Camp Jameson

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Camp Jameson Page 22

by Wendy Lea Thomas

  “You’re just what Avery? Scared?” My voice rose up an octave. “News flash, we’re all scared to show people who we really are. It’s about who you want to take a chance on and who you don’t!” My voice echoed off the ridge of the mountain but I didn’t care. He looked so lost in that moment. I regretted my words instantly. Once again, I had no filter.

  “Avery, give me your hand,” Pierce said.

  I didn’t realize we had stopped at the underside of the bridge. The wind was starting to pick up drastically. Avery and I looked to each other, letting my harsh words sink in.

  He unbound his hands from around my waist and stretched towards Pierce. The wind pushed us away from Pierce then back towards him. His hand was just out of reach as Avery stretched further.

  Finally, Avery’s hand clasped Pierce’s and he pulled us up so that my hands could reach the rope rail. I pulled myself to the edge and held onto the side on the decaying planks. Pierce had two Coleman lanterns lit on high beside him. The sun had sunk down behind the mountain as we were mostly bathed in darkness. I couldn’t help but feel how close it reflected my sinking mood.

  “Hold on tight. I’m going to undo my clip. Don’t let go.”

  I nodded as Avery undid his clamp and climbed under the rope rail. He lifted me with ease over the ledge and set me on my feet. We both could see his brother studying us. I’m sure Pierce could sense the tension between us.

  Avery ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes. He looked back at Pierce and I could see Avery’s guard go up.

  “That was awesome. I had never done this at twilight before. It really is amazing. You should try it,” Avery said to Pierce.

  “No, I need to get back. Help me pack up, would ya?” Pierce said shifting his gaze to me.

  Avery dexterously untied my ropes and harness. I wish I could have done it, but I had no clue how it was hooked. I was at his mercy.

  I stepped out of the harness, pulled my hands away from his shoulders, and turned toward the blanket. I reached into the backpack, retrieved my father’s military tags, grabbed my sweatshirt, and threw them both on. I walked to the edge of the bridge and stared down at the dark ridge below as I waited for Avery and Pierce to get the gear packed.

  I looked up when I heard the sound of the gear thrown in the truck.

  “See you later, Aria,” Pierce called out.

  I waved and looked to see Avery packing up our half-eaten picnic food. He didn’t take as much care when packing it away as he had unpacking it. He seemed frustrated and pissed.

  I sighed, knowing that the next thirty minutes back down the mountain were going to be the longest minutes of my life. I’ll admit Avery was more stubborn than I was. I could only do what he wanted. I had to keep my distance.

  The silence between us was deafening. The only thing shining in the darkness was the headlight of the four-wheeler illuminating our way down the dirt trail heading back towards camp.

  I didn’t hold on as tightly to his abs as before and wished that I could touch him like I did on the way to the bridge. It was the most excruciating awkward silence, broken only by the sound of the engine and rubber tires grinding through the dried mud.

  He stopped in front of my cabin and I got to my feet and tried to find the right words. I had wanted to say so many things in that moment but because my mouth had already said too much, only regret hung in the air between us. I had planned to soothe things over, but when we arrived, I saw that Caitlyn was sitting on the front porch of the cabin next to mine watching our exchange. God, she was exhausting.

  “Avery, there’s something wrong with my shower. Can you please come and take a look?” she said in a whiny voice as she stood and leaned over her rail in the bright porch light, exposing her double D’s.

  “You can call maintenance for that, Caitlyn. The number’s in your manual,” he said barely looking at her. He mostly kept his eyes to his quad beneath him. His jaw was clenched and I couldn’t help but feel angry with myself for shooting off at the mouth tonight. I ruined a perfectly romantic evening all because I couldn’t keep my damn mouth shut. All because I pushed him too far too fast. I was honest to a fault. And I knew that most people didn’t want to hear the truth and Avery was no exception.

  His eyes landed on me and he nodded toward me like I was some stranger he was passing by on the street then lowered his helmet and pulled away.

  Caitlyn smirked, knowing she interrupted us. I really didn’t like that woman.

