Lesbian BDSM High Fantasy Bundle (f/f, dubious consent, bondage)

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Lesbian BDSM High Fantasy Bundle (f/f, dubious consent, bondage) Page 2

by Jane Amber

  Kara's pussy couldn't get enough of the soft friction between her legs and the silk. She wondered why she'd never done this in her room before. Because it would be a sin before the Goddess, a very faint voice said. But right now it didn't seem like such a sin. It felt like ecstasy.

  Lilette ran a hand down Kara's side, then let her fingers lazily circle Kara's nipple. "Done already? Even Strawberry got farther then this." Kara nodded. She couldn't fail. Dahlia, Evaard, Cray, they were counting on her.

  With renewed strength, she pulled herself to the next knot. And hit her hands against a tree trunk.

  "I thought you said there were a hundred knots?" Kara gasped.

  "I lied. But you, my delicious paladin, you were amazing."

  Lilette carefully lifted Kara's leg over the rope, she stole another touch of Kara's pussy. "Ooh! I do hope Paladins have some sort of vow against this sort of thing. Your pussy looks so very naughty."

  Kara ignored the question, trying to regain control of her rebellious body as Lilette softly licked her fingers clean. "Mmm." Kara could almost hear the demoness arching her back.

  "The next game we're going to play is called 'The Princess and Her Pony.' It's objective is simple, all you have to do is not cum."

  Kara didn't like the sound of that all. The furnace of heat and desire between her legs was more than enough evidence that Lilette was capable of tapping into Kara's animal instincts.

  But this was no time to let the demoness see her doubts. "I will not break my vows. Not for you, not for all the fires of hell."

  Lilette giggled, her hand running down the inside of Kara's thighs. To Kara's delight and shame. "Good. Because I'm going to need for you to make a little vow to me."

  Kara gritted her teeth. Paladins must live by their vows. Even ones made to creatures such as this. It was the Paladin's code. It was what separated her from the common warrior who fought with no code but her own desires.

  And desires, as Kara was rapidly learning, were very dangerous.

  "I'm going to untie you, and you're going to vow not to try to break free. You see, I would hate to have to kill a filly such as yourself." Lilette slapped Kara's ass.

  Images of Dahlia ran through Kara's head. Was she going to become like that? A few hours earlier, she would not have believed it.

  But the rush of pleasure she got from Lilette's hand on her ass was proof that she was transforming. Whatever unnatural magic this Demoness was working, it was having an effect.

  And Kara lied. It was a small lie. A lie to save her friends. No she corrected, it's a lie to save yourself.

  "I vow, Lilette Demonspawn, that I will not try to escape."

  "Oh good," Lilette almost purred as she untied the ropes that bound Kara's arms behind her back.

  Even with her hands free, Kara would have to wait until an opportunity presented itself. Lilette was a formidable foe. Besides Lilette had powerful magic and Kara was naked and blindfolded.

  So for now, Kara obeyed, dropping to all fours as Lilette gently pressed against her back. "Neigh for me, filly," Lilette asked.

  "I will not, foul dem- oopmh!" Kara was interrupted by Lilette's body weight on her back.

  The succubus had mounted her like a horse.

  Bareback, Kara realized, as she felt Lilette's burning pussy lips touch against the small of the paladin's back.

  The demoness was almost as wet as Kara.

  "It was not a request. Neigh for me, filly," Lilette said.

  "I told you, demon- ah!" Lilette dug her knees into Kara's soft sides. The sensitive flesh along her sides was under attack.

  But now Lilette's sharp knees were digging into her and Kara could not contain her scream.

  A scream of pure pleasure. Lilette had found her weakness. Until this very moment, Kara didn't even now about it. In the order since twelve, she had never explored her own body. Never examined its possibilities

  And now she was paying for that. Kara's body shuddered as Lilette's knees, sensing weakness, pressed in harder. Kara could feel them on the edge of her breasts. Her chest was shaking so badly that she could see her breasts swinging back and forth.

  The aphrodisiac was still there, begging for her to rub her nipples against Lilette's hot mouth, her warm breast, even her burning breasts.

