The Temptress

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The Temptress Page 17

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Great idea,’ she nodded.

  ‘I’ll speak to Ian personally, he’s given us many years of excellent service. He may have someone he can recommend for the post. I could always convert my bedroom here to an office for them. I haven’t spent the night here in forever.’

  ‘Not since Tristan,’ she nodded. ‘So, what are you going to tell Mrs. Le Grand?’

  ‘I want to see her face to face. I’m convinced she sent me there knowing exactly who I was, knowing that if he was going to stray, there was potential for him to do it for me. I want to know how she found me. A photo and a first name and she tracks me down? I don’t like being used in whatever scheme she has going on. I know it will likely cut my fee, or I’ll lose it altogether, but proof of an affair is all I’m prepared to offer.’

  ‘I’m not going to pry, as this is personal for you, very personal, but if you need anything, I’m here. You know that right?’ she asked, giving my hand a squeeze.

  ‘Thank you,’ I nodded gratefully. ‘Can you get hold of Mrs. Le Grand straight away and tell her I need to see her in person. With the exception of the weekend, I’ll fit her in anytime, I need to get to the bottom of this, but I’m liable to lose my cool if I speak to her today. I’ll ring Ian now. As I only have one appointment later today, maybe we can sit in here and brainstorm some ideas for moving us forwards with the PI work?’

  ‘Got it,’ she confirmed. ‘Anything else for now?’

  ‘I’m in the mood for sugar, if you could order up some pastries and cakes for everyone that would be great, but warn them to grab some fast, as I plan on eating myself happy again today and woe betide anyone who tries to take one I’m eyeing up.’ I gave her a smile and a wink, to let her know I was ok when she hesitated at the door, when inside I felt like a lone sock being bounced around the inside of a tumble drier. All of my emotions were spinning so fast it was hard to find one to cling onto, to focus on. I covered my eyes with my hands as I tried to calmly breathe. Was this how badly he affected me? About half an hour in his presence, then a few minutes of watching him on camera? Granted he was naked, looking like … that, but seriously? ‘Work,’ I muttered to myself, I had a lot of work to do, even more given my sudden change of heart. So much to sort, so much to sink my teeth into. That should help me take my mind off my sexy Parisian man.

  Well that was the plan, but how often did plans work out as expected? Last night had been the perfect example of that. I moved to my desk and fired up my computer, opening my email and scanning down them quickly, I always started with new cases. I suddenly stopped scrolling and went back up to a message I’d discounted, but something in the subject heading drew my attention.

  Subject: Six years and yet you slip through my fingers again ma belle.

  I swallowed hard, “ma belle” was Luc’s pet name for me, my beauty. I opened the email, noticing it had been sent not long after I’d jumped in the car with Mike last night.

  I cannot understand what has just happened this evening. I am frustrated and confused. You cannot deny that we still have something, no one who feels nothing kisses the way you just did. But then you run from me. Again. Do not make me wait another six years for an explanation, I have exhausted a million lifetimes of patience on you already. I need answers, I need to talk to you. I need you to talk to me. You now know my mobile and office numbers, as well as my private and office email. There is no excuse. Even if you too are married, a happy woman does not kiss another man with the passion that you kissed me. I do not take either a husband or your running as a sign to give up. I take it as a challenge. If you don’t contact me, somehow I am going to find you. I gave up too easily last time, not again. We still have chemistry Lulu, married or not, I just want a chance to find out what that means. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about you, about our perfect day and night together. A man cannot live on fantasy alone. I await your response, ma belle. Toujours ma belle. Personne n’a jamais comparé à vous, dans mes rêves ou dans ma vie. Luc x

  I quickly blotted my eyes with a tissue from a box on my desk. “Always my beauty. No one ever compared to you, in my dreams or in my life,” he’d written. God damn him. God damn her, for putting me back in his path. I’d been happy. I was doing fine until she thrust him back into my life. I let out of snuffly sigh. Who was I kidding? Much as I had a great working life, the trappings that my success afforded me, a beautiful little boy, amazing friends and family, I wasn’t fine. I didn’t have Luc in my life. He was the one thing that was missing to make my life perfect.