  I clenched my fists and turned on my heel toward my cabin. I had enough of the cold, distant Avery. I was done chasing him. I was done opening my heart up to him and laying it out for him to walk all over. I didn’t want to be with a man that didn’t want to be with me. What was the point? It was definitely time to move on.




  “Aria, wait up,” Sienna called out. I pushed the backpack over my shoulder and turned toward her. I smiled, feeling elated that I was able to completely relax and let go in my toys class today.

  “Hey, I was wondering if you and Sara wanted to come over to my cabin tonight. We’ll drink some wine and hang out.”

  “What time?”

  “I need to clean up here, then I want to take a shower so, how about nine o’clock?”

  “Sounds great,” I said. As I turned to leave she put her hand on my forearm.

  “Oh, and Aria. Way to let go today. You really are breathtaking to watch while you pleasure yourself.”

  I genuinely smiled back to her as I filled with confidence. “Thanks,” I replied.

  I left my hour and a half Tantric Breathing/Sex Toys class at Kit Kat cabin and headed back to Jasmine.

  I showered and slipped on my jeans and a tight fitting t-shirt over my bra and panties and laced up my running shoes. It was quarter til nine. The night had gotten cooler as the sun set and I was hoping we could sit out by the fire. I reached for my Air Force hoodie instead of my father’s military tags.

  I had realized after talking with Avery about my father’s death that it had been three years since he died and something in me had changed. I loved my father more than anything in the world but it wasn’t healthy to cling to the necklace anymore. I was a different person now and there would always be a special place in my heart for him. I smiled at the memory of him as I glanced at his tags resting properly on my bedside table then I snapped off the light and exited my bedroom. I met Sara in the living room. She was grinning at me and bouncing with joy.

  “Girls night. I can’t wait. I am so happy that you hit it off with everyone.”

  “Me too. I really like everyone here,” I said, putting on my hoodie.

  Sara giggled. “I know. I can tell.” She studied me. “You’re different.” She searched over my face again. “What’s different about you?”

  I shrugged. “I guess I’m just finally letting go of everything. I had a great class today. I’m sure Sienna will tell you all about it.” I still hadn’t told her what happened between Avery and me.

  She squealed in delight, picked me up, and spun me around. “Yay! I’m so excited. The rest of the camp is going to be a blast. I know it.”

  I giggled. “Let’s go. I need wine. And lot’s of it.”

  I pulled the door shut to our cabin and glanced up to the sound of a four-wheeler driving towards us. I cringed, then relaxed some when I could see it was only Pierce. He whistled through his teeth at us arm in arm.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about. Girl on girl is what this camp is all about.” He whistled. “Where ya headed, Kittens?”

  “Sienna’s. Wanna come?” I asked.

  “Always,” Pierce winked and headed down the road toward the Cub section. Sara giggled and leaned into me.

  “I so want to do him,” she purred.

  “So do him,” I replied.

  Sara hummed. “I’m saving the best for last,” she said, wrapping her arms tighter around my left arm.

  Pierce’s statement made me realize then that I hadn’t really enjoyed everything this camp had to offer yet. It got me to start seriously considering having a threesome experience. But other than Sara, was there a girl I wanted to be with? Could I even go through with it?

  I pushed the thought from my head and walked with Sara toward the instructor’s section of the camp. It was only a short walk from ours. We reached Sienna’s cabin after a few minutes. The night air was cool for midsummer, the sky was clear and the stars shown brightly down on us like the rhinestones on Liberace’s cape. Sara knocked on the door and we let ourselves in.

  “Sienna, we’re here,” Sara called out.

  The décor was similar to our cabin but it was bathed in earth tones.

  “Okay, I’ll be just a minute. Make yourselves at home. There’s wine already open for us. Help yourselves,” she called out from her bedroom. I stopped cold and stared towards the corner of the room. My eyes landed on Caitlyn sitting on a dark brown leather couch.

  “What are you doing here?” I quipped.

  “I was invited,” Caitlyn shrugged, looking bored as she sipped her wine and thumbed through the latest GQ magazine.

  “No, Caitlyn. You invited yourself,” Sienna chuckled as she stepped into the room.

