Nodding his head, he puffed out a sigh,” Yeah, yeah I'm good. I messed up my first tests because I didn't have my meds. I had to do them over but I'm alright for now.” He answered back. His gaze then traveled back to his sister's face, “She wasn't too scared, was she?” He asked in a lowered tone.
As he asked, Quinta glanced down and over her shoulder at Addie as well, “Me can't lie. She was scared...we were scared. But I tink dat when she wakes up tomorrow, she will be happy.” She answered him.
Shaking his head, Dane was quick to push his resentment away, “They should have told you guys but I guess that doesn't matter. The good news is I think we have a chance of being allowed in.” He replied quickly.
Reaching over, he took a tight hold of Quinta's hand and squeezed it with assurance. Inhaling a deep breath, her attention was brought to him by the touch. Dane wondered exactly how their experience was because he had this strong need to look over them; to protect them.
He met her honey, brown eyes and held them with his own in the remnants of light, “Did they treat you well?” He asked.
Quinta's eyes searched his for a long moment before she slowly nodded her head.
Reaching around, she pulled her long dreads from beneath her rump and over her shoulders, “Mmmm. Dey treated me da way yuh would expect from da government. Me nah know how dey did Addie but me planned on askin’ her in da mornin’.” She answered.
Leave it to Quinta to be rational and level headed about the situation. This was likely the reason to why she survived for so long on the outside. This comforted Dane to talk to her because he was practical and like-minded.
Quinta sucked on her bottom lip before her gaze once again wandered over towards the ones across the hall that monitored them. Those soft, brown eyes then flicked over to him only for her to clear her throat in the silence. She didn't like to be watched over so closely. Every word they spoke was not just for their ears and being that she was a private person, she remained on edge for good reason.
Instead, she nodded her head slightly in that direction before she pushed herself off her cot to allow Dane to sleep next to his sister.
Addie needed to wake up to him.
“Here, we don't know how much longer dey will let us sleep. So, let's do dat now and we can talk later.” She said to him.
Standing straight, she pulled her sagged pants up and over her hips while she shuffled over towards his cot and sat back down. Swiveling around onto the mattress, she laid on her back with her head turned to the siblings with a soft smile on her face. Understanding what she was doing, he carefully climbed in as to not disturb Addie and sank in against her side. His tall, built form shaped itself around her curled figure. Propping himself on his arm, he stared over his shoulder at Quinta with thoughts of wonder. Mainly how big this sector was, where they'd all live, and if they'd see Quinta again after they got out of this. He started to realize how their destination was going to change the way they had lived for so long.
“Goodnight Dane. Me glad yuh alright.” She whispered in the darkness.
Without another word, she rolled over onto her side with her back faced towards him and arms tucked beneath her head.
“G'night Quinta.” He answered.
His eyes stayed on her for a few more moments before he let out a heavy breath and dropped himself down on the cot. Shutting his eyes, he wrapped an arm around Addie and attempted to drift back into a much-needed slumber.
Finally, they could sleep.
Chapter 5
The next morning, surprisingly, they slept in well past eleven o'clock. Addie rolled over and her face pressed into her big brother's hard chest. In all honesty, she was expecting something soft alike to Quinta but this was all too familiar. Her hand slowly came over to pat on his chest before her eyes opened and saw Dane's profile.
Dane huffed out a yawn. He felt much better compared to the last time he opened his eyes. Addie's mouth fell open before she broke out into a grin. In an instant, her form pressed up to his side and she hugged him as tightly as she could with one arm.
“You're okay.” She whispered against him.
This was by far the best day of her life since the outbreak. Even though they were locked away from the world, violated, and tested like rats. Truly and honestly just having Dane there made their situation all the better. To know that her brother's demise was once again staved off was enough to keep her spirits high. Also, being that this was her first good night’s sleep was a bonus.
In the cot across the room, Quinta's body popped up in a sudden bolt. The lights began to grow in intensity once all three of them were awake. Quinta's hand pressed to her forehead as she blinked and glanced all around. Pushing herself out of the cot, she blew out and looked on the back wall at the time. 11:49 AM. She missed it, for the first time she missed the sunrise. Actually, knowing that being stuck within these four walls she more than likely would not get to partake in her routine but she still felt distant; empty. Quinta’s disappointment was written on her features even after an analyst, one they'd never met before, walked in to let them out for phase two of their tests.
Brought back to the large room from the previous night, they were split apart once again but this time they diverted the tents and passed through doors that rested behind. Addie looked back at her brother once more with another pain in her stomach. She hated being separated from her brother, that's when she was left alone to dwell on situations she had yet to cope with.
Each of them were closed into a small, solid white room. There was a simple, metal chair that sat in the middle. Quinta inhaled a deep breath and stared while Addie's fingers tugged on one another.
The intercom crackled before a voice sounded from above to explain this session, “As part of phase two, you will be put through a period of sensory deprivation and solitary confinement. This is to assess the tangibility and endurance of your current state of sanity. Please sit in the chair and let's begin.
Dane paused. This sounded horrible. The large heavy lock on the door echoed in the room which caused him to whip around and stare at the blank surface. Addie practically jumped out of her skin and Quinta only shook her head to herself.
