Forever Winter Box Set (Books 5 - 8): A Future Dystopian Survival Series Adventure

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Forever Winter Box Set (Books 5 - 8): A Future Dystopian Survival Series Adventure Page 24

by KM Fortune

  "The king is dead. I am the heir, and your service is no longer needed. Besides, I have no desire to waylay you. Only my brother," he said. With that, Prince Edward stepped aside and motioned for the queen to pass. The small army of guards parted to provide her a path. The invitation was clear. At that moment, Hector made up his mind. Above all else, he wanted Helen to be safe.

  "Go," Hector said to her. "I will survive this, but only if I know you are out of harm's way." Helen shook her head.

  “Never,” she said. “I finally have you back. I won’t lose you again.”

  Prince Edward laughed. "Oh, isn't this something," he said and turned to the crowd. "Her husband, the king, is not yet on the funeral pyre and she's rushed into the arms of another. What do you think of your beloved queen now?" Again the crowd buzzed with conversation. Hector could feel some of the sentiment which was initially in their favor was shifting. Time to go, he thought and took Helen’s arm. He pulled her forward toward the pathway out.

  “What are you going to do, brother? Cut us down in front of all these people?” he asked. “Is that how you want to start your legacy?”

  Prince Edward tilted his head. “So, does that mean you are honoring my claim?” he replied in return. “Will you bend your knee to me?”

  Hector paused, standing in front of Prince Edward. He knew if he bowed down to his brother now, especially in front of all these onlookers, he would never be able to return and claim his rightful spot as king. He felt Helen lean into him. "No," she whispered. It was all he needed to make up his mind. Flicking out his claws, he made ready to pounce. Confident he could best his brother in a fight, Hector was not afraid. The other guards would surely slay him with their spears, but it was better to die a hero than a coward. Sensing his reaction, the prince's eye widened. He started to raise his paw in defense when a roar sounded from behind them. Turning in surprise, Hector saw Sergeant Gray leap from the crowd. His claws were out, and his face was a mask of fury. In a second, he would be on the prince, and the guards converged to stop him. Knowing now was the time, Hector grabbed Helen and pushed her hurriedly in front of him toward the entrance to the mine's tunnel. She did not hesitate, and together they raced away from the melee behind them, plunging into the darkness, and making their escape.


  Raven was furious. No matter how charming and witty The Duke tried to be, she was not interested in anything he had to say. She felt tricked and was in no way convinced the fight Matthew was now committed to would be as harmless as The Duke promised. People did not travel from the ends of the earth to watch otherwise. Fortunes were not made without considerable sacrifices. Plus Matthew is not a fighter, she thought. It would have been better if it was Blaze. If only she could go back to the moment of the coin flip, she would have insisted they find a different way for the group to prove their worth. As if reading her thoughts, The Duke, who was sitting beside her in the golf cart leaned closer. "There is another way," he whispered. It was an unnecessary gesture. They were alone and parked near the edge of the fenced city. Sitting on a bit of a rise, the view was excellent as it looked down along the barren highway. The Duke had insisted they take a ride alone once he realized how unhappy she was with him. When Blaze and the other's protested, he reminded them they only had a few hours to make Matthew into a champion level fighter, and perhaps they should go practice. Reluctantly, the group of men and Kit had followed Howie, the janitor out of the room and toward the training area.

  Now Raven was especially glad the others were not with them. She could already guess whatever The Duke had to say would only further infuriate everyone. She turned on him. “How?” she said.

  “Well,” The Duke said clearing his throat. “I know you’re not from these parts, that is clear. And you know things very few people do.”

  “I see,” Raven said, a sinking feeling building up in her chest. Please don’t let this be going where I think it is, she thought. The Duke fidgeted with the steering wheel for a moment and then sighed.

  “So, I want you to be my wife,” he said. “We are made for each other.” Raven kept her face as expressionless as she could. He glanced at her and then continued. “Raven, I want to marry you.”

  “You don’t already have a wife?” Raven blurted. The Duke grinned, obviously pleased she had not shot him down outright. He scratched his chin.

