Camp Jameson

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Camp Jameson Page 19

by Wendy Lea Thomas

  “Homerun!” Caitlyn cheered. Everyone erupted in laughter. She scowled. “What?” she asked.

  Avery chuckled and got to his feet. I held my stomach and laughed harder. Avery held his hand out to help me up and I begrudgingly took it. As I stood, Caitlyn threw me her ‘fuck you’ look over her shoulder, then I quickly forced my team into a huddle, not waiting for Colt. I wanted to crush this team.

  “We have to switch it up. Maya, you start a crossing pattern behind me then buttonhook down the left side. Sara, watch out for Caitlyn. She has it out for me now. Sienna, help block anyone who goes after Maya.”

  I called hike and threw the ball as Avery, playing safety, stepped up to cut off Maya’s route and intercepted the ball. Caitlyn couldn’t wait to jump into Avery’s arms. She was so happy when he spun her around. That’s it. This means war.

  “Colt!” I shouted. “You take Caitlyn, I’m going after Avery,” I said it with severity in my voice. His mouth dropped open. He quickly recovered and nodded. I wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  I gave a few more instructions to Kennedy and Nora and walked to the forty-yard line. We lined up and I let my guard down for an instant. I ignored the growl I heard from Caitlyn and looked to Avery. His eyes were glued on me as his hands rested on his knees, waiting to run their last play. The side of his mouth drew up in a smile and his eyes sparkled with that cocky look that up until two days ago would have melted the panties right off me. That arrogant look of his sparked something in me.

  When Caitlyn’s hand gripped the ball, I didn’t even look at Caitlyn. I knew Colt had her. I lunged for Avery. He had the same idea. My world tilted and before I knew it, Avery blocked me and had me pressed into the mud. His wide smile gleamed at me. That only fueled my anger more. I pushed at his chest for him to get off me.

  “I love it when you’re feisty,” Avery said. I scowled at him. He chuckled. “And you’re cute as hell when you’re mad,” he said touching the tip of his finger to my nose like I was a toddler and rose to his feet. He held out his hand and I reluctantly took it. I grinned sarcastically at him. It was my turn.

  We gathered onto the soggy forty-yard line and I waited for Caitlyn to get the ball then I lunged toward her. Screw the play. She faked the ball and for a moment, I was distracted by it. She launched the ball in the air, lost her step, and face-planted into the mud. I leaped into the air and my hand closed around the ball. My feet hit the ground and I slipped and slid in the mud. I quickly found my balance then took off into a full-on sprint.

  “Interception by Aria,” Travis shouted into the microphone. I pushed through the cluster of girls and ran for the end zone. I ran the length of the field and into the end zone. Just as I made it into the end zone warm, arms tackled me to the ground. We stumbled together, rolling in the mud.

  When my world stopped spinning, I blinked Avery into focus. He pressed his wet, heavy body against mine and pinned my arms to the side. The heated look in his eyes was the most scrumptious thing I’d ever seen. Then reality seeped into my senses and I stiffened.

  “Touchdown by Aria!” Travis called out into the microphone.

  “Get off me,” I barked.

  “Make me,” he said wiping mud away from my brow. I squirmed under him and he pressed me to the ground harder. I could feel the cold mud soaking through my shirt but my body burned from the feel of his body. Avery felt my shiver but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he turned me on. I slid my leg out and rolled Avery to the side. He looked surprised as I rolled him to his back but as I tried to straddle him my knees slid out from under me and I fell into him. I tried to stand up again but my shoes kept slipping in the mud.

  The rain was coming down stronger and the field was a giant mess. Avery tried to get up but his feet failed quickly. We rolled around the mud pit until finally, I rolled to my back next to him and we both lay there trying to catch our breath. His eyes danced over me.

  “You’re so beautiful, Aria,” he said softly pulling a wet strand of my hair away from my eyes. I blinked in disbelief. I was a muddy mess. I felt his warm hand on my face and leaned into it. God, his touch was electric. It always sucked me back in. His eyes bored into me and I squirmed under his stare.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You playing quarterback is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. You made me fall in love with football all over again.”

