Spiders Revenge

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Spiders Revenge Page 13

by Belle Aurora

Page 13

  But they weren't alone.

  Sometime while I'd been chasing after Jenkins, Roslyn and Xavier had joined the party. Roslyn stood on the other side of Bria, eyeing the bodies that littered the cracked pavement like loose gravel, her beautiful features puckered with obvious distaste. I couldn't tell if the vamp was bothered by what Finn and I had done to the men or the horrible, cliched Windbreakers that they wore. Xavier was being more practical. The giant went from body to body, pulling out wallets and cell phones, and scanning through them, trying to find out who the men were. Their names didn't much matter now, since they were all dead.

  At the scuff of my footsteps, Finn turned, his gun still in his hand.

  "Relax," I said, stepping out of the shadows. "It's just me. "

  Finn nodded, but he didn't put his gun away. Instead, he kept scanning the area like he expected more goons to pop up out of the snow and try to grab Bria again. Given what Jenkins had told me about Mab's bounty on my sister, it wasn't that much of a stretch.

  I looked at Bria, checking her for injuries just the way that Fletcher had always done for me whenever I'd been in a knockdown, drag-out fight. Her face was a mess. A cut above her right eye dripped blood, while another one across her chin did the same. Bruises blackened both her cheeks, further marring her pretty, delicate features, and she had one arm wrapped around her middle, as though a couple of her ribs were broken.

  My heart twisted at the damage that had been done to her, at the pain she was suffering. But I also knew that Bria had gotten off easy. Because she was still here with me, instead of being delivered into Mab's fiery hands.

  "So what did he say?" Finn asked.

  "One of these men talked?" Roslyn asked in a disbelieving tone. "Before he died?"

  I shook my head. "Not them. There was one more who ran when things got bloody, but I chased him down. As for what he said, it was nothing good. Mab's put out a five-million-dollar bounty on the Spider's head. "

  Finn let out a low whistle.

  "Oh, the news gets better. The sum goes up to ten million if someone manages to hog-tie me and dump me at Mab's feet-alive. "

  "Ten million dollars?" Xavier rumbled. The giant was still bent over one of the bodies on the pavement. "No wonder things have been so crazy around here. Every bounty hunter east of the Mississippi would come to Ashland for that kind of money. "

  I nodded at the dead dwarves. "Apparently, they're already here. "

  Nobody said anything.

  "But there's more, isn't there?" Bria asked. "Something you aren't telling us. Something to do with me. Because these men tonight? They wanted me, not you, Gin. So tell us the rest of it. "

  Bria and I might not have the closest of relationships, but she was starting to pick up on things about me. Like the fact that I would keep secrets if I thought it would protect the people I loved. I didn't know whether to be happy or annoyed with her insight. But there was no getting around her question, not with Finn, Roslyn, and Xavier eyeing me too, wondering what was going on.

  I stared at Bria. "Apparently, Mab has realized our familial connection-or at least suspects it-because she's put a bounty on your head as well. One million dollars. The only catch is that you have to be brought in alive. With me, she'll take whatever she can get. "

  Bria looked at me, her blue eyes dark and thoughtful. "She wants to use me as bait. To lure you out into the open so she can kill us both. "

  I shrugged. "That would be my guess. But it's not going to happen. I'm not going to let it happen. I promise you that, baby sister. "

  Anger tightened her battered features. "I don't need you to protect me, Gin. I'm a cop and an Ice elemental, remember? I've been taking care of myself for a long time now. I can handle a few bounty hunters. "

  I snorted. "This is more than a few bounty hunters. This is every toothless old geezer with a shotgun in the back of his pickup coming to Ashland gunning for us. Me, they haven't got much of a shot at, since I'm so good at being a ghost. But everybody in town knows your name, rank, and serial number, especially since the incident at the train yard right before Christmas. I'm just surprised it took them this long to get up enough gumption to come after a cop. "

  Bria shifted on the bumper of the SUV. Her bloody lips clamped down, like she was afraid that if she opened them she'd spill her guts about something she wasn't supposed to.

  My eyes narrowed. "This is the first time that someone's tried to kidnap you, right? Because I know you would have told me if something like this had happened before. "

  For a moment, I thought that she wasn't going to answer me. But my cold, accusing gaze weighed down on her, cracking her resolve.

