The Temptress

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The Temptress Page 8

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Are you happy to walk back to the hotel, along the banks of the Seine?’ he asked, looking at me over his shoulder. ‘The sun will soon be going down, it will be colder, but the view of the city on the banks opposite as it lights up, is magnifique.’

  ‘Sure,’ I smiled, feeling sad that my time with him was coming to an end. He’d made me laugh today as well, something that was quite rare with other men. I wasn’t sure if he was being intentionally funny, or if it was a language thing, but both of us had seemed to amuse the other. He spoke to Albert again and shut the car door, then let go of my hand and put his arm around my waist, tucking his hand into my back pocket, giving my backside a gentle, almost indiscernible, squeeze. So I did the same and heard him chuckle. He was right, as the lights started to turn on the view was stunning, especially of all the bridges up ahead and The Eiffel Tower in the distance. The closer we got to it, the closer to the hotel I knew we were and I’d need to make a decision. Right now though, I was very aware of the back of my right heel hurting. Despite Albert having driven us between sights, we’d still done a lot of walking. The most walking I normally did was when I was shopping for shoes. I made it nearly to the gardens next to my hotel and winced.

  ‘Quoi?’ he asked as he looked at me. ‘Sorry, what? Something is wrong?’

  ‘Just a blister forming, it’s nothing,’ I smiled, then looked at him startled as he quickly pulled his arm away from my waist and bent over.

  ‘Hop on,’ he called.

  ‘What?’ I laughed.

  ‘I will give you the back of the piggy.’

  ‘That sounds so wrong, in English it’s “a piggy back,”’ I giggled.

  ‘Either way, hop on. I am stronger than I look.’

  ‘It’s about 500 metres.’

  ‘And you are suffering, I am attempting to be chivalrous.’

  ‘Fine, but I’m heavier than I look, I eat a lot of chocolate,’ I advised, as I did as I was told and squealed as he righted himself, holding me under my knees, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. The temptation to lick, bite and kiss it was overwhelming, he smelled so good.

  ‘A chocolate lover you may be, but heavy you are not. Do not tell me that you are one of these women who only eats lettuce leaves, so she can then indulge?’

  ‘I wish, I have no self-control.’

  ‘You resisted me last night.’

  ‘For all of ten minutes,’ I reminded him. ‘No, I love my food, chocolate especially. I’m lucky that I have a fast metabolism, I can eat what I want and stay in reasonable shape.’

  ‘Reasonable shape?’ he laughed. ‘No self-respecting Frenchman would call your body “reasonable shape,” it’s sensational. You have beautiful and sexy curves, a high, tight curvaceous backside, petite waist, legs that go on for miles and the most incredible pair of full breasts that I’ve ever seen. Mon Dieu, what I would love to do to this body,’ he purred, as I squirmed on his back. ‘I told you that I do not chase, ma belle. The balls are in your court, I told you that I would be respectful and you would need to beg me for more. We are nearly at our destination.’

  ‘Luc, I … I told you that I don’t do this sort of thing, leap into bed with a man I only just met.’

  ‘We met yesterday, Lulu. We have spent an incredible day together, this is not leaping, not in my world.’

  ‘We come from different worlds, well different countries anyway. Sex isn’t just physical for me, it’s emotional, personal. I’ve only ever done it with people that I was planning on dating.’

  ‘I see,’ he sighed, as he gently crouched and set me down outside the front doors. He turned around to face me, as a war raged in my head. Was walking away now, without getting further involved with this man, for the best? Or would I regret the wasted opportunity, like he’d said I would? He clasped my face, tilting it back so he could look down into my eyes. It was freezing outside now, steam was gathering between our mouths on each exhalation, but I’d never felt more heat, it filled the void between us as our eyes gave away our inner thoughts, our chests rising and falling rapidly. ‘I had an amazing day, Lulu. One I shall never forget. Maybe we will meet in another life and have a different ending. Goodbye, ma belle. Take care of yourself.’

