The Case of the Hidden Treasure (A Justice and Miss Quinn Mystery Book 5)

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The Case of the Hidden Treasure (A Justice and Miss Quinn Mystery Book 5) Page 3

by Felicia Rogers

  Magnolia was still with Shelby. Shelby’s group seemed to be searching the trees and rocky landscape on this side.

  He counted a total of six men, including the captain. There were too many for him to overpower, especially without weapons. Unless…unless he took them out one by one.

  The group began to enter the wooded area. How were they to find a garden within a mass of trees? That would be their problem to work out and his to extort.

  His heart hammered in his chest as he squatted behind the moss-covered boulder. Magnolia was surrounded by criminals. How had he gotten her into this mess? He’d invited her to the hunting cabin to share his love and now they were here—on an island. Of course she would be captured by a rogue pirate who couldn’t be trusted not to hurt her. Sure Shelby was cordial at the moment, but that could change in an instant. Justin would protect Magnolia no matter what was required. Then he would profess his love before knights, pirates, or anyone else tried to take her.

  Once the last person had entered, he hunched over and ran to catch up. One man lingered at the back occasionally glancing over his shoulder.

  Justin whistled. The young man turned and walked toward him.

  Just a little closer now, just a little closer.

  The crew member almost stepped on him as he passed. Justin jumped from his hiding spot and wrapped his arm around the man’s neck. He kicked and squirmed, and Justin tightened his grip. Moments later the gentleman went slack. Justin used the rope holding up the fellow’s pants to tie him to a tree. He stuffed his filthy, smelly handkerchief in his mouth.

  He wouldn’t be out long, but at least when he woke he couldn’t warn anyone.

  The group had stretched their lead. Hopefully the next to last person in line would come to look for his fellow shipmate and when he did Justin would be ready.


  He took out the crew until only Shelby and Magnolia remained. The captain had been so intent on Magnolia’s constant rambling that he hadn’t seemed to notice the loss of his men.

  Now two men were tied to trees and one lay face down with his hands bound by Justin’s own belt—the captain’s belt. Still the anger pulsed in Justin. He was going to get Magnolia back. No matter what it took.

  Her voice had grown more steady, more sure the farther she led the men into the woods. Did she know that he was coming? Or was she confident in her own abilities to lead the captain astray?

  “Once you’ve accomplished your task, what are your plans?”

  “I don’t know. My shipping business has been in failure since the rise of the East India Trading Company. I’ve tried to continue my routes, but they’ve stolen so many of my clients.”

  “Is that why you want the gold? To save your company?”

  Uh-oh. He heard sympathy in Magnolia’s voice.

  “No. I have other plans.”

  “Such as?”

  Magnolia’s sympathy was waning. Good. And Shelby was still distracted. If he could just get a little closer…

  Chapter Five: Escape?

  Magnolia heard the crunch of grass and limbs. Justin was closing in. How he’d removed the others in their group, she didn’t know, but it seemed Captain Shelby was all that remained between them and freedom.

  She wrapped her arm in Shelby’s to keep him facing forward. He didn’t seem to mind. He even patted her hand.

  He was preparing to share his plan for the gold. She wasn’t sure there was gold. The book had mentioned a treat. That hardly meant gold. There might not even be a physical treasure. One thing she knew for certain—the treasure wasn’t on Ibiza. What would happen when the others discovered the deception? She shuddered to think.

  “I don’t know how we are to find a garden with these trees in the way.”

  Up ahead she noted sunlight streaming through the foliage. Soon they would be out of the wooded area and it would be harder for Justin to conceal himself.

  She stopped.

  “Do you see something?”

  “I’m not sure. What about that formation?”

  She pointed to a rocky outcropping that didn’t favor the area she had formed in her mind.

  “There? Are you sure?”

  “Honestly, no. But we are within a gardenish area of sorts, and the rocks do have a formation—of a sort.”

  “Very well. I would not want to leave without checking. I’ll call for one of my men—”

  She tightened her hold on his forearm. “No, let’s do it together.”

  He smiled. “I like a lady who is involved.”

  Couldn’t get much more involved than her.

  She smiled and guided him toward the aforementioned location.

  She held back, releasing his arm. Shelby leaned over and looked beneath the rock shelf.

  “It is dark, but I might see something…”

  Justin sprang from his hiding place and slung a thick limb at the back of Shelby’s head. The captain slumped over; blood oozed from an open wound.


  Justin stood and dusted off his hands. He’d done it. He’d rescued Magnolia.

  “What did you do?” She bent over Shelby and studied the clotting blood.

  “I saved you.” His voice was timid when it should have been strong. Why was she complaining? Hadn’t she wanted to be rescued?

  “You didn’t have to hit him so hard.”

  “You’re jesting, right?”

  She rose to her full height, which barely reached his chin. “I am not.”

  He rolled his eyes skyward and counted to ten. Of course she was enamored with Vernon, he was a pirate. First a knight is enthralled with her and now a pirate. He couldn’t compete.

  He lowered his gaze. She was sucking on her bottom lip and staring at the immobile captain. Justin took her hand.

