The Temptress

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The Temptress Page 25

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Sounds like you’ve already made up your mind,’ said Dom, saying exactly what I was thinking.

  ‘You both think I should take it?’ she asked, looking back and forth between us for confirmation.

  ‘Yes,’ we both shot back together.

  ‘You’d be a fool not to, Coco. Don’t let an opportunity like this go to waste. If you hate it, you leave, at least you’ve tried it.’

  ‘I’m with sis on this,’ agreed Dom. ‘The wise one speaks sense. Come on, you’re going to take it aren’t you?’

  ‘I guess,’ she grinned, as she bit the tip of her index finger.

  ‘That’s as good as a yes,’ Dom laughed. ‘We know you too well, Coco Barrella.’

  ‘Let’s do a proper toast. To my super talented, stunningly beautiful, face slapping, over grown bush best friend, Coco,’ I smiled, holding up my glass.

  ‘Right, that’s it, get the sick bucket for Dom as I’m flashing my neatly trimmed snatch to put these vicious rumours to bed,’ she uttered, as she stood up and whipped her jeans and knickers down in one go, making me burst out laughing and Dom spit his champagne all over his designer jeans.


  The following Monday

  ‘You’ll be a good boy for Claire tonight, won’t you, darling?’ I asked Tristan as I held him against my shoulder tightly.

  ‘Can’t you come home after school too?’

  ‘I’d love to, but Mummy has a meeting at work and is staying out with a friend tonight.’

  ‘With Coco? She could come and stay with us too.’

  ‘Not with Coco, darling. She’s busy as she starts her new job today.’

  ‘Uncle Dom?’

  ‘No, darling. Not Uncle Dom,’ I replied, as I kissed his temple.

  ‘Who then?’

  ‘Has anyone ever told you that you’ve very nosey,’ I laughed as I gave his nose a tap with my index finger.

  ‘Yes, you,’ he smiled as he tapped mine back. ‘Will you be home for breakfast?’

  ‘I’m not sure,’ I answered, honestly. ‘But I’m going to pick you up from school tomorrow afternoon and we’ll have the whole night to ourselves. That’s a promise. We can play Lego, have whatever you want for dinner and I even bought you a brand new Elmer story, which we can read in bed together, ok?’

  ‘Ok,’ he giggled. ‘I love you, Mummy.’

  ‘I love you too,’ I smiled, my eyes filling with happy tears. Every time he said it he broke my heart. ‘You’ll never know how much.’

  ‘To the end of your life and beyond?’

  ‘And further,’ I nodded, as I gave him another kiss. ‘Come on then, you’d better go in,’ I sighed, reluctantly setting him down on the floor and straightening his blue jumper, before offering him his little elephant rucksack which had his colouring pencils, drink and snacks in. ‘See you tomorrow,’ I whispered as I clasped his face and kissed his forehead.

  ‘Tristan,’ yelled his best friend Bryce, from where some of the children were playing as they waited for the bell to ring.

  ‘Go and join him, have fun.’

  ‘Bye, Mummy,’ he smiled and ran off, making me laugh to see him and Bryce trying to do some cool dude hand shake and totally mess it up. He was growing up way too fast. I headed out to the taxi, thanked him for waiting and gave him the office address. I sat back in the seat and stared out of the window, my mind racing. I was missing driving my car, but until this situation with Mrs. Le Grand was resolved, I couldn’t afford for her to find out where I lived. So it was taxis in the morning, then Mike and his evasive driving dropping me off at night. Even seeing Luc for the last two nights had been a clandestine undercover operation again. I smiled and felt my cheeks heat up at the memory of the things he’d whispered in my ear last night when we’d said our goodbyes. I’d been surprised, I’d only seen the sexually domineering side of Luc, other than that day in Paris. The last two nights we’d been out to eat and to walk around the city, once Tristan was in bed asleep. It was my turn to point out some of the sights of my home town and Luc had been respectful, romantic and tender. Not that we’d had sex, in any shape or form, but he’d held my hand, threading his fingers through mine, told me how beautiful I was, what I did to his heart and mind, not just his cock. He’d made me laugh as well. I’d forgotten how much he’d made me laugh that day in Paris. Most of my memories had been of that mind blowing night in his apartment. I felt my phone vibrate in my bag and saw it was my personal one, biting my lip excited to see that it was a text from him.

