Jamison, Jane - The Wolf Within [Men of Passion, Colorado 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Jamison, Jane - The Wolf Within [Men of Passion, Colorado 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Jane Jamison

  She’d heard her father upset before, but he’d always maintained a calmness about him. But the grit behind his tone left nothing to the imagination. He was furious and barely keeping himself under control.

  Doug Harmon shifted on his feet trying to stay upright. He held a bottle in one hand and was waving the other hand in the air to accent every word. “There she is.” He narrowed his eyes. “What the fuck have you done to yourself? You look—” He froze, his mouth open.

  “She looks beautiful, and you almost said so.” Tatum stepped in front of Stacy. “She’s staying with us. You need to leave her alone.”

  The incredulous expression on his face washed away as a snarl took its place. “Damn it, girl, you’d better get out here if you know what’s good for you.”

  Stacy started forward, but Tatum grabbed her arm, stopping her. “No, please, stay. You can’t go back to him.”

  Stacy lifted her gaze to hers. “I have to.”

  Tatum’s father shook his head. “No, ma’am, I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t allow that. He’s too drunk for you to go with him. I can’t be responsible for turning you over to the likes of him.”

  “She’s my girlfriend, you old fart. Back off and mind your own business.”

  Her father took a deep breath and turned back to Doug. “She’s in my house, and that makes her safety my concern.”

  Stacy pulled out of Tatum’s hold, ducked her head, and whispered, “I have to. If I don’t, it’ll be even worse in the morning. It’s okay. When he gets this drunk, he’ll pass out as soon as he lies down.”

  “Are you sure? You can stay here as long as you need to.”

  Tatum shot her father a grateful smile. “Can’t we make her stay, Dad? To keep her safe?”

  He shook his head, the sorrow of his decision mixing with his anger. “I want to, honey, but what I said isn’t strictly true. She’s an adult. If she wants to go, we can’t force her to stay.”

  Stacy took a step forward then stopped. Spinning around, she hugged Tatum tightly then whirled around and hurried down the steps to Doug.

  He snatched her arm, flipped Tatum and her father the finger, and started dragging Stacy toward their guesthouse.

  * * * *

  “I wish I’d known what was going on. But hearing anything above the snoring of the other men is next to impossible.” Adam pulled Tatum to him. “I know it’s bothering you, and it bugs me, too, but your father’s right. There’s nothing you can do until Stacy decides she wants your help.”

  Marc had received a reprieve from his confinement in the barn and had accompanied Hank on a guest trail ride. Adam had gotten lucky when his boss had ordered him to spend time washing the horses. He’d awakened early to get the job completed as fast as he could, but it was still well past noon before he’d led the last horse back to the barn.

  Seeing Tatum walking down one of the dirt paths, he’d jumped on the opportunity to get her alone. He’d surprised her by scooping her off her feet and taking her to a small clearing off the trail. The area wasn’t big, but it was enough room for what he had in mind.

  He watched the rise and fall of her chest as she took a deep breath. “I know you’re right, but after seeing that creep take her away, I couldn’t sleep last night.”

  He took her face between his hands. “We love that about you, you know. Marc, Hank, and me. We love it that you care so much, but I don’t want it to tear you up inside.”

  “I can’t help it. I can relate to her so much. After letting my mother treat me the way she has all these years, then having Roger verbally abuse me, I know how she feels.”

  She frowned, making lines in her brow. “I wish she could have an epiphany like I had.”

  “Wow. An epiphany, huh? And what was yours?”

  She pushed against his chest to pay him back for his teasing tone, but he wouldn’t let go. After not getting his time with her in the hayloft, he was determined to make up for it.

  “I don’t know how or why, really.” She eyed him as though studying his face for the first time. “But I know it happened after I met you and your brothers. Something came alive in me. Like a sense of presence that I’d buried way down deep inside me. I suddenly realized last night when I was talking to Stacy, that my mother, Roger, and anyone else who had ever put me down all these years were dead wrong. I don’t care what they think any longer.”