  “No,” he said. “I did, but it did not work out.”

  “You did?” Raven asked. “And what happened?”

  The Duke waved a hand. “It was not a good fit is all. I wanted kids, she didn’t.”

  “Didn’t? Or couldn’t?” Raven asked, knowing of the sterility plague from Matthew. Although Raven had the chance to meet Dawn, a woman who was with child, she knew it was a rare event.

  “Couldn’t,” The Duke answered. “Seems I can’t find a good woman who can. It’s a problem.”

  Raven narrowed her eyes. “How many wives have tried?” she asked. This time The Duke laughed outright.

  “I can’t sneak nothing past you, can I?” he said. “Okay, so there have been a number of them. But you’re different. I can see it.” Oh, you have no idea, Raven thought. She considered for a second if she should blow his mind and tell him the truth about her past. How would he take the news? Hector, the cat mutant, had required a lot of convincing and other than Matthew, Hector was the only one Raven had told. Even Blaze did not know she lived over a hundred years ago. Raven turned and looked out at the view over the wasteland. It was so strange. Again, she wondered what the purpose was behind it all. Certainly not to be this unstable and dangerous man's wife.

  “No,” Raven answered The Duke’s proposal and braced herself for his reaction. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched him tightly grip the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.

  “No? Just like that?” The Duke said softly. He sounded surprisingly more hurt than angry. Raven shook her head.

  “I hope you can understand, but I do not want to be your wife,” she explained.

  "I see. Even though I could give you anything you ever wanted?" he asked now starting to sound a little angrier. I doubt that, Raven thought as she recalled a glimpse of her former life.

  “I am sure you would try,” she answered. “I think maybe it is time we head back. I want to check on the others.” Without a word, The Duke started up the cart. He turned them back toward the heart of the city.

  “You realize this means I will insist your guy fight my champion tonight?” The Duke threatened.

  Raven took a deep breath. She understood. She hated it, but one fight was not worth marrying The Duke over. “But will you at least promise me it will be a fair fight?” she asked. The Duke snorted.

  "Fair? Of course. We don't run a crooked house. May the best man win," he said. Not liking the tone of his voice, Raven looked at him and saw a slight smile on his lips. The fight might be fair regarding the rules, but she had no doubt The Duke's champion would be nearly invincible. Matthew could get badly hurt. She had faith in Matthew and knew he was smart, but fighting was another matter. Practice hard, Matthew, she thought yet could not help but worry.

  KIT SAT WATCHING FROM the corner. The five men, two of whom she had never met, plus Blaze and the skinny janitor Howie, bickered at the center of the room. Matthew, the scientist from the Great Cave, stood in the middle. The conversation was about the best means of fighting The Duke's champion. When Blaze asked Howie for details, the stranger had shaken his head sympathetically. "He's as good as they come," he said and glanced around before leaning in to whisper. "Some say he's maybe better than The Duke was back in the day."

  “So what kind of fighting is it?” one of the blonde men Kit did not know asked.

  “Like with weapons?” said the other. Howie shook his head again.

  “No weapons,” he said. “Just man against man. Punching, kicking, wrestling. I mean, you can’t bite or pull hair, or anything like that. After all, this is a gentleman’s battle.” Kit rolled her eyes.
The whole thing sounded ridiculous. Especially when the group’s champion was Matthew. She did not know much about the man, but she was a good read of character, and he seemed like the last person you would want beside you in a fight. Although I will give him credit, she thought as she looked at his face. He doesn't seem scared. Maybe he just doesn't know any better? Regardless, she figured Matthew had no chance to win the fight. Kit knew Raven liked Matthew and so hoped the damage was not too severe, but either way, it did not matter to her. If she had it her way, the group would go find the weapons they needed, steal them, and then get out of the strange city. She considered taking this task on herself, but Raven had explicitly asked her to help the guys, so she stayed. Not that I am helping much.

  The problem was, no one in the group had a clue about one-on-one fighting, yet each man was trying to give advice. “I say just grab him and hold on for dear life,” said one twin.

