The Case of the Hidden Treasure (A Justice and Miss Quinn Mystery Book 5)

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The Case of the Hidden Treasure (A Justice and Miss Quinn Mystery Book 5) Page 1

by Felicia Rogers

  The Case of the Hidden Treasure

  A “Justice” and Miss Quinn Mystery

  Book Five


  Felicia Rogers

  The Case of the Hidden Treasure

  A “Justice” and Miss Quinn Mystery, Book Five

  Copyright ©2016 by Felicia Rogers

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Contact Information:


  Email: [email protected]

  Published by:

  Felicia Rogers

  Cover Design by For the Muse Designs

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One: The Stroll

  Chapter Two: The Bath

  Chapter Three: Ibiza???

  Chapter Four: The Search Is On

  Chapter Five: Escape?

  Chapter Six: S'Espalmador

  Chapter Seven: The Journey Begins

  Chapter Eight: The Garden

  Chapter Nine: The Treasure

  Chapter Ten: Stranded

  Author’s Note

  Chapter One: The Stroll

  October 1815

  Fortescue Cunning was not happy with the turn of events. Vernon Shelby, or Captain Shelby, as he was known in certain circles, had been a failing business owner. His shipping company was going under, until Fortescue offered him financial assistance. Now the captain wanted to behave as if he was in charge. Most irritating.

  Fortescue pushed away from the railing. Eudora would be furious when she discovered that the ship had left without her. He’d had to coerce her into coming along in the first place. Now he’d jilted her. Yes, she would be angry.

  However, if he thought about the situation logically, he could use her absence to his advantage. Eudora’s constant prattling allowed for little time to think. He could use the quiet hours to discern his next move.

  Magnolia Quinn was within the captain’s quarters. That had been a boon he had not considered. He had been surprised to learn she knew Russian, but anything was possible when it came to the young lady. She’d spent countless hours in the Blakemoor household. And Mrs. Blakemoor had spoken fluent Russian. Magnolia might have picked up tidbits here and there. Still he was more apt to believe that a bird was flying from the mainland and whispering the words from Justin Blakemoor. The two were never far apart.

  Vernon insisted Justin was secured in the forest, hidden away in an old hunting cabin, but he wasn’t convinced. Magnolia was much too cordial and willing to assist. No, she definitely had something up her sleeve. He just needed to figure out what it was without revealing his part in the treasure hunt.


  They’d been adrift for three weeks. Magnolia wasn’t sure if the tides had been good to them or bad. She didn’t know if the trip was taking longer than it should or if they were on schedule. The only thing she knew about sea travel was that she hated it.

  The constant rocking of the boat made her nauseated. Justin spent night and day at the desk translating the book while she moaned quietly against Vernon’s pillow. His aroma of musk lingered on the fabric, but she used it anyway. She needed to stifle her sounds of illness lest he come in and tend to her.

  “I think I found something.”

  She went to rise.

  “Don’t get up, just listen.”

  She nodded, which caused her stomach to roll more. She grabbed the bucket and lost what little of her lunch remained. Would the motion ever stop? Maybe she should have told Shelby the book placed the treasure in London then she wouldn’t be on the infernal ship, suffering through the smell of refuse or staring at the same walls covered in paintings of Vernon Shelby. Did the man ever button his shirt?

  Justin pushed back from the desk and dumped the vile contents through the open window. She would hate to see the rear of the boat.

  He pushed hair from her eyes and settled her back on the bed. “Just lie still and I’ll tell you.”

  She closed her eyes. “If only I could lie still.”

  His cool hands massaged her temples and she fought the desire to moan. “On Formentera there is a grassy area. Grandmother mentions trees and flowers and is amazed that they almost spring from nothing. She described it as resembling the Garden of Eden.”

  “So she’s been there?” She gasped.

  “I believe so. Anyway, she implies that one must walk until they cross a shoal and then—”

  She rose a little too quickly. She grabbed her head as the dizziness assailed her once more. She counted to ten and waited for it to pass. “She isn’t talking about Formentera, she means S'Espalmador. During low tide a person can cross from island to island.”

  “I don’t know how you know this information, but as I was saying. She claims it springs up from nothing, and in the heart of the garden, there is a rock formation. Within this formation is the door. Or at least what she is calling a door. I think.”

  She took over massaging her aching temple. She missed his cool touch, but she wouldn’t ask for it. She was having a hard enough time ignoring him in the close confines without having him touch her.

  The ship rocked, and she grabbed her mouth. When would they reach land? She needed to get off the ship. Now!

  Her stomach lurched. “I need to get out of here for a while.”

  He looked up. “Are you sure that is wise? What if Shelby decides to visit his quarters while you’re wandering about?”

  She bit her lip. “I’ll encourage him to take me for a walk around the deck.”

  He swallowed. He wasn’t happy, she could tell. But she had to get some fresh air. The odor in the room wasn’t helping her. How had he stood her all this time?