  Lilette held her knees there riding the small bucks Kara made as she gasped for breath. She couldn't breathe, her body was too tense, she couldn't force the air into her lungs.

  Desperately, Kara tried to to lift her back, get Kara to relieve the pressure. She could not endure another moment of this.

  But Lilette's pussy and thighs pressed into her flesh, burning Kara with their heat and trapping the young paladin beneath them.

  It was then that Lilette's long fingers finally found Kara's exposed pussy.

  Kara felt her finger on her entrance a moment before they pushed into her sheath. One finger was enough to fill Kara's maidenhood.

  One finger was enough to excite her, drive her wild, make her hips move against her will. She thrust her pussy back, trying to fill herself with Lilette's touch.

  "Now, one more time," Lilette's soft voice reached Kara's pounding ears, "Neigh for me, my virgin filly."

  Kara had to act now. She could already feel her throat trying to form a horse's whine. Kara couldn't believe that she had broken so quickly.

  But it wasn't over yet.

  Kara rolled her entire body. Lilette, taken completely by surprise, slammed into the ground, hard.

  Kara ripped off her blindfold.

  When her eyes finally adjusted to the blinding light, she found herself in a small forest clearing.

  The naked redheaded demoness lay unconscious on the grass.

  She would pay, Kara vowed, reaching for Lilette's whip.


  Kara had barely finished hanging Lilette when the succubus came too.

  "You lied to me," the demoness said, a trace of admiration on her lips as she softly swung back and forth in the air.

  Kara had tied the succubus's hands together

  Then she had looped the remaining rope over a low hanging tree branch. The overall effect was that Lilette's body hung completely exposed, her straining arms bound by the rope tied to the branches above her head.

  "You will speak only when spoken to," Kara commanded as she raised her whip.

  Lilette laughed, "You're a stiff paladin. You aren't going to- AH!"

  The whip cracked against Lilette's breasts. Kara winced, she had been aiming for her shoulders.

  A red welt streaked across Lilette's tender breast now. The succubus took a moment to catch her breath before saying, "You aren't a paladin anymore!" she giggled. "Breaking vows, torturing your enemies, what would the Goddess think-"

  Kara let loose with another wild blow. This one landed on Lilette's hip, inches above her cunt.

  The demoness's body jerked on the rope as she let out another scream.

  "I don't want to do this," Kara said, gently wiping away her own tears, "You made me into this, succubus."

  Lilette laughed at that, "Well I'm happy to take the credit for corrupting a paladin, but-"

  This time the whip found Lilette's back. A red trail ran across the succubus's should blades and down to her waist. Kara felt the tiniest bit of pride, she was getting better at this.

  The force of the blow swung Lilette back and forth. Kara could see the tears forming in the demoness's eyes. But she must have no mercy on this creature. Lilette was not a person, she was a creature, full of tricks and deceit. She would do anything to gain the paladin's sympathy.

  "Tell me foul creature, why did you do it?"

  "What?" Lilette asked, bracing her body for another blow.

  "The town. Why did you murder those people?" Kara moved closer, running her hand over Lilette's exposed breasts. Carefully, she probed the succubus's nipple, watching in interest as it hardened at her touch.

  What vile, lustful things these demons were.

  Lilette shook

her head, "I told you, my sweet fallen paladin, the town was not my doing."

  Kara nodded calmly, slowly making a circuit around the demoness. As a paladin, she had been denied the pleasures of the flesh. To see a woman this close, this desperate, was a new thing for her.

  Her own body was responding, the wetness between her legs had not subsided. If anything it had intensified.

  Curious, Kara pressed her breasts against Lilette's back. "Ooh, that feels nice," the demoness said as Kara pressed her nipples against Lilette's burning flesh where the whip had cut her.

  "Tell me," Kara asked reversing her hold on the whip, "How does this feel?"

  She plunged the handle into the demoness's wet pussy.

  Kara was close enough to feel Lilette's body stiffen. The demoness's head shot back, the muscles in her neck taut. Her body was sheathed in sweat.

  Kara stuck out her tongue, running her tongue over the sweat dripping down Lilette's back. The sweat of pain. She could taste the demoness's fear in it.

  Kara pushed the handle deeper.