  I tried to say something, but suddenly I felt incredibly emotional, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to him, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to give myself up to him either, despite my body pleading to the contrary. Just being around him all day had me in a heightened aroused state. The way he walked, held himself, smiled, laughed and talked. The way he looked at me, as if for a brief shining moment he’d realised that I could be his entire world and him mine. He sighed and gently lay his lips on my forehead, the feeling was as if I’d just been branded by him. I swallowed hard and blinked rapidly, as I tried to stop myself from crying as he let go of my face, spun on his heels and marched towards Albert, waiting by the Porsche, the door open. I watched Luc sink into the back seat, my heart racing and my hands trembling.

  ‘Wait, wait!’ I called urgently. He held his hand up to Albert, to stop him closing the door and looked over at me, my mouth going dry, still unsure what I was going to do. ‘I never said thank you.’

  ‘For what?’ he called.

  ‘Everything. My beautiful hat, scarf and gloves, an incredible tour of Paris, the crepes, the hot chocolate, or the back of the piggy,’ I replied, with a feeble smile.

  ‘You are welcome.’ He held my gaze, his eyes darkening with need, as they silently pleaded with me for my consent. I opened my mouth to tell him I wanted to go with him, for him to do all those things he’d promised, but the thought of having that, of having him and then leaving tomorrow, was too upsetting. I knew myself too well, I was going to fall for him, but I was just another plaything to him. Maybe he had given me more than his usual one night stands, but it still wasn’t enough for a girl like me.

  ‘I had an amazing day, one I’ll never forget,’ I nodded as I reached up to wipe away a couple of tears that had escaped my rims and were trickling down my cheek. ‘Goodbye, Luc.’

  ‘Goodbye, Lulu,’ he sighed heavily, his face crestfallen. He nodded at Albert to close the door, the tinted windows concealing him from my view. I suddenly felt bereft and wrapped my arms around myself as Albert headed around to the driver’s side. I turned quickly and ran into the hotel. I couldn’t watch him leave. I ignored the pain of my skin chaffing in my boots as I made it to the lift and hammered on the call button, praying Coco was in our suite. I needed to hold it together for a few more minutes, then I could sob on my best friend’s shoulder and lament a missed opportunity, that all of a sudden I was thinking I was going to regret for the rest of my life. The only consolation was that I had his card upstairs, maybe I could ring him and tell him I’d changed my mind. Damn it, I was so confused. The gold mirrored doors of the lift shuddered open and I threw myself inside, pressing for the eighth floor. It seemed to take forever for the doors to rattle and start to close as I sighed, then jumped, as a hand reached into the gap, halting the closure and they slowly opened again, framing a furious looking Luc. I gawped at him and shrank into the corner as he stepped inside and pressed for the doors to close. I could feel the frustration and anger radiating off him as he approached me.

  ‘No, don’t,’ I moaned as he closed in. I darted to the other corner as we started to rise.

  ‘I chase no one, but here I am,’ he growled, as he turned to follow me. ‘You deny your basic needs and you need me, as much as I need you, of this I am certain.’

  ‘You said you’d leave, you said you’d go unless I begged you, I didn’t beg.’

  ‘You made a mistake!’ he snapped. ‘I am not leaving until you change your mind. I cannot leave. I have to be inside you, Lulu. I have never felt such desperation to claim a woman as I have for you. I need to taste your need for me, to have you ride my face as I drown in you, to grasp those perfect cheeks of your backside as I fuck you against the wall, to grip your hair as I pound into you from behind, for those long legs
of yours to circle my waist as I give it my all above you. I need your pleasure, as much as you need me to give it.’

  ‘Luc,’ I moaned, my resolve breaking by the second again. I tried to move to the next corner, but he side stepped and pinned me into it.

  ‘I’m going to kiss you, it won’t be sweet and tender, much like my fucking of you later, because I am furious that you rejected me. Never has anyone rejected me. If I am forcing you against your will then you tell me now, otherwise I will kiss you aggressively, then take you home and fuck your brains out for making me so angry. Only a succession of your orgasms where you call my name will appease me. So tell me, Lulu. Do you reject me, again?’ he hissed, as his hands grasped my waist and his hips melded with mine, his erection flexing against my stomach.