  He palmed her cheek and whispered, “Be careful.”

  The feeling sent shivers to her toes, but she disguised her response. “I will.”

  He hid beneath the desk. The poor fellow had been cramped more often than she could count, yet he’d not complained. He’d worked day and night to translate the book and help them escape capture. Just one more reason to love him. If only she could share her feelings, but now wasn’t the time.

  She rose and held out her arm for balance until she reached the door. When she opened it, fresh air struck her face and she inhaled. Ocean breezes lifted the black skirt. The yellow blouse clung to her back. She opened and closed the door as if waving a fan. Perhaps Justin would enjoy the air as well. It would at least help with the unpleasant odor.

  She lifted her face. Captain Vernon Shelby stared at her. Her blouse dipped, and she fanned her décolletage. Maybe he would be so intent on her he wouldn’t peer past her into his quarters. Justin wouldn’t approve of her methods. She didn’t know if she approved of her methods.

  Shelby jumped from the forecastle deck, and she quickly closed the cabin door. She took a few steps forward and they met in the middle of the main deck.

  “I see you’ve finally come out. Three weeks, two days, six hours, and three minutes.”

  He’d been counting?

  “I’d hoped you wouldn’t take quite so long to miss my company, but I’m glad you’re here now. So may I help you with something?”

  You could stop the blasted ship.

  She smiled sweetly and linked her arm with his. �
��I-I thought a walk around the deck might be nice.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “You look a little peaked. Are you feeling well?”

  She shook her head, causing her stomach to lurch. She released his arm and ran to the railing. The dry heaves hurt her chest.

  Shelby rubbed her back. “Oh, my dear. I shall have the cook prepare some ginger tea. That should calm some of your troubles.”

  She nodded and wiped her arm across her mouth. Three weeks on the sea had done horrible things for her manners—and her clothing.

  “Perhaps you would like a change of clothes?”

  “Really?” She couldn’t keep the pleasure from her voice.

  “Maybe even a bath?”

  “A bath…” It sounded as if she sighed, but she couldn’t help it.

  He covered his laugh. Why was he a brute sometimes and a gentleman at others?

  “I shall have Ch—I mean Rove, prepare a bath for you in your quarters.”

  Rove? Her quarters?

  “And I’ll fetch new clothes. I believe I have some buried in trunks secured in the hold. And of course I’ll inform the cook to bring you ginger tea.”

  She bit her lip.

  “Have I forgotten something?”

  “A walk?”

  He nodded and offered his arm. “Of course. I’ll be glad to escort you around the deck. But do watch your step. It can be slick at times.”


  Miss Quinn was warming to him. That was nice. He couldn’t wait to see her in the gown he’d picked out. Maybe she would like to join him for dinner in the afternoon. He could run everyone into the hold and create an atmosphere of romance on the main deck. It would have been easier if he requested his own quarters, but he would keep with her wishes—for now. Soon enough she would be begging for him to come to her room.

  “Captain Shelby?”

  He cringed. Would Cunning never leave him be?

  His companion tensed. Perhaps she wasn’t comfortable being seen in her state.

  “You hurry along and I’ll have everything prepared for you.” She hesitated. “Go along now. We can have our walk later.”

  She tilted sideways as she strolled away. He stopped himself from running after her by facing his visitor.

  “Captain Shelby, how close are we to this infernal place? I tire of the water. The salt is ruining my skin. And I can’t stay another minute in the hold. The odor,” he fanned a handkerchief before his nose, “is stifling. I don’t know how you stand it.”

  “When we all smell the same…” He shrugged.

  “But I don’t smell in such a vulgar manner.”

  He leaned forward and sniffed. “Aye, you do.”

  Cunning narrowed his eyes. “You will do well to remember who financed this little venture.”

  He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. “And you will do well to remember who brought the venture to your attention in the first place.”

  Cunning blinked and scoffed.

  “I know you’re used to people giving you deference because of your title or your place in society, but out here, I’m king. And right now, we’re on a treasure hunt and we’re doing it my way. So sit back and enjoy the scenery.” He walked away.

  “What scenery?” Cunning voice was squeaky.

  He couldn’t stop his laughter.

  Chapter Two: The Bath

  The ginger tea wasn’t the best that she’d tasted, but it did ease her nausea to a more bearable limit.

  The bath had come next. Justin had been cramped beneath the desk while Rove carried buckets and buckets of steaming water to fill the metal tub. Once Rove finished and left, Justin had climbed from beneath the desk, but laid his back against it and stared at the wall while she stripped and climbed into the water.

  She sighed as the water rose over her shoulders.

  “I guess it feels pretty good.”

  “Heavenly.” She shifted lower.


  She could almost hear him fold his arms over his chest. The poor thing had been so patient. “Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to wash quickly so you have time to enjoy the water as well.”

