Horror in Vault Hill

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Horror in Vault Hill Page 2

by Reginaldo Borges, Sr

  Chapter 17-The hunt.

  The sheriff Ronald received a message that said that a other group of young of city of Malihot were go camp at abandoned farm(Gleaming light).so he was seek silver bullets at house of Mr Emanuel,when he arrived at delegacy,he get convince some policemen saying)and are your children,you not go until there for help them?).Already eleven o-clock at night,and the policemen were until the farm(Gleaming light),and when they were arriving near,they listened screams of help coming of place.The policemen ran for there,and saw the camp being attacked per werewolves,had ten young(5 woman’s and 5 men) and five them already were death being massacred by the werewolves that had ripped your hearts,the policemen started the shoot in the werewolves,the creatures fall of side and they started to if transform in human.The sheriff looked the bodies of werewolves,and to checked in the register of police,then he saw that a them was Joaquim(Cleiton´s grandfather).The others bodies was of old citizen of city of Vault Hill.He took the five survivors for hospital,and after took them for your parents at city of Malihot.The sheriff went the police station of city of Malihot,and said for delegate speak for the citizens of city not go,or leave your childrens to go for Vault Hill during the night.

  Chapter 18-Strange disease.

  The old sheriff of city(Dary) was if feeling bad,then he went to hospital of city.arriving there,the doctor examined them,and said that he is very well of health.when he back for house,your wife was worried with him,and would want know if he is well of health..But your wife said that is worried.because he prefer almost raw meat,and in some night he disappear,and appear only in the other day.For not worry the your wife,he said that always to go the delegacy review the old friends and if remember of old times.In a night of full moon,the sheriff Dary was in house,and started the if feel bad,your skin was burning,and then your son of seven years old,and your woman waked scared,fearing the worst,he get out running of your house,and went for a isolated place of city.Desperate,your wife went ask help the neighbors, but they not wanted to help.because had afraid of get out of house at night.Dary not endure more,and your skin was almost blowing up.He was if transforming,while that the dogs barked with him.(he look for the sky and say:My God, free me this torment).In the other day,the sheriff Ronald attending to request of wife of Dary went investigate,and in a isolated place,he found part of bodies of dogs spread per all side,and the old Sheriff(Dary) is fallen in the ground of side of dogs.

  Chapter 19:Sheriff´s diary.

  The sheriff Ronald looked in the clothes at the Dary and found a diary that The sheriff Dary always carried with him for make notes about the investigations as sheriff of city.When the Sheriff Ronald looked the pages of diary,he found anything interesting that said.(When I went make investigations in a road where happen strangers murders nearby of Vault Hill,I went attacked per a big creature,I shoot him,but the bullet not did damage fatal this creature.Then I run for my car,and when I was lock the door,this creature hurt my leg with your huge claws,for not leave my wife worried,I went the hospital for that the doctor care of injuries.In my house,i said for my wife that a dog had did this.I know the that this could to be,but i had that protect my family.I not want make bad for them if my suspicious if confirm).

  Page 2-My God help me.I feel that my body is changing.I can heard to noise of insects running in the ground of my house,my vision is altered,because i can see things that before not was possible.seems that my skin being burn per a scalding lava.I need my stay away of my wife and son before that I do bad for them.

  Page 3-My God,i cannot support more this,help me,say that this not is true,that I not go me transform in a creature that brought very deaths and suffering for this city.

  Page 4-I cannot support so much suffering.I go catch my weapon,put in my head and shoot for finish with all this now same.I hope that my wife and son forgive me,but seem that this is the only exit for I.

  Chapter 20-The last chance.

  Then the sheriff woke Dary and said that will help him.The sheriff took Dary for the police station,and the two conversed in particular,the Sheriff(Ronald) said to old sheriff Dary that the only form de broke the curse his was killing the werewolf that had did this with him.But for this,they go have that hunt the werewolf at road where he went attacked.Ronald also said the Dary that the only form of kill the werewolf was with silver bullet,or other object made of silver.

  Then o sheriff Ronald gave a revolver loaded with silver bullets for Dary,and they went for the road where happened the attack for find the werewolf.Arriving there,they entered at forest and they stayed searching during hours and not found nothing.They come backed for the road and waited in the spot for more of a hour,tired they come back for the car,and suddenly them listened several howls near of road.The werewolves started the get out of inside of forest and the go on top above them.They shooted in the werewolves that dropped of side.The sheriff Ronald looked and saw that the six werewolves was of peoples that were in the posters of people disappeared of city of Vault Hill.But when the Sheriff Ronald looked for the side,he saw the old sheriff Dary was if transforming in a werewolves,then Ronald ran for inside of car and accelerated,the werewolf ran behind of car and started the to hit stronger in the side of car breaking the glass.The Sheriff could kill Dary.but not wanted make this with a partner of profession.The sheriff Ronald miraculously achieved arrive at city,and gave the news the wife of Dary.She stayed scared and thought that the Sheriff Ronald was kidding.But she saw that he was speak the true.