  ‘I … I …’ I whimpered as he eye fucked me, my pussy quivering and dampening at the thought of it.

  ‘Tell me what you want!’ he roared, his voice laced with frustration.

  ‘You,’ I cried, admitting defeat. ‘You, I want you. I want you to fuck me until I forget my name, I want you to fuck me like the world is ending, I want you to fuck me until I’m raw and spent and I fall asleep from sheer exhaustion. I want you, Luc, I’ve never wanted anyone more.’

  ‘Lulu,’ he growled, his desire for me evident in his tone. He grabbed my hands and pinned them behind my back as our mouths collided in a frenzy of passionate need. His tongue was in my mouth in an instant, circling, plunging, lashing, giving me an insight as to how it would work on my aching clit. My nipples had peaked, my pussy was throbbing and slick and I needed him inside me. Soon. He broke away when the lift doors opened and some people got in and asked Luc if he’d press for the ground floor, as I panted, clutching the rail to hold myself up, sure my cheeks were flushed and our new arrivals knew exactly what we’d just been doing. He looked down at me, clasped my chin and ran his thumb over my swollen lower lip with a smirk. ‘You look ready.’

  ‘Ready?’ I frowned. He leaned in and placed his lips near my ear, the heat of his breath sending an involuntary shiver of delight down my spine.

  ‘To be fucked, rough, hard, fast and thoroughly,’ he whispered. ‘I hope that you are already wet, because I have never been so large and hard as I am for you right now, Lulu.’ A small moan left my lips at the thought of it and he chuckled, before wrapping his arms around my shoulders and resting his chin on top of my new hat. I nuzzled into his chest. I’d never felt like this, like I’d die if I didn’t have him inside me any minute. When the lift opened, he grabbed my hand and quickly hurried me back out into the cold, straight into the waiting Porsche, as he gave Albert an order. The second Luc was in the car, his hand palmed my face and he started kissing me again. I reached up with one hand to grasp his jacket collar, the other sliding over his firm thigh, my fingers curling around it as I tried to maintain a grip to keep our lips locked. I had no idea where we were going, what direction we were heading in, all I cared about was the most intense kissing I’d ever experienced. I was giddy and lightheaded, moaning into his mouth as he claimed me.

  We pulled to a standstill and he broke away too soon. I had stars in my eyes and was unable to focus and my knickers, God, my knickers were drenched with my excitement. I tried to focus as he opened the door and grabbed my hand, pulling me out and tugging me along behind him, through a large old metal door, then a marble lobby, herding me into a cage lift, made from ornate, black painted iron. He clasped my face as he kissed me again and I closed my eyes to savour it as I gripped his large upper arms. Suddenly we were moving again, barely giving me a second to come around. I felt drunk, completely intoxicated on his kisses. He retrieved a key from his pocket and unlocked the white front door, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside as he quickly shut it behind him.

  I barely had time to register the large open plan, brick lined loft apartment, before he’d stripped off his jacket and was tearing at the belt on mine, our lips bruising each other’s again. My jacket was thrown aside as he spun me around to face the wall, ordering me to palm it and lift each foot in turn. I did as I was told, trying to catch my breath as he pulled each of my boots and socks off, then reached around to undo the button and zip on my jeans, as he bit and sucked the side of my neck. The urgency in him, in both of us, was transparent. The moment he released me I unbuckled my belt and ditched it, as I raced to undo the buttons on my shirt, the sound of his heavy breathing and rustle of clothes behind me. My hat, gloves, scarf and shirt, went the same way as the rest of my clothes, in a heap on the floor. I wriggled my hips to free myself of my jeans as I shimmied them down and heard a groan behind me as I kicked them off and was suddenly overcome with embarrassment. I was standing in my underwear, in a virtual stranger’s apartment, God only knows where. I’d never been so brazen in my life.