  I was sitting with Sandra, going over the payroll figures to see if we could fund an IT expert, when there was a knock at the door.

  ‘Come in,’ I called, giving her an apologetic smile.

  ‘Can someone get the door,’ came Violet’s voice.

  ‘Let me, you need to rest that knee of yours,’ Sandra scolded with a pointed finger, as I went to stand up.

  ‘It’s like being at work with twenty of my mothers,’ I laughed, as I settled myself back in my chair. I looked up as Violet entered with a huge bouquet of orange and yellow roses from Parkers florists. My heart sank. I thought Greg had understood that we were over.

  ‘I’ll give you a minute and make some coffee for us both,’ Sandra smiled and disappeared.

  ‘Biggest bouquet ever, Lulu,’ came Violet’s voice from behind the sprays. It was so large I couldn’t even see her. ‘I’ll put them on your console table behind you, or you’ll never get any work done with these taking over your desk.’

  ‘Greg?’ I sighed.

  ‘I do many things for you, but opening personal cards on beautiful flowers isn’t one of them,’ she retorted, with a tut. ‘There, I’ll leave you in peace, call me in when you and Sandra are done, I’ve had a few ideas.’

  ‘You always do, Violet, that’s why I love you so much,’ I grinned. She blushed, she was never good at taking praise. I waited until she shut the door and spun around in my chair to smell the flowers. They really were gorgeous, the colours were so rich and vivid. I plucked out the card, wondering what Greg had come up with this time.

  ‘God damn it!’ I moaned, as I grabbed another tissue. ‘Stop making me cry you … smooth philandering Frenchman. You’re married!’

  I reached out and caressed one of the petals between my finger and thumb, they were so soft, like velvet. So orange signified passion and desire? Well it definitely wasn’t one sided. And now it seemed he knew where to find me, it was only a matter of time before I had to face up to what that meant.



  ‘Champagne’s on me,’ I confirmed, as we headed to the upmarket gay bar, Krave. I was deliberately wearing trousers, my knee looked like it had gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson, so a sexy little dress or skirt wasn’t going to cut it tonight. I’d teamed a pair of white skinny jeans with an emerald silk blouse and matching green heels and clutch. Coco was looking gorgeous in her flapper style black dress, with black heels and a load of her designer silver jewellery and Dom, well Dom rocked anything he wore. He was in distressed dark jeans with a white shirt, navy waistcoat and topped off with a trilby. He drew attention straight away and Coco and I smiled at each other. It felt good to be out, I’d never been so relieved to have a Friday come around in my life. It had been the week from hell and I had a feeling until I let them both grill me tonight, to a crisp, the worst of it wasn’t over.

  ‘I’ll secure a booth,’ Coco nodded. ‘Do you have one of those UV black lights in your bag?’

  ‘Noooo,’ I replied. ‘It’s not exactly one of my go to handbag items.’

  ‘It should be, who knows what we’ll be sitting in,’ she sighed, as she headed off to secure us a seat.

  ‘Please,’ yelled Dom after her. ‘Like straight people don’t fuck in clubs. Well they do,’ he protested as I narrowed my eyes at him. ‘Use one of those devices anywhere and I’ll warrant she wouldn’t ever sit down again.’

  ‘Are you going to behave until Calvin gets here later?
’ I asked, as I tried to attract the barman’s attention.

  ‘Like bending over showing your cleavage is going to work in here, sis,’ Dom laughed as he snatched the notes out of my hand. ‘Go and sit down, I’ve got this,’ he winked. He put his fingers in his mouth and did a shrill whistle and in seconds three barmen were fighting over serving him. I laughed and kissed his cheek and headed over to join Coco.

  I liked it in here, it was very modernistic, all black, gold and silver, with exquisite chandeliers, mirrors everywhere and fantastic music. Even better, no straight men to harass me. I was all maxed out on men at the moment. Greg had been ringing, trying to convince me to give him another try and had sent another bouquet, one was arriving from Luc every day too, I could open my own florist shop for the amount of flowers in my office at the moment. I’d also been on tenterhooks all week, expecting Luc to turn up at the office demanding to be let inside to see me. I’d never felt so stressed. Tristan seemed to have picked up on my state of mind as well, as he’d become extra loving, not wanting to leave my side. It had even been a chore to convince him he’d have a fun weekend with his grandparents, given I was out tonight and we had the Eloise’s wedding tomorrow. I decided tonight was the night I was going to let my hair down and get drunk. If I was sober tomorrow, I could head over to pick up Tristan early and spend Sunday with him. I squeezed into the white leather booth next to Coco.