  I cringed at his choice of words. Avery had hurt me. My guard immediately went back up.

  “Is that right?” My eyes fell away and I tilted my head away. “Look who’s finally feeling with his heart.”

  Colt and Sean ran up next to us.

  “Need help?” Colt asked.

  I turned away from Avery, instantly feeling bad for what I’d said.

  Avery and I both tried to get up again but quickly slipped and we both fell face first this time. I could hear the teams laughing at us. We rolled onto our backs and broke out into laughter. The tense conversation was now gone as our pathetic attempt to get to our feet only made things worse.

  Colt planted his feet next to Avery’s and instead of helping Avery up, Colt’s feet lost traction and he fell into Avery. Avery cried out as Colt’s knee slammed into Avery’s groin. Avery jerked back and smacked my chin. I grabbed my chin and cursed.

  “Fuck!” Sean’s eyes lit up when my leg tripped him and his feet went out from under him. We held our sides in laughter as Pierce made his way over to us.

  “Don’t!” We all shouted at him at the same time.

  “Idiots,” Pierce chuckled, and reached out for my hands. He dragged me a few feet out of the shallow mud pit and pulled me to my feet. He did the same thing to the others. That only made us laugh harder. Why didn’t we think of that?

  “Colts win!” he announced. And just like that the competitive side to the game was gone. The game was over and I made my way to the sidelines for some water.

  Sara and Colt both slapped my hand and cheered at our victory. I was so happy to have my friends. Avery congratulated all of us on our win. My knees shook with weakness. I forced myself not to look back over my shoulder. I didn’t want to see the hurt in Avery’s eyes. I was mean to him and I felt like hell about it now. Damn, I have no filter.

  I let Ethan and Wren take turns spinning me around. Each one saying what a great job I did. Ethan had his arm around me when Avery spoke.

  “Be at the cocktail lounge at ten o’clock.” His eyes landed on mine. “All of you.”

  I gulped nervously. He was a jerk to me that night of the Ball. But god, he was beautiful, sexy, and desirable. I tried hard to find the silver lining in all of this. At least this time we weren’t going to be alone.




  It was just before ten that evening when Sara and I walked up the back deck stairs toward the second floor cocktail lounge. The blanket of radiant stars flickered like diamonds glimmering in the moonlight above.

  I stepped up to the deck in Sara’s stilettos to see that it was decorated in very expensive lighting with delicate curves in the carved wood. All the women were in heels and little black dresses. I ran through several scenarios in my head as I was putting on my new gorgeous black dress that Sara had also bought me, thinking of ways to get out of this tonight. But I couldn’t muster the energy to come up with a good excuse. And I definitely didn’t have the strength to tell her the truth about what was going on between Avery and me.

  I let my hands fall over my hips and readjusted my dress in hoping that I looked as good as Sara. I liked this dress. It was cinched tight at the waist and just covered my bottom by an inch. The shoulders of the dress set just off my shoulders and hugged my breasts tightly so I opted not to wear a bra. I didn’t bother with stockings, preferring to show off my tanned legs.

  I let my lungs fill and let out a deep breath slowly hoping tonight I could avoid Avery at all costs. I stepped to the doorway and let Sara go first. As I stepped in, I wa
s met with applause and cheering.

  “There’s our star quarterback,” Colt announced.

  I cringed knowing Avery had everything to do with the beauty of this night. I plastered on my fake smile and glanced around the room. Twinkling white lights draped from the ceiling and the lights were dim for a more intimate setting. Sienna scooped me up and spun me around.

  “You were so awesome. Thank you for not letting Caitlyn win this one. She is seething. You’ve burned her twice now.” Great, just what I needed. I’ll be sure not to stumble out on the lawn to pee tonight. Just in case she’s lurking in the shadows waiting to get me back.