  ‘Regardez-moi, Lulu,’ he ordered, with a husky edge to his voice. ‘Look at me, turn around.’ He said it like he expected me to comply, but he didn’t even give me a chance, as his hands clasped my shoulders and assisted. I gasped, he was totally naked and my God, if I thought he took my breath away clothed, he’d just sucked all the air out of my lungs. His body was perfectly sculpted, lean and muscular, broad rounded shoulders and obvious biceps, firm high pecs and those obliques, holy hell, I’d never seen a stomach like it. I barely had a chance to look any further before he pressed me up against the wall, a groan leaving his lips as he grasped my lace clad backside and hoisted me up it, the bricks scraping at my skin as my legs locked around his waist. I gasped to feel his sizeable erection between my legs, a thin piece of material the only thing between us. I knotted my fingers in his soft hair, as I pulled his mouth to mine again, squealing as I felt him rip my knickers to shreds. The squeal turned to a scream as seconds later he thrust up inside me, ripping me in two.

  ‘Merde, you are so tight, so much better than I dreamed about,’ he groaned against my mouth. ‘Tell me you’re ok, tell me I can continue?’

  ‘Yes,’ I moaned, ‘yes.’ I’d never been with anyone who filled me the way he did, length and girth. The sensation was incredible with him just stationery inside me, but when he began to power in and out I nearly passed out from an overload of endorphins that flooded my system. He muttered in French against my neck between kisses and bites, his hips setting up a punishing rhythm of fast, hard strokes, slamming against my clit at the same time. Shit, I was going to come already, it was too much, he was too much. ‘Luc, please, o God, please.’

  ‘You come already, I can feel it, your muscles tightening around my cock, the breathy moans in my ear, come for me, ma belle, I want you to give me many of your orgasms ce soir.’

  ‘Luc,’ I mewled, as my orgasm blossomed into the most powerful sexual experience I’d ever encountered. It rippled out from my core, all the way to my extremities, giving me the most incredible head rush and feeling of bliss. My nails dug into the back of his neck as I trembled in his arms. He groaned and pulled me off the wall, his mouth finding mine again as he staggered blindly, still buried tightly inside me. We ricocheted off the fridge, the contents rattling violently as he headed for the old oak dining table, he kicked a chair out of the way, one hand letting go of my backside to sweep the bowl of fruit onto the floor with a clatter, before supporting my head as we fell onto the table top. I hadn’t even recovered from my first climax and he was pounding into me again. I clutched at his shoulders, my legs circling his waist as he gripped the other side of the table, enabling him to thrust deeper, threatening to rupture my internal organs. The question as to whether he was able to simply make love, instead of fuck like this, entered my head, but given that what he was doing was currently blowing my mind, I didn’t care. He had more skills than any of my previous lovers combined.

  ‘Lulu,’ he grunted, as he rammed into me again and again, my fingers losing grip as his shoulder muscles glistened with perspiration from his exertions. ‘No one ever felt so good, I’m going to fuck you all night, until you can’t walk or talk you’ll be so exhausted. When we have
slept in each other’s arms and recovered, I’ll fuck you again, then we will talk about what this means. This is not a one off, this can’t be … a one off,’ he moaned huskily, as my body started to react again.

  ‘O God,’ I whimpered, my toes cramping. I was so out of practice, I was done in already and he wanted to go all night? My nails raked his back as my head started to thrash. I gazed through intoxicated eyes up at his beautiful face which was contorted with pleasure, thrown back as he groaned loudly. I cried out again and again, begging him to come, his stamina was incredible. ‘Luc, please,’ I sobbed, as my back arched and my core clenched.

  ‘Ma belle,’ he growled, thrusting harder than I ever thought humanly possible. I screamed, emptying all the air from my lungs, as I quaked below him and heard him mutter in French as he ploughed into me one final time with a deafening roar of my name, his come exploding from him with force and I felt the most unusual sensation of my insides being bathed with warmth.

  ‘Shit,’ I cursed, in the midst of my high. We hadn’t used protection. Luc collapsed on top of me, nosing through my crazily messed up hair, nibbling my ear lobe.


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