  Chapter 21-Lunar eclipse.

  The sheriff Ronald went at next morning the house of Dary and started the stay worried,because he not had appear.You wife was desperate thinking that something of worst had happened with him.But where is Dary(thought the Sheriff).Ronald did search and found Dary sleeping in the sty of pigs in a farm nearby of city of Malihot.He took Dary for your house,arriving there,he speaked with your wife.Your wife was with scary his.She went to live with your mother in the city of South River per a time until that your husband(Dary) is fully healed.After of if dismiss of your wife and son,the Sheriff Ronald thought that is better arrest Dary in a isolated cell of prison of police station.He was with afraid,because today is night of full moon with lunar eclipse.Already was eight o´clock at night and the persons walked only until ten o´clock at night.The sheriff Ronald not have time of warn all the people of city,because the lunar eclipse arrived more early do that he thought and was almost complete.At police station,the old sheriff Dary and the others prisoners started the if transform in werewolves,while the prisoners of other cell screamed of despair.When Ronald arrived the police station,he saw that had very werewolves,they had knocked the prison cell,and were attacking and killing the others prisoners and guards.He shooted in the werewolves,and saw that very them was prisoners that had being arrest recently.The city was a true hell at streets,as some werewolves got out of police station and went for the street of city.The werewolves started the cause the chaos killing all that they saw by the way.The dogs was shredded and the persons that were out of your houses was attacked and your hearts was ripped up by the werewolves.The Sheriff called the others policemen and they went for the streets armed with silver bullet and flashlight.The streets were in a fully dark.They shoot in the werewolves that saw by the streets.Some policemen went death by the werewolves,because the street were very dark.The sheriff stayed surprise,because four of werewolves that had come back the human form was policemen of city.then was per this that they never wanted get out of night for make investigations about the strange murders that happen at city(Said the sheriff Ronald).

  Chapter 22-Revolted.

  In the next day the people stayed revolted with the sheriff Ronald,because he not warned with antecedence about the lunar eclipse so as did the old sheriff Dary.They blamed the Sheriff Ronald by the death of loved ones,and wanted that he leave of town and never more came back.The citizens went ask to mayor of city that the sheriff Ronald go leave,then the mayor conversed with the sheriff,and he Prometheus to go leave only after of solve the m
ystery behind of city of town.The sheriff yet had that find Dary,but were?(thought the sheriff Ronald).

  Chapter 23-The ritual.

  Dary was disappeared,and none of bodies found at delegacy and streets of city was his.The sheriff Ronald searched and revised the town of upside down in search his,but he not went found.In your house thinking in possible places were he not had sought per Dary,the sheriff received a letter with a strange message that said that a old sorcerer of city was making forbidden rituals in the basement of ruins of a abandoned church of town.Then the sheriff called your friends policemen and did search where that he believed to be the place.This already was midday and the sheriff and your companion went for the abandoned church!

  Arriving there he managed open the basement and found a strange altar in the center,but not had nobody!On this he closed the door of basement again and decided come back of night.At night he and your companions went for the church abandoned,and when he arrived in the basement of church,the Sheriff and your partners were walking slowly without call the attention and surprised the old citizens of city,the sorcerer was realizing a strange ritual.The sheriff said that all were arrest,but the shaman(sorcerer) said some words:(that if manifest the power demoniacs of beast!I invoke all the creatures of shadows,for that they enter in the circle that I did in this ritual for receive them,that they bring your beastly nature and make of me and my servants a true being lycanthrope.Ghost of dark,I invoke you for complete my desire human with the force of beast!).Then the people there inside started the if transform in werewolves.The sheriff Ronald and your companions shoot them,but with had much werewolves,the sheriff and partners ran for out,after of very fight and death of policemen and werewolves,all the werewolves that were in the place went deaths.Suddenly the sheriff(Dary) appeared walking at direction of sheriff Ronald and said that went he that sent the message for him,for that he was save the groups of persons that were camping at farm(gleaming light) and said that went he that sent a letter for the house his alerting about the rituals that some people were practicing in the basement of ruins of abandoned church.Dary said to sheriff that now that your curse was undone, he will for the city of South River for stay with your wife and son and never more will come back for Vault Hill.The next day,some citizens stayed horrified when knowed that the city had a secret so dingy as this..