There was no going back now.
Once they were all seated, the female's voice filtered through once more, “Thank you.” she murmured.
With a click, they were plunged into absolute darkness and silence. The main part of this test was to leave the amount of time they'd be there and details of what could happen to the absolute fate of the person. Although the government wouldn't do anything on their side, the unknown would either drive the subjects to their own delusions and misconceptions to bridge the gap of knowledge, or they would walk away unscathed with their sanity intact.
Dane sat there and dipped his head down. He thought that perhaps he could sleep this away but there wasn't one chance in this sort of silence. The silence didn't take long to irritate him. For the past months, there was constant sound both dangerous and safe. This silence only made him unnaturally on edge and paranoid of what could grab him without knowing. The only thing that could take his mind from the “what ifs” was the weight he felt on his shoulders from the world perched on them. Luckily, Dane was a silent type naturally and though his troubles showed on his face and body language on the night vision feed, he didn't shout or react violently.
Quinta's fingers tapped on the armrest as she rolled her head around a few times and leaned it back. Adjusting her shoulders, she wet her lips, and simply drifted away to distant memory that she'd never get to see again. Thick, wild, and tropical trees. Crystal blue water that tumbled over the rocks below. All she could hear was her own breaths while her “sight” gazed over the falls to see four faces smiling up at her. All of them waved for her to jump down, to join them, and be a family once again.
They called her name, told her that they missed her, and that now was her chance to prove to their parents she was brave. Though she hesitated, this was not how her siblings acted
. Somehow in her muddled thoughts her perception of them, her hold on them had warped, and her recollections were faded.
Addie, on the other hand, was in a world full of pain once those lights went off and she was alone. The first thing that came to her mind was the last conversation she'd had with their parents. They were just about ready to board the plane from Colorado to be with Dane. They'd tried to get a flight out the day before his experimental tests but were forced out two days later instead. The last thing she told her mother was to stop being embarrassing by kissing her through the phone. What she wouldn't give to hear that now. Next were her friends in high school of whom she had to leave. She couldn't help but wonder if any of them were still alive and protected in a place like this. Even the bitch Jolene who sucked off every boy on the football team. Last was Dane, how strong he'd been in this last year to keep her safe and how weak she was compared to him. The circumstance should have been vice-versa, she knew he was sick, she knew that he was on borrowed time but in her own naivety she believed that if he kept doing this he would stick around longer.
Luckily for Dane, he passed the thirty minute experience, one that felt like several hours. Being let out, he released a breath of pure relief once he stepped out into the light. The analysis after wasn't even so bad. He was asked a short survey on his experience before they moved him on to the gym for their last evaluation. Once he entered the fitness room, Dane had it all explained to him. Equipped with a scale, punching bag, grip trainers, jump ropes, medicine balls, and a mat, Dane noted that there was a track painted on the floor around the perimeter.
He met with the trainer that told him that he was going to be tested on strength, cardiac health, flexibility, reactive senses, endurance, and finally stamina. She wanted him to run the circumference of the track fifteen times as quickly as possible. To her that meant in three minutes. Next, he had to repeat punches for as long as he could manage, test his flexibility, and other small valuable bits of information for their records.
The girls weren't so lucky
After an hour in the room, the light came on and the door opened which caused Quinta to quickly lift her head and stare at the guard who waved her to follow along. For Addie, it took quite some time in her opinion for the lights to return. Soon enough both girls were reunited and met with Dane, who looked a bit worn out, in front of the General who stood before the treadmills.
Waiting for them outside, the General and a few personnel and the doctor who had drawn their blood stood with him. With results in his hand, little did they know that they were being released early. Without a shadow of a doubt the government wanted these three and their strengths on their side of the sanctuary. They intended to use them for as long as they had them because they were valued assets.
The General, by god's grace, too wore a glad look upon his face for the first time they'd met him.
The doctor stepped forward to speak to them, “The results of your blood tests confirm that all three of you have a striking resistance to the infection. To a point of immunity in fact.” He started
The General then stepped forward to cut to the chase, “Considering this, you are being granted admission and citizenship into the sanctuary. Usually there is another thirty-six hours until we allow others in but you three have shown promise. There are only a handful of your kind and we'd like to use you to our disposal as quickly as possible. You will be part of a group that will help this faction thrive. You will be reporting to Lieutenant Delacroix and he will proceed with your introductions, placements, and positions here. If you have any concerns, he, is who you will be contacting. Now let's get your things and get you out of here. Welcome home.” The General finished.
Addie glanced at the people as they led them to the room they'd entered in to retrieve their confiscated items. She couldn't help but feel that these people, who were so skeptical at first, were too happy. Too excited once they found out that they were immune. Immune....that meant they couldn't turn into those things, right? Well, at least she had one thing to be thankful for other than Dane and Quinta.
Addie wasn't the only one who took notice to this new, cheery demeanor. Dane couldn't shake the feeling that these people knew something he didn't. He found out that they were immune which left him personally confused. He honestly didn't think that's what this place found such joy in. At least there was a bright side, all three of them were at least safe from becoming a walking corpse.