  “You seem more confident now, stronger, and braver.” He and his brothers had noticed the change in her. At times she even acted like a female alpha. Gone was the shy girl they’d seen that first day. Instead, she was a self-assured woman who knew her place in the world and wouldn’t make any excuses for what she wanted to do.

  “I am. I even talked to my mother last night and told her that I’ll visit her if and when I want to. I told her that I still want a relationship but that from now on, it’ll be the kind of relationship I want. I also told her that I’ve met three amazing men and I want them all.” She laughed, the sound music to his ears. “I think I almost gave her a heart attack.”

  He chuckled, liking how proud she was of herself. He nuzzled her neck and skimmed his tongue along it. “Good for you. I don’t know the lady, but I’m sure you set her straight.”

  “I sure did.”

  “And how does this new, stronger Tatum want her men? Docile? Under her command?” He studied her, wanting her to understand the meaning behind his questions. “We want you. You know that. But we need a woman who knows when it’s time to be strong and when it’s time to do as her men want her to do.”

  “There’s a big difference between a man being in charge and forceful and one being a bully. I want my men strong. I want them to take what they want from me. Just as long as they know how to return the favor.”

  “Your men?”

  Before that day at the pond, he would’ve expected her to look away, not to stare into his eyes and answer with the truth. She lifted her head, thrusting out her chin. “Well, you are, aren’t you? Marc, Hank, and you? You’re my men, isn’t that right?”

  “Damn straight we are. And you’re our woman, got it?”

  “Got it.”

  She smelled so good and felt so right in his arms. How often had his brothers said the same thing? They talked about her whenever they weren’t with her, speaking of her beauty that wasn’t merely skin deep. In a short time, she’d become their everything. There was no doubt. Tatum was the woman they’d waited for.

  “I’ve got to have you.”

  “Here? Now? But we’re so close to the guest cabins.”

  “The guests are with my brothers on a ride. No one will see us.”

  “But how can you be sure? Someone might hear—”

  * * * *

  Adam’s mouth on hers cut off not only her sentence but rational thought as well. Her urges, her needs took over. Tatum moaned, leaned forward, and offered herself to him. The hands she’d placed on his chest betrayed her by exploring his rock-hard muscles. Making quick work of the buttons down half his shirt, she slipped her palms under the material and rejoiced at the feel of his mountainous chest.

  At first gentle, he intensified his kiss, taking her mouth with an urgency that matched her own. He slid his hands around her waist and hugged her close then dropped one hand to possess her butt cheek. He kissed her harder, demanding she give him her tongue, her need, her everything. Nibbling at her lower lip, he moaned, but the sound soon changed into a growl. He squeezed her body closer to his as though he could bring her body inside his then plunged his tongue into her mouth. His tongue wrestled with hers, and she caught his and held on, dragging in his juices.

  She became dizzy, her mind reeling with emotions instead of thoughts. He was one of the three men she’d grown to love in a short time. Running her fingers through his hair, she kept him to her. He swept his hand to the material that tied her hair back and pulled it free. Once it was loose, he tunneled his fingers into her hair, bringing her tresses over her shoulders. He held her hard, rough, but sh
e wasn’t afraid.

  She thrust her hips against his and felt the hardness of his crotch. Sliding her hand over the waistline of his jeans, then over his zipper, she covered the mound hiding beneath the denim. She was consumed with a fire of desire, and only he could put out the flames.

  His growl against her ear sent shivers through her. He trailed his lips over her skin, his stubble scratching her. He pushed aside the collar of her cotton blouse and nipped at her shoulder. She made a strangled, urgent sound deep in her throat and rubbed her breasts against him.

  He pulled away, leaving her breathless and frustrated, but kept her close enough. With a wicked smile, he laid his palm on her chest just below the collarbone. His hand rose and fell with her rapid breaths as she waited for him to do whatever he wanted.