  Ce soir, ma belle. I eagerly await your answer as well as your body. Luc x

  I closed my eyes, as I imagined what it was going to be like to sleep with him again. My three month rule was well and truly out of the window. I was amazed I’d held out the five times we’d met, well four if you took into account that he’d made me come in my office last Monday morning. After all, my three month rule was to try to get to know a man, to see if he could be a part of Tristan’s life and with Luc it wasn’t like I had a choice. At some stage I’d have to come clean, regardless of what happened between us, he might want to be a part of his son’s life and I had no right to stop him. Not sleeping with him for another few weeks wasn’t going to change that outcome, so why not enjoy myself with a man who seemed genuinely sincere about wanting me? A man I already knew I was on the verge of falling in love with, a man who could quite possibly be falling in love with me too, one with whom the sexual chemistry was incredible. Given that I knew what a horrible piece of work his wife was and that he was pursuing a divorce, I didn’t feel like I was betraying her in any way, or breaking up their marriage. It was over before I came into the picture, she’d been trying to tempt him with other women before she approached me. I opened my eyes and picked up my phone again, smiling as I tapped out my response.

  Then I look forward to giving you both. Lulu x

  I’m not going to be able to focus all day now. I should have cancelled my meetings and spent all day and night with you x

  Lovely as that sounds, I’m seeing your wife, remember? Focus, your work is important. Millions are at stake x

  For you I could be tempted to give it all up. I will call you later to see how it went with Myrtille. Do not let her bully you, I will do all that I can to protect you from her. You are very precious to me Lulu McQueen x

  Thank you x

  I held my phone to my chest as my stomach fluttered at his comments. I was like a teenager, in the midst of those first few dates when excitement levels were high and the possibilities were endless. I quickly sent a text to Coco wishing her good luck on her first day and rang Parkers Florists to double check that they had the order ready of flowers, gourmet truffles and the congratulations balloon to be delivered to her at work, from Dom and me. He’d said he’d sort something himself, but I knew him too well. He always said it and never actually followed through on those statements. It was an endless source of amusement to our family that each year he was late with my birthday card and present, given we were born on the same day.

  ‘So?’ grinned Violet, as she handed over my coffee and we headed down to my office. ‘You look happy. Very happy.’

  ‘I am, thank you. I’ve had a lovely weekend with two incredible men.’

  ‘Two?’ she gasped, her jaw dropping, making me laugh.

  ‘My son and then Luc,’ I smiled.

  ‘Wow and I had a whole vision of some sexy ménage à trois going on there for a second.’

  ‘No, no ménage and no sex. Just talking and getting to know each other.’

  ‘Not even kissing?’ she uttered, quickly opening my office door. I blushed as I stepped in. ‘O yeah,’ she nodded. ‘There was kissing alright, it’s written all over your face. I have to say I’m surprised with your skills you can’t hide your personal life from shining through.’

  ‘You and me both. How was your weekend? No winking I noticed.’

  ‘No,’ she groaned as we took our usual places. ‘Bachelor golf weekend with the boys. Couldn’
t even have phone sex as he was sharing a room. Let’s talk work and take my mind off the fact that he’s not home until tomorrow?’

  ‘Sure,’ I nodded.

  ‘Staff meeting at ten as normal. A Mrs. Blakely at eleven, she says Mr. Blakely’s coming home from work late stinking of perfume every night.’

  ‘CEO?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes,’ she nodded.

  ‘I’ll guess affair with the PA,’ I volunteered.

  ‘Just what I was thinking,’ she laughed. ‘We’re so cynical.’

  ‘We’ve seen too much not to be.’

  ‘Well that’s one thing Jared doesn’t have to worry about. Not that you’re not hot, Lulu, but I’m all about men. Jared shaped men.’

  ‘Pleased to hear it,’ I grinned.