Looking to his sister and Quinta, Dane traded looks between them that started with suspicion but gradually built to happiness. They were home.
They took the cue to pick up their belongings. Addie's eyes lit up the moment she saw their bags freshly steamed and crisp. She pulled the flap open and peered inside to see her clothes cleaned and folded within. Their loose belongings were sealed away in plastic bags. Quinta pulled out the first top and pants she saw and proceeded to strip out of the jumpsuit.
Addie was well on her way to do the same but not before she inhaled the clean scent that lingered in the fabric, “Sooo good. Everything is so clean!” She exclaimed before she went along and put her clothes on.
Quinta smirked silently beside Addie. She was having a field day over clothes, and although this was now a luxury, her reactions were still entertaining. Quinta slung her backpack over her shoulders and helped Addie with hers, and it was much heavier with all the stuff she toted.
There was a lone guard that stood there and waited for them with paperwork and keys for their guide. “Follow me.” He stated.
As they walked with him to the outer edge of the warehouse, Dane had an endless stream of repeating thoughts on the forefront of his mind. He'd talk to whomever they wanted to if it meant a new home, security, and a plan for Addie. But what about their new addition? His arms were draped over the heavy bags that fell at his rib cage. He looked back and over his shoulder at Quinta. She was independent and strong, sure, but he'd grown an instinctive feeling to watch over and care for her just as strongly as he did Addie. A warmth radiated from his core only to be interrupted by the screeches of wheels that grated against the track.
It became quickly obvious where all the sector's resources were drained into. Quinta stood there with her thumbs hooked into her pack straps and watched the male unlock the metal doors and slide them open. The first thing that filtered in was heat, then sunshine followed, and blinded them. The sound of wheels crunching on gravel and sand from workers who worked in the immediate vicinity outside of the chamber.
Hissing out, Quinta shielded her eyes, “Fuck...” she muttered to herself.
Addie, amid her turmoil and excitement forgot all about that blistering heat which left her and brother nicely tanned for the past year.
Spotting the new arrivals, he was called in to take around and introduce, Leon huffed out a long, winded sigh and gripped the steering wheel. The keys clipped to his belt rattled with the golf cart as he rumbled over. The sun glared into his slate blue eyes once he turned the corner and practically blinded him.
“Merde.” He cursed under his breath while he squinted.
He was already having a hard day. Although he would have been in his usual, modified SWAT armor, today he arrived wearing a simple police uniform. The worn, faded sleeves were rolled up and open to show his yellowish tinted undershirt. One could blame that on the vomit that was spewed on him just a few hours beforehand. Somehow a citizen got a hold of enough alcohol to make him drunk and lost his lunch on Leon's shirt.
Not a thing seemed to be going Leon's way today. On top of ceaseless fighting, drunken idiots, and whatever other bullshit he had to endure, now he had this. He was about to go home for the day to relax but suddenly these newcomers made their early debut and it was suddenly his job to welcome them in. Once he made contact with the group of them, he zoomed as quickly as the cart allowed up to them and cut the breaks to skid to a halt.
Stepping off the cart, Leon went to greet them. He was aged in his early to mid-twenties, stood about six feet tall, and s
till Dane had him beat by a few inches. Leon's hand shaded his eyes from the sun and pushed his side-parted, blonde bangs out of his features. Trying to get a closer look at the three, he sized them up quickly. A big tall guy and two cute, small girls. At least they seemed strong for the most part.
Leon held his hand out to them to shake, “I'm Lieutenant Leon Delacroix. Hop on. I'll show you around and get this done and over with.” he said to them.
Dane tried to judge the character of Leon once he stepped off the cart. A lieutenant was not exactly what he expected after seeing soldiers and the General inside. To be honest he looked worn down with his disheveled clothes and exhausted expressions. Addie sure seemed to be excited and he wasn't so sure he could say the same. He would have to keep an eye on her because he knew how she got around boys. Quinta's eyebrows lifted as Lieutenant Delacroix wasn't exactly what she envisioned. Weren't American cops out of shape?
Taking his hand, Quinta gave it one shake, “Quinta.” She replied.
Addie, on the other hand, grinned from ear to ear and took a hold of Leon's hand with both of hers, “Adelaide, but you can call me Addie!” She responded.
Dane was the last to which he simply did as Quinta, shook and muttered, “Dane.”
That first, invasive bead of sweat began at the hairline in which Quinta sighed and took a finger to wipe it away. Backing up and sitting down on the driver's side, Leon draped his forearm over the steering wheel and wiped the sweat from his brow.
Looking over them, he cleared his throat, “Oh yeah. Welcome to the Inner Sanctuary. Fight for the front seat if you want.” He responded to them
“SHOTGUN!” Addie yelled before she took off in a sprint.
Slipping in the seat beside Leon's, she waved her brother and Quinta over. Quinta glanced up to Dane for a moment before she gave him a light shrug and subdued smile; one that allowed a sliver of her own excitement to shine through. Even for a second. Quinta then proceeded to climb into the seat with her bag in her lap and her arms draped over. Dane returned Quinta's gaze as he followed and climbed into the back after her.
The World We Once Knew Page 8