  ‘So, give me some news, good news, I’m in desperate need,’ I confirmed.

  ‘I have an interview with a jewellery firm next week,’ she offered with a shrug.

  ‘Well I was thinking more along hot men, hot sex, but that’s amazing,’ I replied, giving her hand a squeeze. ‘I had no idea you were looking for a job.’

  ‘I wasn’t,’ she replied, with a shake of her head. ‘I earn good money from my one off pieces, but it’s not exactly challenging me, you know how much free time I have. They approached me, apparently the wife of the guy who owns the chain has a few of my pieces and mentioned it to him. Their head designer left recently to go and work abroad, so they were after someone to take her place.’

  ‘Head designer? Wow! That’s amazing. Which chain?’

  ‘Havershams,’ she muttered, with a hint of a blush to her cheeks.

  ‘Way to bury the lead,’ I gasped. Havershams were up there with Boodles as one of the world’s foremost and finest jewellery houses. ‘Head designer at Havershams? O my God, Coco. I’m so proud of you.’

  ‘I haven’t got it yet.’ She rolled her eyes, but her face went even more pink.

  ‘Please, with your talent, they should be begging you, not asking you to interview. Good package?’

  ‘Amazing,’ she grinned. ‘And I’d be based in Knightsbridge, not far from your office or home. I may even think about moving closer too.’ She burst out laughing as I clapped.

  ‘Ok, what did I miss, you know that I love the gossip,’ Dom asked, as he slipped in opposite with three champagne flutes and a barman put the champagne bucket in front of us.

  ‘Coco’s only going to be Havershams next head designer,’ I nodded proudly.

  ‘Might be,’ she laughed. ‘I’m not the only one interviewing.’

  ‘In. The. Bag. Girlfriend,’ Dom exclaimed and gave her a hug and kiss on the temple. ‘Way to go, girl. This really is cause for celebration. You landing a high profile job, me on week two with a boyfriend and Lulu finding her French Prince Charming again, who I’m dying to meet.’

  ‘He’s not my Prince Charming,’ I corrected with a scowl. ‘He’s someone else’s husband.’

  ‘And your baby’s daddy. He’s not exactly happily married if he’s kissing you and sending you flowers,’ Dom retorted with an equally fierce scowl.

  ‘Ok, what the hell did I miss this week?’ Coco demanded. ‘Talk about burying the lead. I had no idea you’d even seen him again.’

  ‘Sorry, it was a shock to me too, it only happened on Monday and things since then have been crazy. I needed some time to get my head around it all.’

  ‘Well dish, start to finish please.’

  ‘No,’ interrupted Dom. ‘I need to know what decision she’s made, I’ve lived this all bloody week. I need answers. Now.’

  ‘I need details, no way is she dishing the good stuff without me having the backstory,’ Coco argued, then gave me a disapproving glare. ‘I can’t believe something this momentous happened and you didn’t call me?’

  ‘I’m sorry, I told you I needed some time. Dom, it’s not fair that she doesn’t know, why don’t you go and order some nibbles for us while I fill her in?’

  ‘No way, this is award winning soap opera style drama, I’m reliving it all again. Start to finish, but no trying to weasel your way out of the conclusion. I’m off to New York next week for a shoot, I don’t want you trying your stall tactics on me too. Dish.’

  ‘Yes, dish the dirt, the nibbles can wait. I can’t believe I just said that,’ she uttered, after a considered pause. ‘You know me and my appetite.’

  ‘Thought your arse was looking a bit fat in that dress,’ teased Dom and earned himself an arm punch. I sighed and relived it all again, with many interruptions from Coco, asking me questions I still didn’t have answers to. ‘So, now the juicy stuff, what are you going to do?’