  Bria sighed. "There was a guy two days ago when I was getting coffee over at the Cake Walk. He pulled a gun on me as I came out of the restaurant, forced me into a nearby alley, and told me that he was going to take me for a ride. "

  "What happened?"

  Bria shrugged. "I waited until I was sure that there was no one else around who could get hurt, then threw my coffee in the bastard's face and took away his gun. While he was screaming from the pain and the second-degree burns, I cuffed his ass and hauled him down to the station. End of story. "

  Finn gave my sister a warm, admiring look. "Nice takedown, detective. Even if you should have found another way to do it. Don't you know that you never, ever waste a cup of coffee like that?"

  Bria's brows drew together in confusion. She hadn't been around long enough yet to realize the dark, murky depths of Finn's caffeine addiction. She shook her head, pressed his silk handkerchief to the wound above her eye, and turned to look at me.

  "And what about Jenkins?" she asked. "I assume that you caught up to him, since you're telling us all this. "

  There was more that she wanted to ask me. The question burned like a flare in her icy eyes. A lesser woman would have left it at that, especially when dealing with someone like the Spider, even if I was her sister. But Bria wasn't lacking for bravery or anything else in the toughness department.

  "Did you kill Jenkins? After you questioned him?"

  "Of course I killed him," I said. "He was a threat to you. He'd already sold you out once, and he would have been more than happy to do it again. I couldn't let him walk away. Nobody hurts the people that I care about and gets away with it-nobody. "

  Bria's mouth flattened into a hard line, and more anger iced over her eyes, but she didn't say anything else. She didn't argue with me about how what I'd done had been so wrong. About how I'd just killed someone in cold blood. About how she could have taken care of Jenkins by arresting him and letting him cool his heels in jail. But I could sense her disappointment in me. The chill of it radiated off her, an arctic front blasting me with her cold displeasure.

  Finn stepped in between us. "I hate to interrupt this little debriefing, but in case y'all have forgotten, we're standing in a parking lot with several dead bodies. Something that would look a wee bit suspicious to even the most trusting soul. What do you want to do, Gin?"

  "Yeah," Xavier chimed in, getting to his feet. "You want me to call it in? You going to leave your rune here for Mab to find?"

  After I'd declared war on Mab, I'd started leaving my spider rune at the scenes of my crimes whenever I ambushed and killed the Fire elemental's men. Scratching the rune into the dirt, carving it into the side of a building, even drawing it in blood. I'd done all that and more because I'd wanted Mab to focus all her anger on me, and not think too much about the folks that I'd saved along the way, like Bria and Roslyn, and what their connection to me might be.

  "I can do the whole song and dance," Roslyn volunteered. "You know, say that everyone was in the nightclub and no one heard a thing. Just like always. "

  I stared at the bodies that littered the parking lot. Ten minutes ago, the men had been full of vim and vigor. Now th
ey were nothing, less than nothing, like yesterday's newspaper all crumpled up and thrown away.

  "No," I said in a thoughtful voice. "I'm not going to leave my rune behind, and you guys aren't going to call it in. We're going to pretend like this never happened. "

  Bria frowned. "But why? What's different about tonight?"

  "Because Mab has hired subcontractors," I said. "These aren't her men. Not really. But if I leave my rune behind and they realize that I stepped in to protect you, Mab will know that she's right about our connection. She'll tell the bounty hunters, and then there'll be a feeding frenzy, even more so than there is already. No, our friends here are going to disappear quietly. And I know just the Goth dwarf to make it happen. "

  Thanks to a call from Finn, Sophia Deveraux showed up about fifteen minutes later, driving her classic convertible.

  As usual, the Goth dwarf wore black from head to toe. Only tonight, her ensemble consisted of a pair of work boots and long, heavy coveralls. The perfect outfit for disposing of a dead body. Or six in this case. While we'd waited for Sophia to show up, Xavier and I had walked over, retrieved Jenkins's body from the alley, and brought it back here to the parking lot. No need to make the dwarf trudge all that way, especially when the alley was still coated with the slippery elemental Ice that I'd created. She'd be busy enough here as it was.