  He skimmed his fingers down the cleavage between her breasts, paused to widen his smile, then continued his movement over her blouse to pull it out of her skirt. Slipping his hand under the light material, he skimmed it upward to circle first the right breast, then the left one. She gasped and closed her eyes for a second, hoping he’d pull her bra aside and pinch her nipples. Drawing in a breath that pushed her chest out, she urged him to do what she wanted. He rubbed his thumbs over her taut nipples, still hidden from his view by her blouse.

  His gaze dropped to her breasts, and, taking one agonizing button at a time, he undid her blouse. She started to help, but he brushed her hands away. He yanked the rest of her shirt out of the hem of her skirt and opened it.

  She tried again to help him by reaching behind for her bra’s hooks, but he took her hands and held them, wrists pressed together in front of her. Her arms pushed the sides of her breasts, plumping them and lifting them for him to taste.

  The cool breeze that fanned over them couldn’t wipe away the heat from his gaze. He took in her breasts and held his hand over them as though he wanted to prolong the moment when he’d remove her bra. Groaning, he pushed the thin straps down to her elbows and, with one practiced move, popped the clasps free. He slid the material over the slope of her breasts and let her bra drop between them.

  “Adam.” She wasn’t sure what she wanted to say, only that she needed to say his name out loud. She was trapped and loving every bit of it.

  He bent and took a nipple into his mouth. She dug her fingernails into his shoulders, hating that he still had his shirt on. His quick nips at her nipples sent delicious pain racing into her wet pussy. He played with one bud while teasing the other first with his teeth, then with his tongue.

  Tatum watched him, burning the fire inside to an even hotter flame. He caught her watching him. His eyes gleamed, the amber taking over more of the dark, as he pleasured her, first whipping his tongue over her sensitive bud, then sucking on it. She mewled and pushed her arms together to plump her breasts even more.

  He pushed his face into her cleavage, working his tongue over her breasts. Her skin tingled and her body hummed as her need went higher and higher. Her breathing grew more labored and she found herself hoping she wouldn’t pass out.

  Her pussy twitched when he slipped his hand under her skirt, touched her thigh, then slid his palm over her skin to the vee between her legs. Flicking his tongue over her nipple, he pushed aside her thong and pressed a finger between her folds.

  Her legs shook, threatening to give out, but she didn’t care as long as he kept up the delicious torture. His finger found her already-throbbing clit and pressed hard against it.

  She thrust her pussy against him, her ache to have him tearing her apart. How many times had she dreamed of a strong man taking whatever he wanted? How many times had she lain in her bed, pleasuring herself and wishing to be dominated? Now she had not just one man but three.

  Her pulse pounded in her ears when he pushed on her leg, making her widen her stance. A second later, she heard him tear away the thin piece of material separating him from her treasure. Her juices rushed out of her to run down the inside of her leg.


  He shot her a sly smile. “Please what?”

  She shook her head, unable to say the words but wanting him to understand anyway. If he didn’t taste her, she’d die.

  “What is it, Tatum?” He brushed his thumb over her smooth skin above her pussy. His smile widened with her reaction. “Oh, so that’s what you want me to do? And what about this?”

  He stroked her clit again, rubbing back and forth, harder than before. If he hadn’t helped to keep her on her feet, she would’ve collapsed.

  “Turn me loose.”

  He laughed. “I don’t think you want that. In fact, judging from how wet my hand is, you don’t want me to ever let you go.”

  Her mind couldn’t comprehend what he’d said. The only thing she could think of was his hand between her legs.

  “I’m not a complicated guy. If you ask, you can get almost anything from me.”

  Her body quivered with excitement. She knew she should, but she couldn’t stop him, didn’t want to stop him.

  “Tatum, ask me what you want.”

  She stared at him, her body screaming at her to tell him to drink her juices. Her mind, however, couldn’t form a simple sentence.

  He chuckled, his warm breath flowing over her skin. “What’s the matter? Can’t find the right words?”

  She shook her head because it was the only thing she could do. That and lean toward him more.

  He circled his thumb over her pulsing nub. “Do you want me to lick you?”