  “Magnolia?” She looked at him. “Listen, we need to leave. The men I’ve left tied up will be awake soon. The others that he sent trespassing across the island will return. The ship is gone and we have no means off the island without assistance.”

  Her voice lowered. “I know.”

  “Then let’s leave. He’ll be fine. Perhaps a slight headache, but he’ll live. That is more than I can say for us if he wakes and we are still stuck on this island.”

  She must have heard his panic, because she lifted her skirts in her free hand. “Then let’s go!”

  They ran through the trees to where the sunlight had pierced the ground. Behind them was no help, only misery. Forward was their only hope.

  Soon they were faced with a hill covered in huts. People milled below carrying baskets to what appeared to be a thriving market.

  One marketer yelled, “Welcome to Vila!”

  Justin waved and smiled so no one else would shout the same welcome. Farther along the narrow road was a thriving port.

  “I see ships!”

  Magnolia was excited, as she should be, but they did have a problem. No money.

  She squeezed his hand. “I sense your concern, but leave the financing up to me.”

  She tugged and he followed. Worry beset him. How did she plan to pay for their passage? And how had she known his unspoken concerns? If she had begun to read minds, then he needed to reveal his secret love for her and soon.

  She walked onto the dock, and it swayed. He held out his arms for balance, but she never stopped moving.

  She stepped onto the gangplank of the first ship they approached that looked seaworthy. A burly man with a red beard met her at the top.

  “And where might you be headed, young lady?”

  “Oh, sir, I’m in dire need. I must make it to Formentera. Might you have a small vessel we could borrow?”

  His belly shook as he laughed. That wasn’t a good sign.

  “You must first travel to Sant Josep de sa Talaia. Then you will be closer to S'Espalmador then Formentera.”

  Magnolia squeezed her gown in her hands. Did she know the distance they would have to travel? Should he be worried?

  “Will you tell me t
he quickest way to get there?”

  “Si. Take a horse then a boat. But you won’t be getting those things with no money.”

  She sighed. “That is as I assumed.”

  She turned away, her head fell.

  The captain narrowed his eyes. “Wait.”

  Justin didn’t move as she faced the captain.

  “What will you give me if I help you?”

  She shrugged. “What do you want?”

  He cocked a brow. “That is not a question to ask of a scoundrel.”

  Justin moved closer. What was Magnolia doing? Offering anything the man wanted wasn’t intelligent. When they married, he would lock her in a room and keep her safe. Not even sunlight would harm her skin. He would—

  “You are correct. I’ve already been kidnapped by one scoundrel this week.”

  “Kidnapped?” The ship captain appeared officially shocked as if the action was against a type of code.

  She nodded. “A pirate took me against my will. I’ve led him astray so that I could make a journey I’m destined to make. But I fear if I cannot be about my business then he will find me and sooner than I would like.”

  The captain folded his arms over his chest. “I will help you.”

  She blinked. “You will?”

  Justin looked between the two. What was happening?

  “Am I right in assuming this gentleman helped in your rescue?”

  So he’d been noticed. So much for stealth.


  “Then I shall help you both.”

  He climbed from the ship and led them to a barn along the nearby shoreline.

  “My own daughter was taken from me some years ago. I now travel the high seas in search of her. I will never stop. If I can rescue someone else’s daughter then I shall.”

  He gave them a horse and a small bag of silver. “The silver will help secure passage to S'Espalmador. But be careful. Once you are there, you will find little in the way of civilization.”

  “Thank you.” Magnolia hugged the captain’s neck. “I hope you find your daughter.”

  “As do I.”

  They left. The horse was old and slow, but it was better than walking. Now that they had an idea where to go and a head start, he felt like they could do anything. Even find the treasure.

  And once the treasure hunting was out of Magnolia’s system he would share his feelings. It was past time.

  Chapter Six: S'Espalmador

  Magnolia huddled beside Justin as their ship approached S'Espalmador. With the silver from the generous captain, they’d secured passage without hardship. Good weather had allowed them to reach the tiny island’s shores by nightfall.

  “I wouldn’t be out in the open tonight if I were you.” The current ship’s captain gave only those directions before he rowed the dingy back to his ship.

  Justin’s arm tightened around her waist.

  Magnolia’s gut clenched when the last lantern light disappeared and all the light remaining came from the stars above.

  “Don’t worry, Magnolia. We’ll start a fire and review our notes. In the morning we’ll search the island for the treasure.”

  She nodded. Which he probably couldn’t see. She couldn’t even see her hand before her face. How would they see to find wood to start a fire? They should have asked to stay aboard the ship until morning. Or they should have stayed in town until morning. Anything other than where they were.

  “I hear your mind working, but you know we had to leave Ibiza. When Shelby wakes and gathers his men, they will try to find you. It is only a matter of time until they discover our location.”

  He was right, of course. But that didn’t mean she had to like it. “Very well, how do we find wood to start a fire?”

  “May I have a piece of your skirt?”

  She wasn’t wearing the multiple layers as usual, but she might be able to rip off a ruffle along the edge.

  She gave the hem a good yank and was rewarded when the fabric ripped. She lifted up one long strip. “Will this do?”