  “I don’t know if I want to. The water will be filthy.”

  “If it wasn’t likely to be true, I would take offense.” She leaned her head back against the rim. “Did you find any clothes in the trunk while I was gone?”

  Upon her return she’d noticed the lid was open.

  “I did. Vernon is a little broader in the shoulder than I, but it will be better than continuing to wear a linen sheet. I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it before.”

  She should have thought of it. But then again the sheet left his arms exposed. And she had so enjoyed seeing his muscles ripple with every movement.

  “And what about you? What will you wear after your luxurious bath?”

  It was hardly luxurious. The soap was brown from previous use and the water felt briny, as if they hadn’t been able to heat it long enough to remove all the salt, but it was still water so maybe it was luxurious after all.

  She lathered and ran the soap along her arms. “Captain Shelby has a gown for me.”

  “Does he now?”

  “Don’t sound so upset. At least I will be clothed in something that will cover me.”

  “At least.” He didn’t sound convinced.

  She dipped her head beneath the water. When she rose, she lathered her hair with the soap and then dunked herself again to rinse. Finished, she stood from the tub. There was a grimy film swirling on top. Poor Justin, he’d been right.

  She wrapped herself in a clean sheet. “Your turn. I’ll dress behind the desk while you bathe.”

  He rose to his full height. He looked skinny. Since they’d had to share food, he hadn’t been eating that much. If he was going to mount a rescue, he needed to eat more. That meant she would need to eat less. Since she threw most of it up, it shouldn’t really matter.

  She moved behind the desk. He exhaled many times as he removed the sheet and slid into the cooling water. He’d been a perfect gentleman through their capture. Sleeping on the floor in front of the desk. Hiding underneath the desk. Giving her first go at the food and the bath. How was she ever going to repay him?

  She unwrapped the bundle of clothing. Four articles fell into her hands. A new pair of pantaloons. A red blouse. A corset. And a skirt. She drew on the pantaloons and pulled the red blouse over the top. The neck hole was wide and rested on her shoulders. She drew the corset on. It came just below her breasts and tied in the front. At least the skirt was long and reached her ankles. Maybe she could wrap it up to her head and cover the rest of her body. Exposing herself to a ship full of men didn’t seem safe.


  Lots of grunts and groans came from behind the desk. Was Magnolia pleased or displeased with the outfit she’d been given?

  He dreaded seeing it. He couldn’t imagine what kind of clothing a pirate would pick for a woman he was clearly infatuated with.

  He lathered soap on his arms. The water wasn’t the cleanest, but it was water and he’d sorely needed a bath. When he returned to England he might take baths until his skin became raw. That was if they ever made it back.

  The more he read the journal the more he realized that the treasure wasn’t just any treasure. It would have been special to his mother but no one else. Maybe he owed it to her to find the treasure and bring it home.

  He leaned his head against the rim of the tub. How long would their charade last? Soon they would reach land. He would be forced to leave the cabin and there would be no way for him to return. If he followed the crew and Magnolia onto the island of Ibiza, and Shelby and his crew discovered it was the wrong island, he could be left behind while Magnolia was taken away.

  He massaged his forehead. He had no idea how to rescue them but time was drawing nigh when he would need to know.

  He rose from the tub and grabbed his old sheet, proceeding to dry the best he could. The clothes he’d found in the t
runk were within arm’s reach. He drew the breeches on and rankled at the tightness. The leather pants would be hard to get used to. The shirt was black linen and much more comfortable. Only the buttons had been removed halfway down which caused the shirt to hang open. He’d performed exercise within the confines of the room to try to keep up his strength but he could see his muscle fading. He needed to leave the tight confines of the quarters and soon.

  A low whistle made him turn.

  “You look as good in that shirt as Captain Shelby. Not that I…” Her cheeks blazed red. If she had to notice one at least she had noticed them both.

  She moved around the desk and his breath caught. No way could she wear that attire in public.

  The bright red corset hugged her middle and lifted her bosom, creating a wealth of cleavage. The matching blouse hugged her shoulders, which looked pale in the dimming light. The long skirt, with her toes peeking out beneath the hem, only made her more attractive.

  She twirled. “What do you think?”

  “I think he is dressing you like a pirate wench.”

  She sighed. “I agree. I tried without the corset, but the shirt, umm, falls off. I guess I could put back on the other clothing.” She eyed it warily. He understood. It needed to be burned instead of reworn.

  “Leave it on. We shall rectify the situation for us both as soon as we are able.” He meant that. She would only have the finest clothing once they arrived home.

  The knock on the door had them both jumping.

  “Are you finished, love?”

  He bristled at the last word, but he couldn’t comment. The captain was too close.

  Her eyes widened, but she kept her voice even. “Almost. Give me a few more minutes.”

  “Of course. As soon as you are ready, come out so that I may look upon you. Rove will use that time to remove the tub.”


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