  Lilette writhed. Her demon body danced on the end of the rope, rubbing against Kara's nipples.

  Her breaths were coming short and fast now, each one seemed to be an effort. Kara watched her struggle for a moment, then resumed her questioning.

  "I asked you a question," Kara whispered, slowly twisting the handle. That made Lilette clamp her legs shut.

  Kara could feel the heat and wet passion on Lilette's legs, they clutched her hand tight, surrounding it in soft flesh and lust. "Why?" Kara pressed.

  Lilette shook her head, tears streaming out of her eyes, "It wasn't me, Mistress."

  Mistress, Kara ran the word around her mouth. She liked the sound of that. "Yes, I am your Mistress."

  Kara pressed her body against Lilette. She could feel every breath the succubus took, even the soft twitching of hips against the whip inside her.

  Kara left the whip in Lilette's pussy. Her hands circled around the demoness's sides, each hand finding a warm breast. She pressed each nipple between a finger and thumb. "Why do you lie to your Mistress?"

  And Kara twisted as hard with all her might.

  The reaction was everything she could have hoped for.

  Lilette's body jumped in the air. She pulled her legs to her chest and pulled her body up by her hands. But she could not escape the paladin's fingers.

  Then the succubus threw her head in the air and screamed.

  It was primal. Part pain, part pleasure. Kara liked the sound of it.

  Kara could feel the tremors beginning in Lilette's form. They started in her pussy where her body had been forced to clutch as hard as it could to the handle between her legs.

  And as Lilette trembled, so did Kara. Kara felt it spread out, into her thighs and knees now, then up into her belly and chest.

  She let go of Lilette's nipples, but the girl was already over the edge.

  Her muscles unable to relax, Kara felt Lilette shudder. Then again, harder. Another scream, this one of ecstasy, ripped from the succubus's throat.

  Kara reached down, sliding the whip out from Lilette's spasming muscles.

  Kara watched the girl recover from her orgasm. She had never seen a girl orgasm, never done it herself. But now that she wasn't a paladin...

  Kara's mind reeled at the possibilities.

  "If you didn't do it, then who?" Kara asked, wondering if she had made a mistake.

  Lilette's eyes suddenly shot wide open, focusing over Kara's shoulder. "Probably him."

  Kara spun around.

  Just in time to see the ogre's club coming at her.

  Then the world was chaos.

  Kara rolled. Lilette was screaming something. The ogre bellowed.

  Naked and armed only with a whip, Kara's options were limited. She dodged back as the ogre roared ahead.

  "Cut me down!" Lilette screamed again, "I have magic!"

  Magic, that was right, the demoness might stand a chance.

  Kara rolled another blow heavy enough to shatter the tree trunk behind her. But would Lilette betray her? Wasn't she more dangerous than the ogre?

  "Mistress, cut me down!" Lilette pleaded.


  "Think of it like a paladin's vow," Lilette said as they made their way back to Logtown, "'Mistress' isn't just a word, it's a code. Among demons anyway."

  "And now you're really going to follow me around?" Kara asked, adjusting the sack with the ogre's head in it. It was heavier than she would have liked. But Evaard was sure to want the magic ingredients. Ogre's eyes are worth more than their weight in gold, he had told her many times.

  "Not just follow. Serve, Mistress. Why, is that a problem?"

  "Well..." Kara said slowly, "You're a succubus. And I'm a paladin."

  "Ex-paladin," Lilette said a little too quickly. Kara winced, that still stung.

  "I'm sorry, Mistress."

  "It's okay. You don't have to be a paladin to do good." It was an easy thing to say, but it was going to take some getting used to.

  Maiden's Chains

  Nalia went to sleep in bliss. She awoke in chains and darkness.

  The young witch shook her head, trying to clear the fog from her mind. The last thing she remembered...

  She had used the forbidden ritual to summon the demon Raum. And he had seduced her, trying to gain his freedom. No, that wasn't quite right. She had seduced him as well, hoping to make the demon break his contract.

  And then.. then they had ended up in each others arms, making love until the morning. She remember Raum running his hands through her sweat soaked red hair as she had clutched desperately to his lithe, muscled torso.