  Our small team of sexy ladies, with Colt and Sean, moved to the bar beside the back windows. I tried to keep my eyes to the floor as I searched for Avery. I didn’t want him to think I was looking for him. Because I wasn’t. I just wanted to make sure I kept my distance.

  Sara handed me a glass of champagne and I sipped on it slowly, trying hard not to have a repeat of my birthday or the masquerade party. Sara and Colt were reenacting the powder puff game with Sean, Sienna, Tyler, and Maya and I let myself step back against the bar, letting my gaze drift out to the forest that lay behind the great lodge. Fireflies flitted around the back lawn like tiny little explosions of canary-colored light. It was soothing as a gentle breeze wafted through my hair with the remnants of the storm system that had moved through earlier today.

  The night was humid and I could feel my skin beginning to swelter when the breeze died down. I let my thoughts reflect on the past couple of weeks of camp. Never in my best fantasies could I have come up with this lifestyle.

  I let my shoulders relax realizing how comfortable I was growing in all my endeavors. I liked my new friends. I liked the closeness that camp brought us. My sexuality was peaking. I had learned so much about myself in such a short time and I had only one person to thank. My eyes registered movement next to me. I glanced up to see Avery stepping toward me. Damn, he was gorgeous.

  “To you, beautiful Aria,” he said clinking his glass with mine. I smiled softly in awe of him. I knew then that I could never truly hate this man. I was still under his spell.

  “Thank you.” I tried to ignore the sparkle in his eyes. I sipped my champagne, keeping my eyes locked onto his. “Avery, I’m sorry about the mean things I said earlier,” I rushed to say.

  “I deserved that. It’s forgotten, Aria,” he said, holding my gaze. “Will you walk with me?”

  I looked to my team to see their backs were to us. I nodded shyly and stepped in front of him. We walked the length of the room in silence and up a couple of steps to his private deck. I could feel the chilled glass in the palm of my hand. Crickets sang out in harmony throughout the night. I wobbled in my heels and Avery reached out to steady me.

  “Thanks.” He guided me to the railing and I took in the beauty of this night. His hand that still rested on me brushed up my arm and I turned to look up at him. “Please don’t. I’m trying my hardest not to run from you, all of this, how you make me feel. When you touch me, my guard that I’ve worked so hard to put in place, shatters.”

  His eyes broadened. “Your honesty is overwhelming at times. But I like it. Don’t ever lose that,” he said softly lowering his hand. My eyes drifted to his half-unbuttoned soft grey dress shirt and I found myself tracing the curves of his muscular chest below.

  “I won’t.” I swallowed dryly then took another sip of my champagne. “What do you want from me, Avery?”

  “I wanted to apologize. I’m sorry for the night of the masquerade ball. I never wanted you to get hurt. I don’t get emotionally involved with my guests. I crossed a line with you that I never intended to cross.”

  “I get it. Really I do. Are we done here? I want to get back to the party.”

  Avery let his head fall back, closed his eyes and breathed deeply, taking in the sounds of the night. He exhaled then opened his eyes and looked to me again. I could see something he was trying to shield me from.

  “Was the song you sang at my birthday party about me?” I asked.

  “Yes…it was.”

  “Why?” I said more forcefully than I intended. His eyes shifted back and forth searching mine for something. I could tell he was struggling with opening up to me.

  “Avery, Aria, appetizers are being served,” Pierce said, breaking through our private moment. Avery stepped away looking defeated.

  “Be right there, Pierce. Give us a minute,” he said not taking his eyes off me. I could see Peirce studying us for a moment then he turned and walked away. I tried to fight the tears that were pooling up in my eyes but this was all too much.

  “Just tell me why you’re fighting this. Us,” I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek to my lips. He reached up and wiped it away. All I could do was stare up into his eyes waiting for his answer. I could see the fear in his eyes like a child afraid of the darkness that surrounded him knowing that at any moment the monster in the closest was going to step out.