  “What evs,” Caitlyn said as she rolled her eyes as if she really didn’t pick up on Sienna’s hint that we didn’t want her there. Yet, we didn’t want to start anything by getting rid of her. Sometimes, it just isn’t worth it, but I haven’t forgotten about her turning the lights on while I was peeing. I just didn’t have the right idea yet as to what I should do to get her back. But I promised myself I’d think of something and soon.

  Sienna mouthed the words ‘I’m sorry’ on her way to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine.

  I casually strode around her living room taking in all the photos. One was of Sienna and an older couple I could only take as her parents. She looked just like her mother. It was taken on a beach in front of a pier. I saw photos of her and Sean on the same beach. He had her swept up in his arms and he was kissing her. I looked to the next photo to see Sienna with Sean and Avery. On Avery’s arm was a tall brunette. She was kissing him on the cheek and he had his head pulled back in laughter. My heart dropped.

  “That’s Emily. She’s the best,” Sienna spoke those heart-wrenching words over my shoulder. I turned stiffly and took the glass of wine she held out for me. Was this a girlfriend?

  Sienna eyed me curiously. “Emily is his sister,” she added.

  Oh. Okay, I’ll admit it. I was a little jealous for like two seconds when I thought it was an ex-girlfriend. Okay, maybe a lot jealous. Then anger surged through me. Avery was a player. He made it clear he didn’t want me.

  “Let’s sit out back. I started a fire,” Sienna said. I nodded, afraid my voice would betray me, then followed her and Sara outside. Caitlyn was already sitting in one of the chairs waiting for us. I narrowed my eyes at her. She was up to something. Why did she want to hang out with us now? She hated me.

  We sat in the low chairs next to the fire and I forced myself to block any and all thoughts of Avery for the night.

  “When did you start working here?” I asked Sienna before I could stop myself. Why did I just do that? I didn’t want to talk about Avery, I scolded myself.

  Caitlyn just gruffed at my question like talking about anyone but herself bored her to death. Yes, that’s how I can get my revenge on her. I can keep talking and bore her until she dies…wait that came out wrong, that just implies that I’m boring... damn…you screwed me again bunny fucker.

  “I had known Avery a short while before he started the camp. I had just graduated with my Bachelor’s in fashion design and I was currently working on a new lingerie line when he had told me his plans and asked if I wanted to help. I hadn’t met Sean yet. I was single so I said, why the hell not. I’ve been working here since it opened. I love it. I can’t imagine doing anything else.”

  “You know Avery pretty well then?” I asked. She studied me for a minute and I shifted nervously under her stare. Ugh, I hated when she did that.

  I looked to Sara to see her eyes on me. I winked trying to deflect their attention. Sara giggled and I relaxed some. Caitlyn just rolled her eyes again like every question about Avery was just so boring. Yet she wanted him, too.

  “Yes, I would say so. He’s a good guy. He’s always been there for me. I owe him a lot.”

  I took a sip of my wine and stared at the fire.

  “Aria, I have to ask. The night of the Leather and Lace theme party, it really looked like you were dancing just for Avery. So were you?”

  “Isn’t it obvious,” Caitlyn sneered. I spurted forcibly into my glass and choked on the wine as I inhaled. Sienna patted my back until my coughing fit slowed. She tenaciously waited for my reply.

  “No,” I said, answering Caitlyn, then I looked to Sienna and backpedaled quickly. “I don’t know. I was doing what you taught me to do.” I coughed again as my mind tried to rationalize my behavior. “Find someone in the audience to focus on. The audience was in total darkness. He was in the middle of the lighted table. It’s as simple as that.”

  “Too bad. I was hoping for some good gossip,” Sienna chirped. I laughed at her honesty. I sipped my wine, hoping for a subject change. I was glad neither one could see through my lies.

  “Speaking of which, you didn’t say much about going bungee jumping with him,” Sienna said.

  “Did you have fun? Did you guys have sex out there?” Sara teased.