  Nalia's eyes were beginning to adjust to the darkness. And now, somehow, she was here. Had she failed? Had Raum betrayed her?

  As she scanned the room searching for a familiar sign, she ran a hand over her clothes. Her black witch's robe was gone, replaced with a simple cotton skirt that fell to her knees and a simple smock.

  Nalia knew enough to recognize a cell when she saw it. A bed, a chamberpot, chains, and an iron door. Someone didn't want her leaving.

  She didn't have to wait long to find out who. Soft footsteps echoed down the hallway, stopping at her door. The door swung open smoothly, and a girl entered. She was a year or two younger than Nalia with short brown hair that bobbed when she moved.

  The girl bowed awkwardly her bangs falling across her eyes as she clutched her simple white cotton robe. "I am sister Eliza. Please come with me."

  Nalia felt a rage building within her. The sisters of light might think they could slap a few chains on a Red Witch and call it a day, but Nalia had power they had never dreamed of.

  Reaching out with her mind, Nalia grabbed the girl's essence and tossed her body across the room like a ragdoll.

  Or at least, that's what she tried do. What actually happened was Nalia reached out with her mind and she fell screaming to the ground. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't think. Fire burned into her neck, searing her throat shut.

  Sister Eliza rushed to her side. "Please, do not hurt yourself." The girl's voice had real concern in it.

  It took all of Nalia's strength just to nod. The pain was gone now, but her body was still quivering.

  "It's the collar." Eliza explained helpfully, busying herself unlocking Nalia's manacles. "The sisters have sealed your powers. Try to use them and you will be punished."

  "Good to know," Nalia managed as Eliza helped the sorceress to her feet.

  When she regained her strength, perhaps she could overpower Eliza, but for now she was weak as a kitten. Eliza helped Nalia down a sparse, stone hallway. From a few of the rooms they passed, Nalia could here screams and moans.

  "Do not worry." Eliza reassured her seeing the look on her face. "They are being purified, repenting of their evil ways."

  Nalia felt her throat go dry. "Is that what's going to happen to me? I'm going to be purified?"

  Eliza nodded solemnly. "It is the fate of th
e wicked."

  "And Raum, what about Raum?" Nalia didn't quite know why she asked. What did she care what happened to some demon that she picked at random from a book? But she found herself hanging onto Eliza's words.

  "Raum?" Eliza wrinkled her forehead. "Oh, you mean the demonspawn." She shook her head. Nalia felt her heart jump into her throat.

  "No one has ever purified a demonspawn before." Seeing Nalia's face, Eliza tried to reassure her. "But Sister Lily, our most experienced purifier, is on the task. If anyone can do it, she can."

  "How many... how many has Sister Lily purified?"

  "Dozens. She's an inspiration to us all." Eliza lowered her voice conspiratorially. "They say she has never failed. Not even once. Can you believe that?"

  "And you?" Nalia asked, hoping.

  "Me?" Eliza paused. "I... this will be my first purification. Please forgive my lapses."

  Nalia wasn't sure what to say to that, but Eliza spared her a response by opening one of the countless iron doors that lined the hallway.

  The purpose of the room was unmistakable. The Red Witches had many such chambers. Interrogation chambers, they euphemistically called them.

  Torture implements lined the walls. Long whips, short whips, barbed whips, iron maidens of all sizes and shapes, and more. Most of the devices though, Nalia could not name. They all looked cruel though.

  "This way please." Eliza said as she picked her way through the maze of chains, tables, and chairs, all adorned with an array of manacles and spikes. "Here. Please."

  She gestured to a wooden horse, a think wooden triangle set five or so feet off the ground. Nalia eyed the device apprehensively. She was feeling better now, maybe strong enough to overpower Eliza.

  The younger girl sensed her hesitation. "Please, I don't want to hurt you." Eliza raised her hand and Nalia felt her collar begin to heat. "You must understand, you cannot oppose me. The collar is controlled by my will. Should I wish it, you will die."

  Nalia believed her. Not only was the girl seemingly incapable of deception, but it was the only way they could control their prisoners.

  Obediently, the sorceress mounted the wooden horse. She could feel the sharp edge pushing against her core. Uncomfortably, she pushed her hands against horse to relieve some of the pressure.


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