  He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. Laughter rang out as the noise of the party on the deck below seemed to break our private moment.

  “I can’t be that guy for you, Aria. I’m sorry, I really am.”

  I watched the man I was falling in love with run away from me, again. It proved once and for all to my heart that he didn’t love me. There was never any room for you in his world, my wicked subconscious reminded me.

  Anger boiled inside of me. Fuck this! I hated how Avery made me weak. I was not a weak person. I was a strong, independent woman for Christ’s sake. But if I was so independent, then why did I care so much?

  I pushed away the snide mental comment that I could always count on from my subconscious, straightened my shoulders, and made my way back toward the bar. I needed a drink. And you can be damned sure it won’t have Avery’s last name on the bottle. I think I’ll switch over to Jack Daniels tonight. He seemed friendly enough.




  The next afternoon, after nursing yet another hangover, we were in our cabin getting ready for the Naughty Fairy Tales theme party. I didn’t want to think of Avery anymore. I promised myself I would concentrate on a man that wanted me instead of one that ran away. I was done with Avery Jameson. There were forty Cubs in this camp and I could be with any of them. If I really wanted to.

  Sara met my eyes in the mirror and I quickly diverted them away and smoothed out my dress and petticoat. At tonight’s party, I would be naughty Cinderella. I had on a brocade corset dress with a crown brooch and embroidered accents, a venise lace trimmed underskirt with a white tulle petticoat and a satin bustle bow. The black choker was a contrast to the white elbow length gloves and a satin light blue headband with white trim accents. Lastly, I wore white thigh highs with bows. The length of it hardly constituted it as a dress.

  “Jello wrestling and the final qualifying rounds of the pole dancing are tonight. Can’t wait for Jello wrestling,” Sara squealed.

  “Jello wrestling?” I quirked my eyebrow questionably at her. Sara threw her head back and laughed.

  “Read the fucking camp manual already,” Sara urged.

  “No. I refuse to read or study. I’m on break until the end of August.” We both laughed.

  “Anyways,” she said, unplugging the curling iron and setting it down on the dresser. “I softened the look of your bangs by curling them a bit so they tucked under.” I looked to see that Sara pulled my hair up onto the top of my head and curled the ends. I smiled widely at her. “You’re ready Cinderella. Now scoot, so I can get ready.”

  “What are you going as?” I asked standing up from my chair.

  “Princess Jasmine. I thought it would be fitting,” she grinned.

  “Cute,” I said. I looked to my best friend and I could see how much she glowed. This place really made her happy. She was in her natural element. I went to put on my black platform shoes and couldn’t help but wonder why I st
ill felt like a fish out of water.

  As Sara and I entered the Main Lodge, I noticed seven Cinderella’s and three other Princess Jasmine’s but for the most part everyone kept a nice mix of fairy tale characters.

  The music helped to take away some of my stress. Everything was doused in silver and gold decor. Avery even had a large chandelier installed in the center of the room. The only thing missing was my Prince Charming.

  “Tonight is the second night of the qualifying rounds for the pole dancing contest and for a little more fun, tonight’s the first qualifying round of Kitten Jello wrestling,” Avery announced.

  I looked at the green-eyed heartless man and his eyes found mine through the sea of fantasy characters.

  “The Winner of tonight’s Jello wrestling event gets a once in a lifetime bungee jumping trip with me as your host,” Avery hummed.

  I saw Tara’s husband elbow her like he wanted her to win the prize. But she quickly shook him off. That a girl. Avery smiled that slow seductive smile at me and gave me that heated look that almost melted my panties right off. Seriously?

  It took everything in me to move my feet. I had to keep my distance from him. He was like an emotional vampire calling out to me but I wasn’t going to enter a Jello contest with the prize being an evening spent with him. No fucking way am I putting myself through that.

  I finally turned my back to him and found Kim, the bartender. She smiled politely to me and nodded, knowing that I always ordered the same thing.


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