  "As you can see, things got a little more hectic than I expected tonight," I told Sophia.

  "Hmph. " The dwarf grunted in agreement as she surveyed the bodies.

  "You need help with anything?"

  Sophia rolled her black eyes and huffed, like I'd just insulted her. I suppose that I had. Like me, Sophia preferred to work alone, and she was damn good at her job. The Goth dwarf had been getting rid of bodies for Fletcher for years before I'd come along and taken over the assassination business from the old man.

  Sophia was incredibly strong, even for a dwarf, but what really set her apart was the fact that she had the same elemental Air magic that her sister, Jo-Jo, did. The older dwarf used her magic to heal, but Sophia did something different with hers. In addition to putting blood vessels and broken bones back together, Air magic was also great for tearing them apart-and sandblasting bloodstains, DNA, and brain matter off doors, floors, walls, and wherever else it happened to spatter. Sophia wouldn't bother getting rid of the tacky pools of blood in the parking lot, since the harsh winter elements would soon erode them. But she would take care of the dwarven bounty hunters' bodies for me, disintegrating them with her Air magic and hauling off whatever pieces were left to parts unknown.

  "We're going to Jo-Jo's to get Bria patched up," I told Sophia. "See you there?"

  "Mmm-hmm," she said in a distracted tone, already pulling on a pair of gloves, probably so she wouldn't ruin her manicure. Her nails gleamed pearl pink in the semi-darkness, the soft, girly color looking decidedly at odds with her stark black coveralls.

  "I'll stay with her," Xavier said. "Just in case anyone wonders what she's doing and comes over to investigate. "

  I nodded. There was a slim chance anyone would venture by at this late hour, at least someone who was still sober and not soused from their time inside Northern Aggression. But if they did, the giant would flash his police badge and send them on their way. Good. Sophia could take care of herself, but it never hurt to have someone around watching your back.

  "Thanks," I told the giant. "I owe you one. "

  Xavier grinned. "Nah, you don't owe me anything. At least not for this. Although I wouldn't be opposed to another free lunch or two. That was one fine meal we had today. "

  I raised an eyebrow. "Better be careful talking about how good my cooking is. Roslyn might get jealous. "

  The vampire madam let out a soft laugh. "Oh, I'll freely admit that your cooking is much better than mine, Gin. But I have certain skills you don't, especially in the bedroom. I think that Xavier far prefers those, even over a plate of the Pork Pit's best barbecue. "

  Roslyn gave Xavier a sly look, and the giant's grin widened.

  "Well played, Roslyn," I murmured. "Well played. "

  Xavier gave Roslyn a hot, lingering look that told me exactly what the two of them would be doing later on. Then the giant moved over to stand by Sophia, who had pulled a measuring tape out of her coveralls to see how many of the bounty hunters' bodies she could squeeze into the trunk of her convertible. Despite its swooping fins and clean lines, the black vehicle always reminded me of a hearse. Tonight, the dwarven mobsters would take their last ride in it.

  Roslyn went back inside Northern Aggression to continue circulating through the crowd and keep up appearances. Finn and I helped Bria limp over to his Aston Martin, which was parked in the nightclub's east lot.

  Bria and I didn't speak while we rode over to Jo-Jo's house. My sister was still pissed that I'd killed her informant, even though Jenkins had sold her out. Finn tried to fill in the silence, cracking wise and telling a few jokes, but even his antics couldn't defrost the tension between us.

  Twenty minutes later, the three of us were in the warm, familiar confines of Jo-Jo's salon. Bria sat in one of the cherry red salon chairs, while Jo-Jo examined her face with a critical eye.

  "That's a nasty cut you've got there, darling," the dwarf told Bria. "The bastard walloped you good, didn't he?"

  Bria grimaced. "That he did. "

  Jo-Jo held her palm up close to Bria's face and reached for her Air magic. The dwarf's power filled the salon, once more making the spider rune scars on my palms itch and burn. Jo-Jo leaned forward, and Bria hissed like an angry cat. Not because Jo-Jo was hurting her, but because she could sense the dwarf's Air magic, just like I could-and it felt nothing like our cool Ice magic or even my similar Stone power.

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