  I chuckled both sarcastically and horrified at the same time. “There’s nothing to tell. We just went bungee jumping that’s all. Well…that bridge we jumped from sucked. It was very old and swaying. I thought for sure it was going to fall. The bridge was scarier than the jump itself. I will admit it was a little weird when he brought out the picnic basket and wanted to have a picnic in the middle of the bridge. We could have died just sitting there having wine and cheese.”

  Sienna stopped with her glass in the air and studied my face. “Seriously?”

  “Yes, why?” I asked.

  She lowered her glass to her lap and sat silent for a moment.

  “Because Aria, that’s his move when he wants to fuck someone. He says it breaks down a girl’s barriers and creates an emotional connection and that it makes for better sex. Did he make a move on you? If he did, I’m going to kill him,” Sienna said glaring at me.

  “What happened up there?” Sara added.

  I stiffened at their words, trying to hide my true feelings from the two most perceptive people I knew. I ignored Caitlyn glaring at me over the fire.

  “It doesn’t matter. He didn’t make a move on me,” I said heavily. Caitlyn snickered.

  “He better not have,” Sienna said.

  I let her words sink in, knowing that Sienna and Sara both were protective of me. I smiled softly, realizing that I learned so much more about Avery in one afternoon than I had known. I was plagued with insecure thoughts until I finally settled on the most pressing. Why did I have such feelings for him? But then my twisted mind shouted at me…being strapped in a harness with Avery while bungee jumping off a bridge – was nothing. He really didn’t want me.

  I took a sip of wine and tried to shut out my wicked thoughts. Then Sara did me a favor by changing the subject.

  “Sienna, tell me about Aria’s class today. What happened? I want all the juicy details,” Sara said.

  Again, I choked on my wine. Why did they keep making me the center of attention? Ugh. I didn’t want to talk about me.

  Caitlyn was rolling her eyes so much that they looked like twin propellers on an airplane. I thought she was going to take off for a second.

  Sienna embellished her story of how I finally let go. I had to admit the way she told it kinda turned me on. Sara sat with her mouth open through most of it. Her eyebrows rose in surprise as Sienna spoke of how Colt ravished me with Avery’s new product, a dual rotating vibrator with a G-sp
ot wand, and how I crumbled down around them and mewed like a kitten when I was finished.

  “You suck, you know that Sienna,” I said, shifting in my seat, trying to hold back my nervousness. But, that thing was exquisite.

  “I want one,” Sara gushed. Our laughter, even Caitlyn’s, carried out into the backyard when I saw four figures step out into the light of our fire. Caitlyn lit up with excitement when she saw them. Then it hit me, Caitlyn was here because of whom we hung out with. I, on the other hand, was relieved when it was just Sean, Colt, Pierce, and Ethan. No Avery.

  “I’ve got one inside. But you only get it if I get to use it on you first,” Sienna said.

  “That’s my girl,” Sean’s face was lit up like a child at Christmas. We broke out in laughter again as I watched Sean take a seat next to Sienna. Ethan sat down beside me. I smiled crookedly at him.

  “You wouldn’t be talking about Aria, would you?” Colt asked.

  “You just missed it,” I said. I was glad the guys weren’t here to hear Sienna’s tall tale of my orgasms.

  “Damn, you women go right to the good stuff, don’t you?” Colt said.

  “Yep,” I radiated. “How are you doing after class today, Colt?”

  “I’ve had a hard on for two straight hours now. How do you think I’m doing? Speaking of which,” he said as he pulled Sara to her feet and kissed her passionately on the lips, then pulled her through the patio doorway into Sienna’s cabin. “We’ll be back in a bit,” Colt said, grabbing Sara’s ass and growling. “Or maybe not,” he added. Sara giggled and followed behind him.

  I rolled my eyes, in a very Caitlyn-like manner, and glanced at Pierce. He was standing with his arms crossed, leaning against the redwood privacy fence grinning at me.

  “What?” I chirped.

  “I’m sorry, but I have to hear this. Sienna, do tell.”

  Pierce moved to an empty chair and propped his feet up on a nearby stool.

  Sean lifted Sienna and sat her on his lap then looked to me.

  “When are you going to share that fine piece of ass, Aria?” Sean asked.


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