  “No, you going to want to kick him in the head,” said the other.

  Blaze looked frustrated. "Yeah, right. How about we keep this simple, and he just punches him in the face?" he said. At this point, Howie laughed.

  “You’ll not even lay a finger on him,” he said. The men all whirled on him.

  “So what do you suggest?” asked Matthew, the only one who was staying calm.

  “Cover your head with your arms and hope not too many bones get broken,” Howie said. It sounded like excellent advice to Kit. “Frankly, I am surprised any of you have lived this long. I’ve never seen a more pathetic group.” Whoa now, Kit thought, not liking the insult. The others did not either, and now there was shouting. Howie was backing away with his hands up to show he was not looking for trouble. Well then he should have kept his mouth shut. With that thought, Kit sprang up and raced across the room. Her cloak flapping, she slipped past her friends before they even noticed she was there. Howie's eyes widen with alarm the second before she jumped. Since he was much taller, her left foot landed on his hip, and using it for leverage, Kit brought up her right knee and clubbed him on the side of the head. There was a crunch, and the skinny man dropped. Kit rode him to the floor and then rolled off into a combat stance, hands up, ready for more. It was not necessary. The janitor was out cold.

  Matthew stepped forward while the others stood speechless. "Kit, we don't have much time. I need you to train me with one or two moves like that," he said. "Please." Kit tilted her head as she looked him over. Everyone waited for her. Should I help this man? An ex-Patrol? she wondered. Raven and even Blaze seemed to trust him now. After another moment of deliberation, Kit shrugged.

  “You’ll do it?” Blaze asked. Kit nodded and the twins let out a whoop of excitement.

  “Now we have us a fight!” said one.

  "Oh yeah, their champ won't know what hit him," said the other. Kit looked at them, still not sure what to make of the two blonde strangers. They were undoubtedly enthusiastic about things and stood grinning at her. Unable to help herself, she gave them a rare smile back before turning to Matthew. It was time to get to work.

  DAYLIGHT WAS FADING as Willow moved cautiously through the snow. They were in among the trees now, and she was ever vigilant against any sign of wolves. The soldier was still tethered to her, but she was no longer pulling him reluctantly along. She was not sure if he also knew they were at the edge of the territory where predators hunted or if he only sensed her extra alertness, but he was distinctly more cooperative. Although still not forthcoming with answers, she thought. After the revelation he knew about the little girl Willow was trying to save, Willow had a hundred questions, yet no matter how much she peppered him, he remained silent. Still, his original response gave her hope. Now it was a matter of convincing him one way or another to help her get inside.

  She knew from her earlier recognizance, the North Gate to the Great Cave was not far ahead. Approaching would be tricky though. The last thing she wanted was to give the old soldier a way to escape by alerting any guards. I can always use him for leverage, she thought. Hold my rifle on him and force them to let me pass. Still, she knew once inside, it was unlikely she would be able to avoid being surrounded. Even if she found the girl, escape would be almost impossible. As if reading her mind, her hostage spoke up. “This will never work,” he said. Willow paused her steps and turned back to him.

  “I have to try,” she said. “I owe her that.”

  The man nodded thoughtfully and looked off into the trees. "I think she always knew someone would come for her," he said almost to himself. Willow was confused. It seemed so unlikely a soldier, apparently one of considerable rank, would know anything about the child.

  “How do you know so much about Mouse?” she asked. The man turned back to her and blinked. A look of confusion crossed his face.

  “Who’s Mouse?” he asked. Now it was Willow’s turn to be confused. Maybe we are not talking about the same little girl, she thought. It was impossible. Children were too rare.

  “The little dark-haired girl. Her name is Mouse,” she said.

  “Ahhh,” the soldier said. “I remember now. She did have another wastling name. It is Hannah now. The Creator thought it was more appropriate.” Wastling? The Creator? Willow thought, not liking the sound of any of it.

