half serious. She chuckled to lighten up her concern, but it didn’t work.

  Roman’s frown grew. “It’s not too late to change your mind. We’ll find another way.”

  “We both know that’s not true. There’s too much at stake for us not to do it this way. Besides, my part’s easy.” Isa shrugged, playing it cool. “There’s countless things I’d like to hash out with this asshole. I’m more worried about you guys hunting down the virus. A family street festival isn’t lacking for different types of food. It could be anywhere.”

  “We’ll just look for the shady-looking goon selling meat products. I don’t think that’ll be as difficult as you think.” His mouth twitched.

  “Seriously.” She huffed, annoyed. “How the hell can you joke at a time like this?”

  “Because if I don’t joke about it, I’m throwing you over my shoulder and locking you in the back vault.” Roman dropped his forehead to hers. “It’s killing me not to be going with you.”

  “I know.” She rubbed the dark stubble on his cheek. “But he’s not doing anything to me while we’re standing there in the middle of a crowd. Your top priority has to be tracking down the virus. Once you guys have it in your hands, then you can help me kick his ass.”

  This time, Roman chuckled. “You’re going to kick his ass?”

  “I’ll kick it so hard he won’t be able to sit in his jail cell for a month.”

  He kissed her, and Isa held on to him as long as she could. “You’re something else, Isabel Santiago.”

  “When this is all done and over with, you’ll have to tell me what that something is.”

  “Awww,” Liam, with team one already at the festival, cooed via their comm links. “That just made my heart go all aflutter.”


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