  ‘You have a Mrs. Ashton at one p.m. Mr. Ashton has gone from a regular three times a week to suddenly avoiding sex. I did want to suggest she check for crabs when she mentioned he was scratching his groin a lot, but thought we’d lose some very detailed surveillance money.’

  ‘Hmmm, the girl I allocate that job to is going to love me,’ I chuckled.

  ‘Two-thirty is Mr. Wallace. Insists his wife’s vagina is larger than it used to be. When I asked him if he’d spotted any unusual behaviour, he said he’s come home from work to find the “Denzel Washington” lookalike Sky engineer fixing their box on more than one occasion.’

  ‘Sounds like it’s her box he’s tinkering with, rather than the Sky one, doesn’t it?’ I smiled with a shake of my head.

  ‘Four o’clock is Mrs. Beasley. Her husband only ever wants anal and has started suggesting it would be fun if she fucked him with a large strap-on. The last straw was last night, he tried to sit on her face to make her rim him. She was mortified and reacted by viciously biting his balls, drawing blood, making him scream like a woman and run to the bathroom, putting him off coming near her for the rest of the night. He slept in the spare room with a bag of ice wedged against his testicles. She thinks he may be gay.’

  ‘How do you manage to get all this information in a preliminary phone call?’ I laughed.

  ‘It’s a unique and rare talent,’ she giggled. ‘I so love this job.’

  ‘And I so love having you here. Please don’t ever leave me.’

  ‘Never,’ she scoffed. ‘Right, lastly you have the bitch at six. I’m tempted to attach a leash to her lap dog and secure him to the lamp post outside while the two of you duke it out. I don’t like you being in there, two against one.’

  ‘I’ll be fine.’

  ‘It worries me,’ she frowned.

  ‘Vi, I’ll be fine,’ I repeated, firmly.

  ‘Please can I have your permission to play with her? It’s killing me being all nice and polite.’

  ‘Give it your best,’ I nodded. ‘The more wound up she is the more likely she is to lose her cool and give away more that I can use against her.’

  ‘Well I’m not going anywhere until she’s left and I know you’re ok. Mike’s ready with the limo for you tonight. What are you wearing?’

  ‘I think my long champagne glitter dress and that set of sexy black lace lingerie I have in the wardrobe. I’ll team it with those black heels with the silk ties I can criss-cross up my legs.’

  ‘Nice, I’ll go and lay it out for you while you check your emails. Deli sandwich for lunch or are you feeling Sushi?’

  ‘No fish!’ I uttered, looking at her horrified.

  ‘So, someone’s definitely planning on getting up close and very personal tonight,’ she giggled with a clap. I laughed.

  ‘You’re as bad as Coco and Dom, Violet Embleton!’

  ‘Well you look happy, you’ve got this glow going on and it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the glow.’ She leapt up and raced to my desk to answer the phone as I shook my head. I was happy, even with “The bitch” to face later. Like Luc said, I just had to stall her a little bit longer and he’d be ready to take whatever she wanted to throw at him.

  I shook myself down and checked my dark grey textured Ted Baker suit with tapered ankle trousers. I’d teamed it with my black patent Louboutins and a black cotton shirt with silver cufflinks. My hair was in a loose chignon and I’d carefully done my lashes and eyeliner to enhance my best features. A click of the recorder and I was ready. I smiled as I let my fingers trail over the dozen red roses that Luc had sent to me earlier, with the saucy message inside. Red was unusual. Every day he’d sent yellow and orange. Today red. I didn’t want to think about what he was trying to signify with that. I had too much to focus on right now.

  ‘Mrs. Le Grand and creepy Lurch-a-like sidekick,’ announced Violet as she opened the door, comparing Raul to the servant in The Addams Family. I suppressed a giggle as Mrs. Le Grand shot her a glare. ‘Please let me fetch you a cup of “disgusting” English coffee?’ Violet offered with a straight face. ‘The face you pull on tasting it would really be a definite improvement.’

  ‘How dare you,’ she hissed. ‘I have never been so insulted in my life!’

  ‘I really find that very hard to believe,’ Violet scoffed.