  "What are you talking about?" Willow asked, but before the man could answer, voices could be heard through the trees. Willow froze. A group of the Patrols was nearby. She had no doubt they were out looking for her hostage. All the man would have to do was shout. Willow unslung her rifle. There was no way she was going down without a fight. The soldier stared at her as the sound of the men approaching grew louder. He looked conflicted. Does he not want to be rescued? Or is he afraid he would be the first to die? Willow wondered as she crouched down in the snow. To her surprise, the soldier crouched down too and did not take his eyes off her.


  The atmosphere in the room was electric. Blaze had never seen so many people gathered together in one space. Although the venue was large, and only the front half of the rows of seats were filled, there were hundreds of people in attendance. Dangerous and mean looking people to boot, Blaze thought. Everyone was armed, but that was the only theme to the audience. Otherwise, it was a menagerie of looks and sizes. Some wore all black leather, others were covered in furs similar to his own, while even more had almost nothing on. Particularly the women. It was all Blaze could do to not stop and stare at the bare-chested female prancing around in the front row to the catcalls of a group of onlookers. Toby and Brody did not do as well, and Blaze had to push them from behind to get the blonde men moving toward the cage again. As they reached the gate, Toby turned to Blaze wide-eyed. "Did you see that?" he asked.

  “She was naked!” Brody said.

  "I saw it," Blaze said. "But you better close your mouth before one of those men see you and decide it's insulting." The brothers nodded and did as they were told. "Now get your head in the game," Blaze continued. "Matthew's coming out any second." Just as he said so, the room's lights dimmed, and music started to play. It was loud and like nothing Blaze had ever heard. The rest of the crowd knew it though. Everyone in the room jumped to their feet and started to roar with approval. Turning to look in the direction people were cheering, Blaze watched as The Duke walked down the aisle toward the cage. He nodded and bowed as he went. The people love this guy, Blaze thought as men and women alike tried to touch him as he strolled past. When he reached the cage, he stepped inside and raised his arms to quiet the crowd.

  “Ladies and gentleman, I have a special treat for you tonight,” he said once the noise had quieted. “A new challenger. But not just any wanderer from the wasteland. No.” He paused for dramatic effect as a murmur of curiosity went through the crowd. Slowly, The Duke turned to point at the top of the aisle he just walked down. “May I present to you the challenger. Formally of the black and gray.” Blaze looked and saw Matthew coming toward the cage. Kit and Raven walked with him. Immediately the audience hissed and booed with a vengeance and Blaze s
ensed they were about to surge in and attack. Raven! he thought with concern, but The Duke was ahead of him. A shot rang out, and Blaze jumped. The room fell silent, and all eyes turned back to the center of the room. The Duke stood with his arm raised, his old colt revolver in his hand. A wisp of smoke rose from it. "Let them pass," he snarled. "First man who spits, answers to me."

  MATTHEW'S HEART WAS racing as he walked between the two women toward the cage. No matter how slow and deep he kept his breathing, the adrenaline was overwhelming. Scanning the room, he saw angry, hateful faces everywhere. The fact The Duke's threat kept them at bay was example enough of the city leader's influence. There were other distractions though, Matthew noticed. Betting had begun in earnest. Men and some women yelled out to announce odds for the fight. People shook paper in the air to bet it. Matthew could not tell for sure, but it seemed the room was not wagering on if he would win, but how long he might last. Reasonable, Matthew thought as he tried to distract himself with logic thinking. Even though he had yet to see him, Matthew knew he stood no chance against The Duke’s champion. Kit’s help would not be wasted as he believed it would work to make the fight enough of a show to please The Duke. Hopefully enough to keep me in one piece too.

  They reached the cage and stopped. The Duke stood at the gate and was grinning. “Well, you get points for showing up,” he laughed. “Now step right up here and let’s move this along.” Matthew paused. He looked to Kit on his right. She nodded up at him. There was no way to tell what she was thinking, but one message had come through abundantly clear during their training. Keep moving. It was Matthew’s strategy for certain. Next, Matthew turned to Raven. Her face was filled with concern. “Please be careful, Matthew,” she whispered. “Just put on a show and then we can be done with this.” Matthew smiled to reassure her.


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