  She closed her eyes, her pride warring with her need. When she opened them again, he’d already unzipped her skirt and tugged it to her ankles.

  Keeping her hands together, he led her to the ground then sat between her legs. He took off his shirt, giving her a good show of his muscles and wide shoulders. She dropped her gaze to his jeans.

  Catching her meaning, he pulled his jeans open and let his erect cock fall out. She took it between her hands and caressed it, loving the feel of the hard undercore to the soft flesh covering it. She bent over and brought it into her mouth. He inhaled and tracked his fingers through her hair.

  He was so much like his brothers, with the same spicy, wild flavor, but his cock had a different taste to it. A taste that reminded her of musk and incense. She shifted, giving her a better position to deep-throat him. He groaned then reached under her to fondle her tits. Pumping up and down, she took him in then released him. Cupping his balls in her hands, she fondled him. Round and round went her tongue, making delicious circles around his cock.

  He put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her back. “If you do any more of that, I’m going to blow.”

  She gave him the smile of a sex kitten. “That’s fine with me.”

  “Damn, as good as that sounds, I’d rather have my cock inside your pussy. At least, this time.” Pushing on her shoulder, he had her lie back then lifted her hands above her head. “Keep your hands together. If you don’t, I’ll stop.”

  He fondled one breast and sucked on the other’s nipple as he moved over her body, taking his time as he dipped his tongue in every curve. Her pussy clenched as he made his way down her body then ran his tongue over the rise of her mons. He lightly skimmed his finger between her folds, and she jerked, anticipating his tongue against her clit.

  “Damn, you’re hot.”

  She started to bring her hands down, but his growl had her rushing to put them over her head again. Spreading her legs at his command, she stared at the light filtering through the trees and waited.

  He delved his fingers between her folds, rubbing her juices around. “You’re so hot you could melt my skin.”

  She trembled and opened her legs wider.

  “No. Don’t move an inch until I tell you to.”

  A flash of heat scorched into her, bringing another gush of wetness at the sound of his rough tone. For a moment, she considered moving her hands just to hear his voice again.

  Pushing one finger inside her, he massaged her clit with his thumb. The tip of his
tongue against her inner thigh had her jerking then trembling. He added another finger and rubbed her longer with harder strokes. She moaned and felt the walls of her pussy tighten around his fingers.

  “Say my name when you come.”

  He pressed his mouth where his thumb had been and sent shudders to rack her body. She squirmed, unable to stay motionless any longer.

  “Bring your hands down. Now squeeze your breasts.”

  She cried out, rejoicing to do as he demanded. Fondling her breasts, she played with her nipples, matching the stroke of his tongue on her clit. He finger-fucked her, pounding into her, bumping his hand against the flesh around her pussy. He used his tongue to torture her, driving her to the edge of blackness.

  He increased his thrusts, pushing into her harder as he dragged her aching nub into his mouth and nipped it with his teeth. Her mind whirled with blissful nothingness as the sensations of pleasure tore into her. His name was on her mind a second before the climax ripped it from her lips.

  Blackness overtook her and a sob escaped. Her body shook as her release tumbled out of her. She barely had time to catch her breath before he slammed his cock into her pussy. Holding his body over hers, he thrust into her, his cock pushing to the end. She wrapped her legs around him and tugged him closer then started undulating her hips.

  His eyes were closed, his face a mask of concentration as he plunged into her time and again. The heat built inside her again, faster than before, harder than ever as her body readied for an even bigger climax. She held on, trying to do whatever she could to hold it back. But when he opened his eyes and she saw the look of adoration in them, she couldn’t hold back any longer.

  He lowered his head to her breast and sucked in her tit. The sound of his roaring release was muffled against her breast. Gritting her teeth to keep from crying out, she dug her fingernails into his back, leaving marks that would claim him as her own.

  He fell to her side, his breathing matching the sound of her panting. Smiling, she turned on her side and traced a figure eight on his flat stomach. “I never would’ve believed I’d have sex out in the open before I met you guys. Now, it seems like the most natural thing in the world.”


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