  “I think so.”

  He bent and picked up a crooked stick, wrapping the fabric around the end. “We’ll use this as a light to guide us to more wood. Are you ready?”


  The torch would only burn briefly. They would need to be quick. Once the fire was started they would have light to find more.

  “Ready, set, go!”

  The flint struck a rock, sending sparks against the fabric and igniting it. The flame shot high but quickly diminished to a low burn. Several pieces of wood lay around them, and Magnolia gathered them in her arms and dumped them into a pile.

  Justin dropped the torch. He squatted and blew on the fire until the wood caught.

  Both worked to gather as much wood as possible, making a neat stack so they’d be prepared for the eventuality they both knew would come—the fire would run out of fuel. When that happened, they’d be in the dark again.

  Justin slapped his hands together. Sand floated downward. “That should be enough. If not, I’ll gather more later.” He paused. “Why don’t we sit?”

  She wobbled and he grabbed her forearm and led her to a thick log that could serve as a bench.

  “Just sit here. If we need anything more I’ll get it.”

  She nodded. Her belly growled. The meager meal they’d consumed while running from Shelby hadn’t been enough to squelch her appetite.

  Justin drew a folded napkin from his pocket. “The captain slipped me some bread. Would you like a piece?”

  She ripped off a hunk and devoured it in one bite.

  “I guess so.” He refolded the napkin and returned it to his pocket.

  She’d not truly looked at him since the ship capsized. The outfit suited him. The wide sleeves on the black shirt, the parted neckline, it all served to set off his masculinity and his strength. The breeches were tight on his thighs showing the muscles of his legs. Squatting beneath the table had certainly increased their size.

  “Why don’t we review our notes? That way we’ll be prepared for morning.”

  She yawned behind her hand. She’d much rather spend the afternoon watching him in the waning light. “As you wish.”

  She pulled the book from her corset and removed the notes. She squinted. “We’re looking for a garden in the middle of a tiny, uninhabited island. Somewhere within the garden we’ll find a rock formation that holds the treasure.”

  “And I found no actual information about the treasure. Grandmother called it a treat. Honestly, there may be nothing there. We could have traveled here for nothing.” He stared upward.

  Stars winked in and out behind thick clouds. She hoped it didn’t rain.

  Why had she been so fascinated with the journal? Curling up in the hunting cabin and reading a real book was beginning to hold more and more appeal.

  Justin had insinuated the journey had been for themselves. She wouldn’t let that stand even if she might have sought out the treasure eventually. “Remember, we didn’t exactly come of our own free will.”

  He humphed. “True. And what will we do if we don’t find the treasure and Captain Crazy finds us? We’ll never be able to convince him that the treasure isn’t real. He’ll believe we removed it before his arrival.”

  “I believe you should worry more about Fortescue Cunning than Captain Shelby. Shelby strikes me as someone we can reason with.”

  He faced her. “Does he now?”

  “Yes.” She sensed he hadn’t liked her statement, but with the diminishing light it was hard to tell.

  “He kidnapped you and forced you onto a ship. No one knows that we’re alive. We are stranded on a deserted island, with no food, no funds, and only the clothes on our backs, that don’t belong to us, and you’re telling me that Captain Shelby is a reasonable man!”

  She’d been correct, he hadn’t approved. “All I meant was I believe with the correct persuasion we could convince Captain Shelby that the treasure isn’t real.”

stood and placed his hands on his hips, casting a shadow over the fire. “Are you saying you could persuade Shelby to believe the truth?”


  “How exactly would you do that, Magnolia? Have you become so enamored with the man that you would willingly give away your charms?”

  She stood; rage shook her entire body as she slapped him across the face.

  He massaged his cheek and narrowed his eyes. His lip quirked upward on one side and he stepped closer. Butterflies danced in her stomach. What was he doing?

  He placed his hand on her cheek. She wanted to step back, pull away, but she couldn’t move. His hand slid beneath her hair and tilted her chin upward.

  His eyes turned a darker brown. A muscle twitched in his cheek. Did he do that when he was concentrating? Was he concentrating? She wasn’t sure anymore.

  His lips touched hers. The kiss was gentle—his lips soft.

  Her knees started to buckle. He wrapped his arm around her middle and held her against his chest. She could feel his heart beat through the thin material of the shirt. It was in time with her own.

  Wood in the fire crackled and hissed. He pulled back and laid his chin atop her head. He could have knocked her over with a feather.

  Yes, she liked him—maybe even loved him. But she hadn’t expected him to kiss her—again. It must have been because of the day. Because of their narrow escape from death. That was it. He needed proof he was still alive. He had no real feelings for her.


  Clapping made her jump. Justin released her and stepped in front of her.

  “What a romantic scene. I should have known from the beginning that your friend was along for the journey. You have been way too calm.”

  “How did you find us?” Justin sounded genuinely surprised.

  Shelby shrugged. “It was simple. You left a trail.”

  “Of people,” she whispered.

  Shelby grabbed her arm and jerked her out from behind Justin. He reached for her, but Rove and Charlie arrested his arms behind his back. The shirt parted farther. Yes, he had ruined her for any other man.


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