  Chapter 24-The past dingy of city.

  Impressed with the that saw the (shaman)sorcerer make in the basement of church.the sheriff Ronald decided search answers in the old records of the city hall.

  He found report of various rituals that the city realized when the city went founded.At those epoch was common do rituals of purification,but some sorcerers malicious started the mix forbidden rituals in the middle this.A sorcerer promised cure disease, give power and strenght.But a day happened a accident unknown where various people died,then the mayor of town decreed that rituals not more could to be performed and who were caught practicing this rituals would go be condemned the death.Various people disobeyed the law and continued with the rituals.At those that were caught practicing rituals went arrested and condemned the dead.Time after the mayor of city went found dead of mysterious form.The sheriff of epoch investigated the case,and arrested 2 sorcerer that said have being a vengeance because the mayor had forbidden them of practice your rituals.The sorcerers went judged and condemned the gallows.

  Chapter 25-The Discourse of sheriff

  The sheriff Ronald called all the citizens of city for a reunion and said had almost certain of that of some persons of city knew of practice this kind of ritual in Vault Hill,but per afraid not wanted speak for the sheriff,and per this, very innocent blood went spilled,your hands are stained with the blood this innocent persons that dead(said the Sheriff).The sheriff Ronald too said that he is the law,and that not will leave of Vault Hill,he will stay for fight and bring peace and prosperity for the town in the next years. I going work no rest for that this if become a reality the more fast possible(said the sheriff Ronald).

  Chapter 26-Purification.

  The sheriff Ronald now need if certify that none person of city was infected with the disease lycantrophy.Then he gave orders for that all people were for courtyard of police station,because go to be made a small cut in your arms with the silver dagger.The dagger went blessed by priest of city. At those that not attend the communicated will be search the force(said the sheriff Ronald).When was midday,the sheriff did the call and said(those what are here raise your hands).When the sheriff finished,he saw that was missing three persons.He decided that would go search this persons more later and started the process of purification,one per one went called,and the sheriff go making a small cut in the arms with the silver dagger.All that were there,not had signs of lycanthropy and were clean.Then the sheriff went behind of three persons that not if presented.Arriving at house them,they not were,then the sheriff organized a team of search for arrested them.The first was hid in a hut inside of forest.the second went found inside of attic of a abandoned house nearby the city of Malihot.They not get find the third citizen,then the sheriff took the other two for the prison,and sent a message for all the sheriffs of city nearby of vault Hill for capture the third fugitive.Day after he went arrest at South River and sent for Vault Hill.

  Chapter 27-Condenation.

  The three citizens went took for the public square and judged.They questioned the sheriff saying that they not had blame of have contracted lycanthropy,and the that they were wanting make was murder.But why you not if presented to me?(said the sheriff Ronald)!

  We staying with very afraid of to be stoned by the population (said the three citizens).Then o sheriff cut them with the silver dagger and they started the feel very pain.Say the truth (screamed the sheriff).We born with this curse(said the citizens).

  Our ancestors was werewolves and this went passing of generation for generation!On this and not there being other alternative for you,I condemn you the gallows,that God have piety of your souls.The three citizens went hanging and your bodies burned in a big bonfire.The sheriff Ronald went behind those persons that lived in Vault Hill and if moved for other city for make the ritual of purification with the silver dagger.Then he saw that in this persons were free of lycanthropy.The sheriff can breathe relieved,because he already had certain that the city of Vault Hill is free of werewolves.Time after the sheriff Ronald brought your wife and childrens for live with he in Vault hill.

  Chapter 28-Peace time.

  Everything were in peace,the attacks of werewolves not more happened,and same with some citizens yet angry with the sheriff Ronald,and wanting that he and your family will though.Time after the persons of city already had permission for walk the night,but they yet were with afraid and this yet would go to delay years for that the confidence came back again.

  A ceremony went celebrated at church in memory of very persons that died of form so brutal at city of Vault Hill.Some years after,new persons arrived at city and they stayed impressed and scared with the stories that some citizens counted for them.Everything was really perfect and beautiful in Vault Hill


  Notice:All and any name used here are fantasy,and any resemblance is just coincidence. The image used here are for free commerce and not violate copyright.

  1-Author-Reginaldo Mendonca Borges

  2-The reproduction this material is prohibited!

  3-All right reserved and protected!

  4-My e-mail is:[email protected]


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