  ‘I’ve arranged a meeting with his wife on Monday morning to try to get some answers and I’ll tell her that evidence of an affair is all I’m prepared to offer,’ I confirmed.

  ‘Hang on a moment, what if that affair is you?’ Coco asked.

  ‘What do you mean?’ I looked at her surprised.

  ‘Please, you’ve already kissed, within an hour of seeing each other again, you’ve got that special Luc glow again, like you had for weeks after you first met him and he’s sending you flowers saying you’re the woman he wants? If you last ten minutes without jumping each other’s bones at your next meeting I’d be surprised.’

  ‘For once I’m with Coco here,’ Dom nodded, making my jaw drop as she grinned and high fived him. They never agreed on anything. They constantly bickered. ‘It’s inevitable that you’re going to fuck again, this is the one man who melted your resolve and got you to break your one year sex rule.’

  ‘One year, ha! Nice one,’ chuckled Coco, slapping his hand in the air again.

  ‘Three months,’ I protested. ‘And you’re a fine one to talk, Coco. When’s the last time you had sex?’

  ‘Touché,’ she mumbled. ‘But I think Tristan is proof enough that you don’t exactly have a lot of willpower around this guy.’

  ‘He’s married,’ I protested weakly.

  ‘Not happily, that’s for sure. No affairs to date and he’s gone on record saying what you mean to him. So where do you stand on the feelings part?’ Dom asked as he topped up our glasses and clicked his fingers to order another bottle. We’d already got through two and I was feeling squiffy.

  ‘I want him,’ I moaned, as I put my head in my hands. ‘So badly it hurts.’

  ‘So, you need to meet with him and talk, after the hot sex of course,’ Coco said gently as she rubbed my back.

  ‘You make it sound so easy. His wife wants to ruin him, I can’t have a part in that. Then there’s Tristan, how do I see the father of my son and say nothing.’

  ‘You’re not going to tell him,’ Dom gasped, making me drop my hands and look up at him.

  ‘Not yet. Everything’s so complicated and I barely know the man remember? I’d want to at least meet him a few times and get to know him properly. I mean, what if he wants to be a part of Tristan’s life? It’s just been the two of us for the last five years, what if Luc wants to apply for joint custody? It would break my heart. Especially if the two of us can’t be friends, if we don’t even get on.’

  ‘Then I say that you need to see his wife, find out what’s going on and tell her you won’t be pursuing him with a view to tempting him, then turn up at the hotel on Monday night and talk to him, find out what he expects from you. If he wants to see you, you have to
tell him he’s being investigated, that you’ve refused to be complicit in his wife’s attempts to catch him out, but you’d like to get to know him better as friends. No sex until he resolves things with his wife,’ Coco suggested, with a look at Dom for his approval.

  ‘I agree, with the exception of meeting at the hotel. For one it’s too easy for you to slip upstairs to his suite and have wild monkey sex, plus if this woman is as crafty as you think, what’s to say that she’s not already had his suite under surveillance and she’s waiting to catch the two of you together?’

  ‘I’m not having wild monkey sex, thank you very much,’ I chastised, but the thought of Luc’s skilled fingers, mouth and that cock working on me was heady. It had been a long time since I had anything that could even be classed as “good” sex, let alone the type of sex I’d had with him all that time ago. Dom was right though, maybe she’d hired me to lull me into a false sense of security, I’d think I had the only cameras, when all along she intended for the two of us to get together. ‘Damn it. Why is it so hard?’ I groaned. ‘Why couldn’t I be attracted to some hot single guy?’

  ‘You were back then and you ran away from him,’ Coco gently reminded me. ‘And it sounds like he begrudgingly moved on.’

  ‘I don’t want to be the woman who splits up a marriage, Coco.’

  ‘If he was happily married with sproglets of his own with her, I’d say steer clear, sis. But he’s not, he’s in a marriage of convenience, a sexless marriage, with a bitch. Don’t be so hard on yourself. If two people are meant to be, nothing will keep them apart. Speaking of, my hot boy toy du jours has just arrived,’ he winked, with a wicked glint in his eye. ‘Mind if he joins us?’


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