  ‘Do you have any idea who I am?’

  ‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise that you had a mental impairment too. If you’re not sure of your name I could always sew a name label in the collar of your hideous fur coat for you? Have you had it checked recently? I think it was made from foxes with mange. It looks like you have fleas.’

  ‘This is beyond impertinent,’ she snapped, turning to fix me with a glare, as I struggled not to give Violet a high five. ‘Do you allow your staff to speak to all your clients in this manner? She should be sacked, immediatement! This is libellous.’

  ‘Technically it’s only libellous if she’s not telling the truth and I do operate a policy of freedom of speech and honesty,’ I smiled.

  ‘You are treading on ice that is very thin, Miss McQueen,’ she scowled, with a look of contempt and fury.

  ‘Then it’s a good job that you’ve already acclimatised me to a very frosty atmosphere and I happen to be an excellent swimmer. Thank you, Violet. You may give us the room. Your honesty, as ever, is appreciated.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she beamed as she shut the door. She was getting a bonus for that little display. Myrtille Le Grand had steam coming out of her ears.

  ‘So, given the goal posts change every time you come to see me, what is your requirement of me today?’ I asked, as I sat and casually crossed my legs, draping one arm over the back of my sectional sofa.

  ‘You know exactly what I require. I gave you until today to provide me with proof for your fee, or I would publish those photos. So?’

  ‘I don’t have proof and I doubt that a picture of me kissing a man, whose face is virtually obscured, is going to make waves for either me or your husband. You gave me a contract that states I had four weeks, so far it’s only been two. I therefore have two more to provide you with evidence, if however you want to break that contract early, I could be persuaded to seek legal advice for breach of contract on your part and sue you for a substantial portion of the fee that I lost, due to you not allowing me the time that was agreed upon, in writing.’

  ‘Do not mistake me for a fool, Miss McQueen.’

  ‘I’m fairly set in my conviction that I’m not mistaken in thinking of you as one, Mrs. Le Grand,’ I smiled.

  ‘You stall! I know exactly what you are doing. You are stalling while my husband tries to protect himself from his inevitable destruction. I am aware that he has held meetings with Crédit Agricole and The Bank of China, I have a very long reach and he would be wise to remember this.’

  ‘I assure you, Mrs. Le Grand, that your husband is fully aware of the depths to which you are prepared to sink.’

  ‘You think you have won,’ she laughed. ‘You both underestimate me. I have a card of trump up my sleeve,’ she announced, with delight in her voice, as I lost my battle to hold in my laughter at her version of a trump card.

  ‘Please, show me your trump,’ I rep
lied, giggling like a schoolgirl.

  ‘Now you mock me! The laugh will be on the other side of your head in a moment.’

  ‘If you wish to fire British idioms at me, then please do me the courtesy of learning to speak my language correctly, or simply refrain.’

  ‘I am quickly losing patience with you. You wish to play the hard ball, very well, but remember, you have forced my hand here. Raul, m’attendre à la reception. Ce est privé, entre Miss McQueen et moi.’

  I swallowed quickly while she was ordering Raul to step outside. I was trying to play it cool, giving back as good as she gave, which Luc had said would rattle her, but inside I was shaking, dreading what “card” she was about to produce. I was sure that Luc and I had been careful the last two nights and I’d been extra vigilant to make sure no one was following us while we were together. I watched him hand her the brown messenger envelope he’d been holding, then left and she returned her cool gaze back to me.

  ‘Please sit,’ I offered, with a flick of my head.

  ‘I prefer to stand. I look forward to the look on your face as I show you exactly why you will give me what I want.’ A smug smile settled on her face as she slapped the envelope down on the table in front of me. I breathed slowly, in and out of my nostrils, trying not to show how nervous I was feeling inside about what she could possibly have. I reached for it and undid the elastic securing the flap shut and slid out the contents. It took every ounce of my self-control to not leap up, grab her by the throat and slam her up against the wall as I saw the top document was a photograph of Tristan kissing me goodbye in the school playground. The next was a headshot of him from the annual school photos taken in December. ‘Your reaction disappoints me,’ she observed.


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